beardly01 ago

I don't know about neonrevolt, I've stayed away from that guy. Dude always was suspect to me, don't know why, but honestly I don't know anything about him. I haven't read his decodes. I don't need to. I do my own. I do look at some peoples decodes on twatter and youtube and 8ch and of course here(mostly here, on voat, especially on GA and QRV).

But, based on what you've presented here, definitely looks like the dude is a fucking faggot shill. Also, I think you're correct about nothereforpizza, just based on the syntax of the PM's he sent you and the posts of neonrevolt I have read(just read some stuff to see after reading your thread here) and honestly I'd say theres like a 95% its the same person. Syntax is a very good way to identify someone via text if you know how to analyze it. If you look at punctuation and such, that can act very much as a signature. You'd be surprised how different people punctuate. It's pretty much unique from person to person.

srayzie ago

Thank you.

Syntax is a very good way to identify someone via text if you know how to analyze it. If you look at punctuation and such, that can act very much as a signature.

Are there online tools to do that?

beardly01 ago

Not that I'm aware of, although it's possible. I've always done it myself. This is what forensic linguists do. Although, I'm not one of those, I know how to read and understand some linguistics. If you have a large enough body of work, you can learn most of the pertinent details about a person just from the way they type/write, age, sex, place of origin, etc.

srayzie ago

Well thank you for the good idea!

divine_human ago

ahh, ok, wrong assumption^^... so easily happens...

divine_human ago

you can downvoat my comments as you like, it only shows that youre triggered and not following the voat ethics youve been preaching me in the beginning, about downvoating opposing opinions being immature and not goat-like.

i dont mind you checking. i mind you making alarm, calling onto all kinds of people. while i appreciate goats protecting voat culture, i dont respect this instant gang mentality.

divine_human ago

i didnt read srayzies words as removing posts that piss her or others personally off but shill posts that do nothing but disrupt.

we are just called to check the mod logs. i mean, what big mod abuse can happen when its all out in the open? just watch and see what happens. no need to make an alarm before anything happens at all.

and yes, i agree, people need to use their voting power and grow a thicker skin.

divine_human ago

i know. i do. many more needed.

divine_human ago

So you plan to censor comments that piss you off personally?

check your assumptions, that hasnt been said.

divine_human ago

I don’t spend every single day of my life here so that others can come shit in our house.

i have been moderating a private forum for the past 8 years and totally get where youre at. having your back.

NiaStorm ago

I love it here. You've decorated the place nicely and the bathroom is clean. The fridge needs to be restocked, however. Seriously, thank you GA Mods, your place is pretty baller status in my book. PLUR -Gramma

Nadeshda ago

Yeah I guess, this happens hey, Lol... ;)

rickki6 ago


intothelightwego ago

I downvote shills all the time!

singlebrain1 ago

Wow. unbelievable crap that you have to endure just like POTUS. I appreciate everything that you do.

PacaGoat ago

You are a tic

srayzie ago

I’ve already said that I’m not removing comments that go against Q beliefs and all. But I won’t put up with a group of shills if they come just to disrupt and shit all over. I haven’t even removed anything yet. Look who’s overreacting. But, we have the right to do so when we see fit.

Call it a safe space. Call it whatever the fuck you want Kev. Your labels don’t bother me. You think you’re going to hurt my feelings. I’m seeing your true colors right now so this is actually very helpful for me. You’re losing your cool. You’re not worried about Q Patriots.

Wow, Kevdude’s pulling out the manipulation tactics. You must be getting pointers from Triggly.

Rotteuxx ago

Well, you got more fhan a tl:dr on the drama after all.

All of this is fucking pathetic honestly, 2 women causing a bunch of useless drama while crying victim and refusing to acknowledge that they fed the troll and then attacked him based on pure bullshit.

Shizy ago

So you are on record as supporting banning users who have broken no rules in your sub.

No. Not what I said at all, but you go ahead and note whatever you want.

Shizy ago

Don't pull that reddit bullshit with me.

I've never been on reddit so I don't know anything about their bullshit.

Show me what rule this user broke or admit they were banned because of fee fees.

I didn't ban him. This isn't my full time job! I hop on here when I can inbetween everything else in my life so I can help Srayzie. We don't have staff meetings and conferences calls to keep everyone up to speed on the latest deletion or banning.

If you support this sort of thing own it.

I support Srayzie. She built this sub. She makes the rules.

Or resign in protest

Please! I'll never resign unless Srayzie asks me to.

bopper ago

We'll figure it out, pizzagate did fine and so will this sub.

I sense Satan at work just at the time of the declas.

We need to try to stick together.


Shizy ago

Thank you bopper! You're a breath of fresh air!

bopper ago

Voat drives me nuts.

I think you've got cool weather right now, not me!

(Saw your state on the news, good for you.)

Shizy ago

Too cool! I want to to warm up!

In a month or two I'll be complaining of heat 😂!

Goodnight bopper

DickTick ago

Eww... I won't last long at all then..

Shizy ago

If you have a problem with this sub, talk to Srayzie.

Shizy ago

The reason is provided in the log.

If that doesn't satisfy your interest ask the mod who banned him.

Shizy ago

The PV comment has nothing to do with his accurate observation that no one has posted loli to v/greatawakening

No, but it has to do with your original comment about what his focus is.

The allegation is not about loli being posted or encouraged on v/GreatAwakening on v/QRV.

Your comment was about his focus. His comment shows what his focus is on.

Patti_McGreen ago

Crazy shit. You people need some hobbies. Don't you have chickens to feed? Gardens to plant? Kids to feed? Old people that need a ride somewhere?

MIMI1999 ago

If they weren’t doing the research and keeping this board going I wouldn’t be able to “feed the chickens” etc. I appreciate all that share their gifts with us. It does help to hear what the dissenters are saying to be prepared for the ones we talk to in our daily lives. The trash talk and racism are sad but reality. WWG1WGA

Patti_McGreen ago

Ok... I apologize... you are correct if it wasn't for people in this thread doing all the research we wouldn't really know the truth would we? It's just frustrating when everybody's the kind of fighting and being absolute idiots I'm not talking about the creators of this like srazie... etc... been a long week for me and I'm tired and I snapped.

I hope everybody has a safe and pleasant Memorial Day weekend.

MIMI1999 ago

❤️ It’s been a frustrating few years just trying to keep up with what’s going on and not ‘seeing’ justice AND living our daily lives. Stay strong 🙏

Nadeshda ago

Oh man GOLD STAR Sir!!!! You rock!

Patti_McGreen ago


Nadeshda ago

Huh? You are an attack hellicopter or something something?

Shizy ago

It's not cool. But that wasn't his reasoning for doing that, and he says so himself

kneo24 ago

Lady, I thought you understood SBBH was a troll farm. They pull CSS tricks all the time, stuff that is easily ignored if you turn off custom CSS for subs (which I do).

I think you have blown this out of proportion by reacting to everything. Using the "le shill" accusation is tiresome. Many of those users you banned rushed to your side when v/theawakening crew popped up here, who used the very same accusation against everyone.

srayzie ago

Where have you been? This has been going on for a week

kneo24 ago

SBBH has been trying to troll you for more than a week. I remember a time you trolled them right back and everyone accepted everyone. It seemed like you understood the whole purpose there.

They too can act like righteous bitches to stir the pot, but the trick is to not play into their games. You've done exactly that, play into their hands this time, and for what? I'm fine with tone policing of submissions, which I figured is what you ultimately wanted. I've been banned and unbanned from SBBH multiple times. I didn't cry because I understood that's what they do. I didn't let them get to me. They have certainly tried to twist the words I write in one of their posts, and again that didn't get to me. All because I understood what they were trying to do. I've also distanced myself from them greatly over the past few months because I just simply don't agree with their methods, their actions. My asking them wasn't going to change anything, and it was naive of you to think that you asking them to stop what they're doing would have any effect.

If someone is being a shit heel in your area, don't let it bother you. You have the control here, but that doesn't mean you need to wield it like a tactical nuke.

I do take issue with:

But if you come here just to disrupt, shit post, spread lies about us, or attack users, we reserve the right to remove your posts/comments and ban you.

Voat will unleash it's fury upon you, much like it did to every other group here that tried this actions en masse in regards to comments. You saw first hand what happened to v/greatawakening. You might be more entrenched, but you better believe you're not untouchable by any means here.

It's pretty clear your community here doesn't utilize the upvoat/downvoat function like it should, and the obvious shills who preach to the choir to farm Internet points are the only ones capable of rallying the masses you've corralled. For a group of people who claim to be aware, to be awake, they sure are asleep at the button.

I used to tell you all the time to stop involving yourself in so much drama here in a not so nice way. I'll be nice about it now though, stop involving yourself in so much drama here. You have finite resources. Getting into a fight with other users who like to disrupt things was not a wise investment of your resources.

srayzie ago

Kneo you’re missing a huge chunk of the story. @Kevdude is throwing a fit so I have to get caught up with notifications. I’ll try to come back to this later.

argosciv ago

You saw first hand what happened to v/greatawakening.

Correction, you mean v/theawakening.

kneo24 ago

You are correct. Thanks.

Nadeshda ago

Woo, that’s hardcore, martial law on the Voatlands, oi vei... You got a downvote too, lol... here we go! :D

Well one can only bang ones head against a wall for so long... just saying...

PS: I pinged you to sub you once knew ;) and you’ll dig the song when you get there... :p

bopper ago

No, she's not going to delete comments. Only porn.

Seems like she just did a pre-ban, everything can be worked out.

We can start over, if she agrees, unban everyone but Zyklon, or even unban him, cause he'll screw up soon enough.

MudPuddlePie ago

Wow...thank you, Srayzie. Unbelievable what you all are going thru.

There are over 13,000 people and prolly that many lurkers who are very grateful.

MIMI1999 ago

I have great respect and gratitude for all you do. You're taking the battle scars as a true patriot to protect truth and give all a chance to communicate. The more we know the more we can try to help others know the truth. That is what this Q movement is about.....and the Q team must be very proud of you! Prayers surrounding you to stay the course and don't let the evil ones win!

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PacaGoat ago

Usual suspects. All just a nervious knee jerk. The beast is in its death throws.

Nadeshda ago

For anyone that wants to come here and participate, even if you disagree with Q, you’re welcome to. But if you come here just to disrupt, shit post, spread lies about us, or attack users, we reserve the right to remove your posts/comments and ban you. The mod logs on the right are public. There’s nothing we can hide.

Geez Srayzie I get you are sick of the trolls but deleting comments is a big NO, NO. Your 13 000 ish subscribers seem downright lazy if they cannot police their own sub and downvote comments or even posts into oblivion themselves. This puts you in an awful situation of being a dictator... a shame really as far I understand Q where we go one, we go all right? (Sorry if I got that wrong, I kinda remember it just as wagga wagga weegoh oh, lol) my remembering is daft, i’ll give you that...

Aneeway, them subcribers my dear are not be going all one way with downvoting spam and trolly posts, amirite?

Come on opposition is natural in life and it seems like a golden opportunity to take responsibility and protect what you call your own with action and not silencing. Consensus is way more powerful then a slap on a wrist by a few with a simple delete. People react way better to mass downvoting anyway, more like a public shaming if this makes sense.

Okay, I may not be making an awful amount of sense on my phone here, but I pray you get the jest of what I am saying... laters...

intothelightwego ago

Your dedication to the Q movement has my greatest respect. The mercenary motives of these disruptors are very evident. Stay strong this discussion board is hugely important to us Patriots. I wonder too about the subscribers numbers. Q told us that millions were on the Reddit board prior to it being shut down. Is this board being suppressed with the numbers?

SuckaFree ago

Sounds like QRV is compromised by [THEM].

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RightSideUp17and6 ago

You came to mind earlier today, before this post. Things show up on my "map" and then I had this thought "i'd like to say I have your back". Then I thought, like I could really do anything. But I can, and others can. Prayer cover is powerful and can do more than little ol me could ever do. I have taken this quite seriously since you posted some time ago some horrific threats. Being the lead sled dog of this group, you are facing more "stuff" than you ever could have imagined. I (cuz I can only speak for myself) am FOR you. Do not be discouraged. As in Joshua: Be strong and courageous. Someday perhaps here, but certainly hereafter, you will be rewarded for your service and sacrifice. You are a threat to the enemy. I dont say this flippantly, i WANT to be a threat to the enemy. No wonder that you are being hassled. Your sub: Your standard. Godpeed!!

NosebergShekelman ago

Me? Play both sides? oy vey why do you persecute me so? Shaloms™✡️

late2thegame ago

You and the other GreatAwakening mods have my full support using whatever efforts are needed to keep this board focused on Q and shut down the shills. You have done a fantastic job as long as I've been following this board. I first check, then I come straight here. It is my "main" source of news now, and I usually check multiple times per day. Next I go to 8chan to see what was missed, then to the various Patriot twitter accounts. With the exception of a few bad apples, most of the users are decent, very nice people, who love our country. Thank you again for all your hard work and making the difficult decisions that have to be made. And for keeping us informed.

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petevoat ago

Neonrevolt = trying to sell more t-shirts

v/awakening = started by Neonrevolt to sell more t-shirts

gabara ago

Twinkle Nora Rock Me.

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Blacksmith21 ago

The first screenshots look like bot talk. Some of it borders gibberish.

Stay strong chica. We are locked and loaded!

srayzie ago

I already know who did it. Not bots.

Blacksmith21 ago

I bet I know who.

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GoTeam17 ago

Thank you to all of the solid mods on Great Awakening for putting together and maintaining a good board. That being said,I wonder if Q does not say or do anything about what is going on at QRV as a way to gather info on dirt bags who are trying to wreck everything that is good about the Q movement to be dealt with in the appropriate manner when the time comes? Example: One must search out and view kiddie porn before one can then post it elsewhere. By default that poster is guilty of viewing and collecting kiddie porn.That dirt ball can then be removed from society at a future time. Just pondering a possible why to the nothing being done question.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Thanks for defending this board.

squataclops ago

Dont let them get to you, that's what they want. I distanced myself from them a long time ago. It's not fun/funny anymore, just middle school level crap and the only one I liked there was Mick anyways. I don't care to be a mod but if you ever need any help in other ways feel free to send me a message or whatever. You're doing fine, keep it up @srayzie

PuttsMum ago

Hey there, Delihla, long time no see!

<3, Mick

squataclops ago

Oh you!

srayzie ago

Thank you squataclops!

pby1000 ago

We do appreciate your effort Syrazie.

srayzie ago

Thanks pby

pby1000 ago

Mmmm... I was waiting for that.

Phantom42 ago

Just think, all this drama could've been avoided if you Qultist fucks remained in your containment board on 8chan.

AR47 ago

Have you ever just looked at your post before you hit submit?

I want you to do that next time you make one of these.....likely 60 to 90 days from now, when you want to drum up some animosity between the subscribers here and the rest of voat.

One of two options I see for these constant attacks. It’s just you and your methods of controlled opponents, or they are doing this to get paid. Now if they are getting paid you would only be able to surmise your influence is very broad.

Seeing as you are on this site that a majority sees as full of racists and bigotry I don’t see your influence as measurable.

I get that you want this Q thing to keep being a cash cow for those patreons that make $$$$ off the decodes, but you doing posts like this shows such desperation to remain relevant it’s sad.

Just ignore them and stop trying to change the fucking world. Either way it will be the same in the end. Always has and always will.

You don’t have to save the world. Just work as hard as you can to give your child (assume you have one from all the shit that’s said) the tools they will need to make the world work for them.

This world is controlled with wealth. Actual old money controlled by people you never heard of and you won’t change that for the world.

They don’t care and never will.

Just some food for thought. Take it or leave it and hope it helps you.

srayzie ago

I can’t save this world, but I can save this board. You are free to believe whatever you want. Anyone that doubts me is free to go.

AR47 ago

This board? Lol this ain’t 4chan it is voat and we call them subverses.

You are not even using the correct terminology and yet you consider yourself a goat?

For someone that wants to be the good guy in all this you are also extremely stand off in your reply.

Let’s take a look at your subscriber base here. 13k you say and yet there are 330m in the USA alone, and somehow you think you make headway? Lol

We should all know how to pick our battles in life, and this ain’t one you are going to win I promise.

Seems like they want you gone and perhaps you should at the very least rethink as to what it is you really want to accomplish with this SUBVERSE!

srayzie ago

Ever heard of a message board asshole? You’re a dick and I don’t owe you shit!

pby1000 ago

It is amazing that the mods at QRV refuse to do their job, and people do nothing about it.

divine_human ago

people have their votes, that should do the job on the board.

LurkU ago

I’m just here to follow the Q and discuss with like minded patriots. The drama sounds like high school. However thanks for moderating the forum.

bizzywiz ago

well well well...just another day being a moderator in a popular forum...been there, done that, worn that shirt...and then proceeded to get said shirt very dirty when I decided to get pyrrhic and scorch the earth...sure, won the war but at what cost? not that I care about "winning", but what needed to be done was done, and I paid a hefty price of being banned at various other places...

yep, it was worth it!

point being, such activities as outlined in the OP rather warrant something in response, if for no other reason to prove things aren't being ignored

chocolatepatriot2 ago

I come here to read the real news and exchange thoughts with others. I remember the BS with that turkey Neonrevolt, and it was then i knew that Greatawakening was a good honest board. thanks for trying to keep it clean and please let us know how we can support this board.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Uh oh...trouble in paradise?

Shizy ago

Hey @Srayzie, look he hasn't commented in a month and just got on now to chime in.


srayzie ago

I know I already banned the fucker

Shizy ago

Oh, ok. I deleted my comment then so he doesn't get a ping that he can't respond to.

NosebergShekelman ago

I feel a civil war coming on. Hory shreet. I'm going to hide under my neighbors floorboards till this passes. I will be making popcorn. ITS HAPPENING!! Shaloms™✡️ and place your bets

Shizy ago

If I think you're funny does that make me a Jewish sympathizer?

NosebergShekelman ago

Yes!! But we won't tell anybody, and if one of Hitler's SS find out then I will have them clean MUH oven


Shizy ago

Ok, I get it.

I'll try not to laugh when I see you around but I can't make any promises!

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QJFKjr2024 ago

I want to say thank you srayzie for all you have done here and still do . I tried the other subs in the beginning but settled for this one and I'm on it multiple times a day along with and Keep up the good fight !

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that. We won’t give up!

Anonymous171717 ago

Well said! Thank you for this whole discussion. I find it fascinating how some always try to upset the proverbial apple cart. To be a total shitposter is just being a total asshole. We need to call them all out. And let the faggots go to poal...that's where they belong going Buttigeig-first into it.

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FirstDamsel ago

Standing beside you Srayzie, you're a True Q Patriot. Stay the course. WWG1WGA!

srayzie ago

Thank you FirstDamsel. WWG1WGA!

bopper ago

Thanks Srayzie.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@srayzie you going to provide proof against zyklon for the loli or just keep talking shit?

There’s one where someone says Loli? He said “all of it.” Can’t find that screenshot.

bopper ago

Why do you him?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Think for yourself. They are accusing him of posting loli or taking part in it while providing ZERO evidence. I'm not defending anyone you fucking nigger, i'm defending truth.

bopper ago

I'm well aware of what's been going on. The guy is scum of the earth.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

If you would just do some basic research of my opinion on the matter you would come to realize that my only point of argumentation is that he is being accused of loli, which no fucking shit is completely degenerate you utter fucking morons.

Provide proof. You're hypocrites of the highest order and you wonder why you are targeted.

Shizy ago

Here's the proof that he called for posting loli:

Although it seems you've now changed your tune and are demanding proof that he actually posted loli too.

Obviously everyone can understand that since this was being done in V/QRV there's no way for us to prove who actually posted the loli. You know this though and that's why you're now asking for it.

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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Although it seems you've now changed your tune and are demanding proof that he actually posted loli too.

I've been saying that the whole time dumbass. Its nothing new

srayzie ago

He took part in posting gore and porn. It’s done. Period. Move on.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've said time and time again but lets do it one more round since you can't seem to read.

I agree with you.

Its disgusting.

You made the right call by banning his accounts per the rules.

Now kindly, provide proof for the very specific accusation of loli or fucking retract your accusation. Hes guilty of everything else but that and i'm more than happy to turn on him with hell fire the moment you provide me with evidence to the contrary.

Shizy ago

Why are you so focused on the loli aspect? Isn't everything else he did bad enough? Do you have autism? Not being mean, it doesn't make sense that you're fixated.

bopper ago

So if Jews order their cryptos and minions to evoke such and such acts they are not guilty of the very acts?

"An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal."

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I agree with you. Holy shit are you really this dense?


bopper ago

With respect, it sounds like you are the dense one.

I got your point. You're not getting mine.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Holy shit you are actually this retarded. Amazing.

I understand your point you fucking glow nigger and i agree with it. Provide proof

again, nigger, Provide proof or fuck off.

bopper ago

I never said he posted it.

Buzzsaw ago

Love what you do! You will receive the Q medal for P atriotism one day.

MudPuddlePie ago

Agreed. Srayzie has a place in history.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Still waiting for PROOF against zyklon for the specific accusation of loli. All talk.

srayzie ago

I answered you. You’re close to being banned. You’ve defended that piece of shit since last night. You are looking more and more like a shill or his alt. Try to disrupt this board some more. Go for it.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

At the time of your reply here no evidence was given.

Zyklon encouraged people to post loli. Him and someone else was planning another QRV attack and it included loli. I just don’t have the link right now

That is the clarification i was looking for and will wait for that evidence. If he encouraged loli specifically for QRV derailment that's fucked up.

I answered you. You’re close to being banned. You’ve defended that piece of shit since last night. You are looking more and more like a shill or his alt. Try to disrupt this board some more. Go for it.

At the time of this reply too, no evidence was given. During this context you demonstrated a serious lack of judgment from over emotion. Despite me being very clear that ALL i wanted was for the accusation to be supported. "proof" was eventually (not when you answered me, or during this conversation but after you banned me) provided that zyklon "encouraged" the behavior but zero proof was provided that he actually did the posting. If you'll have a longer memory span than 3 seconds you'll recall i was specifically defending the accusation that he was POSTING loli and wanted evidence that he was actively encouraging it as well since i'm not retarded and wanted a clear picture painted by documented facts rather than a slander hit piece;

No evidence that he was posting

So far a single comment of him "promoting" the behavior

Thus it would be logical to consider the realm of possibilities for his "promotion"

  • Is he serious? Did it effect the situation?

  • Is he joking? Did it effect the situation?

  • Was he therefore the cause of the loli?

Triggered boomers not understanding post irony/ anti comedy does not equate to his actions having ANY measurable effect on the loli spam. The loli spammers were doing it long before him. They would do it long after. My stance of wanting further information does not equate to my support of his actions. My stance of understanding the situation with a logical approach does not equate to my support of his actions. Which was already previously established and stated for everyone to see.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I'm not defending anyone you fucking moron. I'm defending the truth. You are making the accusation specifically about loli which is obviously sick and it makes you even worse to accuse someone of that without providing proof.

I've said time and time again but lets do it one more round since you can't seem to read.

I agree with you.

Its disgusting.

You made the right call by banning his accounts per the rules.

Now kindly, provide proof for the very specific accusation of loli or fucking retract your accusation. Hes guilty of everything else but that and i'm more than happy to turn on him with hell fire the moment you provide me with evidence to the contrary.

CerealBrain ago

Hey, I got an idea!


Whadda ya say?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I’ve always stood up for SBBH as a whole.

Thanks :)

Sorry this is a tough time for you. The jokes have gone a bit too far this time, methinks. But I'm just one SBBH shill. All I can do to make it up to you, is send you a mod invite, if that helps?

TemetNosce ago

DAMN...the shit you mods put up with. Hell, I just want to read. Lurk. Good luck and thanks for all the work y'all do. CHEERS!!!

chocolatepatriot2 ago


MolochHunter ago

Srayzie, that impersonating us mods thingy - can they do that on any sub or only in SBBH / where they are [O] or [M] ?

amarQ144 ago

This is on had one job ta do...Did ya catch Moloch??? Now look at the mess!

MolochHunter ago

im sorry, precisely how am I responsible for their actions ?

amarQ144 ago

If you had done your job, Moloch would still be run'n a muck!

srayzie ago

Only the O, mods, or designer. Like @Clamhurt_Legbeard is our designer.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You've been doing a great job.

This is truly what over the target means. Keep on keepin' on.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/soapdoxbanhammer submission by @zyklon_b.

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srayzie ago

Thank you Clammy

DammitMan ago

You don’t get paid enough for this shit.

srayzie ago

We don’t get paid at all

chocolatepatriot2 ago

we all knew being a part of the Q movement was going to be a war. You have the battle scars to prove it too. Hey, are all very blessed to still have a place to go.

srayzie ago

It sucks we have to harden. Thank you.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

But we are still here!! Look we have to stand our ground against evil. eventually- soon I hope, they will all fall on their own swords but right now it is battle. you are not alone, we are all part of the digital army. thank YOU so much

DammitMan ago

Lol I know.

C_Corax ago

Yeah I have a beef with QRV for the anon bullshit and the underhanded shit with the moderators going directly against what I see as the spirit of Voat. None of that applies to GA though and I have no plans of extending it to here. What others might be motivated by I can't speak to as they are not me.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Hear, here!

Anarae ago

Makes my head spin, and that’s just reading your post. I can’t imagine going through it. Thank you for all you do. This is one place I come to check up on things and I appreciate all you do to keep it a great place. Sending prayers and blessings

srayzie ago

Thank you. I feel like I went from being someone that trusted way too easily, to hardly trusting anyone at all.

Anarae ago

Trust yourself first, gut instinct or call in your angels (if you’re a believer) to help with trust. I trust my angels and they let me know when I should “speak “ or not. Trust is a gift and it’s not pleasant finding out your trust isn’t well received. Been there for sure - you will end up learning way more about yourself because of this “lesson”. Keep your chin up-I think you are both outstanding and amazing!

new4now ago

You've done better then just alright

A lot of stuff went done in Pizzagate and many who wanted to talk Q came also

There was Calm Before the Storm, but I like it here

Can't believe it's been almost 2 and a half years gone by

You've come a long way

Glad to be a part of it

Thank you for giving us a place for Q

And Thanks for taking the shills with you ;)

RockmanRaiden ago

Paranoia is healthy when they're out to get you.

Blacksmith21 ago

And keeps one in the fight.

Podingo7 ago

You are fighting the good fight, so dont give them an inch..i dont think anyone normal person here questions your commitment to having a good sub..

2TBob ago

"Trust", once lost is incredibly hard to reattain! One of those "Lessons in life". Part of what makes grumpy old men grumpy;)

lepercon ago

Why are you lying more?

Shizy ago

@srayzie this is another zyklon alt.

srayzie ago

I banned him

srayzie ago

Thanks Shizy, you are free to ban all Zyklon alts.

srayzie ago

I banned him

lepercon ago

Not me.

Shizy ago

What part of that post is a lie?

lepercon ago

She's uses @Gyna and @Clitorissa to post in SBBH and you left off the rent free chapter?

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight.

lightmeup77 ago

Amen to that. Many thanks for all of your work.


srayzie ago

Thank you for your support Maladativenomore

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

you offered me $3500 to attack QRV and never paid so you were exposed

srayzie ago

You are @Zyklon_b. I have a list.