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mark7 ago

"If you turn one away, you've hurt the plan, if you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind!" Apparently (neon-revolting) has an ego the size of Jupiter! Q has become his ride "to the stars", and it would appear he thinks this is all about him. I guess creating drama around a legit movement is par for a failed screenwriter? Nothing will be hidden in the end, especially sabotage of the movement. I actually got a shirt from him once, now it bugs me to wear it. Hang in there, Mods, those who seek impeccability, will win the war.

NeonRevolt ago

Alternatively, come over to and hear my side of the story.

I never doxxed Srayzie, and I never threatened her. She literally just accuses random accounts harassing her of being sockpuppets of mine, with no proof whatsoever. And of course, I have nothing to do with those accounts, but what can I say, other than "That's not me; I don't do that."

Her proof today of people running a "bot network" were two mods trolling SBBH-trolls with posts like "Bot 352 reporting" and "Mambo number 5."

In actuality, they were just getting fed up with the idiots on this site not letting them run a subverse in peace.

Yesterday, she had one of her guys, I think Kevdude, make fake comments "as me" in order to frame me. But again, all I can do is point out where they got things wrong and say, hey, it wasn't me.

Time will prove who is really being honest here. I'm not worried. In the meantime, I work on my book.

kneo24 ago

Hey kike, I see you're back to making outright lies yet again.

Her proof today of people running a "bot network" were two mods trolling SBBH-trolls with posts like "Bot 352 reporting" and "Mambo number 5."

For someone who pretends to not use Voat very often or know the platform well enough, you sure seem keen on throwing around the "SBBH" claim comfortably. Of course, one can only do that if they have any idea who or what SBBH is, and even then they're using the attack to malign a group of people.

And I didn't even bother to point out some of the other Voat terminology you got correct - stuff you used fluidly.

It also paints the events disingenuously on your part. You and your ilk were clearly caught trying to upvote farm on multiple occasions, with multiple lies found along the way. You know the whole pretense that all had "just" arrived here? That was a complete lie as is evidenced and documented thoroughly. It's one of those things you aren't addressing. It also flies in the face of your pretending to be have been relatively new to Voat's platform.

In another comment of yours, you concoct another fabrication:

Dude, I presented my concerns to the community while admitting it wasn't 100% proof, and said, "Hey, we're going over here instead." I wasn't the only one concerned.

That's a lie. You didn't present your concerns to the community as if it was just a concern. You tried to do that, but it's clear you and your team were here before all of that. You were feigning ignorance of everything, and not once did you even remotely try to publicly walk those statements back when you were consistently proven wrong. You're still clinging to the "I dindu nuffin wrong gaiz! I wuz a good boi n sheit".

In actuality, they were just getting fed up with the idiots on this site not letting them run a subverse in peace.

No one gets to run any subverses in peace when you come in, guns a blazing, trying to tell everyone that mods are gods here.

Also keep in mind you were personally vouching for all of those people on that team. Didn't Q say they were compromised? Why are you pretending these people are good?

Of course, you don't have the intellectual fortitude, nor the capacity, to create a proper response to this. On the other hand, I guess you could, but it would require you to have some integrity and own up to your mistakes as a starting point.

@Crensch @Kevdude (we're all Kevdude, according to @9-11 (who also runs around screaming about the evils of SBBH, anyone notice a pattern?), but I'm pinging him anyway), @srayzie - Did I miss anything?

srayzie ago

Neon has been making posts and comments on Gab. He calls you guys, anyone that supports the truth, my “thugs”.

He has been posting for weeks. He had a fit last night...

Screenshots shown here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment by @16271284.

Posted automatically (#19989) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

All the funny cartoons and videos of fat fucks getting angry and REEEEEeeeing comes to mind.

argosciv ago


Emphasis my own.

Srayzie, we're done. I've blocked you on Voat, and I'm blocking you here on Gab, next.

So go ahead. Ping away. Pretend and posture like you've somehow won a victory by having all your insane screeds get instantly filed into the trash-bin, where they belong. Dream up whatever fake controversy you want. Scream NEEEEEEOOOON at the top of your lungs every hour, on the hour, for all I care.

I won't see or hear any of it anyway, so it's no skin off my back.

Yes, you will, @NeonRevolt. You'll come crawling back every time to check out the latest, with or without notifications, because of your pathological need to control people and pad your credibility with pathetic little jabs such as:

You're totally dishonest, Crazie Srayzie, and #QAnon deserves a much better community representative than you.

Have fun running your little fiefdom with all your moronic thugs on your corner of the internet, and trying to convince the world that Q didn't sidestep you and your insanity completely.

Which is beyond fucking ironic and hypocritical, considering that your attempt to corral everyone into your corner of the internet(on your blog, gab and voat) is what was ultimately sidestepped - whereas srayzie never once tried to pass her sub off as the one true destination for Q related discussion. Moreover, who are you to call anyone except the likes of Type-o-Negative, NotHereForPizza, thisistotallynotme and youllrememberme(et al), "thugs"? Was it not these folks who tried to intimidate, blackmail and manipulate srayzie - completely in line with your attempted "v/GreatAwakening is comped" self-fulfilling prophecy?

You know full well that v/QRV was not created to sidestep v/GreatAwakening, that's why you're trying so damn hard to make out as though it was - to deflect attention away from the truth that v/theawakening was not endorsed by Q either - indeed, even the 8ch board staff have confirmed that v/theawakening was a shitshow that was ultimately not worth endorsing.

Naturally, you'll also continue to lurk v/QRV looking for any reason to have a whinge and likely steal theories and musings from users there, to use in your blog - seeing as how you clearly aren't all that good at discerning shit for yourself.

srayzie ago

You know who’s been quiet even tho pinged? NotHereForPizza, YoullRememberMe, and ThisIsTotallyNotMe.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch

argosciv ago

Interestingly has showed up here, who is one of many users/socks that does act exactly in accordance with:

To quote myself.

~v/QRV was not created to sidestep v/GreatAwakening, that's why you're trying so damn hard to make out as though it was~

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch

MolochHunter ago

that's right, @NeonRevolt , you need to log in / out more and get that ol' jiggery-pokery 'master illusionist' thang happening 🤣

argosciv ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my fucking god, this cannot get any better!

Look who just fucking showed up to defend Neon!!!

Didn't even have to lift a fucking finger and it all keeps playing out perfectly!

cc: @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy

Shizy ago

I'm pretty sure it was her making the comments here that have been attributed to Neon.

She made several comments about some swatting incident. Not sure what that's about.


argosciv ago

Whether GG or not, "swatting incident" is probably a reference to FlynnLives. Which incidentally, is something that PGis~ constantly brings up - or was it Donkey? Both?

Probably also a threat to do the same to you guys.

argosciv ago

Oh right!

I'm sure I saw pgis~ bringing it up and mocking him too, though... I went spelunking through several of his accounts last night. Seems a few people are a tad obsessed with FlynnLives... I'd dare to call it another common element.

Vindicator ago

a tad obsessed with FlynnLives... I'd dare to call it another common element.

I noticed this, as well.

srayzie ago

She’s obsessed with Flynnlives

argosciv ago

srayzie ago

I know right? 😂

argosciv ago

I'm still coughing from the laughing fit I had when I saw her comment! xD

Remember what I was saying the other week about the two of them + ES?

Curious that she who thinks Q is a cicada psy op, is now aligning with ostensibly pro-Q Neon...


cc: @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @MolochHunter @Shizy

Shizy ago

@NeonRevolt should stop mining crypto from people who visit his website.

@srayzie @argosciv

srayzie ago

I remember that 😂🤣

Shizy ago

Anything to profit off the cause! 😂

argosciv ago

I don't care if he's admitted to it, the fact that he does it is downright fucking pathetic.

Using others' computing power to profit. Though technically this isn't accurate to say, it reminds me of botnetting - ie, turning someone's machine into a tool for your own purposes/agenda. He's literally using people(and/or their machines).

argosciv ago


Oh fuck me dead!

That's fucking... wow... words fail me.

Literally laughed out fucking loud.