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mattathias ago


Why does your team hate our team so much if we are on the same side? Who are your are leaders? Who gives you your marching orders? Is it organic? Does your team mods have sock puppet avatars that stretch across multiple boards and multiple platforms? Are they paid and/or are they salary. Not a question. How can one mod with sock puppets manage and moderate one, two, three dozens of boards across the Internet. We know. They are not voluneteers.

"I really liked the guy until I read that." Yeah, right. Bullshit. I liked my wife until I read that... I liked my best friend until I read that... I liked my sister until I read that. If you are so trite to discount a friendship/likeability because of a difference of opinion... Hmmm.

Crensch ago

Why does your team hate our team so much if we are on the same side?

Did you read my submission? Some of your team are not on the same side as anyone not being shady.

Who are your are leaders?

I don't have a leader, and I lead no one.

Who gives you your marching orders?

Project much? I give myself my marching orders.

Is it organic?

I'm mostly made of carbon, so... yes?

Does your team mods have sock puppet avatars that stretch across multiple boards and multiple platforms?

Never heard any credible claims of anyone I associate with having such. Reddit, however, has a lot of those kinds of people - some EMPLOYED by Reddit.

Are they paid and/or are they salary. Not a question.

Nice psychological tactic there. What do you call that one? Begging the question?

How can one mod with sock puppets manage and moderate one, two, three dozens of boards across the Internet. We know. They are not voluneteers.

You sound like you know a lot about such things. Maybe you could educate us?

"I really liked the guy until I read that." Yeah, right. Bullshit. I liked my wife until I read that... I liked my best friend until I read that... I liked my sister until I read that. If you are so trite to discount a friendship/likeability because of a difference of opinion... Hmmm.

You seem unaware that shills often couch their lies and misdirections in a LOT of repeated truths and morale-boosting rhetoric. You haven't been outside of your safe space for very long, have you?

Oh, wait, you're probably one of those working to keep everyone IN that safe space, aren't you?

mattathias ago

Is your mom's vagina a safe space?


Shizy ago

I really wish I could downvoat you!

mattathias ago

I really wish your dad's sperm went into a sock. Or some hippy's mouth. But dammit, you are a survivor. Glad to meet you.

  • mossomo

Shizy ago

It's kinda weird that you're thinking of my dads sperm, but ok, faggot!

mattathias ago

I'm a nigger faggot with a Big Black Cock and want to come in your mouth. You ready?

Shizy ago

I'd shoot you're filthy dick off before it would ever get close to me niggerfaggot!

mattathias ago

Where should I sit on the bus?

kneo24 ago

In the wheel well where you belong.

mattathias ago

Aren't you the gangster. How big are your biceps?


kneo24 ago

I can't wait for the day of the rope for when we gas your (((kind))).

mattathias ago


Keep trying. Almost 6000 years. Not dead yet.

Gas me? Is that a death threat? Is that how it goes here?

Listen carebears.

My bloodline would hunt you down, they would cut off your nose and smear it in the glass of the microwave window/pane while you watched you youngest infanct/child get hot and moist on the lowest heat levels.

kneo24 ago

My bloodline would hunt you down, they would cut off your nose and smear it in the glass of the microwave window/pane while you watched you youngest infanct/child get hot and moist on the lowest heat levels.

That's some heavy larping shit right there. You fucking rat kikes have spent thousands of years, not fighting overtly, not being at the front lines, but instead hiding in the shadows trying to subvert everything. In turn, it has turned your bloodlines weak. Your bloodlines are nothing but one big genetic deformity. It's why you have disgusting, ugly noses that no one wants any part of. It's why most of you look like weak, willed, short, soy boys. You fear everyone else. Hold onto that fear, it's all you'll ever have.

@Kosherhivekicker, found another one. Sorry to keep pinging you man, but this Jew infestation has gotten bigger.

Shizy ago

He's either a Jew or a nigger. Actually sounds like both.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Vote on VOAT!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14021082:

less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

That's because it's the mods there, and their "friends" creating the racist graffiti here.

Who are their friends? SBBH/SRS

Careful who you follow.

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kneo24 ago

I'm starting to believe their mod team is full of Jews as well. Some on the mod team here are Jews as well. They're somehow always the victims here on Voat.