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Shizy ago

They'd rather be typical SJW's and "shame" people online! Doing anything in person is way too scary for them 😂

LiddleShittyShitzy ago

I can wait until this is all over and they can do the Scooby-doo thing and pull the masks off us and shine the light on who we really are.

We should be scared shitless, but our opponents teeth are bare and shiny!

Shizy ago

You have way too much time on your hands. I'd recommend getting a job, or a boyfriend to occupy your time.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Who cares? You clearly have a pissing match that has nothing to do with Q or research. Great job making that a "sticky" It's clearly very important news

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

Clearly many people cared, and it’s very much Q related. Infiltration of the Q community is Q related. Go post your bullshit in v/TheAwakening.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Nope. I'll keep calling your attentionfagging here thanks. Sooo full of yourself. That's why you are a voat mod and not a real chanAnon. No namefagging there

srayzie ago

I have never tried to be an 8chan bv or anything. I’ve never desired to be one. If you don’t like it here, take your name fagging Rufus ass on over to QRV. Why do you think I care what you think? I only want good Patriots that are serious about the Q movement. People worried about names and titles, and who’s more popular than who, can take a hike.

RufusTFlywheel ago

hahaha. of course... projection. I called you a namefag attentionwhore... soooo therefore you call me a namefag. Brilliant. When will you drop your brigade against other users?

Who gives a fuck about /theawakening ? Not me but you are right qrv is better

I still fail to see how 'sticky' your fight against others to the top helps avandce the movement Because you had problems with people everyone else should too without making up their own minds? I've heard that before from the MSM

No need to respond bc it will be ignored. cheers

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Havent you posted enough of your bullshit on QRV and here?

Signed your inner-self.

srayzie ago

😂 Great username

@Shizy MolochHunter @Kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

You thought of it yourself.

Bright minds think simultaneously.

srayzie ago

I should have been a little more creative. 🤔

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

We have limits sray, our bad grammar is enough to worry about.



srayzie ago

Well as long as you’re not @MissleCuntStroked

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Note to self:

We have to tell him we have nothing.

Shizy ago

Why would @Srayzie want to lie to that conniving fake faggot?

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

The same reason we log into your account, to make it look like there is more than 1 person is here.

Don't force your own hand and giving away our secret.

Shizy ago

Sounds like you know all about creating fake consensus. How's the weather in Canada?

srayzie ago

Tell who we have nothing?

Vindicator ago

This dork sounds like Gollum talking to himself under Mt. Doom.

LiddleShittyShitzy ago

Did she ever tell you we have a relative that has a summer home Irving, California? The rest of the year they live in Sweden.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Step 1 Compare to original

Step 2 Agreed !

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Have you seen MrHames around?

Shizy ago

Have you seen that pudgy queer @jackposobiec around?

srayzie ago

I don’t remember who that is. I have too many shills because we’re over target.

Shizy ago

@Kevinhames is a shill account that was involved in trying to dox @kevdude I believe.

srayzie ago

I think he tried with me too on Twitter. If so, he’s also JackPosobiec1

mismacheta ago

  • I don’t care if FartOnToast wasn’t perfect. *

I HATE when this happens..

srayzie ago

Me too! 😂

hewhoobeysalot ago

I would like to appologize for my associates remarks (hewhoneverobeys). He has been fired and I have been elected to take his place. On behalf of my agency: Qanon is real and not to be fucked with.

NeonRevolt ago

LOL They accuse everyone of being me aahahahahahah. Sorry m8, they're insane!

Shizy ago

I deny lies! Which is what you're peddling.

argosciv ago

Curious that she who thinks Q is a cicada psy op, is now aligning with ostensibly pro-Q Neon.

Except neonrevolt is not pro-Q. He has embedded himself in the movement to sell merchandise. He already has made some damage control posts about doubting Q so that he still can position himself as a legitimate authority if it turns out to be a LARP ("I always had my doubts") because whether it is real or LARP he can write a book. Right Neon?

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago

i'm not subscribed to SBBH and I just downvoated you?

MolochHunter ago


you have an account where 70% of your 50 000 CCP is downvoats

i dont know you, but for your sake I hope you're an actual paid shill , bc the only other feasible explanation is that you're some kind of ginormous asshole

not to table a false either/or proposition, mind you

argosciv ago

Wouldn't it just be an amazing twist if it turned out that Neon is a fella starting with A, ending with k?

srayzie ago

I think it’s more likely to start with “not” and end with “pizza”

Tironianae ago

Ok, children. Neon is an idiot. I've generally thought so for a while now. Think AJ and Corsi. Time to move the fuck on now. This issue isn't shit in the big picture, for fucks sake. Come on, man.....

SearchVoatBot ago

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argosciv ago

Ok, children. Neon is an idiot. I've generally thought so for a while now. Think AJ and Corsi. Time to move the fuck on now. This issue isn't shit in the big picture, for fucks sake. Come on, man.....

Not interested? Fine, go about your business, but don't try to infer some sort of superiority by calling those of us, who are doing what needs to be done to shut this prick down and ideally bring about an end to the constant attempts to drag v/GreatAwakening through the mud, children.

In case you haven't been paying attention, this situation has escalated to threats and attempted doxxing by Neon and/or his allies. Which makes it quite serious and worth putting time into for those of us who have the time.

Believe me, we'd all love to "move the fuck on", but until Neon and his merry band cease and desist and pending an apology from @NeonRevolt to @srayzie, @fartyshorts, @LightlyToasted and @FartOnToast and indeed the other users/mods of v/GreatAwakening and the Q community abroad for his constant attempts at division and control, he will continue to be put in the spotlight for his divisive and self-absorbed conduct.

Shizy ago

How exactly did you ping SBBH users? You left a comment on GA, where I spend the majority of my time on voat. Your comment makes no sense!

argosciv ago

Ignore him/her.

Obvious sock(only pops up sporadically) and/or ally of those pushing the usual attack vectors against v/GreatAwakening and v/ProtectVoat. Indeed, attacks Voat as a whole in the same ways as the usual suspects. Check the comment history, reveals plenty about their behavior/agenda and allegiances.

Shizy ago

Appears you are correct!

Shizy ago

These people are literally paid by Reddit to be here and subvert Qanon and shit all over voat.

What the hell? I haven't ever been paid! Do you happen to have proof of this so I can contact someone and demand my payment?

Did you guys know we're supposed to be getting paid to be here @Srayzie @MolochHunter?

I've also never had a reddit account and typically only engage with SBBH folks when I'm pinged there or they post on GA. What's the big deal with that?

MolochHunter ago

cunts wont even reimburse me for my internet bill, i dont know what he's on about

Stonenchizel ago

Keep Up the Great Job @srayzie We are counting on you to keep it clean and fair.....

7alon ago

Neon Revolt is such a retard, never trusted his shitty blogs.

Cleareyes ago

I read his site a few times and thought it was interesting but i never buy into anything 100%, i wait until they show more cards. I got what i needed to know about neonrevolt and that he was bogus around the craig sawyer/found child skull event. Checked his page being linked and saw him suggesting sawyer was legit and a part of the proof was a photo of a skull lined up next to a shoe (to show scale) and prove it was a small skull. The lighting and camera angle were manipulated to suggest it was a small size, it was such a joke, bush league effort and anyone with a brain cell could determine it was a staged photo. If the skull was really small you don't need to manipulate viewers with angles and light to "prove" it. From then on both sawyer and neonrevolt were no longer "in question" they were clear bullshitters and should not be trusted.

Pavlova22 ago

Let people think for themselves. Discernment is a skill best developed under challenging circumstances.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

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Shizy ago

Normally you source your claims with evidence. Not here though. Why?

I was wondering the same thing. He makes a numbered list of all the things he claims @srayzie is doing but provides zero proof! Hmmmm

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Neon is getting desperate and no longer thinking straight.

He says

"I've now blocked her, and her associates on both platforms."

He means

He has banned users who contradict his narrative

srayzie ago

He’s flipping out on Gab and blocked e from replying 😂 Totally spinning the story, and calling you my thug lol

srayzie ago

Surprise Surprise...

@NeonRevolt is defendingPNG the corrupt mods.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @FartOnToast

NeonRevolt ago

Lies from you again, what a surprise.

I'm calling you FAR stupider than them for taking their trolling seriously.

Gothamgirl ago

Most of us here are not surprised at all to read that @Neonrevolt, her and the pg-13 gang, make up lies about good people daily, to intentionally ruin researchers reputations on pizzagate.

@Srayzie is batshit crazy, and for attention this psycho pretends to be someone named Sarah, and she threatens and stalks herself which is quite funny to watch actually 😂😂. Especially since she is so freakishly paranoid, like a drug addict, she blames anyone and everyone.

Oh and she is also Voats #1 Tramp. Someone should let her poor husband know what a skank she is...

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Thank you! I take pride on being Voats #1 tramp alhough the reason I never called the pullease is because they wouldn't fall for my voice and would be sexist and say I sound like a male.

So sorry about Sarah’s bad luck on the account of me.



srayzie ago

Wow look who’s here starting drama @Shizy... AGAIN

Gothamgirl ago

I am not going anywhere ever, what made you think I was? I am going to make a fool of you with your own words...


No that bitch is a liar, she is finally busted ask her what her PM's say about me, ask her to see them! and fuck you, who is you?

I have no emotional or sensitivity issues I am from NYC. You're just an idiot trying to bully someone, with weaponized and inaccurate, words.

And no, it isn't over because you people state is, best joke I heard this year.

"annihilator in verbal contest"

You people picked the wrong one..

@Lapdog the reason I am editing this comment, is because your weak gang @Skrayzie blocked me.🤣

MolochHunter ago

Remember I warned you that your emotional fragility was your responsibility should you continue to engage in unprovoked antagonisms ?

you are one masochistic fool, GG

Shizy ago

Annnnddddd, she just edited her comment over an hour after she made it! Looks like she added to it to make you aware she's a tough broad from NY.

MolochHunter ago

hey Socktard

get a clue. You've been exposed to the world, your credibility is shot

nothing you can do on this forum will redeem you, and you dont even have the attitude to START the process of redemption

bc that requires HUMILITY

argosciv ago

I'm calling you FAR stupider

You calling anyone stupid is rich as fuck.

Why don't ya try some genuine research like others do? Oh right, too busy 'adminning' your blog and gab page, right?

You're not at the forefront of shit anymore, if you ever were in the first place. You're gonna write a book, but, can't even discern what 2245 was about? Forgive me, but, if you couldn't even take 15 minutes to dig into that, I can't even begin to take you or any book you write as a serious and valid authority on anything Q-related.

The fact that you use the "ayy lmao" memeJPG in your whinging blog entry, where you claim to not be a sheep, is fucking priceless. Why? Because it's yet another example of you being a sheep(on top of you bleating about "boomers" constantly), regurgitating tired old memes that really aren't even funny. If you're gonna claim you aren't a sheep, you might want to avoid behaving exactly like one - albeit "of a different kind".

Shizy ago

Excellent comment! Funny how he doesn't respond to you or any of your valid points. He's too busy throwing out baseless claims about @srayzie it seems!

srayzie ago

You’re a lunatic. You’re lying and acting like a psycho on Gab. But you blocked me from replying. Obviously, you don’t want your followers to knowing anyone’s side but your own. What a coward. I don’t have thugs creep.

argosciv ago

Oh my, you actually did it!

I'ma need some popcorn for this.

argosciv ago

Oh good lord...

It's amazing how angry he gets.

Oh and by the way...

See this blog post where he trashes Q...

Snoozefest Edition

That said, I’m… really disappointed with this next batch of drops. Possibly the most disappointed I’ve ever been. I’m just not seeing anything tremendous in these, and I’ve never said this in an article before, but I wouldn’t mind if you just skipped this article. (I know! I know!) I express my frustration at more than one turn, and it’s not pretty.

Some people don’t like that. They think I’m getting pissy, and complain that it’s not my job and Q knows better, and yadda yadda yadda, cue the boring, trite, dead-horse boomer-logic.

Too bad. It’s my site; I do what I want. I say what I want, And I’m not a sheep.

Top motherfucking kek right here! @NeonRevolt whinging about not getting enough from Q drops(Claims to not be a sheep, but bleats out "boomer" rhetoric like a sheep and is having a ree at having to determine the significance of recent drops, wanting to be spoonfed like a sheep), acts like he's on the cutting edge of things and knows how to read all things Q(also shows us that he's likely among those pushing the "boomer" rhetoric in v/QRV - or at least supports it), but doesn't have a fucking clue what this was about:

Got to be some kind of deeper meaning than just a photo of Vegas…

The photo looks like it was taken from the Bellagio, but you’ve got water… and you’ve got it in front of the Eiffel Tower…

Maybe a “warning” about “The Storm” landing in France?

Possibly a message to the Payseurs?

Hard to say…

Forgive my own ego for a moment as I'm sure many people aren't aware of the significance of the above, but holy fucking shit that is hilarious. Mr hats and shirts, leader and shaker of the Q phenomenon, can't even connect the dots regarding the above.

Won't go into detail myself on it just yet, but it's "coming soon" ;)

It’s just being a different kind of sheep.

Yes, Neon, you're just a different kind of sheep. Deal with it and stop wearing yourself as a hat.

Oh and while I'm at it, the use of large fonts to make your blog entries seem 'bigger' than they really are, is hilarious.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

Oh wow he is so full of himself it's revolting! Hopefully he designing new larger sized hats for those with Neonrevolt sized heads!

srayzie ago

He’s freaking out on Gab about me right now and blocked me from replying 😂

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @MolochHunter @Shizy

argosciv ago

Yup. I notice he has nothing to say to me, ever. It's kinda funny.

It's k, he just loves having control. He could block you here and never receive another notification from you, but it's not about that for him, he wants the ability to silence others - be it on his gab, his blog, etc.

srayzie ago

Yeah he hates that he’s not in control here

Shizy ago

Yeah he hates that he's not in control here


Because Neon summed up his mindset perfectly:

Too bad. It's my site; I do what I want. I say what I want

Vindicator ago

Yes, Neon, you're just a different kind of sheep.

He's sure no goat!

srayzie ago

That’s for damn sure

argosciv ago

^ cc also: @Shizy

MolochHunter ago

hey @NeonRevolt

nice try, socktard

Crensch ago

Kek. Did you respond and link everyone to your submission here?

srayzie ago

Lol no. That would be a good idea tho

argosciv ago

Oh the shitstorm that would ensue...


srayzie ago

I don’t know. If I was doing that, I would be smart enough to try to not sound like myself. I never had Unirock mess with me, where I’ve had Neon pulling crap for months. There is a lot more into it. It’s the connections when you add it all together.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Once in awhile i scurry out of my cubby to say "keep on keepin' on, girl!" The topics you cover here in length, i honestly do not fully grasp. My specialities cover other ground and that is where i frequent. That being said, i was very very disturbed about the cowardly threats directed to you personally. That is another matter. Not much i can do but get some solid prayer warriors on it. I will venture forth to say i suspect there are others with other skill sets that will see to the hands on aspect of correcting the situation. The sub is one thing-your personal safety is another. Lord protect you, and He will. I could see very early how this sub can be like sandpaper, but i migrated to it very quickly as i could see beneath the sandpaper is the tender courageous heart of a Patriot/mod such as you. oh yeah. Sounds soft? no. very very tough. Godspeed!

srayzie ago

Thank you. 🙌🏻

CLF3 ago

This internet edgelord bullshit is exactly why q won't leave the chans.

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

We don’t want Q to leave the Chan’s!

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Then as an inner self introspection, you should understand why Q didnt pick your sub and selected QRV instead.

Signed, your inner-self.

srayzie ago

Is that really hard for you to understand? v/QRV is the Q endorsed Reddit Replacement.JPEG sub, meant to replace v/TheAwakening, the one Neon Revolt endorsed, and who the board owner said 90% turned out to be retarded or clowns.JPEG

CLF3 ago

Reference to qpost 2271.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I think you're confused, but that's OK: it's only your second comment ever...

I'm happy to guide you through.

Folk on v/GreatAwakening are like that.

There were actually three Q drops, 2269 2270 & 2271

Q 2269 linked to new voat subverse QRV that Q had an 8 Chan post about.

Q suggested the refugees reunite there.

2269 Q !!mG7VJxZNCIID:0c2113 Sep 21st 2018, 20:48:10 (EST)


Thank you /BO/

Fully endorsed.

Time to UNITE.


Q 2270 again named QRV and further clarified that it was a good home for ex Redditors to unite on.

It was bad with all those folk being thrown off Reddit, and clearly Q wanted them to have somewhere to go. A central location for them to regroup to.

2270 Q !!mG7VJxZNCIID:0c2113. Sep 21st 2018, 20:52:23 (EST)

Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch).


There is also Q 2271, which you mentioned.

This was a short drop of just five words.

"We will remain here. Q"

Q posted it 8 Chan to confirm Q intended to stay on 8 Chan

31318472271 Q !!mG7VJxZNCIID:0c2113 Sep 21st 2018, 20:55:21 (EST)


We will remain here. Q

You will notice that Q linked in Q 2270 into Q 2271 so Reddit refugees would be doubly certain to understand that Q would stay on 8 Chan, whilst Reddit refugees could go to QRV.

@CLF3 I hope that my somewhat long post clarifies these issues for you. Welcome. 😀

Shizy ago

Excellent explanation UKBloke! I'm not sure why people have such a hard time understanding this. The only explanation is they either just don't want to, or they are purposely trying to corral people to one voat sub.

@srayzie see parent.

CLF3 ago

Which had the immediate effect of..... drumroll, please

....... getting all this toxic shitlord garbage out of the chans where it was a distraction.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Yes, and then he came here and tried it again, but got rumbled. I've never heard anyone call Neon a toxic shitlord, but if you think it fits....

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Says edit newborn user. edit I'm improving my welcome 😀

srayzie ago

Oh very new! Lol

Shizy ago

Very well done Srayzie!

I find it interesting that high-valyerian used the excuse that she only created the girlwonder alt to lurk. No account is needed to lurk!

FartOnToast ago

She's legit. Even though she did backstab me out of ignorance she's still a patriot. I made my account like a year or two ago here but I have never used it much nor did I leave comments. Maybe she's in the same boat. My guess is that she made High Valyrian so that people recognize her as a mod from GA and not some random. I'm still mad at her though.

argosciv ago

Just so you know, editing in pings doesn't send out a notification.

Pinging @srayzie for ya, in case she hasn't seen your comment yet.

srayzie ago

Thank you! Exactly!

FartOnToast ago

I'm still upset and to some degree angry that QRV mods breadbox and shitlord were doxxing, intimidating me, lying and trying to sabotage my communities. I don't give a flying fuck that their subverse is endorsed by Q. It still doesn't excuse them from what they did. Period.

If anyone has a problem with me complaining about being doxxed and wants to call me a sell-out for raising the same concerns we have always raised then That's on you.

You don't like? STIFF.

Cleareyes ago

Interesting, so the QRV mods have been attacking you/your online communities, and that sub has been endorsed by the Q team previously. Of course, i'm not familiar with you and haven't checked out your claims, just some patterns emerging here my discerning mind finds interesting and something rings out for me, not sure what though, yet. I haven't bought into Q and haven't dis-regarded it either, i track the events with a grain of salt and am waiting for more cards to be shown. I only trust the Creator, everyone else is human and still has choices in front of them, including POTUS who i supported from before the election, got red-pilled around then. He is being baited hard to make the wrong move, that much is obvious to me, he has choices and is human but he is the best shot (on the publicly visible side of this fight) because he took the steps to be this person ready for this now. But he is human with free will and thus has weaknesses and vulnerabilities, he can make a wrong decision, but that is his journey and can only be known by himself and the creator. A little background when i say i haven't fully bought into the Q thing before the defenders come and attack me lol. I like a lot of the things they push, the creators scripture, to research and think analytically, to talk and inspire over violence and revolt, these are all in line with what the creator wants from people, i'm not sure why i'm still on the fence. some nagging instinct I cannot pin down yet. Doesn't mean they're not legit, just something isn't clear yet to me that's all.

PGLiterati ago

Thanks, truly. Re: Neon revolt, I actually read his Snoozefest Edition post back when he wrote it and it was why I quit reading him. Was surprised by his abrupt turn and didn't find his argument at all convincing. That was the last time I read him.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I have watched this saga unfold, and seen the various characters in action, and I truly believe that a commercially motivated person has for a long time been trying to hijack Qanons on Reddit and more recently on Voat, with the aim of making money off us. If it was simply a matter of posting video blogs that promoted hats and T shirts, I could have accepted that. There are many similar.

However this time it involves usurping moderator roles, trying to take over subverses, experimenting with bots and sock puppets to manipulate votes and opinions, and personal attacks including blackmail and doxing attempts.

Some genuine users may have been confused, and gone over to the 'dark side', and not realized it.

As a 'new to forums' user, meeting trolls and shills has been hard, and at times I've wanted to have 'mod powers' and ban users. Luckily I had contact with @Srayzie who put me straight. I paraphrase.

It isn't a Mods role to choose what users post or what they comment, nor indeed to censor.
It's to watch the board, and enforce the subverse rules.

Rulebreakers upset the smooth running of the board, and I've seen a gentle approach here, with warning messages by PM, and only in the event that the user ignores these, are posts deleted or users banned.

@srayzie has the patience of a saint, but she is not inclined to turn the other cheek too many times. Break the rules, and she and her mod team WILL eventually act to enforce them. As they should...

All our mods here, and also many I have seen on Pizzagate and elsewhere, have my confidence.

mark7 ago

"If you turn one away, you've hurt the plan, if you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind!" Apparently (neon-revolting) has an ego the size of Jupiter! Q has become his ride "to the stars", and it would appear he thinks this is all about him. I guess creating drama around a legit movement is par for a failed screenwriter? Nothing will be hidden in the end, especially sabotage of the movement. I actually got a shirt from him once, now it bugs me to wear it. Hang in there, Mods, those who seek impeccability, will win the war.

NeonRevolt ago

Alternatively, come over to and hear my side of the story.

I never doxxed Srayzie, and I never threatened her. She literally just accuses random accounts harassing her of being sockpuppets of mine, with no proof whatsoever. And of course, I have nothing to do with those accounts, but what can I say, other than "That's not me; I don't do that."

Her proof today of people running a "bot network" were two mods trolling SBBH-trolls with posts like "Bot 352 reporting" and "Mambo number 5."

In actuality, they were just getting fed up with the idiots on this site not letting them run a subverse in peace.

Yesterday, she had one of her guys, I think Kevdude, make fake comments "as me" in order to frame me. But again, all I can do is point out where they got things wrong and say, hey, it wasn't me.

Time will prove who is really being honest here. I'm not worried. In the meantime, I work on my book.

FoolsGold ago

Neon, you are an idiot, please get lost... Paytriot.

Lauraingallls ago

NEONREVOLT, I BELIEVE YOU! The PEOPLE RUNNING AROUND HERE USING INDUSTRY LEADING TERMS LIKE SOCK PUPPET accounts and DOWNVOTE BRIGADES ARE THE ONES LEADING THE PACK with 5 routers connected to 1 modem manipulating the votes. HOW ARE WE TO BE A REPUBLIC AGAIN when they are the socialists themselves WHO DONT WANT A REPUBLIC? These people are easy to spot too always ALWAYS BROADCASTING GLOOM and Doom!!! Always presenting DISTRACTIONS WHEN WE SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON THE MISSION TO help the normal people coming onto the boards. StOP WITH THE CONSTANT DIVISION USING SATANS FREQUENCY!!!!!!

GodsAngelll ago

Why are you constantly causing drama? You are paranoid and so tired of you TRYING TO SOUND LIKE ME YOU FUCKING IMPOSTER! Too bad there isn't a report imposters option because I would definitely report you!

Lauraingallls ago

Neonrevolt, I believe you. The ASSHOLES RUNNING AROUND HERE YELLING INDUSTRY TERMS LIKE SOCK PUPPET accounts AND DOWN VOTE brigades are the ones who have 5 routers Hooked UP TO A MODEM abusing and manipulating vote system themselves. I gave you an upvote, only have 1 network device With NO PLANS ON BUYING 16 more routers and a 24 port switch!!! I REALLY HOPE PEOPLE CAN BE A REPUBLIC AGAIN AFTER ALL THIS HOPELESS DISTRACTION BULLSHIT using satan’s frequency!!!!

Lauraingallls ago

NeonRevolt, I believe you. IT IS THE PEOPLE RUNNING AROUND HERE YELLING SOCK PUPPET AND VOTE BRIGADE THAT have 5 routers each hooked up to their modems so they can manipulate the VOTES AND ABUSE THEM TOO!!! It is BULLSHIT AND NEEDS TO STOP ON ALL SIDES before the republic can be restored!!!

Lauraingallls ago

We know you are honest, IT is others THAT ARENT TELLING THE WHOLE TRUTH AROUND HERE and that is total BULLSHIT. SO TIRED OF THE BLAMING OF SOCK PUPPET ACCOUNTS WHEN THE PEOLE BLAMING ARE THE ones that should be holding up a mirror and thinking on why they project!!

kneo24 ago

Hey kike, I see you're back to making outright lies yet again.

Her proof today of people running a "bot network" were two mods trolling SBBH-trolls with posts like "Bot 352 reporting" and "Mambo number 5."

For someone who pretends to not use Voat very often or know the platform well enough, you sure seem keen on throwing around the "SBBH" claim comfortably. Of course, one can only do that if they have any idea who or what SBBH is, and even then they're using the attack to malign a group of people.

And I didn't even bother to point out some of the other Voat terminology you got correct - stuff you used fluidly.

It also paints the events disingenuously on your part. You and your ilk were clearly caught trying to upvote farm on multiple occasions, with multiple lies found along the way. You know the whole pretense that all had "just" arrived here? That was a complete lie as is evidenced and documented thoroughly. It's one of those things you aren't addressing. It also flies in the face of your pretending to be have been relatively new to Voat's platform.

In another comment of yours, you concoct another fabrication:

Dude, I presented my concerns to the community while admitting it wasn't 100% proof, and said, "Hey, we're going over here instead." I wasn't the only one concerned.

That's a lie. You didn't present your concerns to the community as if it was just a concern. You tried to do that, but it's clear you and your team were here before all of that. You were feigning ignorance of everything, and not once did you even remotely try to publicly walk those statements back when you were consistently proven wrong. You're still clinging to the "I dindu nuffin wrong gaiz! I wuz a good boi n sheit".

In actuality, they were just getting fed up with the idiots on this site not letting them run a subverse in peace.

No one gets to run any subverses in peace when you come in, guns a blazing, trying to tell everyone that mods are gods here.

Also keep in mind you were personally vouching for all of those people on that team. Didn't Q say they were compromised? Why are you pretending these people are good?

Of course, you don't have the intellectual fortitude, nor the capacity, to create a proper response to this. On the other hand, I guess you could, but it would require you to have some integrity and own up to your mistakes as a starting point.

@Crensch @Kevdude (we're all Kevdude, according to @9-11 (who also runs around screaming about the evils of SBBH, anyone notice a pattern?), but I'm pinging him anyway), @srayzie - Did I miss anything?

srayzie ago

Neon has been making posts and comments on Gab. He calls you guys, anyone that supports the truth, my “thugs”.

He has been posting for weeks. He had a fit last night...

Screenshots shown here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment by @16271284.

Posted automatically (#19989) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

All the funny cartoons and videos of fat fucks getting angry and REEEEEeeeing comes to mind.

argosciv ago


Emphasis my own.

Srayzie, we're done. I've blocked you on Voat, and I'm blocking you here on Gab, next.

So go ahead. Ping away. Pretend and posture like you've somehow won a victory by having all your insane screeds get instantly filed into the trash-bin, where they belong. Dream up whatever fake controversy you want. Scream NEEEEEEOOOON at the top of your lungs every hour, on the hour, for all I care.

I won't see or hear any of it anyway, so it's no skin off my back.

Yes, you will, @NeonRevolt. You'll come crawling back every time to check out the latest, with or without notifications, because of your pathological need to control people and pad your credibility with pathetic little jabs such as:

You're totally dishonest, Crazie Srayzie, and #QAnon deserves a much better community representative than you.

Have fun running your little fiefdom with all your moronic thugs on your corner of the internet, and trying to convince the world that Q didn't sidestep you and your insanity completely.

Which is beyond fucking ironic and hypocritical, considering that your attempt to corral everyone into your corner of the internet(on your blog, gab and voat) is what was ultimately sidestepped - whereas srayzie never once tried to pass her sub off as the one true destination for Q related discussion. Moreover, who are you to call anyone except the likes of Type-o-Negative, NotHereForPizza, thisistotallynotme and youllrememberme(et al), "thugs"? Was it not these folks who tried to intimidate, blackmail and manipulate srayzie - completely in line with your attempted "v/GreatAwakening is comped" self-fulfilling prophecy?

You know full well that v/QRV was not created to sidestep v/GreatAwakening, that's why you're trying so damn hard to make out as though it was - to deflect attention away from the truth that v/theawakening was not endorsed by Q either - indeed, even the 8ch board staff have confirmed that v/theawakening was a shitshow that was ultimately not worth endorsing.

Naturally, you'll also continue to lurk v/QRV looking for any reason to have a whinge and likely steal theories and musings from users there, to use in your blog - seeing as how you clearly aren't all that good at discerning shit for yourself.

srayzie ago

You know who’s been quiet even tho pinged? NotHereForPizza, YoullRememberMe, and ThisIsTotallyNotMe.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch

argosciv ago

Interestingly has showed up here, who is one of many users/socks that does act exactly in accordance with:

To quote myself.

~v/QRV was not created to sidestep v/GreatAwakening, that's why you're trying so damn hard to make out as though it was~

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch

MolochHunter ago

that's right, @NeonRevolt , you need to log in / out more and get that ol' jiggery-pokery 'master illusionist' thang happening 🤣

argosciv ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my fucking god, this cannot get any better!

Look who just fucking showed up to defend Neon!!!

Didn't even have to lift a fucking finger and it all keeps playing out perfectly!

cc: @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy

Shizy ago

I'm pretty sure it was her making the comments here that have been attributed to Neon.

She made several comments about some swatting incident. Not sure what that's about.


argosciv ago

Whether GG or not, "swatting incident" is probably a reference to FlynnLives. Which incidentally, is something that PGis~ constantly brings up - or was it Donkey? Both?

Probably also a threat to do the same to you guys.

argosciv ago

Oh right!

I'm sure I saw pgis~ bringing it up and mocking him too, though... I went spelunking through several of his accounts last night. Seems a few people are a tad obsessed with FlynnLives... I'd dare to call it another common element.

Vindicator ago

a tad obsessed with FlynnLives... I'd dare to call it another common element.

I noticed this, as well.

srayzie ago

She’s obsessed with Flynnlives

argosciv ago

srayzie ago

I know right? 😂

argosciv ago

I'm still coughing from the laughing fit I had when I saw her comment! xD

Remember what I was saying the other week about the two of them + ES?

Curious that she who thinks Q is a cicada psy op, is now aligning with ostensibly pro-Q Neon...


cc: @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @MolochHunter @Shizy

Shizy ago

@NeonRevolt should stop mining crypto from people who visit his website.

@srayzie @argosciv

srayzie ago

I remember that 😂🤣

Shizy ago

Anything to profit off the cause! 😂

argosciv ago

I don't care if he's admitted to it, the fact that he does it is downright fucking pathetic.

Using others' computing power to profit. Though technically this isn't accurate to say, it reminds me of botnetting - ie, turning someone's machine into a tool for your own purposes/agenda. He's literally using people(and/or their machines).

argosciv ago


Oh fuck me dead!

That's fucking... wow... words fail me.

Literally laughed out fucking loud.

srayzie ago

Here, he tells @Kevdude...

I only have a personal account I made back during the Voat Alpha days (contrary to your speculation that "I'm not a part of the community here).

Shizy ago

@NeonRevolt has admitted that he's been on voat for awhile but with a different alt;

I also ran a Pizzagate research sub on Reddit in the wake of the original getting banned, and actually was over here on my original account at the time.

He refuses to provide the name of his previous account. Is it because he is stil using that account? What are you hiding Neon?

@srayzie @crensch @kevdude

Crensch ago

@Empress @Artofchoke @heygeorge @hey_sunshine @clamhurt_legbeard

Thought you might enjoy this comment.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

NeonMerchant says

You can't prove those are my accounts

NeonMerchant also says


Then he wonders why nobody believes anything he says....

srayzie ago

He treats his readers like shit lol. This is what he said on Gab today...

My readers need to stop telling me what they think is a waste of time or not.

You don't get to make that determination, frankly, because you don't have the same information I have, or the same perspective.

It's honestly one of the most tiresome kind of comments I get, and no, it's not going to get you articles any faster.

I may never write an article again, frankly. Things change. Circumstances and situations change. And I didn't get here by listening to every random with an opinion.

I might just end up blocking and removing people from now on, when they tell me I'm wasting my time.

You don't get to make that determination, and you don't even have the necessary prerequisite information to make that call in the first place.

Crensch ago

NPD. Dude has delusions of grandeur hardcore.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Bingo! Ya nailed it

srayzie ago

Big time. He’s a Narcissistic control freak.

Shizy ago

OMG he's so arrogant! What an entitled little person!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

the same informationJPG I have, or the same (((perspective.)))

Haha, I like all the threats.

What a little baby.

Crensch ago

I fucking love you guys. Great point, CL.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm just excited to buy his book, you know?

I mean I already own the NeonHat, the NeonMug, the NeonSticker... But a book? He'll make so much money.

nevergiveup2them ago

hahaha, Its funny to read these threads. Get em @srazyie. PAYtriots suck. Didn't Q point him out as one? Maybe I was wrong but that was my take away. Keep up the great work! Much love to everyone here, Except the shills. You can fuck off.

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @Vindicator @think- @shizy @gabara

Thought y'all might enjoy this comment.

Vindicator ago

LOL. The beatings continue.


Crensch ago

Voat is becoming a goat tribe of absolute savagery. Goddamn well said, bud.

argosciv ago

It's beautiful to watch */wipes tear of joy*

mark7 ago

Quite frankly, I must apologize for my post (critical of you), as I have no real knowledge of any of the issues. My natural tendency is to defend my host, especially, as I have found no reason to disbelieve them, and have seen nothing to diminish my respect for them. Conversely, I followed you on your website, and always enjoyed your work. I will leave it to those actually involved in the issue, to deal with it. I will say that "They want us divided", and quite possibly you are both being manipulated, or mistaken. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?" In the meantime, I will mind my bizness better, and hope we can all find common ground. God Bless!

Shizy ago

I don't know why someone would downvoat this excellent comment! You seem like you are a very reasonable and rational person! I have a strong suspicion that you may be correct in saying that both sides are being manipulated. I strongly believe there's outside forces manipulating all of the Q communities because they fear hownstrong we can be!

NeonRevolt ago

Srayzie is really butthurt about v/TheAwakening, and has now:

1) made fake comments pretending to be me, in order to claim I'm harassing her.

2) claimed I threatened to rape her, and kill her child

3) had someone try to bait me into doxxing one of her friends here on Voat, by sending me info on Gab tonight.

It's getting ridiculous. I've now blocked her, and her associates on both platforms.

Like, even just take this comment here:

Anyone with a 3rd grade education can tell I'm not "defending" anyone. I'm saying she was too stupid to discern an obvious troll, and took it seriously.

But she just continues to grasp and straws and manufacture controversy. I'm done with it. She's blocked as of tonight. It's over.

argosciv ago

manufacture controversy

Like that time you made up bullshit to manufacture a controversy at the expense of @fartyshorts and @LightlyToasted?

NeonRevolt ago

Dude, I presented my concerns to the community while admitting it wasn't 100% proof, and said, "Hey, we're going over here instead." I wasn't the only one concerned.

I also didn't engage in a six-month-long targeted harassment campaign like you guys have.

argosciv ago

Dude, I presented my concerns to the community while admitting it wasn't 100% proof, and said, "Hey, we're going over here instead." I wasn't the only one concerned.

Bullshit. You knew exactly what you were doing. @srayzie has demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that you were intentionally seeding distrust of her and v/GreatAwakening in an attempt to secure controlling influence over the reddit-based Q community; you were willing to create a faux situation in which she was the villain and you were the hero who would lead the exiled to safety.

Lo and behold, srayzie has also demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that the controlled environment you tried to herd people into, was itself actually compromised - at absolute best by incompetence. Meanwhile, your allies have been responsible for continued attacks against v/GreatAwakening, to the extent of even trying to infiltrate the moderation team(after failing to intimidate and blackmail/manipulate srayzie via PM) so as to materialize your attempted self-fulfilling prophecy that "v/GreatAwakening is comped!"

I also didn't engage in a six-month-long targeted harassment campaign like you guys have.

Again, bullshit. Put the fucking victim card back in the deck you pathetic worm. It has, again beyond all reasonable doubt, been shown that your little manufactured crisis(ostensible "concerns") are at the root of the months-long and still ongoing campaign to smear and attack v/GreatAwakening, not least of all via anonymous shit-talking over in v/QRV, where you and your allies unashamedly self-advertise every time you're put in the spotlight - oh and on the subject, you deliberately exaggerate with claims of "daily attacks", go on, find an 'attack' that can genuinely be attributed to srayzie for every day in the last 6 months; I bet you fucking can't you hyperbolic cunt.

Again I point out that you are one of the people who maliciously spits "boomer" rhetoric, not only with regard to the Q community abroad, but even as a direct attempt to insult srayzie. You consistently show that you are among those actually perpetuating division so that you can come across as some sort of authority re: Q.

Y'know, even I've cracked a few "boomer" jokes, but that is entirely in jest from my end - you on the other hand, are a petty and aggressive divider, profiting off your activities along the way; you are exactly the kind of shit stain that Q has warned people about. The only difference with you, is that you're an utter coward about it.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago



Bullshit. You knew exactly what you were doing. @srayzie has demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that you were intentionally seeding distrust of her and v/GreatAwakening in an attempt to secure controlling influence over the reddit-based Q community; you were willing to create a faux situation in which she was the villain and you were the hero who would lead the exiled to safety. Lo and behold, srayzie has also demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that the controlled environment you tried to herd people into, was itself actually compromised - at absolute best by incompetence. Meanwhile, your allies have been responsible for continued attacks against v/GreatAwakening, to the extent of even trying to infiltrate the moderation team(after failing to intimidate and blackmail/manipulate srayzie via PM) so as to materialize your attempted self-fulfilling prophecy that "v/GreatAwakening is comped!"

is 100% spot-on

except that he pulled his punches and didnt mention the bit about you threatening to rape @Srayzie and murder her child

argosciv ago

^ cc also: @Shizy

Crensch ago

You presented "concerns" as fact, then got your shit royally pushed in.

Did you forget that the mods you vouched for were straight up called clowns/retards BY THE BOARD OWNER Q NOMINATED TO MAKE QRV?

srayzie ago

Lies again Neon. I have nobody trying to set you up. Man up. You lie or mislead your readers all the time. People are waking up. You blocked me on Gab after your rant full of lies. Coward.

Gothamgirl ago

You have fucking nerve to call anyone a liar...

srayzie ago

Yeah so do you, after accusing me of planting child porn on your phone when I don’t even know you, and threatening to kidnap your kid. Go back to your sub and talk to yourself crazy.


Gothamgirl ago

A question is not accussing..

I have read your messages about me in your outbox...

Maybe you should tell the truth before I make a fool of you.

Do you think the Q fans would like you after they see what a 2 faced back stabbing bitch you really are?

You keep tagging your gang because you're weak. Bring it on, I don't fear any of you faggots..

srayzie ago

Wrong again. I proved everything I said about Sarah. You then accused me of planting child porn on your phone when I’ve never even met you, for threatening to kidnap your kid, and thought I was flirting with your man.

srayzie ago

What is my outbox?

Shizy ago

Please nooooooo!!!! I thought we finally got rid of that thing!

gabara ago

Confirmed. @lets_get_hyyerr's posts get immediately upvote botted. They've even bragging about knowing how to buy upvotes.

kneo24 ago

It's the tactic of "them", whether they be jews, deep state, or glow in the dark niggers. They will openly talk about the things they're involved in, but spin as they're a victim, or they're doing this stuff to help people. The easiest tell is self aggrandizement. Ego and / or money is a dead giveaway.

TheBRAINz ago

@srayzie rocks! :)

Thank you patriot.

kneo24 ago

I see @Drogeanon has been active in the past couple days. Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Themooninthesky ago

Why this doesn’t have 4K upvotes is beyond me.

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

We dont have 4000 routers or we would!

GodsAngelll ago

Stop being stupid, we got enough of that GOING AROUND!

kneo24 ago

The one thing you should probably try to dig up, if at all possible, is the conversation they publicly had with Putt, claiming they contacted him about the CCP issue (among other things) and Putt is like, "Uh, no you didn't."

kneo24 ago

This is what I was referring too - them claiming they contacted @PuttItOut about financials. We all knew it was a lie from the beginning, and Putt came in and confirmed it.

kneo24 ago

Never mind, it was an entirely different thing they contacted him about.

MrShekelstein ago

v/theawakening was made by rothschilds if I remember correctly.

NeonRevolt ago

LOL still on that, huh?

It's not my account. No idea who it is. But you will keep accusing me of being it for the next six months anyway, I'm sure.

Crensch ago

So evidence really doesn't mean anything in your world, does it? No, just whatever pilpul bullshit you can put together to trick the goyim into giving you shekels.

God damn it feels good to wreck you again after so long. Do you remember how awful it felt? I remember the salt.

Grunge ago

that was the sub they created when reddit banned r/greatawakening, so you know they are fucking reddit morons anyways. That sub wasn't necessary at all, we already had this sub so you know they created it because coming from reddit, they have the mentality that they must be in control of the discussion with their censorship.

Paladin_Diver ago

I was one of those "reddit morons". No longer.

crazy_eyes ago

it seems to me like you are trying to distract with all this drama day after day

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#25134) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

srayzie ago

You don’t think it’s concerning that thousands of people don’t know that the mods were comped and have been removed and the one left isn’t even around? Who is running it? That’s concerning. It’s not concerning that the one that endorses them is writing a book on Q?

It’s kind of like, do you want to take the red pill or the blue pill? This is our Q home. A whole damn sub has been infiltrated. That Q sub is the only one not attacked. That should tell you something.

You just go live in comfy land then. I’m going to be careful about who I follow and warn people so they can make an informed decision. This isn’t about choosing v/GreatAwakening. There’s also QRV, and other subs. It’s about having safe subs that are not infiltrated.

crazy_eyes ago

I just think it is not Q related or great awakening related, it seems like all those others users you mentioned are not Q related either.

I direct people to simply read all the Q posts starting from the beginning, dont read someones book, read the source, and do your own research when you have questions, and do not let someone elses opinions sway what you know. Just find the truth.

It seems like you are giving those irrelevant people a lot of your attention and energy that could be better spent on things Q

srayzie ago

If that were the case, then Q wouldn’t have made a post in June, telling people that they were comped and to be removed/replaced. They weren’t. They came here. That makes it Q related.

crazy_eyes ago

Im not denying that people are fucking with you, but their mission is partly to get you off topic and in this case i think they have

srayzie ago

It’s not about people fucking with me. It’s about the whole fricken Q community on Voat. This doesn’t stop me from posting about Q. Look at my history. Someone needs to stand up.

Paladin_Diver ago

You've sold me.

srayzie ago

I’m sorry 🙁 I see you’ve posted there a lot.

Paladin_Diver ago

No apologies necessary. I'll explain that more in another longer post ( I'm on a tablet right now), but I was unaware of any of the internal board politics. Now that I am informed, I'll do a bit of homework. I suspect my findings will lead me to focus my attention here.

srayzie ago

Ok, sounds good.

Crensch ago

Are you familiar with ESOTERICshade?

A user or group that ran off the best PG researchers consistently because PG had a ton of people just like you that didn't want, or didn't think they needed, people like @srayzie to come in and wreck the shills so good users don't get run off.

I realize Q is a little different than just PG, but NR, if he is BuilderAnon/ElectroLumus, has a LOT of shillpower behind him and will ruin anything any anyone he can.

Alternatively, tell us what you think @srayzie should be doing instead.

crazy_eyes ago

my advice would be to ignore the bastards

Crensch ago

That's what PG did.

I'm sure there are plenty of archives, but look at PG's 'users here now' number.

This isn't a game. If users that can bust these faggots don't, the most active, (and naive,) users will get run off. Many PG researchers were doxxed and threatened, others were groomed by ESOTERIC et al, and manipulated or forced via willingly-given blackmail material to behave themselves.

@Vindicator @think- @MolochHunter @kevdude all have seen these things. They all can attest to the danger of letting these guys operate while those of us that aren't affected do nothing because of attitudes like yours.

And again:

my advice would be to ignore the bastards

And do what, instead of busting them? Is there something @srayzie hasn't done that needs done otherwise?

crazy_eyes ago

I guess Im not one to be afraid of them, I just think they are drawing attention away from Q, so dont give them attention was my first thought, just seemed logical. Srayzie can ban them, it just seems like a lot of unnecessary drama

think- ago

it just seems like a lot of unnecessary drama

You might want to re-read what @Crensch wrote above, and what @MolochHunter wrote below.

I was a v/pizzagate mod for ten months, and now I'm a normal user again. To a certain degree I understand that normal users don't want to engage themselves too much in taking shills down. They come here to have convos with people they like, and to do research.


Taking notice of shills, and learn how they operate is something the average user will have to learn, if he/she wants these subs to thrive.

These shills are bad actors. They are not just some retarded guys who don't know how to behave on a board.

They do it deliberately, their actions are carefully schemed and planned.

As @Crensch and @MolochHunter have pointed out, they are driving the best researchers away.

What @Srayzie does, and what the other mods do isn't 'drama', it is an attempt to provide a good and safe environment for genuine Pizzagate / Q researchers, respectively.

We shouldn't allow bad actors to operate here. Burying our heads in the sand will contribute to them having success in destroying legit subs.

Think about it. Please.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy

Edit: spelling

Crensch ago

It'd be nice to have a submission to point to that explains all of this to people that don't understand. Does anyone want to take a crack at it?

I'm not sure I would be the best qualified to do so.

@vindicator @molochhunter

Paladin_Diver ago

I might, because I'm exactly the audience you are seeking to protect (new here, not into the board politics, but immodestly a valuable contributor).

This thread has really demonstrated the intellectual honesty that your little posse has. It is admirable, and I'm now going to change my focus to this sub.

I'll have some background questions.

Crensch ago

Sounds good.

Ask away.

think- ago

I'd suggest that all of us write something, and forward it to @Vindicator (if you don't mind, Vin), so that he can edit and re-write it, and put it together in a coherent post.

Actually, he might want to take the comment I left above, and @MolochHunter's comment above, as a starter, if he likes. I think that @srayzie and @Shizy have also already pointed out something along these lines, so they might want to dig into their comment history, and forward it to Vin.



Crensch ago

I guess Im not one to be afraid of them, I just think they are drawing attention away from Q, so dont give them attention was my first thought, just seemed logical. Srayzie can ban them, it just seems like a lot of unnecessary drama

Banning them doesn't do much, here.

Nobody that busts these shills is afraid of them. They bust shills for the people that should be afraid... or at least aware of them.

Not knowing about NR and the reddit mods caused the schism in the Q community. Imagine if someone had been able to do what @srayzie is doing here on Reddit.

NeonRevolt gets eyes. If you accept that he is BuilderAnon, he claims to work with, which had a banner supporting THEIR subverse specifically, if memory serves. @srayzie, do you have a screenshot of that?

Do you use Do you know what they might be planning? How they intend to corral a bunch of redditard-tier Q people into following their deceptions? Do you think they've just given up?

They don't give up, they just keep scheming and putting new plans in place to ruin people or take over sites. That's how the free internet consists of just a handful of websites.

I'm going to go a step further:

Your attitude is that of a boomer. Close your eyes to it. Ignore the problem, it'll go away. Don't give it attention or it'll materialize in reality and become true. Don't rock the boat. Don't make drama. Everyone just be cool little Fonzies and let bygones be bygones infinitely.

The more I think about it, the more disgusted I get with your position. Just kick the can down the road by inaction, because who gives a shit about other people? Just leave it all alone, and let the weak get eaten, instead of educating them on the dangers of the internet, and these people in particular.

@srayzie was a naive, weak, terrified soccer mom not too long ago. What would have happened if someone had groomed her into giving up blackmail material before she made GA? She got lucky, as it were, but others weren't so lucky and disappeared suddenly after cryptic interactions with some of the usernames we've outed since.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Burke

srayzie ago

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Burke

Damn I like that

think- ago

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Burke


@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @MolochHunter

crazy_eyes ago

i do not use qanon,pub, I go to qresearch and get it from the source.

I am no boomer. You seem to have misread my attitude, nevertheless, see you on the chans

Crensch ago

i do not use qanon,pub, I go to qresearch and get it from the source.

Not the point. Do you know how many people do?

I am no boomer. You seem to have misread my attitude, nevertheless, see you on the chans

I haven't:

it seems to me like you are trying to distract with all this drama day after day

crazy_eyes ago

do you disagree that this neon shit is a distraction, and it taking energy away from q research here in this sub?

That was all I was trying to get across.

I think the energy could be better directed, But its up to each of us to where

Crensch ago

do you disagree that this neon shit is a distraction, and it taking energy away from q research here in this sub?

No. It's part of it.

I think the energy could be better directed, But its up to each of us to where

Seems like @srayzie made her choice of where to direct her efforts: to the safety of the users, subverse, and Voat as a whole. I couldn't approve more.

crazy_eyes ago

well good night, I'm going to go to sleep now, looking forward to Trumps big announcement about the wall this afternoon.

Have yourself a wonderful weekend

MolochHunter ago

as moderators, if we ignore the bastards, this is what happens:

1) they intimidate and scare off more fragile researchers. Which, given that there are many SURVIVORS trying to make a contribution here, is a big concern

2) they MANUFACTURE consensus to approve fake news, or falsely debunk real intel. They do this through a) mass upvoting / downvoting with sock puppet accounts, making innocent eyes think there is a consensus they should give creedence to, b) using sock puppets to make artificial back-and-forth conversations which a reader can be sucked into a false granting of creedence or authority to a viewpoint

3) using their multiple account log ins, they can detect someone of genuine value to this work, and downvote brigade them until they lose their ability to make posts

there is no singular larger threat to the movement than this. If they prevail - and are not sufficiently countered - THEY CONTROL THE NARRATIVE, rather than the community of genuine researchers controlling the narrative

Its like handing the keys to Voat over to James Alefantis

so please, pwiddy pweeze, help us out here

Vindicator ago

Yes, @crazy_eyes, what @Crensch, @srayzie and @MolochHunter say is true. All of this has taken a toll on v/pizzagate over the past two years, and will have the same impact on v/greatawakening if left unchecked. I would also add, these nefarious operators attempt to sow distrust in the mod team with constant criticism.

crazy_eyes ago

The mod team sows distrust with their own actions

Vindicator ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

@crazy_eyes I've seen your posts and I know you are tired of this.

Mods Job

It's the mods main job to keep the board safe, because if they do not do that, nothing else is sure. Voting may be unreliable, and consensus may have been manufactured. I would not want a board out of control like that, and how would I even know ?


GA mods can't just ban a user unless they have broken the rules severely, and warnings come first. Even when an account is banned there are always three to take it's place, so that's not a solution. Add to that the 'new' user has to have all the latitude and warnings before getting to banning again, and then it starts all over again. The final problem is that the 'new' accounts act like shills initially, so are difficult to detect, unlike trolls who are obvious.

Consider the history of shills.

They were originally people who stood in the audience around market stalls. They pretended to be prospective customers, and argued with the traders over fair prices. Of course they then would say "OK that seems a fair price: I'll have one" and spring forward with the money, triggering the punters to follow, and lose money paying too high a price. How can you tell someone is a shill when they are pretending not to be ? It's not easy or quick, until they start their move...

I'll stop there, but I did write a non technical explanation yesterday, and I will put a link here, should you be interested.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the assist. I couldn't think my way out of a wet paper bag last night and your comment fills in the gaps nicely.

sorosminion ago

Lol. Just love the loser soap opera drama here.Morons that actually beleve that VOAT is important, that this stupid form matters in some way. That is truly sad and pathetic, man.what losers.

DickTick ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I love the way you do that ! 😂😂😂

DammitMan ago

Voat in itself may not be important. What’s important is the integrity of voat. A lot of people get news, not just Q news, here.

MuckeyDuck ago

Well that does not make sense to me. Like saying, "What's in the jug may not be important, and long as the jug does not have any holes in it". If you're thirsting to death, a full jug full of sand will do you no good.

cynicaloldfart ago

You should demand to speak with the manager and demand your money back. The nerve!

Redcobra ago

SBBH thugs,Bwahahahahaha,you need some fresh air ya.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

NeonMerchant isn't nearly good enough to be sbbh.

ArcAngel ago

i thought SBBH just fucked w/ any & everyone for shits n giggles....

clamhurt_legbeard ago

NeonMerchant is in no way good enough to be sbbh.

kneo24 ago

He couldn't shitpost his way out of a wet paper bag.

Crensch ago

I've not found SBBH to be any different than that. It's a shitposting sub that Shekel-earning redditfags think they can paint as the reddit SRS of Voat.

It never works, but they keep pounding at it. Horse is dead.

ArcAngel ago

they do come up with some funny shit tho

ArcAngel ago

this sucks. friggin kikes burying the truth & shutting it down w/ their sheikels. 'saving israel for last' how bout taking out israel first to dry up the $$$$ soros is funding these fuck-tards with?

Crensch ago

EDIT: I mean the following as a HIGH COMPLIMENT to @srayzie. I can see the exhaustion and lack of fucks to give about grammar here, and I empathize with that given what I know of the sheer amount of work she's been doing. Nothing but good things to say.

As top grammar nazi on this site, you get a pass for this submission. Tough to read but I couldn't(wouldn't?) have done all of this myself, so I've really no room to complain.

Had I put all of this together, I'd have a hard time finding my careface about grammar. Keep it up. The bad guys can't handle a soccer mom, and resort to disgusting threats towards her because they can't beat her with words...

... and the main one is writing a book.

You should write a book, @srayzie.

srayzie ago

I used better grammar in the blog post. My cursor disappeared for this post and kept messing me up! The blog post has pages Crensch. You have to go to the bottom and go to the next page.

Crensch ago

I wasn't knocking you. All I've gotten to read is the above post and I would normally go ballistic over it. I consider this to be one of the highest compliments I can give to anyone. I'm sure others will agree, if they know me and see this.

Apologies if you took offense to it - was not my intention.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Maladaptivenomore ago

Well done and thank you, much appreciated.

srayzie ago

@Lightlytoasted, I messed up your ping at first. Here’s your ping!

argosciv ago

Here’s your ping!

Where was mine? */sadface*

Lolol, I jest. Well done on another great presentation. <3

srayzie ago

Awww I’m sorry. I meant because that’s one that Neon screwed over. Thanks!

LightlyToasted ago

Very kind, thank you! I am saddened this chapter has taken so much time and energy, but the treachery is remarkable it deserves its own book!

& for the record to any interested party: my account was created in 2015, my posts and comments speak for themselves, and damnit, I happen to enjoy lightly buttered toast!

srayzie ago

I happen to enjoy lightly buttered toast!

😂 hugs!