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kneo24 ago

@neonrevolt is a self serving faggot who engages in kikery.

Drunkenst ago

So what? no hero of mine, merely a reference point.

kneo24 ago

Your reference point is a shit tier source.

Drunkenst ago

You’re a twat, I don’t Twatter, feel free to comment and thereby direct any concerned to source. You the kind of asshole scatter claptrops before Paul Revere hit the road. Fuq you. Say hi to your Mom for me.

kneo24 ago

I like how you have no argument to defend your use of that faggot kike wannabe @neonrevolt.

Drunkenst ago

got no argument cause I don’t give a fuq, how come you do?

kneo24 ago

Drunkenst ago

triggered you, but still got fuqs to give about it or that asshat who shall remain nameless in deference to your sensitivities who indeed did insult me once when I told him to “grow a pair”.

kneo24 ago

I'm calling you a nigger because write like one. I also downvoat niggers because they're lower life forms.

Drunkenst ago

Sailed with them for nine almost ten years, locked up in among them for eleven months. That’s all I have to say about that.