ThierryofAlsace ago

That idiot left sadly, I was hoping for a long relationship of trolling.

kneo24 ago

Once again, you worthless kike, prove that I'm kevdude. Prove any of your previous claims.

everlastingphelps ago

If you just wait until after the oven its WAY easier to get the gold teeth.

CA_Hircus ago

You still have yet to prove censorship. They cucked themselves. Even 1% of 70k users would be "loud" enough to protect precious imaginary points. If anyone came and left then they took their limp dicks and followed the cancer mods to wherever that shit lands. Your attempt at a concern troll is just as limp.

kneo24 ago

Asking you to back up your claims is something an intellectual would do. Are you now admitting children are smarter than you?

@kevdude @crensch @srayzie

shrink ago

Oh, you're the SRS faggot! Now I remember. Right, everyone is SRS to you unless they agree with your opinions. Yeah, you and the alt. I need to remember this.

And wow, they weren't kidding about the strawmen. Luckily, I've already made massive arguments that explain how things are, rather than allow you to falsely frame things in a dishonest way. Enjoy building strawmen for this and this. Jury is still out on whether you're just an idiot, or intentionally being a slimy, lying fuck. I'm leaning towards the latter.

kneo24 ago

Prove it.

kneo24 ago

Prove it.

draaaak ago

They lasted a whopping 2 days.

kneo24 ago

Prove it. You have been unwilling to prove your other claims (because you can't, otherwise you would have by now.)

Instead of thinking like a kike, think like a real person, a real man, back up any single one of your claims. We're all waiting.

Cum_control ago

In the name of free speech fuck yourself.

kneo24 ago

I'm not kevdude. You refuse to back up your claim that I am. You keep acting like a dirty rat kike, so it's safe to assume you are a dirty rat kike. The only thing you've won is a trip to the gas chambers. You better practice holding your breath so you can have a few extra seconds to think what a waste your entire life was.


Remember She.


Because I sure as hell don't.


Mods are not gods, mods are janitors. @DropGun @DrogeAnon @Doom1776 @Snap_Shot_in_Time @BreadTwists

@R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd did you get a ping?

kneo24 ago

Unless something has changed, only the first five pings work.


Yeah, I'm trying to show @R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd if that's still the case because @R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd made a post that pinged every one of the 15 or whatever mods on that sub

kneo24 ago

This is now the 3rd iteration of your avoidance replies]

Projection on your part. You won't substantiate your earlier claims how @kevdude is a leftist, or own up to your lies about me earlier.


You refuse to substantiate the claim that I'm @kevdude.

I'll just take it as a win

Only in your mind did the gassing you received equate to a win.

Thanks for playing dumb.

Another projection from you.

I hope you're sitting comfortably in Israel. Otherwise you'll want to hide when the day of the rope comes.

shrink ago

It's stickied because it literally is what happened.

Holy shit.

My gut instinct is that you know this isn't true, and you're either intentionally lying or, for some reason I don't understand, shilling. The real case of what's gone on and why has been clearly laid out multiple times, but this is you spitting out a narrative of how you want people to perceive what happened. The levels of falsehood in this post are off the charts.

CA_Hircus ago

Again, your dishonesty shows. The newfags were welcomed at first and warned that this isn't the shithole they left. Their cancer mods fucked up and then jumped ship when they realized it.

kneo24 ago

I see your script is still broken. Well, you had your chance.

No voice on reddit cuz administration censored. No platform on voat because SRS followed them here. Why do you pretend facts aren't facts? It doesn't help you.

Yes, Reddit censored them. They aren't censored here. They can still make comments. They still have their hugbox, despite them setting it up poorly. They could have always used v/GreatAwakening or v/CalmBeforeTheStorm. Those two subverses still exist.

Claiming that SRS followed them is another bold claim you can't properly substantiate. This, of course, flies in the face of you not backing up your previous claims like a man would.

No they dont. The v/greatawakening is not a Qsub.

Yes it is. It is a Qsub. So is v/CalmBeforeTheStorm. Both are Qsubs. Anyone visiting them can see that clear as day. Why are you lying here?

You splintered them purposefully just like reddit did.

No, they splintered themselves. Why are you lying again?

Is this an althat of kev? Makes sense. you're plain.

I have no idea what you mean here. This is literally gibberish.

You better go rinse out your mouth, you have foreskin on your breathe.

kneo24 ago

I think I broke his script.

kneo24 ago

I think your script broke. I'll give five minutes to figure it out so you can fix it and try again.

mightnotbearobot ago

voat pays lip service to free speech

kneo24 ago

The outcome is the same though.

No, it's certainly not.

No they dont, voat censored them, just in a different way than reddit corporate, same outcome-no platform ...wait, isn't "no platform" a leftist tactic?

They have two platforms here already. They existed before they came over. They still have a voice. They can still make comments.

Once again, way to not address your lies about me, or prove how @Kevdude is a leftist.

Stop acting like a Jew and back up your claims properly.

CA_Hircus ago

You're a salty cunt because some (((newfags))) treated Voat like some other site and it didn't work for them?

Oveass ago

That guy really knows how to make friends!

Type-o-Negative ago

You can also tell when he has been in a neighborhood as all the tricycles are flipped over with the wheels still spinning. Aint that right @DrogeAnon?

kneo24 ago

I have not called for them to be shut down. I have not called for them to be banned. I have not called for them to be silenced. They still have a voice, and they had two voices here before they ever came over.

Instead of trying some dirty Jewish trick, try being honest.

Edit: Also, way to go on not addressing the other things.

skywalker7777 ago

It's not censorship to remove mods who censor users.

kneo24 ago

Oh, you're going to play this game now? Care to substantiate any of your earlier claims? Or admit to your lies first? It's a lie that I'm a leftist, or that I'm paid by Conde Naste, or that I'm a useful puppet. You've talked about @Kevdude being a leftist with that assertion not being backed up.

CA_Hircus ago

Goats censoring? This intellectual dishonesty can be seen from outer space. (How many pages of bans was it?)

Once again, the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Qfags are the fucking worst

allmodsarecucks ago

Mods are a scourge who exist only to oppress, if you de-mod them irl by drowning them in their own blood, it always counts as self-defense even if they were sleeping when you made your move.

puppy528 ago

Many other gods have fallen before these ones, though maybe not quite so quickly..

kneo24 ago

Did you just admit that it's okay for foreign invaders to change the demographics? Thanks for at least showing your cards.

0rion ago

Word on the street is that @dropgun is a pedophile. Apparently he hasn't even ONCE denied being one or tried to defend himself.

kneo24 ago

I think we need another opinion on this. @gabara, is this true?

gabara ago

@dropgun tried to touch my tadpole.

ProjectROYGBIV ago

@dropgun Quality stuff my man.

elitch2 ago

These newfags are worse than the last batch, eh?

jollux ago

Don't tell them that, just do it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


13855651? ago

Man, do I love seeing you randomly like this. Keep the good work, ShekelBerg! You make your Yahweh proud!!! I mean Abraham? Whatever. Desert moon god is beaming with pride over your good hard work on the internet!

Artofchoke ago

LOL I am in love with you. :D

13859151? ago

I love your raccoons :)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

kikes worship baal and molloch

13857010? ago

Yea I can care less who or what they worship just do it the fuck away from me and my loved ones.

BleedTheMachines ago

KatHarzso what they worship affects you every day. your attitude (to be passive toward them) is exactly what they want from you. simply allowing them to exist is a sin against humanity. there is a reason the Fuhrer tried (sloppily) to remove them all.

kneo24 ago

It's stickied because it literally is what happened.

Way to ignore the copious amounts of hyperbole interlaced in the article. Not everyone is a shill. Of course, you seem to think so, and love making a ton of claims without ever backing them up.

Voats immune system response always reacts this way. It's not unprecedented, it's nothing new, and it's most definitely warranted. Take note, we haven't removed their speech. They're still free to say whatever dumb things they want to say, and some of them have continued to keep saying a bunch of dumb things.

Shame on you for saying (essentially):

"Somalians are free to roam around in Europe, using all of the free services, never being held accountable for their actions, destroy the local populace through rape, fear, intimidation, and torture. The Europeans should enjoy the demographic changes!"

Are you capable of having an honest conversation here on Voat?

Scandinavian ago

LOL, this dude crusty cunt messed with the wrong guy. @kevdude - seems like PV is suddenly relevant again, ha.

UncleArgyleSocks ago

Fuck Reddit, and fuck every self-important piece of shit who ever even bragged about being a fucking mod. I'm prime mod material being a loser with no friends and no job and even I didn't embrace faggotry by becoming a mod anywhere.

I've got better shit to do, which is not a goddamned thing.

Aletheiaphile ago


Thisismyvoatusername ago

I am a mod for several subs here on Voat.. To date I have used my powers once, to sticky a post. Reddit really is full of faggots.

dogeguru ago

Ikr, just remove spam and fuck off with rules. Let the upvoat and downvoats do their thing.

kneo24 ago

Have your first upvoat. It looks like you'll fit in fine here.

UncleArgyleSocks ago

Your kindness has made me rejoice like a Jew with a shekel.

fuckingmockies ago

Ayy I love starring in screen captures!

SandHog ago

Let's hop in the time machine and go back about three months shall we?

kneo24 ago

They did more than just "mess up". They keep attacking this whole community through their sock puppets outside of here.

We believe this group uses a number of sock-puppet accounts mask their efforts, but with a little bit of sleuthing, the patterns became quite clear to us.

And we believe that these deep state actors were ready and waiting for us to fall into their trap at /v/GreatAwakening.

It's a stickied post in their subverse. That particular gem is just half way into it. If you look at the whole article, they more or less attack Voat's immune system, despite having everything explained to them repeatedly.

I don't care if the curate submissions in their subverse. I do care that they intend on curating comments. Downvoats are easy to come by if something is bad or off topic. They weren't just banning users for making off topic posts, they were banning users who were making legitimate submissions and comments.

Furthermore, you keep calling everyone who disagrees with you a leftist. Projecting much? It's very familiar to "everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot!" narrative the left was using for a while.

This goes beyond the "they just messed up" and shame on you for framing it that way.

skywalker7777 ago

It wouldn't be the first time for Putt to remove mods.

hungir_strike ago

@dropgun, rim my ass why standing for/singing the Star Spangled Banner.

BuilderAnon ago

Timeline of events leading to this

kneo24 ago

I saw your post earlier and gave it an upgoat.

BuilderAnon ago

Thanks. Just trying to make sure people see what occurred.

kneo24 ago

Please, tell us more lies and set up more strawman arguments. You clearly don't have enough to beat down upon yet.

Rellik88 ago

Oh man, they had it comin

skywalker7777 ago

@dropgun is the ultimate niggerfaggot

Grunge ago

MODS = GODS was always the dumbest fucking thing ever.

People act like they are against censorship and then when a mod goes in there and bans someone it's always MODS = GODS.

fucking faggots.

BuilderAnon ago


the_art_collector ago


fluxusp ago

Arrogant DropGun sounds like a douche of giant proportions.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Dropgun wants to turn this place into faggot assed reddit, by his own admission. They can go packing. Every one of them. I would be willing to bet of the mods, more then half of them are fat fucking butterhuffers that belong on FPH.

@girlwonder [O] @high-valyrian [O] @RonaldSwansong [O] @Doom1776 [M] @BleachyMcServerwiper [M] @YippeeQ_A [M] @Snap_Shot_in_Time [M] @Andrewcpu [M] @DrogeAnon [M] @BreadTwists [M] @mistahbang [M] @HowiONic [M] @DropGun [M


I seem to recall that only the first 5 pings on a post work. I'll give a shot in a second, tell me if you got a ping.

kneo24 ago

They added a new mod yesterday. They're up to 14.

skywalker7777 ago

@PuttItOut should just remove those mods at this point. They're limiting free speech.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Disagree. He should remove them if the newcomers petition for it. If they, the new users, want to live in a hug box the best thing to do is keep calling it out. Administrative action sounds like a good idea until you realize it's the first step toward a culture of authoritarianism by the admins. Sure, Putitout is awesome. But he won't be the only admin forever.

Type-o-Negative ago

Great idea, where do I sign?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we can just bully them off the site, they came here under their own power and they can leave the same way. Why bother putt with this?

go1dfish ago

How is this meaningfully different from v/fatpeoplehate?

These are not system subs and they shouldn't be.

Freedom of speech is the default on Voat, but Voat does not preclude moderation, and it even has facilities for subreddits to specify rules which putt wants to expand.

Mylon ago

Their posts don't appear in /v/all and their posts don't count for karma. It's ugly, but besides offending your senses, what harm are they doing?

skywalker7777 ago

Yeah, i don't really care. But it's stupid that some fags use that shithole when there is also /v/GreatAwakening.

GoodGodKirk ago

I need a safe space, WHERE'S MY SAFE SPACE?!?!?!


TheDonaldTrump ago

These crybabies really belonged to reddit.

Sorry,but you have to go back!

Gumbatron ago

There seems an interesting parallel between these reddit refugees and real world nigger/sand nigger refugees.

Their original home is turned to shit because of their fucked up behavior, then they run of somewhere else and promptly try to reinstate the shithole that they just fled.

zyklon_b ago

in 1990 @dropgun raped and murdered real SANE


kneo24 ago

Who didn't @dropgun rape?

zyklon_b ago

The saddest part is that @dropgun has NEVER even denied these pedo acts

kneo24 ago

I bet @dropgun shows up on a megan's law list somewhere.

zyklon_b ago

@dropgun is literally Alex Jones

kneo24 ago

Hey @dropgun, care to eat those words yet?

Here's the link in question if anyone is curious.

NoisyCricket ago

Wow. I mean, you have to actually try to achieve that level of douchebaggery.

You think he practices?

bb22 ago

@dropgun is a tremendous faggot and probably a literal foreskin eater.

RumpRangerRick ago

Responsible for infecting infant boys with herpes.

go1dfish ago

Ok, I've stayed out of this but it's time to share what will likely be an unpopular opinion.

Under Voat's model as expressed by @puttitout /v/greatawakening should be able to be censorious shits without recourse beyond calling them out on it publicly owing to the public mod log.

Great awakening is not a system subreddit, and it shouldn't be. It's like those ban happy anorexics at /v/fatpeoplehate

At voat, free speech is the default, the @system subs will not tolerate censorship and mods of those communities have been kicked to the curb for things way more minor than this.

But voat also wants to provide the freedom to create moderated spaces, so long as that moderation is transparent (as forced by the platform)

These subs have a right to be here, and they have a right to moderate under Voat's model.

You can say that it's terrible for them to moderate this way, and I would agree. But it's not something that should be prevented by the administration of the site.

Charlez6 ago

Are public mod logs mandatory on Voat? The /r/Bitcoin drama has me strongly in favour of such a policy.

go1dfish ago

A better word would be automatic. No way to avoid them.

Diggernicks ago

Evade fph bans, keep trolling easily triggered niggers..

Optional-Reading ago

V/greatawakening was not the perpetrator to my knowledge. It was v/theawakening that made the new sub.

go1dfish ago

Yeah I may be mistaken, the specific subs aren’t important just the fact that they are original.

olltre ago

spot the cuck

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if sweden allows too many muslim no go zones to form, they'll no longer be a swedish country. How's this situation different from our own with muslim being censorship and swedish being free speech. Beyond which it's not like we got putt to force them to change their rules, we merely exercised our right to free speech to criticize them and the actions they took here. Then didn't have to listen to us, they could've kept banning, they ultimately did have the freedom and agency to do so and we wouldn't be able to stop them without help from putt which I had no plans to seek for something like this personally. When people are censoring others I merely want to voice that they are and that I'm against such behavior. That's what I and others did and it worked.

bb22 ago

Exactly. Regardless of whatever the rules are, it represents the danger of demographic replacement, essentially.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's not so much rules as it is standards honestly

go1dfish ago

if sweden allows too many muslim no go zones to form, they'll no longer be a swedish country. How's this situation different from our own with muslim being censorship and swedish being free speech.

Voat is a benevolent dictatorship in an online space. Sweden is a democratic meat space government.

No matter how many people join the site, they have no power to direct puttitout’s behavior if he disagrees.

Beyond which it's not like we got putt to force them to change their rules

I’ve seen plenty of people calling for this and that’s what concerns me.

In a benevolent dictatorship the demographics do not matter, only the ideation of the dictator.

Therefore the possibility of convincing putt to ban certain behavior is IMO a bigger threat to the site than growing communities that believe in heavier curation.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

well I wouldn't call for it, I don't need any help to deal with a bunch of dumb redditors, if anything why would I ask putt to deprive me of the fun of driving them off with only my words?


That policy is because putt does not want to get dragged into mod drama for every niche sub on the site. It does not mean that mods are welcome to be tyrants if they want to be, or that voat will never ban or demod an account when there is particularly egregious behavior by a particular mod, or on a particular highly trafficked sub, in order to protect the site from deteriorating into a reddit-like cesspool of censorship.

kneo24 ago

Take note, I have not called for them to be banned, I have not called for them to be censored, I haven't called for them to be demodded. I haven't called for their subverse to be shutdown.

All I've simply done is call them out for their Reddit-tier bullshit.

I know some users have done some of those things, but largely the opinion is that they should fuck back off to Reddit on their own if they love censorship so much.

I expect better from you.

go1dfish ago

My comment wasn't directed at you specifically sorry if it read that way. I'm just taking advantage of this being a highly visible spot to drop my rant.

I agree call them out on their bullshit, but don't ban them or ask putt to kick them out as mods.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but don't ban them or ask putt to kick them out as mods.

I don't need to and I would never do so, I can use moy own speech to try to create and maintain the kinda site I want voat to be. It's perfectly effective and servicable to do so, and I don't see anything wrong with doing so

go1dfish ago

I agree 100%

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good to see we're on the same page then, I'll return to my bullying of reddit faggots then.

1moar ago

Who's buying shots after that?

kneo24 ago

One thing you should be aware of, is that they're using sock puppets out on the web to attack Voat and existing communities (this is a long read). So the push back keeps becoming more aggressive.