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ImPhilippe ago

I dont know about that but im pretty fucking sure you people are as delusional as communists. Your blind worship of Trump is exactly the same as the (the lefts) blind worship of Obama.

Shizy ago

So then why waste your time here?

ImPhilippe ago

Im sorry, why the fuck are you here nigger?

Shizy ago

I'm not the one bitching about it here, like a real nigger!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Vote on VOAT!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14021082:

less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

That's because it's the mods there, and their "friends" creating the racist graffiti here.

Who are their friends? SBBH/SRS

Careful who you follow.

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