Vindicator ago

Yeah, I saw this twat last week. The "I'm With Her" button is obvious.

GranimalSnake ago

The level of intelligence you folk are displaying is encouraging to someone new. It's nice to see honestly.

I fucking love you people.

think- ago


kneo24 ago

They aren't sending their best, that's for sure.

Shizy ago

A handful of comments, monthly, beginning 8 months ago and stopping 4 months ago. Until 2 days ago when he was told to go on the attack! But hey, "listen to me, I have a year old account so I'm credible"! What a dumbfuck!

GranimalSnake ago

I'm glad you guys are so on top of this shit. I'm sure it will intensify.

I'm just a newfag still, but if I can help in anyway, let me know. I'm a disabled non-combat Vet (12B) with a background in social media horseshit.

I've worked as a manager in CS for Amazon's digital products, and a lot of other varied things. (Before I knew their C_A connections... hell, I've presented to Bezos himself in a Kindle meeting).

Until then, I'm just gonna comment and learn.

Shizy ago

Please do!! I have seen you commenting, and we are happy to have you here! Feel free to post and share what you know.

zyklon_b ago

lets merda it

Mumbleberry ago

It will have to step out of the corral first.

zyklon_b ago

rape heals

Mumbleberry ago

Thank you for exposing this plant.