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totes_magotes ago

I have never defended her and for good reason. She's been doing this for over a year that I know of, banning and deleting comments for any reason including "because God." On a personal interaction level, I have no complaints. As a mod, she is not worthy of the mantle.

After our "incident," I never attacked her because I found out a few things and let it go because when you have real power over a person, you don't have to flex it. And my general position has been to leave her alone because I love it when people hang themselves and I am always fine with giving people more rope. In fact, I made a conscious decision to keep my filthy little nose out of it this time. But since you've finally noticed this issue, there it is and I feel it's time to speak a bit.

I didn't say anything when she started playing in the SBBH litterbox because I knew it was going to make it worth far more popcorn when things went back to what we're seeing now. And after running with the SBBH crowd, it's expected that you kind of know voat's rules and what not to do to people and SBBH kind of has a reputation that puts you on users' radar. Giving people shit all over the place is one thing, being toxic is another completely, even going as far as pinging other users so that they can brigade and attack.

Now all that said, I'd still be fine if she'd settle down and stop. But it pops up every once in a while so this isn't a matter of not knowing or having a bad week or whatever. It's habit. It's how she runs her ship and that's not going to change.

And if she thinks that this will settle down and she can go back to obscurity, I remind everyone about @She.

So she needs settle down. I have no personal gripes against her and I'd love to see her settle in as a welcomed part of the mod community on voat. I would.

I'm just not convinced it's going to happen.

bopper ago

She's been doing this for over a year that I know of, banning and deleting comments for any reason including "because God."

This is totally inaccurate whoever you are.

srayzie ago

I have never defended her and for good reason. She's been doing this for over a year that I know of, banning and deleting comments for any reason including "because God." On a personal interaction level, I have no complaints. As a mod, she is not worthy of the mantle.

Me? Bullshit. Check our mod logs.

totes_magotes ago

Now you're gonna lie?

srayzie ago

Where is this anger coming from? I’ve barely even talked to you before. I have no clue what you’re talking about. Ok, what does steemit have to do with Voat?

I have very rarely ever removed comments. Only a submission post of its not Q related or low quality. The mod logs are public here.

Do you guys understand what he’s talking about?

@HeyGeorge @Kevdude @Argosciv @Crensch @Shizy

argosciv ago

Do you guys understand what he’s talking about?


zyklon_b ago

Agreed she needs stop provoking shit. im done with it and got my lulz :)

totes_magotes ago

Great, now maybe you can get back in the kitchen. @FecalDemiurge6000 is having no end of problem finding horse meat.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Is this what they mean when they say "It's happening?" Was this declas???