16554188? ago

I remember how when I was still snoozing how MSM said she cried when finding out President Trump won the election and she had to be first lady. Seeing what I see now, that is complete bullshit and probably the best FLOTUS since Jackie Kennedy.

16554388? ago

She grew up fast in her role, didn't she. Must be her passion to bring down the evildoers.

16555760? ago

I think when they said it was Melania crying, they really meant hrc, like any other time they project something.

IIRC, H threw a million dollar bottle of champagne at a 90 inch screen compliments of Wonderland (SA) at elections HQ where she became very violent and had to be restrained by USSS agents as she was drunk AF.

A CNN reporter got it all, but footage is most likely long gone, or the reporter kept an extra copy, time will tell, but would definitely pay for it (with H’s money which is really our money) on PPV.

Cher showed up they said, as soon as she saw how bad H was losing she/he turned tail and left. Smart man/lady.

16503976? ago

Trolls, although stupid, and useless behind the keyboard, can still serve a useful purpose,...to show us if we WON'T FEED THEM, THEY GO AWAY! : D

16424597? ago

The single most glamorous woman to ever reside in white house

16424507? ago

Both say that they never, ever fight or argue!

16424595? ago

i believe they are best friends

16424406? ago

Melania is wonderful. Yet this post has seemed to inspire some weird responses from apparent shills.

16422618? ago


16422884? ago

Faggot pedophile^

16422832? ago

TO.TA.L.LY ! Thanks for adding him !

16422883? ago

Faggot pedo.^

16421744? ago

Wrong. Behind a great man lies hard work. Rarely do women actually motivate their men to become greater.

16424519? ago

You are obviously single.

16422482? ago


16419828? ago

They should hang her nude photo up at the front door. That would be cool IMO

16419114? ago

Shes fine wine from the start, but the fearlessness,class,grace,and intelligence just put her own her own level. Best Prez and 1st Lady Ever. Also I like my First Ladies ball-less so there's that.

16418245? ago

Melania is an Illuminati Tranny 98% sure.

16504107? ago

Sounds like you are jealous because you had to sell your soul to satan and she didn't.

16505857? ago

My soul was bought by Jesus.

16418221? ago

The most beautiful First Lady ever imo. Strong, intelligent and gorgeous!

16422487? ago

And Q?

16418084? ago

Wait and see, mysoginists unchained next in a theater near you! Chuckle chuckle!

16417484? ago

Pyramids FLOTUS wearing White Hat..... I'M ALL IN...SPY vs SPY.... GOOD is greater than evil ..... KA...motherfucking BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

16417357? ago

It's great to have a President with Balls and a first lady...that doesn't. Thank God For a Beautiful and Feminine FLOTUS!

16417166? ago

She is so sexy! I can totally see why he wanted her!

16417160? ago

Melania is a rock. Thank God. Love you, Melania!

16417054? ago

Great lady and a great example of what it means to be the First Lady.

16416559? ago

Has the Donald banged Melania in the oval office yet?

16416497? ago

Blessings Melania. The epitome of quiet strength.

16416488? ago

Love FLOTUS! Style, grace, poised and intelligent. Speaks 5 languages & has been successful in her own business. Pre POTUS. And most importantly, a good Mom.

16424500? ago

And she is also a LEGAL immigrant. Funny how the left ignores the fact DJT married an immigrant, but frames him as against all immigrants. Such sore losers.

16436268? ago

Right. The left never acknowledges FLOTUS as an immigrant, now legal U.S. citizen. They almost infer that because of who she knows is why she's legal. Pathetic

16416433? ago

@srayzie Have you given any thoughts to merge GreatAwakening with QRV. Is there any reason not to? Can you make it happen this week?

16420378? ago

What purpose does it serve to corral everyone into one subverse? There's nothing wrong with having multiple Q subs to offer people choices!

16504143? ago

As usual, you rather divide the movement than lose your soapbox.

I am not shocked though as you are not a US citizen anyways.

16508238? ago

Why are you replying to a four day old comment you homotard??? Glad I bug you so much faggot!

you are not a US citizen anyways.

Sweeeett! Maybe now that I know I'm not a citizen, I can get some free shit or college tuition paid for!

16428878? ago

@srayzie I just don’t think rival Q boards is good. The movement is at a crossroads with many disappointed that nothing has happened. Some are leaving. Morale is down and we need to be united.

16429858? ago

And this is name fag @Srayzie. We like to ping ourselves and feel important! 😂
@Shizy, I couldn’t have said it any better myself!

16429281? ago

You're entitled to your opinion, but keep in mind opinions are like assholes and everybody's got one. Your opinion is no more important than anyone else's! If you don't like GA, stay on QRV and leave GA alone. Easy solution to a non existent problem that you are making into an issue.

And this is @shizy since I have no problem being transparent on my comments! Who are you? What do you have to hide?

16430478? ago

Why would @shizy reply to a post SHE was NOT tagged in??? Obviously this is a sock puppet account of @srayzie. Funny how easy it is to smoke out the shills. Your board is a fraud and nothing but disinformation. So we just proved @shizy and @srayzie are the same person. I wonder how many more account are like this.

16504202? ago

UK bloke_awoke is srayzie’s account too. Uk_bloke_awoke had some issues and suddenly scrayzie shows up without a ping. In fact, I bet the tranny has at least 30 handles on GA and the name of their game is Consensus Cracking while blaming others for it, and favorable up-voting for their accounts while downvote brigading others in order to stifle free speech.

16577449? ago

@srayzie Totally screwed now.

16504163? ago

That was my theory too and you smoked them out. MollocHunter is another sock puppet account of srayzie.

Great job Anon!

16577435? ago

@srayzie You are piece of shit for operating all these accounts. Get ready some heavy duty pain.

16419083? ago

I have no problem with QRV. But, Q said endorsed it as the Reddit Replacement sub. Neon Revolt and the old Reddit mods caused division when they migrated to Voat by lying about us and saying we were infiltrated, even tho We were welcoming to them. I later showed that they were compromised. Almost all the mods were removed from v/TheAwakening.

Many of the users believed the lies that Neon Revolt posted in his blog, and we have been attacked like you wouldn’t believe. I was getting threats against me and my family. If I even post on QRV, people will tell me off.

Besides, I think QRV is kind of like 8chan. It’s a good place to get info, but many of us don’t like the anonymous aspect. I like the personal Q family feel. I like developing friendships with like minded patriots. I think there is room for both. I don’t have a problem with the QRV mods.

16419093? ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter... did you want to weigh in?

16420422? ago

GreatAwakening existing has no bearing on QRV and vice verse. No one is telling QRV they need to shut down or do things differently. They're free to be on voat and do what they want. GreatAwakening is entitled to the same ability to operate.

It's really suspicious why someone would be pushing to have only one Q subverse on voat. Whatever the motives, it's a futile effort because it's not going to happen!

16419617? ago

MH here

dont we need to keep a safety valve in case QRV gets compromised?

dont we need a petrie dish for alternative cultures especially when sock-puppeteer accounts can lurk entrely undetected in an anonymous sub, cracking and manufacturing consensus, making real news apear fafe news, making fake news appear real news, in a manner they coudnt get away with in a namefagging sub?

both have their advantages and disadvantages

dont be a faggot and pretend otherwise

16416316? ago

She is great and beautiful. Doesn't get the credit and class she deserves by the media.

16424515? ago

The media are such hypocrites. That same media loved her when she was a popular supermodel on the face of many magazines.

16416106? ago

smokeshow A word to describe someone so hot that you basically see the smoke coming off them... (sexy bombshell walks into a bar)

Dude 1: "Dude, check out the smokeshow that just walked in!"

Dude 2: "Holy...she's HOT!"

16415371? ago

She was the last person to give him a freebie.

16415316? ago

Is it "Respect"?

Or is it really that you Covet and Lust after her?

I say the latter, for I see you for who you really are.

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

16422519? ago

Are you one of those 'guilty'priests? This one is for you; "prepare"

16426835? ago

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

16416478? ago

I don't swing that way, I'm afraid.

16416506? ago

I wouldn't suggest swinging that way if your a woman. I wouldn't swing that way if you're a follower of he Messiah and a man or woman either.

16415518? ago

Yeah I'm sure Melania would be SHOCKED to find out that men across America find her sexy and possibly even lust after her. Q is tracking them all down as we speak to whack their peepees with a ruler. Q is actually a nun.

16416315? ago


16414963? ago

Smoke Show

16424505? ago

His marriage is a hoax. He's been banging little boys and girls the whole time.

16419596? ago

I think I peed a little 🤣

16416300? ago

Thats so funny and most of all...true!

16419850? ago

Yep and as crazy as it seems, I feel an once of sympathy for BC, as I'm sure he's had a very abusive/tumultuous life with his boss/witch HRC😱

16421503? ago

I agree. That has to be hell for him.

16414524? ago

Never had respect for any FLOTUS before Melania. She is a BADASS.

16424258? ago

Yeah, badass votefarming.

16424320? ago

Making a post praising Melania is just making a good post. It is not vote farming any more than the businessman making a product that people will pay him lots of money for is greed.

16420738? ago

I read that she takes money for sex.

16424261? ago

I think all married women do.

16415558? ago

For a filthy immigrant.

Republicans claim to be a party of "family values" yet elects and worships an adulterer on his 3rd wife. A man who openly bragged about grabbing young women by the pussy. A man who has paid off porn stars to not spill the beans on him. Family values my ass.

16424445? ago

That's why I voted for him. Trump bragged about pussy grabbing and won, Clinton got a BJ in the Oval Office and won. Hmmm there is a pattern here...

16424271? ago

Post your pussy hat or gtfo.

16421878? ago

Straw man. Who ran on family values?

Not Trump. I understand why your side has a chip on their shoulder, though.....what with the baby-murder and all...

16416469? ago

A man who openly bragged about grabbing young women by the pussy.

If you cleaned your ears out, you'd realise he was talking about gold-digging whores who throw themselves at rich men like himself.

16415888? ago

Holy shit is this /r/politics?

16424293? ago

Weve been invaded by the Pod People. I guess they're being paid again now that the government is no longer shut down, which could also be said that the government is shut up.

16424483? ago

lmao so true. As soon as the shutdown ended they all came back like a cat. lmao

16416003? ago

Well, whoever that was is telling the truth, Even though sometimes we do not like hearing the truth.

16416183? ago

If I want a priest, I will go to church. This isn't about morality, it is about policy. As long as POTUS continues to fulfill his promises... I DGAF. He can just keep on grabbing.

16417109? ago


16415225? ago

Melania is great. Q is a LARP.

16424452? ago

You're a LARP

16428130? ago


16418007? ago

Larp is a Larp

16415373? ago

Existence is a LARP.

16415812? ago

I like you. I bet you're fun. :)

16416357? ago

Thank you, my simulated ego likes to think so. :)

16414418? ago

She's a fucking transvestite. And not even a convincing one at that.

16414967? ago

That's Michael Obama you're thinking of

16414475? ago

You've time traveled into the future. It's 2019, not 2013.

16414518? ago

Nah, Bruce Jenner makes a more convincing woman than Melanoma does

16414973? ago

The world can be a lonely place.

16414400? ago

and her love for him is obvious!

such a difference from a tranny with fake kids!

Long live DJT and family!

16424465? ago

Accepts her man completely. How many people can honestly say that about their woman? Does your woman fully accept you? This is sadly a rare thing to find.

16418258? ago

Oh boy. Um djt only dates tranz

16420786? ago

If you want to troll you have to use something truthful or else it has no affect. Around here the Qlowns are sensitive about Q’s fraudulence. You know you’ve succeeded in getting to them when they chant “shill!”

16430379? ago


16430484? ago

You sound like idiots every time you misuse the word “shill.” I am a troll.

16430560? ago

I stand corrected. You are a troll ;)

16431296? ago

Thank you. If I believed half of what I posted I’d shoot myself.

16421872? ago

Forever Illogical, is that you?

16414441? ago

Long live DJT and family!

And may they have many adventures more in their time machine!

16415987? ago

You read that book to eh?

16419778? ago

Are you talking about the Baron Trump book or is there another time travel book?

16426970? ago

Yeah that book. The Baron Trump book. Author Ingersoll Lockwood wrote the books "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey" and "1900: or, The Last President" in the 1890s.

16416122? ago

Haha skimmed it but yea, there's gotta be something to it.

16414423? ago

YES! You're totally right