jonnyquest ago

Wow, the censorship on that post is EPIC. Mostly people pointing out the infighting and division is no good -- e.g. "They want you divided!" Orwellian!

Just a few I grabbed that were noteworthy examples (in reverse order from top to bottom):

Fucking Reddit! fahk!

BuilderAnon ago

Found more reference material.

jonnyquest ago

ah, upvote. just saw ur 'how to frame a community' post and i was so confused -- I was like that graphic looks /mighty/ familiar but I just made it. ha. Good man! keep up the great work. You painted a solid picture there.

BuilderAnon ago

If you need credit let me know. I’ve just been assembling any crumbs I can find.

jonnyquest ago

No need, just trying to help the cause and keep folks honest. The shilling is so anti-q and anti-everything that is right in the world; but you don't need to hear it from me. Keep up the good work!

BuilderAnon ago

Appreciate the contribution. It was a better example than I had.

It’s been a challenge reconstructing events without the source sub to reference. I did notice google hasn’t purged its cache so there is a chance to find valuable intelligence and archive it before they do.

adogrocket ago

if you were going to compromise a sub, how would they do it?

How do you prevent it?

BuilderAnon ago

See last line, added. As for solutions. Internet bill of rights.

BuilderAnon ago

Next came the framing of the community to cause its removal. (