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srayzie ago

You are a shit stirrer. You fucked up making that submission post.

heygeorge ago

My favorite part of this post was the edited ‘proof’ graphic. This devolved into parody very quickly. @nothereforpizza could you xpost this to v/SoapboxBanhammer, please?

srayzie ago

Oh Inhave some good screenshots of thismfucker harassing me in my inbox, I can list them in SBBH too lol.

Sorry I’m barely replying. I’ve literally been replying to inbox notifications ALL DAY. Weirdos coming out of the Woodwork! Demanding to be a mod.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Vote on VOAT!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14021082:

less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

That's because it's the mods there, and their "friends" creating the racist graffiti here.

Who are their friends? SBBH/SRS

Careful who you follow.

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heygeorge ago

Oh, the weird ones are all afoot. And the people who live for disrupting Voat whilst claiming they want to ‘save’ it from ‘compromise’.

srayzie ago

I can see how subs get compromised. If people were dumb enough to listen to the shit I’ve been getting, then they would definitely be compromised. Really fishy. Well, this girl doesn’t compromise. This is an important movement and there’s no way ai would have someone that I don’t even know come demand to be a mod because I should trust them. Then ask if I was a woman lol. I told him to go make me a sammich.

heygeorge ago

Ha! You gotta learn to ignore these folks.

srayzie ago

I know!

heygeorge ago

Oh shit, lol, did you delete this? It’s definitely a shitpost.