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16416433? ago

@srayzie Have you given any thoughts to merge GreatAwakening with QRV. Is there any reason not to? Can you make it happen this week?

16419083? ago

I have no problem with QRV. But, Q said endorsed it as the Reddit Replacement sub. Neon Revolt and the old Reddit mods caused division when they migrated to Voat by lying about us and saying we were infiltrated, even tho We were welcoming to them. I later showed that they were compromised. Almost all the mods were removed from v/TheAwakening.

Many of the users believed the lies that Neon Revolt posted in his blog, and we have been attacked like you wouldn’t believe. I was getting threats against me and my family. If I even post on QRV, people will tell me off.

Besides, I think QRV is kind of like 8chan. It’s a good place to get info, but many of us don’t like the anonymous aspect. I like the personal Q family feel. I like developing friendships with like minded patriots. I think there is room for both. I don’t have a problem with the QRV mods.

16419093? ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter... did you want to weigh in?

16420422? ago

GreatAwakening existing has no bearing on QRV and vice verse. No one is telling QRV they need to shut down or do things differently. They're free to be on voat and do what they want. GreatAwakening is entitled to the same ability to operate.

It's really suspicious why someone would be pushing to have only one Q subverse on voat. Whatever the motives, it's a futile effort because it's not going to happen!

16419617? ago

MH here

dont we need to keep a safety valve in case QRV gets compromised?

dont we need a petrie dish for alternative cultures especially when sock-puppeteer accounts can lurk entrely undetected in an anonymous sub, cracking and manufacturing consensus, making real news apear fafe news, making fake news appear real news, in a manner they coudnt get away with in a namefagging sub?

both have their advantages and disadvantages

dont be a faggot and pretend otherwise