14037912? ago

Because we are truely our brothers keeper

14021225? ago

14018828? ago

We're watching you closely for abuse of our beloved Voat, and are looking to 'crack some heads' so to speak. Treat this place with respect, please.

14018624? ago

Warning, CCP farming is against Voat's rules. If you are caught, there will be consequences. If you add meaningful conversation, you will gradually earn points that unlock abilities.

However. Most of you are migrant Somalians, bottom of the barrel, shit tier Qoomers that should probably go back to Reddit. We'll keep the based 10%.

14019265? ago

Gradually schmadually, 100 ccp can be done in just one comment if it's good. 10 or less for standard ones.

14019529? ago

I'm trying to give the short bus crew reasonable goals.

14018246? ago

That is how this place is supposed to work yes. You don't get to sit and lurk and still get to downvoat. And there are lots of other content here too. Some of those smaller nonpolitical subs could use some love. You dont have to post only to the Q subs.

v/traditionalwives v/JustGrowIt v/museum v/guitar and many others.

14018505? ago

Excellent! Thank you. More suggestions are appreciated!

14018174? ago


Except Truth hurts, now take the fucking red pill.

14018155? ago

I have been bouncing all over voat its not a bad place it is actually very nice filled with smart people. Look up subjects that interest you. There is also a Random button. I have been using that to find new places. Voat has a bout everything.

14018134? ago

Yes, it’s exactly because we are all new here. Many Q vets such as myself are VOAT “newbies” but you are right about going into other forums. Good idea.

14017999? ago

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening is a good place to contribute and get one's score up in the meantime. It is (at the moment) quite a bit more on-topic and less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

14026452? ago

What’s wrong with this post? It’s free speech. You are telling people to break Voat rules. You are no better.

14021082? ago

less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

That's because it's the mods there, and their "friends" creating the racist graffiti here.




Who are their friends? SBBH/SRS


Careful who you follow.

14026414? ago

It’s free speech and they can say whatever they want

14026920? ago

It doesn't work like that, they're representing over a million people. Most of them don't want to be associated with that ridiculous bullshit.

14021331? ago

So a mod responding to someone who called her a nigger, with the word nigger is a problem for you? Clutch those pearls! Oh, and another mod arguing with the biggest resident shill on that sub is also a problem for you? Maybe you should shut your hole if you don't understand the context! Or worse- purposely try to cause problems by using things said without knowing the context!

14021836? ago

So a mod responding to someone who called her a nigger, with the word nigger is a problem for you? Clutch those pearls! Oh, and another mod arguing with the biggest resident shill on that sub is also a problem for you? Maybe you should shut your hole if you don't understand the context! Or worse- purposely try to cause problems by using things said without knowing the context!

Here's the proof that it's those mods and thier friends causing all the problems in this sub.

14021260? ago

Free speech too "offensive" and scary for you? This is voat bitch!

14021854? ago

Fuck off, useful idiot.

14018425? ago

Don't even talk about score

14017920? ago

Voat will be a much more enriching experience if every new person actually reached out to other places that interest them. This isn't a prison, it's a free speech platform.

14018168? ago

For 10,000 new users showing up here I haven’t seen too many of them participating outside of the Q subs. If you’re gonna stay here and continue to use our site, at least try to interact with the older members that were here a long time before you. I wouldn’t come over your house with friends you’ve never met and lock ourselves in a room while ignoring you. From what I’ve seen the past few days a bunch of you new users are no better than invading Muslims and PC liberals.

14018568? ago

You catch more bees with honey than vinegar, sonny, but yes...please get out and see the world. It's not as scary as some would have you believe.

Some suggestions of good subs would be helpful.