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argosciv ago

Oh my, you actually did it!

I'ma need some popcorn for this.

argosciv ago

Oh good lord...

It's amazing how angry he gets.

Oh and by the way...

See this blog post where he trashes Q...

Snoozefest Edition

That said, I’m… really disappointed with this next batch of drops. Possibly the most disappointed I’ve ever been. I’m just not seeing anything tremendous in these, and I’ve never said this in an article before, but I wouldn’t mind if you just skipped this article. (I know! I know!) I express my frustration at more than one turn, and it’s not pretty.

Some people don’t like that. They think I’m getting pissy, and complain that it’s not my job and Q knows better, and yadda yadda yadda, cue the boring, trite, dead-horse boomer-logic.

Too bad. It’s my site; I do what I want. I say what I want, And I’m not a sheep.

Top motherfucking kek right here! @NeonRevolt whinging about not getting enough from Q drops(Claims to not be a sheep, but bleats out "boomer" rhetoric like a sheep and is having a ree at having to determine the significance of recent drops, wanting to be spoonfed like a sheep), acts like he's on the cutting edge of things and knows how to read all things Q(also shows us that he's likely among those pushing the "boomer" rhetoric in v/QRV - or at least supports it), but doesn't have a fucking clue what this was about:

Got to be some kind of deeper meaning than just a photo of Vegas…

The photo looks like it was taken from the Bellagio, but you’ve got water… and you’ve got it in front of the Eiffel Tower…

Maybe a “warning” about “The Storm” landing in France?

Possibly a message to the Payseurs?

Hard to say…

Forgive my own ego for a moment as I'm sure many people aren't aware of the significance of the above, but holy fucking shit that is hilarious. Mr hats and shirts, leader and shaker of the Q phenomenon, can't even connect the dots regarding the above.

Won't go into detail myself on it just yet, but it's "coming soon" ;)

It’s just being a different kind of sheep.

Yes, Neon, you're just a different kind of sheep. Deal with it and stop wearing yourself as a hat.

Oh and while I'm at it, the use of large fonts to make your blog entries seem 'bigger' than they really are, is hilarious.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

Oh wow he is so full of himself it's revolting! Hopefully he designing new larger sized hats for those with Neonrevolt sized heads!

srayzie ago

He’s freaking out on Gab about me right now and blocked me from replying 😂

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @MolochHunter @Shizy

argosciv ago

Yup. I notice he has nothing to say to me, ever. It's kinda funny.

It's k, he just loves having control. He could block you here and never receive another notification from you, but it's not about that for him, he wants the ability to silence others - be it on his gab, his blog, etc.

srayzie ago

Yeah he hates that he’s not in control here

Shizy ago

Yeah he hates that he's not in control here


Because Neon summed up his mindset perfectly:

Too bad. It's my site; I do what I want. I say what I want

Vindicator ago

Yes, Neon, you're just a different kind of sheep.

He's sure no goat!

srayzie ago

That’s for damn sure

argosciv ago

^ cc also: @Shizy