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mattathias ago


Why does your team hate our team so much if we are on the same side? Who are your are leaders? Who gives you your marching orders? Is it organic? Does your team mods have sock puppet avatars that stretch across multiple boards and multiple platforms? Are they paid and/or are they salary. Not a question. How can one mod with sock puppets manage and moderate one, two, three dozens of boards across the Internet. We know. They are not voluneteers.

"I really liked the guy until I read that." Yeah, right. Bullshit. I liked my wife until I read that... I liked my best friend until I read that... I liked my sister until I read that. If you are so trite to discount a friendship/likeability because of a difference of opinion... Hmmm.



I just registered and am taking my first look at voat. If it hadn't been for the ban at reddit I might not have ever been here at all. It's a bit unnerving to see threads like this welcoming everyone on the first page, but maybe that's not the norm least I hope it isn't.

Your team, our team, what difference does it make? Can we all just agree on some sort of common direction and take our own route there without destroying each other along the way? Is it necessary to make a special trip to a board you don't like just to tell everyone you don't like them?

Just try imagining your sub being deleted not once, but twice. We had a pretty large group before and kinda wanted to keep what we had instead of swamping someone else's community. Honestly, I don't know about the whole mod thing, but there were plenty of fine folks where we were before that are arriving here. Can we just give it a chance while everyone settles in?

sbbhareshills ago

As you can see with this post PV and SBBH irrefutably stalked serianbrain2's account and organized a -38 downvoat brigade Serialbrain2 didn't actually do anything wrong but PV shills were portraying him as trying to cheat the voat system and ccp farm. He was a voat noob and was trying to explain ccp to other voat noobs Actual ccp farming takes place from PV and SBBH as demonstrated by their 38 downvote accounts. They spent years sucking up to the admin and volunteer devs so they could get away with stuff like this. Top posts are PV shills doing personal army brigade requests and you can see SBBH in there doing their usual routine.

CantBuySkills ago

I read your statement and then looked at your uovoats... Jesus fucking christ, I'm in v/thetragedy. It's not a difference of opinion, it's a difference of principle.

WhiteDragonMage ago

good boy fall back in line. do as your told

mattathias ago

How many dicks do you suck a day?

WhiteDragonMage ago

sure we have free speech here but all of your above hateful comments clearly show that you lack the intelligence to have an actual debate. youve been analyzed. you are weak. when is the last time you had something important to say?

srayzie ago

Does it look like I hate your “team”?

ordinarymike ago

Take me to your leader....kek

Hand_of_Node ago

if we are on the same side?

"We're" not on the same side; You're reddit-tier. You and your mods were literally reddit users until they kicked you out, and if they hadn't, you'd still be there... Perhaps you can't smell your own stench, but it's overwhelming to anyone still having a sense of smell. Thanks for bringing that over here without even bathing first.

As far as your cult goes, I've seen a lot of cults come and go, but have no interest in "rescuing" anyone. You (and everyone) deserve the consequences you create for yourself.

mattathias ago




Are you the metric to guage the opposition here, this board. Is your team, are they truly Q researchers? Did Q ever say to back up your data because the boards are compromised? Yes they did. So if Q said to protect against coming censorship, how is that consequences that we created.

You are a traitor.

Hand_of_Node ago

this board

What board? This is a web site on the internet.

All that "Q" gibberish makes no sense and is irrelevant.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Q just posted!!! Don't worry about reading it for yourself though, I'll brave the evil super spooky website/hacker den known as 8chong and translate it for you: He says that we have to gas the kikes and race war now.

mattathias ago

Your mom is first in the oven and we'll have apple pie, that's what my wife told me.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Your wife can stay. Your faggot ass has to go back in the shed to do the "research" your jewish bosses demand of you. In fact, give her the controls. She's much funnier than you.

SandHog ago

There is no need for 'teams'. The fact that you are thinking like that should tell you something is wrong. What would be the point of having sockpuppets here? Anyone can look and see if there is mod-fuckery going on for themselves in the logs all the way back to creation of a sub here. All of the transparency so far has been pretty one-sided. Seems pretty easy to resolve if the mods here would care to discuss it.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Who are your are leaders?


FlappyJappy ago

I am the highest ranking anon here

mattathias ago

Do you know who your mods are?

Do they have alts across different platforms?

Has any Mod here at Voat been Mods anywhere else?

Are Mods here at Voat volunteers?

heygeorge ago

Do you know who your mods are?

Do they have alts across different platforms?

Has any Mod here at Voat been Mods anywhere else?

Are Mods here at Voat volunteers?

Voat ‘knows’ mods through their actions.

Do Voat’s GA mods sell t-shirts or beg for patreon donations/what have you?

What does it matter, so long as content is freely allowed?

See above, the Q capitalizers are selling a bill of goods.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"I demand to see your manager"

Kingmakerbreaker ago

Lol. Seriously though, there is some hurt shitpussy in voat on all sides. One team feels insulted they weren't good enough to merge with, and the newvoats from reddit are shields up from the repotting.

Divide and conquer tactics seem to be super effective....But are we done? I mean, the original great awakening team in voat wasn't trying to shut down the reddit board a week ago, what does it matter now that it's here?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm just here to bully redditors tbh, for fun and to keep censorship off voat, idk about the whole Q thing but wouldn't going straight to /Qresearch/ and just following Q himself be the most expedient option of all? why do you even need teams and middle managers?

Necro_clown ago

it's for pooling research.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they don't do that on 8chan? on the /Qresearch/ board?

Necro_clown ago

it's structured differently. this more closely resembles reddit, so the refugees come here because its less chaotic and loosely familiar to what they're used to.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

so a safe space?

Necro_clown ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why do you all need a safe space, you're all adults I assume and not children? you know haw to talk to other human beings, no? I don't get it

Necro_clown ago

A group of people discussing a similar topic isn’t a safe space. You’re free to come and go as well. That’s apparent by you being here attempting (poorly) to troll. That’s the literal opposite of a safe space. Keep up junior. 😘

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

your mods banned me when I tried to do so and even now that they reversed that they're still protecting you stupid faggots from the voting system. Because they know you're a bunch of babies that would cry if people could show that they disagree with you

Necro_clown ago

Lol like I could give a fuck. You’re talking to the wrong one. Ain’t no one counting karma but you sweet cheeks. Down vote me all you like. Lmao.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Necro_clown ago

IM ACTIVE IN OTHER SUBS- DOWNVOAT ME THERE STUPID FUCK. you can’t even troll correctly. You just look dumb as fuck. Hahaha.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

doesn't change the fact that your mods are protecting you here, you oversensitive faggot

Necro_clown ago

They’re not “my” mods you stupid nigger.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

then why are you here on the subverse they created for you? they're the mods you faggots brought here from reddit

Necro_clown ago

Are you- do you speak English? What about I visit all q subs and Chan’s did you not understand?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what does that have to do with anything?

Necro_clown ago

Oh so you just have bad reading comprehension. Typical of negros. That explains a lot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no you're just not making a point, you use this safe space the reddit mods set up for you, and you don't tell them to drop the restriction on voting because you're a bitch that needs a safe space. That's my point, even if you occasionally peak your head out you still mostly stay here under the protection of your mods nannying because you're scared. If I'm wrong tell the mods to drop the restrictions on voting

Necro_clown ago

Nah. I’m good. I’ll stay in the safe space where big mean bullies like you can’t hurt me in the feelings from their keyboards. Hahahahahahaha

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

well as long as you're aware that you're a pathetic bitch then I guess we agree

Necro_clown ago

You’re just mad you can’t have any of the brownies they baked. Shut up and eat your dirt cake and be happy.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't want brownies with fucking semen baked into them

heygeorge ago

They’re primarily 50-something empty nesters, sprinkled with stay-at-home moms, drunk laborers, rapists cleared on a technicality, and (I assume) some of them are good people.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oof reddit isn't sending their best

heygeorge ago

These are real Americans.

Honestly, they don’t even know how to rebbit their comments on the facebook messages.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

a real human bean indeed

heygeorge ago

Yes, this is the Q ‘movement’. Are you a follower?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

whether real or larp Q called for regime change in iran. Not my thing but i do like bullying redditors


i was thinking about that - why does the united states always have to have all these opinions on other countries - how is it the right of the united stated to call for regime change on the other side of the world?

heygeorge ago

Make a real account and be genuine or fuck back to whatever agency employs you in eastern europe.


hey george - what the fuck is a "real account" [you mental giant - nice fucking forehead] - an account is a fake thing on the fake internet. i am right here in california - you fascist, racist, contagious loudmouth


hahahaha for the record i imagined what you look like and then made fun of you for it

heygeorge ago

why does the united states always have to have all these opinions on other countries

Fake and/or Gay

Why do you have these opinions on other countries, including what you allege is your own?


let me be real clear on the gay thing - you are saying i am gay cuz i called you 'hey george' and it sounds gay - [and you are right - it sounds gay] - that is why i tell you to your fucking face that you are projecting - classic closet case - change your own gay name and stop projecting your own latent feelings. fucking loser. stfu - gthfoohfr


also - dumbfuck - since you managed to distract me entirely off of the conversation -


hey george, project much? you are the type of loser troll that debases others by being as ignorant as possible. i am the most authentic person in the world atm and you are something that i need to scrape off the bottom of my shoe. you might succeed in chasing me off this board but that will be a loss for you personally, not a win. i can never expect an inbread hillbilly like you to understand such a thing.

heygeorge ago


I like this. And I see that you called me a fascist and a racist. Ok. I take it all back. You’re now my favorite new Voater. Welcome to the board!


OK - I don't know what to say - i came here to call you a shithead again - but now it doesn't seem as appropriate


for the record - even tho i am not completely sure you are a shithead or inbread - i reallly legitimately think you probably are racist and fascist

heygeorge ago

I don’t think it’s productive to be so hard on yourself, unless (like some folks) those are the sorts of labels you’d like attached


you fucking martian

heygeorge ago

Please, mind your language. Would you talk to @CerealForBranesToo like that?


if you are not a martian, then why are you so green and grey?

heygeorge ago

Ever heard of Kermit?


you are a frog? pretty swampy...



Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Because of warhawks, oil companies, bankers, globalists, and most of all aipac

NotTheMeanest ago

Exactly!! 😂

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we're on the side of free speech, and we don't need leaders because we're free. If you're on a different side than that we're not on the same side, individual citizens with constitutional rights don't need a "team"

Jammer78 ago

It is impossible not to have leaders. The flaming and subverting of this sub and NR has been widescale and coordinated. Someone had to come up with and promote the idea to do that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

It is impossible not to have leaders.

it's called being free you communist faggot, and it's very possible

dajomo ago

yeah right, i can see that

Christosgnosis ago

You guys go and tuck behind your "free speech" like it's your mommy's apron

Reality is that you're all a bunch of puffed up pompous asses

Crensch ago

If you're better than us, why are we winning at every turn?

Christosgnosis ago

Voat has been around for years and has gone no where - the sub culture that inhabits it is the reason why

Otherwise, the world is ripe right now for independents to make it big given that all the Bay Area corporate-ran social media have gone extreme Leftist fascism with their censorship collusion

But Voat will miss the boat on this because of the Voat goat denizens - they are an Internet ghetto sub culture that like inhabiting a stinky outhouse and trolling anyone that comes along with their inane Hitler dick sucking and racial slur bs. That is all that they are about. Shit trolling completely defines who and what they are.

Their banter about free speech is just their cover for being a bunch of asshole trolls

srayzie ago

Oh isn’t that why your here? Because you didn’t have free speech? Is that not precious these days?

Christosgnosis ago

Trying to prove my point? All that goes on at Voat is trolling new comers with their inane Hitler dick sucking and racial slur bs. That is the epitome of what a Voat goat thinks free speech is all about - just being a fucking asshole troll

VisKyns ago

What the absolute fuck. How can you be so against free speech? This sounds so much like the people you say your supposed to be fighting.

"free speech."

I guess we were more infiltrated than I thought.

Christosgnosis ago

not against free speech

Am talking about people who do nothing with their free speech rights other than use it to troll other people with their inane Hitler dick sucking and "Muh Racism Is So Cool" bs

Crensch ago

I just used my words to rip neon Revolt a new asshole.

Christosgnosis ago

I use my words to put a mirror in front of Voat goats so that they are reminded what they look like to others - and thus why they'll always languish as an Internet ghetto sub culture

Vindicator ago

Voat goats don't give a fuck what they look like to others. That is exactly why they are able to destroy Shareblue disinfo pushers that try to confuse, discourage, distract and divide.

Christosgnosis ago

which is why Voat remains a permanent Internet ghetto - a minor concern that won't ever amount to anything of consequence

the Voat goat toxic sub culture squelches its own potential

Tzitzimitl ago

my fellow goats we must let the media matters run rampant in our homes in order to become successful

my mirror is better than yours

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oh yeah, me and my constitutional rights. I'm just so mean

Christosgnosis ago

Voat goats don't do a damn thing constructive with their free speech rights - they just use it as their excuse for being trolling assholes

everlastingphelps ago

Timothy 6:20-21

Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called gnosis, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith.

Christosgnosis ago

gnosis means knowledge and knowing, so you're using a Bible verse to tell people to shun knowledge

Well, that certainly wouldn't be a first

everlastingphelps ago

Heretics lie, folks. Anyone adhering to gnosticism is a heretic, and they are leading you away from Christ. St. Paul specifically warned us against it.

Christosgnosis ago

You realize that Paul was a first early Christian that became a follower because of a direct mystic experience he had? The very hallmark of what defined the genesis of Christianity - direct personal experiences/spiritual encounters of Yeshua after he'd been crucified?

Paul's sole authority in the early Christ-followers movement became founded on his personal mystical experience

It was much, much later - into the second century - when a man-devised hierarchy of structured church top-down authority began to be imposed in some circles, but that was not characteristic of the early church when folks like Paul were founding it

And the one Christian writing we have that dates from the first century, the Didache, that is primarily concerned with church organization (i.e., it was not a gospel tract nor an epistle - more of an instruction manual), it depicts churches as being autonomous - there was no over arching authority that wield dogma dispensation to subordinate churches. Every church and its elders had to work out these things as individual congregations. Today there are still churches that operate in that exact manner, such as the Church of Christ.

everlastingphelps ago

Yes, I realize all of that.

And Gnosticism is heresy.

Christosgnosis ago

my point, which went past you, is that the Apostle Paul's very ministry was founded on what is these days regarded as a gnostic Christian precept - individual mystical experience

Valentinius who lived 100 – c. 160 AD, a very prominent Christian theologian from Alexandria, but relocated to Rome where he vied to become a chief bishop of Rome and thus Pope over the church, he said he was taught by a person that had been a direct disciple of Paul. A direct follower of Valentinius crystallized that body of teaching into the writing, the Gospel of Truth, which has now become known to scholars again.

The first commentary, known to history, written on a Christian gospel, the Gospel of John, was written by a Valatinian Christian

In the first 2 to 3 centuries, there is no clear establishment of some single, authoritative church orthodoxy. That wouldn't really begin to come about until the 4th century under Emperor Constantine - and it would still be another full century before the theological victors prevailed in the culture.

At that time there were two principal factions of Christianity - the proto-orthodoxy that advocated behind what became legislatively codified as the doctrine of the Trinity, and then the Arians.

Even as the Trinity Doctrine is what legislatively prevailed, Constantine himself continued to retain his Arian palace bishop. IOW, at a personal level, the theological position of the Arians made more sense to Constantine, but the pragmatism of ruling the empire required unifying the church, and he was okay with the Trinitarians dominating the debate if that is what it took to bring unity to the church, and in turn, he hoped, unity to the empire.

But this was all just a matter of legislative outcomes. which then began to enjoy the endorsement of the Roman state - it was not any self-evident theology that was universal to all Christians as being obvious and self-evident. The Trinity Doctrine itself underwent nearly 2 centuries of evolution from the time it was first being espoused to the point where Constantine convened a counsel and it became ratified. Sadly, early church fathers that were pivotal in establishing the Trinity Doctrine were even later denounced for being heretical as the doctrine underwent evolution from generation to generation of church theologians.

But what was really a terrible scene was how Arians began to be dealt with by the prevailing Trinitarians. Some prominent figures amongst the Arians were taken by vicious mobs, beaten to death and their bodies desecrated - the Christian bishop authority over the city did nothing to restrain the mobs. This really set a bad tone for official state-sanctioned Christianity as would be further revealed in later church-committed atrocities down through the ages. Christians began to transform from being holy martyrs to being vicious, mob-psychology, self-appointed executioners.

everlastingphelps ago

It didn't go past me. It was a non sequitor.

Thanks for revealing yourself fully as a godless heretic.

Christosgnosis ago

well, early church history is marvelous topic to discuss - endlessly fascinating, so very much enjoyed the discourse - thanks

Vindicator ago

Christos, that is a bunch of bullshit. Voat contains the largest, most comprehensive and detailed trove of documented and crowdsourced research on elite corruption and abuse of kids of any single location in the world. The researchers documenting this stuff have repeatedly caused Voat to be subjected to DDoS, doxing, DMCA takedown requests, rejection by payment processors and every other sort of fuckery. The free-speech loving Voat goats you scorn have come to our aid repeatedly -- as "trolling assholes" -- to fight disinfo-pushing shills and keep the platform online.

I've written several threads on this, which you can find in my Submission history.

Christosgnosis ago

And yet Voat has remained a minor ghetto all these years where it could be something by now that starts to rival Reddit

And there's incredible oppurtunity that the California Bay Area social media giants are laying at your doorstep with their Leftist-fascist censorship

But it will pass Voat by

Because the ghetto sub culture of the Voat goats is toxic and doesn't have the brains to see that there's an incredible chance to now really make a difference in the world

ThatsSoJewish ago

If we aren't anything, why are there so many niggers like you posting about how nothing we are? Fuck off back to Faggit.

Tzitzimitl ago

oh no its retarded

Derpfroot ago

"I had my speech taken away, but free speech isn't important to me."

Christosgnosis ago

I despise when people use their free speech rights to do nothing with other than troll other people with their Hitler dick sucking and racist slur bs

And that is all the Voat goats amount to - dipshit trolls

So much for their vaunted free speech - and they're all fucking cookie cutter the same about it. It's as though there's just one asshole running all of Voat and he's created a bunch of fake accounts to use to go and troll new comers spouting the same stupid shit

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how can you not see how retarded this is? you're literally trying to dictate to people how they should be free. Can you even define freedom?

Christosgnosis ago

Dude, there's fresh Q drops so am getting my attention back to that instead of wasting any more time with the hopeless Voat goats crowd

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the hopeless Voat goats crowd

can you really not understand why you recieve such poor treatment when you act like this?

Tzitzimitl ago

anybody staying on reddit after all those wrongthinkers got holocausted is probably not very smart

Christosgnosis ago

I'm not complaining about my treatment personally - I fully expect the wretched Voat goats to be triggered by my calling them on their sordid shit

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

shit like letting you in after reddit kicked you to the curb?

Crensch ago

I like how the best argument you have is a tone fallacy where you ignore the content of our words because delivery method hurt your feelings.

Christosgnosis ago

The dip shit Voat goats keep pushing their troll shit on everyone that they claim is invading their space - even when there's a sub forum set up to where they can just ignore it. So there's no invading of the space of the old goats. It's the exact reverse.

If they would keep their Muh Love of Hitler Dick Sucking and Muh Love of Despising Other Races in all the other forums they inhabit, then it wouldn't matter.

But Voat goats aren't libertarian in their beliefs - they're just like ANTIFA fags in their mentality - always trying to shove their shit onto others when it's clearly not being invited

heygeorge ago

I like how the best argument you have is a tone fallacy where you ignore the content of our words because delivery method hurt your feelings.

Lol seriously like 4 real!

Christosgnosis ago

If you Voat goats claim it's all a delivery method for your particular enlightenment, well the delivery method is precisely what keeps you relegated to an Internet ghetto sub culture sewer hang out

The situation is ripe for independent sites to take advantage of the massive fascist censorship being pushed by the California Bay Area social media companies, but the Voat goats are just too collectively dumb ass to see that and seize the opportunity - start to actually make a difference with a free speech site

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if we accepted people like you and your cancerous mods it'd quickly stop being a free speech site, because you don't believe in free speech

Christosgnosis ago

there you go again dictating how it's supposed to be - IOW you are fascist because you can't tolerate people with a common interest setting up a sub forum to run it the way they want

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm not forcing you to do anything am I? I'm just utilizing my right to free speech. Users like me and many others have worked very hard to make and keep voat as a site dedicated to the principal of free speech. I guess you just hate the first amendment but I disagree

Christosgnosis ago

no, what you've really done is just use free speech to keep Voat a pig pen

instead of using free speech to do something constructive

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

also free means I can do whatever I want with it, the first amendment makes no stipulations about having to be constructive you communist faggot

Christosgnosis ago

sure, you're content to be degenerate - I get that

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's nothing degenerate about the first amendment

Christosgnosis ago

no, but I personally regard the squandering of the 1st amendment by just pissing and shitting on it is being degenerate (for the reasons I've previously commented to with my sometimes a bit hyperbolic language)

So v/theawakening is finally starting to light up with Q-related, Storm-related, Drain-the-Swamp related postings and I'm going to get back to what my core interest are - the reason I've bothered to come back to Voat

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

by just pissing and shitting on it

where did anyone do so?

Christosgnosis ago

referring to the pet hobby horse subject matters popular with Voat goats - the Hitler worship, the race hating dogmatism - and their compulsion to push that shit on everyone else that shows up in Voat

Food_Stamp ago

Translation: Im chimping out at you because I cant handle finding out that most of the shit I believe is false.

Christosgnosis ago

Well, diatribe and shilling is far from convincing

Food_Stamp ago

If that were the case you wouldnt be so butthurt. You're chimping out becsuse you can no longer defend your beliefs.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the Hitler worship, the race hating dogmatism

aka: "things among many others that are protected under the first amendment"

can you really stand by this argument of basically "saying things I don't want to hear" isn't free speech? the whole point of freedom and liberty is that people can do things that offend you, and you can do things that offend them. In fact you can do basically whatever you want within the limits of law, because this is a free country. Hitler worshipers and racists have constitutional rights even if you don't want them to, because everyone does. That's the point.

Christosgnosis ago

there's more to the 1st amendment than just indulging in degeneracy - it also involves the freedom to call out degenerates and shame them in respect to their degeneracy - being that it's entirely irresponsible to let degeneracy slide with no critique

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sure there's more to it, but what you keep trying to deride as "degeneracy" is part of the 1st amendment. Also if you want to call out and shame them go ahead. That's my point they can say things you don't want to hear, but you can say things they don't want to hear back. If you want to do that you have the freedom to do so here, critique away.

Christosgnosis ago

What you just said is pretty much my entire position - 1st amendment works both ways. I've certainly gotten flak for my critiquing the Voat goats, but, of course, that's entirely to be expected. But seems they're also not that used to getting much push-back. They've been inhabiting an unhealthy echo chamber

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

is it your position? you seem to be complaining that nazis and racists are using their free speech here

Christosgnosis ago

Only care in one respect - the QAnon research community came here as refugees from Reddit with an interest to reestablish the forum we had. Hence v/theawakening. As a community we have focus interest on matters pertaining to Q drops, the Trump Storm, draining the Swamp, taking out the trash in Deep State, et al. Hitler worship and racial hatred dogmas are not in that nexus of our community interest. So it annoys me when old Voat goats insist on brigading v/theawakening in attempts to ramrod their pet interest into this forum. It's the only reason I bother to give them any pushback. I don't care what goes on in other forums.

Today hasn't been too bad - still been a few old Voat goat post attempting to shill and troll, but its been at a tolerable level. The Q-thematic posting has started to ramp up - prodded along by some fresh Q drops.

You know the ironies of ironies here, is that the age of my Voat account basically qualifies me as an old Voat goat - now isn't that a hoot :-)

It's been nice in one respect, though, as I already had some post history and comment history on other forums and it kind of has given me a leg up amongst the Newbies piling into v/theawakening, who are having to start from scratch with completely virgin accounts

BTW, is there any kind of Christianity forum worth looking at here? I don't care for the bland conventional stuff but more toward gnostic, mystic, and esoteric oriented

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

well free speech is in the nexus of voat, even free speech for those dang hitler loving racists you love so much. Also the reason you got brigaded was because you mods were censoring people who criticized them. Honestly I think you should be ashamed of yourself, you keep talking down to the people here that didn't put up with your mods shit but you know what's a fact?

the Hitler loves and racists that came here care more about free speech than you do

and free speech is a fundamental American value, so as far as I'm concerned all these hitler loving racists and trolls you hate so much? they're more american and more patriotic than you. And age doesn't mean anything if you hardly ever participated in the site.

there's no particular forum here for religion at least not one I've seen much of.

Christosgnosis ago

Don't flatter yourself - you old Voat goats just use free speech to hide behind when you being nothing but pompous asses and jerks

Kind of reminds me of the self-righteous attitude that the religious fundamentalist get hung up on. You guys basically chant "free speech" over and over again as though it's an incantation that gives you a license to come off as any kind of pathetic shit head you want to be. Sorry, not impressed by your antics.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we use it to call out censorship, like what your mods were doing and they banned us for pointing out their censorship. But you don't care about that because you don't care about free speech.

Christosgnosis ago

So far I've been doing okay. I've pissed off the old Voat goats rather royally and yet I'm still here.

As to v/theawakening, I haven't had any issues about participating - been able to comment and post - my stats go up.

And I don't know any of the mods nor have any connections to anybody, just a lone shark.

Just seems to me, based on the steady shill posting that keeps attacking the v/theawakening and its mods, looks like the old Voat goats are basically out of sorts that there are two forums for QAnon stuff - the incumbent v/GreatAwakening and the recent refugees' v/theawakening.

Why can't we all just be one united group existing in one subverse? Well, people coming here as refugees were well aware of the Voat ghetto sub culture mentality of the place. And sure, there were pre-existing mods that wanted to maybe run things as they were before.

So for a site that caters to the creation of subverses so as to suit everyone's taste, on paper none of this should really be a problem. Everyone should be libertarian enough to respect each others preferences. Yet the old Voat goats have just been really bent out of shape about the appearance of a new subverse that is catering to a particular community. That community was trying to operate on its own ideas and that didn't line up at all with the way old Voat goats expect things to be. But it's not a subverse that any of them created. If old Voat goats are truly libertarian in their philosophy as they so vociferously proclaim, then they should be big enough to be tolerant of new communities that are doing their thing.

If v/theawakening gets to some point that jars my sensibilities for freedom of expression, I'll be man enough to admit it to you

But again, I don't think that that is really the chief concern - old Voat goats want just one Q-related subverse. Now that in itself evokes some control-freak psychology kind of issues being at play

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the old voat goats are out of sorts because your mods banned them from this sub for trying to explain the CCP restrictions they put in place here or trying to show you where the mod logs are so you can see what posts they delete and who they ban

Christosgnosis ago

is there a way to make peace between the tribes and call off the blood shed?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it would help if your mods weren't being caught right now running vote farms to cheat the CCP restrictions

Christosgnosis ago

Dismay amongst refugee newbies with the lay of the land for how Voat rules work seems rather common - is not just the mods grinding on the bit

It's typical that those that are in charge of trying to manage something think that they need some points of leverage here and there to do that with effectiveness

So tell me, in your estimation, what do you think their objective is?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I just think too many cooks spoil the soup, I'd say 12 but the mod team here keeps switching out members and other people seem to clearly be working with them, and they've admitted to me they have a discord. So you've got upwards of like 15 people all tripping over each other about how to get settled on voat, and how to run the subverse and I'm not surprised that they're having trouble and making bad decisions. You'd be better off is 1 mod decided to run the subverse and maybe 1-2 others came on with him to help clean up spam. Then add more mods as is necessary as the subverse gets bigger, and the rest of their mod team/inner circle or whatever could just use voat like normal fucking users and naturally build up CCP like anyone else had to do when they first got here.

Christosgnosis ago

Okay, some Keystone cops is what we're seeing

But if things here get ramped up to the scale of the subreddit that was shutdown, then it would probably be too much for just one or a few to manage. Am thinking the numbers count is to be prepped for the scale so that the load could be shared

The visible subcriber base there was about 71K. And then a Q drop threw out a number of 270K - don't know if that referred to unique views or an actual subscriber count - given Reddit is completely deceptive about all that.

Either number is a lot of scale for one or two to three to try to deal with

And when things get active again, the shills will show up and they will be relentless because they get paid to work in shifts

One would presume there will be no Voat boats aimed at the subverse the way Reddit allowed Reddit bots be created to attack and control the old subreddit

But perhaps there will be fake accounts spun up and external AI bots could drive those. Maybe that's where the rules of Voat will make it a bit stiffer for fake accounts to get up off the ground and do much

At any rate, this is the face of modern warfare and the mods constitute the front line of defense

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if you actually had 70k or 300k people here that'd be one thing but as of now you still don't. Shills can't handle the crushing here even if they could just spam them with gore, bots and fake accounts are a lot harder to work here because of the CCP restrictions

Christosgnosis ago

The worse bots at Reddit are the ones Reddit allows themselves - where they expose API access to left wing Soros-sponsored groups - perhaps even Deep State goons themselves

External bots are more tractable to try and defend against

That 71K count took some time to build up to, but I think we could get to that level again more quickly. If we get the base to 15K to 20K and the internal internecine wars here on Voat simmer down, I think folks will start feeling comfortable to come here and the word will get out and around - then could start to ramp again pretty quickly. Only this time there would be clear opportunity to blow on past 71K because there'd be no Reddit and its fuckery.

When get to that level, Voat ownership should start thinking of courting a better class of advertisers that would advertise products that this community might care about. Could help pay operating cost and ability to scale to meet levels of new membership growth. Folks don't mind those minimal sidebar ads so much if restricted to one or two. And if it's a product that would actually like, all the better. For instance, iTarget sells a cool laser-based bullet for dry firing a firearm in the home and target practicing for improved aim. Get product advertisers like that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we don't have bots like that here, and again you lot keep bringing up your numbers but it doesn't mean anything here till they get here. "Voat ownership" is one guy and the site is user funded, even all the dumb ads on the sidebar are something the users put up, there are no advertisers here. If anything you lot would have to use bitcoin to send putt money directly if you wanted to help him with hosting

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


please copy and paste my above suggestion to your discord

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I use free speech to protect free speech, by driving off people who don't believe in free speech merely by speaking to them

Christosgnosis ago

I use my free speech to trigger Hitler worshipers and Racial hatred dogmatist - IOW, to trigger the scum

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Hitler was a nice guy though, he didn't even do anything wrong lol

Christosgnosis ago

Hence why the assassination attempts on the dude, no doubt

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yup, he was a pure soul who did nothing wrong and evil ((("people"))) hated him for it

Christosgnosis ago

No, you're putting admiration in the wrong places. General Rommel was an honorable German aristocrat and as a general he was hugely admired and loved by the troops he commanded. He took a side against Hitler because he loved Germany. He was so admired that Hitler gave him the ultimatum to commit suicide.

Hitler, in contrast to Rommel, was a mediocre artist that like a lot of pathetic mediocre people (i.e., the leftist ANTIFA/SJW crowd), project their own inner pathetic failings on to other groups and engage in narcissistic blame transfer or projection.

Its the very thing that Q covers over and over again about the corrupt DC Swamp culture. Hitler was just a kind of Hillary Clinton personality type. Her projection and Hitler's projection sprang from the same inner psychological pathology.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Erwin Rommel was a traitor and probably a jew, nothing honorable about that a soldier's duty is to follow orders, and hitler's paintings were actually quite good but you'll need to be more specific of your critique if you want to have any sort of meaningful dialogue about art. In what way was he mediocre?

Hitler was just a kind of Hillary Clinton personality type.

I'd like to hear more actual justification for this, what do you even know about the man?

Christosgnosis ago

Hitler's art was not well received and he wasn't able to establish a career as an artist that was going anywhere. He blamed others for that - instead of looking inward and introspecting on himself - classic behavior of a psychological narcisssist; exactly how Hillary blamed everything and everyone around her for losing the 2016 election. Shit, who knows, maybe Hillary is a reincarnation of Hitler. Spiritual beings seem to require many human life times to learn lessons and improve on themselves and then move onward.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

being mediocre and not being well received are entirely different things. Besides which have you seen college admission rates recently, if it's so ridiculous for hitler to suggest that an art school treated him unfairly why can't asians get into medical school in america, compared to blacks with much worse grades. but no that's something that never happens, school admissions have always been run fairly. That's the flimsiest comparison I've ever heard, if I ever hear you complain that trump gets unfairly compared to hitler by the media I'm going to remember this and grind you into the dirt for it.

Christosgnosis ago

You know what's really infuriating - is how the "mainstream" media, the SJW cucks, the Libtards, the whacko crazy Democrats are always trying to say President Trump is a Nazi - literally Hitler. So insulting.

Those dudes are so far out in outer space - they're beyond Pluto - they really annoy me Yugely

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't know has he ever blamed anyone else for something? because people who blame things on other people are in fact literally hitler.

I'm implying that you're a hypocrite if that wasn't obvious, I normally wouldn't ruin my own fun but a lot of you redditors are too thick for me to be snide

Christosgnosis ago

Well, I was just looking forward to you trying to grind me into the dirt

Derpfroot ago

Valid criticism is not trolling. Someone specifically set up an entirely new sub....for what reason? To control the narrative? Either way suspicious...and when someone brings it up, you can't dismiss it with "troll." Think logically, right?

Christosgnosis ago

Someone specifically set up an entirely new sub....for what reason? To control the narrative? Either way suspicious

Well, now that's completely shill talk there as everyone knows why v/theawakening got setup

Look, my account is over a year old - I know what a pathetic loser ghetto sub culture that Voat is.

Others know it too. Is why Q community kept setting up subreddits on Reddit for Q research instead of on Voat - even knowing that eventually Reddit would come down on them.

Voat is a ghetto sub culture loser ville because its denizens waste their energy on being dumb ass trolls on shit that other people have zero interest in

Shizy ago

"my account is over a year old"! Yeah, listen to this guy! Very credible with an aged account right? Explain why you have such low CCP?

Christosgnosis ago

because when I first came here and hung out for a while I came to realize that this place is an Internet ghetto sub culture for people that are pre-occupied with things like Muh Hitler Dick Sucking and Muh Racist Dogmas bs and eventually left

the only reason for coming back is for v/theawakening

but while am here, I'll use free speech to hold up a mirror so the Voat goats can see themselves as everyone else sees them

And hence why Voat, after being around years, has remained just an Internet ghetto sub culture hang out - even as the Bay Area tech company-ran social media sites have gone full Leftist-fascism censorship providing ample opportunity of independents to take off

But Voat will continue to languish because of its particular sub culture denizens

Shizy ago

Well there's another explanation that has been mentioned:

Christosgnosis ago

Or there's the Occam's razor explanation - came here when r/the_donald got knocked out for a while and a lot of folks thought it was permanent and so many came to Voat

Gave it a try off and on, but my main interest has been Q stuff and being on places where the real action is (was), and there's only so much time in the day. Can't be deeply involved in all sites so have to triage down to things that matter. Voat definitely wasn't a site that mattered.

So you got your pet conspiracy explanation or there's the straightforward Occam's Razzor explanation of my Voat account history of activity

I actually do wish Voat could become a significant rising site given the circumstances of pervasive Leftist censorship going on, but the Voat goat community is just inherently toxic for the reasons I've put out in my many comments of late. Sure my wording gets a bit hyperbolic, but everyone realizes there's a fair amount of truth behind my somewhat hyperbolic wording - and that, naturally ruffles your feathers

shrink ago

So, to boil this down, you hate this place because you don't like how people use their free speech. When a mod starts banning and deleting things they don't like, you don't have free speech. The only thing that reasonably gets deleted is illegal content or outright spam.

Most of us are adults with families. We aren't edgy teenagers being edgy for the sake of being edgy. The harsh language is a warrant canary for free speech. If you don't like all the swearing and insults, that's fine, and that's perfectly normal, but it exists for a reason. Your mods and how they acted PERFECTLY showcased the exact reason we have such language, they failed the litmus test utterly and completely. So they took you somewhere else where they had greater control.

You have no argument other than constantly restating "you guys just say too many mean things and troll everything." If your sub was set up correctly, anything off topic or offensive would get downvoated and hidden, without moderation at all. It would be easy. But that's not what happened. Yet you seem to completely fail at comprehending what people are trying to say here, and you keep getting pissy and defensive.

You're being led down the wrong path, and getting offended and running away is something those mods are counting on to control you.

Christosgnosis ago

no, it's simpler than that. v/theawakening was set up for people that want to concentrate on Q related matters

Voat goats come constantly pouring in telling everbody how its going to be

IOW, the rules of do as they will are fine for them, but not any new comers

To the extent that Voat goats want to keep coming in and trolling with their same old tired shit, yeah, that warrants some push back

If they were actually libertarian, and instead of more like ANTIFA fucks, they would be okay with other people establishing a sub forum and running it as they see fit, but they're not because they're a bunch of busy-body fucks and shit head trolls

You think being offended is something bad - well, are you offended at what the Pedos do? Yes, of course you are.

"Offended" is a too heavy of a word for my case, though. I'm more in the annoyed category

But I'm not inclined to just sit back and submit and say "yes, yes, you're right - I want to be like you Voat goats and assimilate - and suck Adolph Hitler's dick too and hate jews - even though President Trump has Jewish grandchildren that he loves and would have nothing to do with such demented shit

So you maybe you see why I don't mind telling you to stick your Adoph Hitler worship and Jew hatred up your fucking, stinking collective Voat goat asses

shrink ago

Voat goats come constantly pouring in telling everbody how its going to be

No, you had mods deleting and banning things that did not need to be deleted or banned, and gave unreasonable justification for Voat. The mods explicitly stated they were going to run things here like they did on reddit, and that certain things was not allowed to be said. That is the spark that started this, do not put the cart before the horse and confuse your causes and effects here. Because this was an infringement on free speech, goats came in and started telling the mods this was not acceptable site behavior. They were not attacking newcomers for not doing what they "were told," because we weren't telling the newcomers to do anything. We were calling the mods on their bullshit.

IOW, the rules of do as you will are fine for them, but not any new comers

You, as a group, were not doing as you will. You were along for the ride in a subverse that was autocratically controlled by moderators, who LED you. They were the ones making the calls. They also made sure that no downvoats were allowed, which meant that you as a community were not allowed to control your own content by downvoating things. That IS NOT free speech.

If they were actually libertarian

Who the fuck said we're libertarian? I believe in free speech, and I'm not libertarian. Lolbergtarianism is cancer and completely fails to understand how society as a cohesive collective fucking works. I'm not going to get sidetracked on this, but "free speech" doesn't automatically mean "we're libertarian." Come on.

other people establishing a sub forum and running it as they see fit

you were not running it. You did not have free speech. It makes no difference if everything the mods did was done with your blessing and you fully approved of handing over your free speech to them because you're so used to it on reddit, you either have it, or you do not, and you did not. You as a group ran nothing, you were all utterly at the mercy of the mods. I saw plenty of your new Q refugees come in and have a good laugh about the offensive language and said "this is funny, it's nice i can say this here," and a mod would come in and reply "no, no you can't, get your shit together." That IS NOT free speech.

yes, yes, you're right - I want to be like you Voat goats and assimilate - and suck Adolph Hitler's dick too and hate jews

Absolutely nobody is telling you to adopt our opinions on politics. By "assimilate," we mean "advocate for free speech, allow anyone to say anything and don't let it bother you." We don't mean you need to join in lockstep with us and adopt all our viewpoints.

So maybe you see why I don't mind telling you

Yeah, and we don't mind you telling us. That's how free speech works. We won't ban you for telling us to fuck off or that our Hitler worship is fucking gay. But you know what? If I went into your Q sub and said "this shit is all fucking dumb and you're falling for bait because you're retards that don't understand how this works, Q is retarded," then I would be banned by a mod for not "helping the cause." Yeah, you have NO problem with that right? No double standards here.

And lastly - does it look like I'm going anywhere

Did I say anything about going somewhere? The only thing I mentioned was that the mods of this sub wanted to pull people off to 8ch so they could more easily control the narrative. I didn't tell you to leave.

If you fail to comprehend the rationale for any of this, there is a far more in depth post here that discusses the problem.

If you have any problems with whatever is said in that thread, post there.

Vindicator ago

This is a great comment.

Pattern_Blind ago

This Niggerfaggot went Autist on you! <3 That Goat has been on the mountian a while they understand where all the good salt licks are.

Welcome to Voat new niggerfaggots! We are all just humble salt mines here. 1488!

Christosgnosis ago

It's pretty clear you're a particularly extreme control freak type - everything you Voat goats espouse is nothing abut pure hypocrisy of the highest order. Unless everyone submits to your particular form of fascism, then crack the whip of troll festing

You dudes are so completely odious its nauseating

shrink ago

...oh. So you're just going to completely ignore everything I said, pretend I gave you no explanations or arguments, and just keep saying the same stuff over and over even though I already addressed it.

You repeat a lie I already refuted and clearly didn't read a single thing. Why are you here? If you're not going to engage in conversation and actual arguments (of which you have provided NONE) then why waste time?

ExpertShitposter ago

Boomers brains have expired and they just shut down when backed into a corner and slapped across the face with truth.

Fagtardicus ago

The great masses could be saved, if only with the gravest sacrifice in time and patience.

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

guess who?

MadWorld ago

Very interesting perspective!

Archived to preserve the thread context:

shrink ago

Gradually I began to hate them.

Crensch ago

This is an absolutely fantastic end to a really great nest. I don't recall seeing you around before, but I hope to see more of you with this quality writing.

@Trigglypuff @gabara @ExpertShitposter @kevdude @MadWorld

ExpertShitposter ago

Hilarious bio as well.

srayzie ago

Then leave. Obviously free speech isn’t that important to you.

Christosgnosis ago

No, I like hanging around and putting a mirror in front of Voat goats so they can see themselves for what they are

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how rude, I can do both I'm a very constructive trolling asshole

Crensch ago

Why does your team hate our team so much if we are on the same side?

Did you read my submission? Some of your team are not on the same side as anyone not being shady.

Who are your are leaders?

I don't have a leader, and I lead no one.

Who gives you your marching orders?

Project much? I give myself my marching orders.

Is it organic?

I'm mostly made of carbon, so... yes?

Does your team mods have sock puppet avatars that stretch across multiple boards and multiple platforms?

Never heard any credible claims of anyone I associate with having such. Reddit, however, has a lot of those kinds of people - some EMPLOYED by Reddit.

Are they paid and/or are they salary. Not a question.

Nice psychological tactic there. What do you call that one? Begging the question?

How can one mod with sock puppets manage and moderate one, two, three dozens of boards across the Internet. We know. They are not voluneteers.

You sound like you know a lot about such things. Maybe you could educate us?

"I really liked the guy until I read that." Yeah, right. Bullshit. I liked my wife until I read that... I liked my best friend until I read that... I liked my sister until I read that. If you are so trite to discount a friendship/likeability because of a difference of opinion... Hmmm.

You seem unaware that shills often couch their lies and misdirections in a LOT of repeated truths and morale-boosting rhetoric. You haven't been outside of your safe space for very long, have you?

Oh, wait, you're probably one of those working to keep everyone IN that safe space, aren't you?

think- ago

Is it organic?

I'm mostly made of carbon, so... yes?


jonnyquest ago

Thank you for being a good sport. I dunno who this guy is you're responding to, and I give you a lot of credit for even bothering. Anyone who is going to criticize the idea of free speech is a class A moron in my book, and these double fucking standards are fucking pathetic.

Also love the organic answer. Fuck this guy!

kneo24 ago

They aren't sending their best shills and Jews. They've been too busy hanging out on Reddit that they can't manage to be effective here at all.

phbalanced4adingo ago

You could be right about all of these things but what do do you gain from being the mod for the reddit refugees? Mostly unappreciated headaches. Be happy that the community is surviving somehow or work on the one you mod to be the best it can be and prove him wrong.

Crensch ago

You could be right about all of these things but what do do you gain from being the mod for the reddit refugees?

I don't care, and how is that relevant?

Mostly unappreciated headaches.

Like the side-bar where your bans and removals can be seen by all?

Be happy that the community is surviving somehow or work on the one you mod to be the best it can be and prove him wrong.

1) What makes you think you can tell me how to live my life?

2) I already proved him wrong.

3) I don't mod a Q subverse.

phbalanced4adingo ago

1) I'm a well adjusted sane adult. You are not.

Crensch ago

Being "well adjusted" to the current society would make me pretty fucked in the head, IMO.

You can keep that dubious honour.

@Trigglypuff @Rainy-Day-Dream @kevdude

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

imagine caring more about being perceived as "well adjusted sane" than fundamental american values like free speech, or the human value of not wanting to be lied to and manipulated by those in power

mattathias ago

Is your mom's vagina a safe space?


srayzie ago

Well look at you fellow patriot. Educate you? Isn’t that what Q has been helping us with? There is only one side if you're on the Q team.

👏🏻👏🏻 Good job representing the Q movement. 🇺🇸

I think somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed and needs to go read some Q posts and be reminded on the meaning of division.

heygeorge ago

Team Q. 300K

No evidence. Show me where Voat’s traffic bump (despite also bringing in additional banned Rebbit refugees) remotely resembled that number. I saw 3500 additional users during the peak.

You’re nearly all being lead by questionable people selling t-shirts.

heygeorge ago

So, first off, from your link:

Does no one do even the slightest amount of research? This took two minutes to find.

The number shown reflects who will see the ad, which is comprised of subscribers AND people who have recently visited the sub, regardless of subscribing or not.

It's in Reddit's advertising information

That’s an inaccurate number. Also, it’s from r/td which has nothing to do with the sub we’re talking about.

Also, Voat reasonably accurately shows how many people are in a given subverse at one time, and how many subscribers there are. The max I have seen attendees at is 7500, which is also about the same number is subscribers.

There is no 300k.

Nearly all of you are being lead by questionable people selling t-shirts.

mattathias ago

That's your opinion. I have mine. We can disagree. I care two fucks about people selling shirts, and don't need any shepards.

I used T_D because it was an easy stat to cite; you missed the point which was in how Conde Nast sells ads which not based on 'subscribers'.

And we crashed your servers when we migrated last week. So 7500 newbies crashed your site?

heygeorge ago

I care... about people selling shirts, and... need... shepards.

If the founder of your cause is a tshirt slinger, you may want to reconsider what you think.

heygeorge ago

Yeah, 7500 additional active users would certainly ‘crash’ Voat, because it’s kept low budget, ie enough to keep the lights on via donation and what @PuttItOut is willing to accede to us.

You can call out my opinion, but I don’t deal in opinions. I deal in fact-based evidence. Voat isn’t CN owned. Show me evidence to the contrary and I will gladly change my view! Fortunately, I am sure you cannot.

Silverlining ago

How ya doin'

Yes, those numbers have been niggling. 70k subs on r/GA under 10k migrate - I imagine 50% (guess) subs are inactive and just haven't been deleted.

Q faking the figures?


Does voat have similar stats? Are they available to all or just B/Os. Could they be - for transparency, perhaps.

May be discouraging for a few of the less busy boards - but I'm happy blogging a haand full of bots...

And of course measurement (observation) changes reality (or something)

Happy Qwakening - another big week ahead.

PuttItOut ago

I want to see their t-shirts. Have a url?

heygeorge ago

Here’s a sample!

PuttItOut ago

Top Seller!

heygeorge ago

The flag is backwards, but who cares?

I didn’t notice the site down. Are you still planning to push?

srayzie ago

I’m sure he made Trump and Q proud

PacaGoat ago

Yep, here's the epthomy of maturity. I've seen this very type of wording used by someone under another name elsewhere. Carelful cat daddy. This is bad juju.

Shizy ago

I really wish I could downvoat you!

mattathias ago

I really wish your dad's sperm went into a sock. Or some hippy's mouth. But dammit, you are a survivor. Glad to meet you.

  • mossomo

Shizy ago

It's kinda weird that you're thinking of my dads sperm, but ok, faggot!

mattathias ago

I'm a nigger faggot with a Big Black Cock and want to come in your mouth. You ready?

Shizy ago

I'd shoot you're filthy dick off before it would ever get close to me niggerfaggot!

mattathias ago

Where should I sit on the bus?

kneo24 ago

In the wheel well where you belong.

mattathias ago

Aren't you the gangster. How big are your biceps?


kneo24 ago

I can't wait for the day of the rope for when we gas your (((kind))).

mattathias ago


Keep trying. Almost 6000 years. Not dead yet.

Gas me? Is that a death threat? Is that how it goes here?

Listen carebears.

My bloodline would hunt you down, they would cut off your nose and smear it in the glass of the microwave window/pane while you watched you youngest infanct/child get hot and moist on the lowest heat levels.

kneo24 ago

My bloodline would hunt you down, they would cut off your nose and smear it in the glass of the microwave window/pane while you watched you youngest infanct/child get hot and moist on the lowest heat levels.

That's some heavy larping shit right there. You fucking rat kikes have spent thousands of years, not fighting overtly, not being at the front lines, but instead hiding in the shadows trying to subvert everything. In turn, it has turned your bloodlines weak. Your bloodlines are nothing but one big genetic deformity. It's why you have disgusting, ugly noses that no one wants any part of. It's why most of you look like weak, willed, short, soy boys. You fear everyone else. Hold onto that fear, it's all you'll ever have.

@Kosherhivekicker, found another one. Sorry to keep pinging you man, but this Jew infestation has gotten bigger.

Shizy ago

He's either a Jew or a nigger. Actually sounds like both.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Vote on VOAT!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14021082:

less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

That's because it's the mods there, and their "friends" creating the racist graffiti here.

Who are their friends? SBBH/SRS

Careful who you follow.

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kneo24 ago

I'm starting to believe their mod team is full of Jews as well. Some on the mod team here are Jews as well. They're somehow always the victims here on Voat.

mattathias ago

Larping, larping, larping

Juice will rule the world... Who doesn't like Gingers Snaps?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you faggots keep alluding to this 300k but there's less than 700 users here right now and a lot of those are probably actual voat users here to bully you

mattathias ago

Fair enough question

Do you not think you and your ilk's scare tactics don't ice people from commenting here?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm trying to drive people off, I detest redditors and pussies who can't handle bad words, but I don't need admins or mods to force anyone off when I can just bully them for a day and they'll leave of their own free will. If you trash want to stay I can't actually stop you because freedom of course, but if it isn't apparent I don't want you people here anyway

Crensch ago

You're really not very good at this.

"Some of your team are not on the same side"

I like how you cut my quote off. I said:

Some of your team are not on the same side as anyone not being shady.

Do you see the difference? One is a quote of my words, and the other is you being dishonest.

Thanks for confirming.

Thank YOU for confirming that you're unqualified to defend your mods.

Our side is Team Q. 300K.

And you're the best they've got? I'll take my team of 1, thanks.

What has anyone said in our short period here that undermines Team Q?

What of what your mods have said or done doesn't undermine Team Q?

Why do you hate us so? Why so angry? What is the hostility about?

Have you ever heard of tone fallacy? Did you know that you're the one that looks unhinged here?

It can't be so trivial as to get off your yard, or is it?

I don't countenance the kind of stupidity and sneaky manipulation shown here. Your mods got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, and you seem to be a little butthurt about it.

"You sound like you know a lot about such things. Maybe you could educate us?"

That's better. When you quote ALL my words, you don't look like a lying, dishonest sack of shit.

Thank you. I like to think I do. You should follow me.

You should let your words speak for themselves, though given your responses here, I doubt you capable of educating anyone at all.

trypanon ago

Thanks for the post Crensch, spot on!

PacaGoat ago

Look at his attitude, Like no one else is team Q? What da heck?! This is eliteism. "Q is ours and you can't have none." immaturity!

Shizy ago

That's your response? Wow!

Hand_of_Node ago

Reddit users.

PacaGoat ago

Think he is someone we all know by the wording there. Read closely. Hate THIS!!

Crensch ago

Is your mom's vagina a safe space?

This is the level of your ability to defend NR and your mods. This is an admission that you are not good enough to do so.
