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mattathias ago


Why does your team hate our team so much if we are on the same side? Who are your are leaders? Who gives you your marching orders? Is it organic? Does your team mods have sock puppet avatars that stretch across multiple boards and multiple platforms? Are they paid and/or are they salary. Not a question. How can one mod with sock puppets manage and moderate one, two, three dozens of boards across the Internet. We know. They are not voluneteers.

"I really liked the guy until I read that." Yeah, right. Bullshit. I liked my wife until I read that... I liked my best friend until I read that... I liked my sister until I read that. If you are so trite to discount a friendship/likeability because of a difference of opinion... Hmmm.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we're on the side of free speech, and we don't need leaders because we're free. If you're on a different side than that we're not on the same side, individual citizens with constitutional rights don't need a "team"

Christosgnosis ago

You guys go and tuck behind your "free speech" like it's your mommy's apron

Reality is that you're all a bunch of puffed up pompous asses

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oh yeah, me and my constitutional rights. I'm just so mean

Christosgnosis ago

Voat goats don't do a damn thing constructive with their free speech rights - they just use it as their excuse for being trolling assholes

Derpfroot ago

"I had my speech taken away, but free speech isn't important to me."

Christosgnosis ago

I despise when people use their free speech rights to do nothing with other than troll other people with their Hitler dick sucking and racist slur bs

And that is all the Voat goats amount to - dipshit trolls

So much for their vaunted free speech - and they're all fucking cookie cutter the same about it. It's as though there's just one asshole running all of Voat and he's created a bunch of fake accounts to use to go and troll new comers spouting the same stupid shit

Crensch ago

I like how the best argument you have is a tone fallacy where you ignore the content of our words because delivery method hurt your feelings.

Christosgnosis ago

The dip shit Voat goats keep pushing their troll shit on everyone that they claim is invading their space - even when there's a sub forum set up to where they can just ignore it. So there's no invading of the space of the old goats. It's the exact reverse.

If they would keep their Muh Love of Hitler Dick Sucking and Muh Love of Despising Other Races in all the other forums they inhabit, then it wouldn't matter.

But Voat goats aren't libertarian in their beliefs - they're just like ANTIFA fags in their mentality - always trying to shove their shit onto others when it's clearly not being invited

Derpfroot ago

Valid criticism is not trolling. Someone specifically set up an entirely new sub....for what reason? To control the narrative? Either way suspicious...and when someone brings it up, you can't dismiss it with "troll." Think logically, right?

Christosgnosis ago

Someone specifically set up an entirely new sub....for what reason? To control the narrative? Either way suspicious

Well, now that's completely shill talk there as everyone knows why v/theawakening got setup

Look, my account is over a year old - I know what a pathetic loser ghetto sub culture that Voat is.

Others know it too. Is why Q community kept setting up subreddits on Reddit for Q research instead of on Voat - even knowing that eventually Reddit would come down on them.

Voat is a ghetto sub culture loser ville because its denizens waste their energy on being dumb ass trolls on shit that other people have zero interest in

Shizy ago

"my account is over a year old"! Yeah, listen to this guy! Very credible with an aged account right? Explain why you have such low CCP?

Christosgnosis ago

because when I first came here and hung out for a while I came to realize that this place is an Internet ghetto sub culture for people that are pre-occupied with things like Muh Hitler Dick Sucking and Muh Racist Dogmas bs and eventually left

the only reason for coming back is for v/theawakening

but while am here, I'll use free speech to hold up a mirror so the Voat goats can see themselves as everyone else sees them

And hence why Voat, after being around years, has remained just an Internet ghetto sub culture hang out - even as the Bay Area tech company-ran social media sites have gone full Leftist-fascism censorship providing ample opportunity of independents to take off

But Voat will continue to languish because of its particular sub culture denizens

Shizy ago

Well there's another explanation that has been mentioned:

Christosgnosis ago

Or there's the Occam's razor explanation - came here when r/the_donald got knocked out for a while and a lot of folks thought it was permanent and so many came to Voat

Gave it a try off and on, but my main interest has been Q stuff and being on places where the real action is (was), and there's only so much time in the day. Can't be deeply involved in all sites so have to triage down to things that matter. Voat definitely wasn't a site that mattered.

So you got your pet conspiracy explanation or there's the straightforward Occam's Razzor explanation of my Voat account history of activity

I actually do wish Voat could become a significant rising site given the circumstances of pervasive Leftist censorship going on, but the Voat goat community is just inherently toxic for the reasons I've put out in my many comments of late. Sure my wording gets a bit hyperbolic, but everyone realizes there's a fair amount of truth behind my somewhat hyperbolic wording - and that, naturally ruffles your feathers

shrink ago

So, to boil this down, you hate this place because you don't like how people use their free speech. When a mod starts banning and deleting things they don't like, you don't have free speech. The only thing that reasonably gets deleted is illegal content or outright spam.

Most of us are adults with families. We aren't edgy teenagers being edgy for the sake of being edgy. The harsh language is a warrant canary for free speech. If you don't like all the swearing and insults, that's fine, and that's perfectly normal, but it exists for a reason. Your mods and how they acted PERFECTLY showcased the exact reason we have such language, they failed the litmus test utterly and completely. So they took you somewhere else where they had greater control.

You have no argument other than constantly restating "you guys just say too many mean things and troll everything." If your sub was set up correctly, anything off topic or offensive would get downvoated and hidden, without moderation at all. It would be easy. But that's not what happened. Yet you seem to completely fail at comprehending what people are trying to say here, and you keep getting pissy and defensive.

You're being led down the wrong path, and getting offended and running away is something those mods are counting on to control you.

Christosgnosis ago

no, it's simpler than that. v/theawakening was set up for people that want to concentrate on Q related matters

Voat goats come constantly pouring in telling everbody how its going to be

IOW, the rules of do as they will are fine for them, but not any new comers

To the extent that Voat goats want to keep coming in and trolling with their same old tired shit, yeah, that warrants some push back

If they were actually libertarian, and instead of more like ANTIFA fucks, they would be okay with other people establishing a sub forum and running it as they see fit, but they're not because they're a bunch of busy-body fucks and shit head trolls

You think being offended is something bad - well, are you offended at what the Pedos do? Yes, of course you are.

"Offended" is a too heavy of a word for my case, though. I'm more in the annoyed category

But I'm not inclined to just sit back and submit and say "yes, yes, you're right - I want to be like you Voat goats and assimilate - and suck Adolph Hitler's dick too and hate jews - even though President Trump has Jewish grandchildren that he loves and would have nothing to do with such demented shit

So you maybe you see why I don't mind telling you to stick your Adoph Hitler worship and Jew hatred up your fucking, stinking collective Voat goat asses

shrink ago

Voat goats come constantly pouring in telling everbody how its going to be

No, you had mods deleting and banning things that did not need to be deleted or banned, and gave unreasonable justification for Voat. The mods explicitly stated they were going to run things here like they did on reddit, and that certain things was not allowed to be said. That is the spark that started this, do not put the cart before the horse and confuse your causes and effects here. Because this was an infringement on free speech, goats came in and started telling the mods this was not acceptable site behavior. They were not attacking newcomers for not doing what they "were told," because we weren't telling the newcomers to do anything. We were calling the mods on their bullshit.

IOW, the rules of do as you will are fine for them, but not any new comers

You, as a group, were not doing as you will. You were along for the ride in a subverse that was autocratically controlled by moderators, who LED you. They were the ones making the calls. They also made sure that no downvoats were allowed, which meant that you as a community were not allowed to control your own content by downvoating things. That IS NOT free speech.

If they were actually libertarian

Who the fuck said we're libertarian? I believe in free speech, and I'm not libertarian. Lolbergtarianism is cancer and completely fails to understand how society as a cohesive collective fucking works. I'm not going to get sidetracked on this, but "free speech" doesn't automatically mean "we're libertarian." Come on.

other people establishing a sub forum and running it as they see fit

you were not running it. You did not have free speech. It makes no difference if everything the mods did was done with your blessing and you fully approved of handing over your free speech to them because you're so used to it on reddit, you either have it, or you do not, and you did not. You as a group ran nothing, you were all utterly at the mercy of the mods. I saw plenty of your new Q refugees come in and have a good laugh about the offensive language and said "this is funny, it's nice i can say this here," and a mod would come in and reply "no, no you can't, get your shit together." That IS NOT free speech.

yes, yes, you're right - I want to be like you Voat goats and assimilate - and suck Adolph Hitler's dick too and hate jews

Absolutely nobody is telling you to adopt our opinions on politics. By "assimilate," we mean "advocate for free speech, allow anyone to say anything and don't let it bother you." We don't mean you need to join in lockstep with us and adopt all our viewpoints.

So maybe you see why I don't mind telling you

Yeah, and we don't mind you telling us. That's how free speech works. We won't ban you for telling us to fuck off or that our Hitler worship is fucking gay. But you know what? If I went into your Q sub and said "this shit is all fucking dumb and you're falling for bait because you're retards that don't understand how this works, Q is retarded," then I would be banned by a mod for not "helping the cause." Yeah, you have NO problem with that right? No double standards here.

And lastly - does it look like I'm going anywhere

Did I say anything about going somewhere? The only thing I mentioned was that the mods of this sub wanted to pull people off to 8ch so they could more easily control the narrative. I didn't tell you to leave.

If you fail to comprehend the rationale for any of this, there is a far more in depth post here that discusses the problem.

If you have any problems with whatever is said in that thread, post there.

Vindicator ago

This is a great comment.

Pattern_Blind ago

This Niggerfaggot went Autist on you! <3 That Goat has been on the mountian a while they understand where all the good salt licks are.

Welcome to Voat new niggerfaggots! We are all just humble salt mines here. 1488!

Christosgnosis ago

It's pretty clear you're a particularly extreme control freak type - everything you Voat goats espouse is nothing abut pure hypocrisy of the highest order. Unless everyone submits to your particular form of fascism, then crack the whip of troll festing

You dudes are so completely odious its nauseating

shrink ago

...oh. So you're just going to completely ignore everything I said, pretend I gave you no explanations or arguments, and just keep saying the same stuff over and over even though I already addressed it.

You repeat a lie I already refuted and clearly didn't read a single thing. Why are you here? If you're not going to engage in conversation and actual arguments (of which you have provided NONE) then why waste time?

ExpertShitposter ago

Boomers brains have expired and they just shut down when backed into a corner and slapped across the face with truth.

Fagtardicus ago

The great masses could be saved, if only with the gravest sacrifice in time and patience.

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

guess who?

MadWorld ago

Very interesting perspective!

Archived to preserve the thread context:

shrink ago

Gradually I began to hate them.

Crensch ago

This is an absolutely fantastic end to a really great nest. I don't recall seeing you around before, but I hope to see more of you with this quality writing.

@Trigglypuff @gabara @ExpertShitposter @kevdude @MadWorld

ExpertShitposter ago

Hilarious bio as well.