ccrider201617 ago

I am very happy here and have been lurking for several days. Feels like home here.

GlendonHawke ago

Unfortunately whoever runs the site has it posted that they are the “official” Q board on Voat with a link to their boards

crownedfive ago

what's that saying... those who scream the loudest?

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

@srayzie ... Well then I guess you're just about the most laid-back CIA agent I've ever seen then.. it seems as though, if you were actually attempting to do your CIA job, that you might actually attempt to steer an agenda or control some type of narrative instead of just letting everything fly. I think you might be looking for a new job pretty soon if you don't start cracking that CIA whip there, boss. :)

Edit - changed with to whip.. my auto-correct is up to its normal kikery.

heygeorge ago

The voice anything user is a jackass who previously attacked pizzagate with the same trash, trying to get people over to his site. I recognized the username immediately. @shizy

heygeorge remembers!

Shizy ago

Good to know. Thanks heygeorge!

niggerfaggot1987 ago

Glow niggers please.

Volcris ago

I didn’t know Amalek was a reddit mod. Makes a lot of sense though.

NipplesProtruding ago

You'd think people who follow Q would know better than to fall for shill tactics...

pj77777 ago

WTF? Why can't all groups just move along and get along.... this is unhinged. CIA agents eh? Did you know that chick that is accusing Kavenaugh? They really need to stop this.....

pj77777 ago

say what??

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

And Srayzie was one of the only one of us that didn't scream niggerfaggot at them, from what I saw atleast she was actually quite welcoming to them. Fucking plebittors.

magavoices ago

There were too many controversies with /r/GreatAwakening ... mods deleting posts, overly censoring, stickying BS posts (like SB2) ... even Q team called out Reddit mods as being compromised.

They didn't even prepare for the very predictable banning that happened.

IMO the old Reddit mods acted like they owned the community. Its the community that was special, combined with the ability to upvote/downvote news that made great news rise to the top.

Reddit GA mods fucked up too many times. They don't own the community. It's the Q community, not the Reddit Q community. Now while we're here on Voat they disrespected the community here, banning old timers.

/v/GreatAwakening is virtually indistinguishable from the better parts of old /r/GreatAwakening ... minus the personalities trying to jocky up a following they can manipulate.

/v/GreatAwakening ran off SB2 and his BS posts ... every single damn post SB2 made on reddit I spent time rebutting because I was afraid of what newbies to Q would think of his gematria BS. Now he's gone ... Voat is a great improvement while it lasts (eventually I think everyone will be forced to 8chan in one way or another).

Its_ok_to_be_white ago

Don't take the attacks seriously, @srayzie and @Shizy. Flack just means you're over the target, and (((their))) projection should be clear to everyone here.

Shizy ago

Thanks for the support, and the reminder!

Ina_Pickle ago

They regrouped? I thought they ran away and set up shop on 8chan.

SandHog ago

Normies are addicted to the dopamine burst that upvotes provide. None of that to be had on 8chan.

Type-o-Negative ago

I wish I could get my 5 ccp so I can elaborate and expand more on your post in a post of my own.

everlastingphelps ago

Keep begging for it. Everyone here is a kindhearted faggot who loves giving things to lazy bitches.

Type-o-Negative ago

Additionally, you will be eating those words once I post.

Type-o-Negative ago

No need to beg, I have them now. No need to be an hateful faggot.

SandHog ago

You should be good to go now.

Type-o-Negative ago

Only 7 votes, I think I need 3 more.

Derpfroot ago

"Accuse the enemy of what you yourself are doing" comes to mind.

xreparations ago


Labreu ago

You should just stop the controversy. Move on. Let's get on with it.

s0ftpaddle ago

Oh, so I guess this is the real Q board and not TGA?

Azurulia ago

Well. That certainly answers that. Because that is the guilty party's tactic of choice?


ImPhilippe ago

I dont know about that but im pretty fucking sure you people are as delusional as communists. Your blind worship of Trump is exactly the same as the (the lefts) blind worship of Obama.

Shizy ago

So then why waste your time here?

ImPhilippe ago

Im sorry, why the fuck are you here nigger?

Shizy ago

I'm not the one bitching about it here, like a real nigger!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Vote on VOAT!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14021082:

less infested with racist graffiti than QRV.

That's because it's the mods there, and their "friends" creating the racist graffiti here.

Who are their friends? SBBH/SRS

Careful who you follow.

This notification (#888) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

MolochHunter ago

Just stating for the record that I'm compromised

but by who? OOGA BOOGA!!

Labreu ago

Stop it.

p_ro ago

So just saw this on 8han:

▶Anonymous  ## Board Volunteer 09/12/18 (Wed) 12:52:18c6ee3a (1)  No.2993403>>2993409>>2993424 >>2993425 >>2993430 >>2993451 >>2993462>>2993463 >>2993477 >>2993483 >>2993484 >>2993550>>2993623 >>2993702

Anons, this is the new OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening the community would appreciate your help spreading the message and it keeps the normies AWAY from here.

madhatter67 ago

So they moved but don't want everyone to follow them? Hmmmm right...that makes sense

p_ro ago

It looks like it's getting pushed pretty hard. Anybody here have a dog in that fight?

satisfyinghump ago

It's natural for an ecosystem to respond with hostility to a new host and if that host remains after it's been probed, it will be left alone BUT will be suspected of shifty new nose stuff for a few months or years even...

Ashamandre ago

And this is why I no longer associate with them. It's sad, because there were a lot of good people swayed by bullshit infighting and false accusations. This is my home now, fuck those niggerfaggots

MudDuggler ago

"Those with the loudest voices"

Pathetic are their attempts to divide. When a newbie comes into town, carves out a new verse when the existing one was open and welcoming, handicap their users so the none of them are on equal footing, handicap their verse guaranteeing it'll NEVER gain traction, then whine and bitch because the culture here isn't what they expected, you know there's fuckery afoot..... Or serious incompetance. I'm guessing the former.

WhiteDragonMage ago

just to add my thoughts. the person who posted that deleted their account already. the link literally contains no facts or anything to back the statement up. we all know that we are under attack from outside forces that wish to sow distrust and to see our movement wither and die. based on some peoples recent actions (we all know who) it has shown our enemy a weakness. insiders wishing to do harm to our movement by drawing a line in the sand saying either you are with us or your against us ultimately opened a giant gaping hole in our defenses. our enemy is monitoring us this we all know. they see this weakness and are doing to whatever necessary to see that seed of distrust and division grow. stuff like this literally is going to be our downfall. we can't keep feeding into it. WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE!! WE ARE WINNING!! DONT LET THEM DIVIDE US!!

ZardoZ2017 ago

F for @srayzie and @Shizy Who would have ever guessed that they were MiB!

Shizy ago

Can I at least get one of those cool mind eraser gadgets?!

Sub-Urban-Monk ago

The Story will unfold, regardless of "attacks". What is going on is "a change of Order" that no man can inter-fear with, sit back and enjoy :)

Cosmicgiant ago

I am just lurking hard, being in another country and all that. I naturally refugeed to this sub from Reddit, since it was obviously the older one. Regardless, I can see how the other sub is suffering from the same old issues, so I am very happy with this sub and all the wide open freedom of speech space.

I love Voat by the way. I was calling people faggots back in primary school. My mother didn't like that though, lol.

I can't wait for Q, Trump and the rest of you guys to sort out USA, so the rest of us can follow suit! All the best.

Thoutzan ago

Maybe you are. Maybe both you guys and /TA mods are, and you are playing a show to divide. I trust only Q and Trump and nobody else.

madhatter67 ago

I can't speak for the mods....all I know is there is a bunch of people here who have been on the pizzagate case since Reddit shoad us....and on the Q thing since pretty much day 1....I'm glad many of the latest refugees seem to be settling here and I'm sure will contribute to the real reason we are all here (shills and clowns excepted of course) be it's time we all stopped bitching and cracked doesn't matter where that happens so long as it does

Nahkriin ago

@srayzie I've been here lurking for a few days now observing the drama unfold. I'm uncertain how this will all play out but it I an obvious divide and conquer strat.

From what I have observed the mods from v/TheAwakening are not painting themselves in a very good light. An ongoing message from the Q team us unity. With that in mind why, oh why do the mods/shills seem so content to cause disharmony? I can only believe that ((they)) are slowly adapting, trying to alter their strat and keep us divided. They are starting to understand how to fracture us because, unfortunately, many who follow the Q team/idea have yet to truly start thinking for themselves. They are to happy to be led around by the nose by those 'more knowledgeable' or 'experts' at decoding Q drops. They have yet to truly awaken and I believe THAT is what this strat could be for. Thin the herd for to speak.

ModB ago

How much longer is this horseshit going to carry on? Until v/ta changes their settings where CCP can accumulate sitewide and threads show up on v/all there should be no discussion. 5 days in and it's still tantrums and fingerpointing.

everlastingphelps ago

Never going to happen. "someone" is going to keep "messing with the settings" and invoking the 48 hour lockout into infinity.

It's a containment sub. That's how it was designed.

HuFlungDung ago

Hello great Patriots! Sorry i am late to the party as i have just washed up here from the GA.WWG1WGA God Bless

Shizy ago

Welcome! You're just in time!

Stuntmanmike52 ago

I have been so confused about this whole migration but it is becoming clear that v/awakening doesn't want me there.

sorosminion ago

Hilarious. CRAZY begets CRAZY> Simple as that, drama amongst crazy people.

BullShits ago

Can you quack like a duck when you suck

lnsip9reg ago

v/GreatAwakening has been welcoming, thank you!

MissyRed ago

I like it here.

I don’t like all the pushes to move to other spaces in the other verse.

I don’t like how they made their own 8chan board that looks like the Q Research board. Why do they need to control the discussion? It’s suspicious.

Regardless, I do still go look, no reason not to go look for info. But beware PAYtriots

madhatter67 ago

To be honest the 8chan move is working out as I expected....the sheep pen is pretty much dead and qresearch is getting filled up with shit....either it's redditfags or shills that followed them

Trfsrfr ago

I was afraid of this as well. I questioned the thread at patriotsawoken where they teach you how to post on 8chan. Didn't 8chan always say to lurk moar and NOT post right away? Why would they do this?

everlastingphelps ago

(((why))) indeed?

Womb_Raider ago

Why do they need to control the discussion? It’s suspicious.

Interesting you should say that

MissyRed ago

How so?


SampleGardener is spamming dope while accusing you guys of what they are guilty of. Where have I seen this tactic used a thousand times? PROGRESSIVES.

Bodean1415 ago

v/TA is the same mod fucks that ban new info at r/GA to control their narrative. See something say something then get ban for doxxing. Mods all just got a name change n back to the same shit. r/GA sucked ass so get banned n head over to voat..they will learn voat can handle these pukes.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

HAIL HYDRA! they'll never strike us down!

serious question, as CIA agents do we get that sweet gov't healthcare now?

SGM11Z ago

Why the hell can't more than 3 people ever get together without all this drama. It feels like i'm back in junior high.

WTF does "compromised"mean, anyway? The CIA and Mossad don't give two shits what anyone says here and if they want to monitor, they just have to look...they don't need to spend months as a deep cover operative moderating a sub just to spring a trap.

It really should make no difference who is over here and who is over there. I'm sure most people either pick the one they like best or go to all the places to see whats up everywhere. Slinging baseless shade at either side serves no purpose whatsoever.

I like it here. I like @srayzie. She seems reasonable, logical and committed...and until I see her behave otherwise, whatever anyone else says is irrelevant. We make up our own minds here.

everlastingphelps ago

I used to think the same way. Since then I've seen too many (((cohencidences))) in the way moderation is handled when it can be hidden. Add in David Brock and the Shareblue money that literally has no other purpose but to shit up reddit(mainly) and the chans, and it gets more likely.

I think that we escaped a lot of it just by being angry antisocial niggerfaggots, but when they saw the opportunity to make inroads here, they thought, "sure, why not, we can drag our own sheep with us instead of having to convert them."

And then they realized what it means when you pit sheep against angry goats. (Anyone who has worked around the two animals knows exactly what I mean.)

Politiskep ago

The CIA and Mossad don't give two shits what anyone says here

That's where you're wrong, bucko. The JIDF is real and it exists and you can bet your bottom dollar that they have accounts here.

SGM11Z ago

The JIDF is real and it exists and you can bet your bottom dollar that they have accounts here. To do what, exactly? Confound you with bad language? Convince you that you're a tin foil hat wearing nutjob with typed out words on a screen? Sorry, it would be a monumental waste of time and resources for a mossad agent to come here, create an account, and make comments...because what else could they do? Recruit spies? Would you fall for that? Or would you be dissuaded by some knucklehead's comment? What could they possibly gain in return for their time investment?

Type-o-Negative ago

To take down this board for good possibly? That would be a real motive and as a bonus divide all the innocent Q patriots.

srayzie ago

Thank you. :) Oh I think they very much care what we say here. We have to be so careful and get to know someone well before you make them a mod.

That’s why I don’t get why @NeonRevolt would even say what he did. I guarantee you, that any Q sub, just like 8chan, has paid shills, spooks, and bots. How do you think the news and blogs know so much if they aren’t even Q supporters? They come to places like this. WE ARE the ones CIA/Mossad are after. That’s why Reddit was banned. When you see the deep state against something so much, that’s when you know they feel threatened.

SGM11Z ago

I see what you are saying...and agree 100% that you should really know someone before making them a mod.

But I really don't think any govt agency cares enough about a bunch of disorganized yokels talking about conspiracies on the internet. I'm sure they monitor for keywords (like they do all electronic comms) for potential violent acts and threats...but they're not going to invest enough time to get someone into a mod position. And, sure, journalists come here to lurk so they can write a story and maybe participate to egg you on, but nothing more than that.

There are surely bots that spam boards like this and elsewhere, possibly funded by political parties, but not gov't spies. More likely its a bunch of script kiddies that get their jollies ruffling feathers. Look at all the old goats here making fun of Q. Why anyone pays attention to something they think is silly is beyond me, but each their own.

My only real point is that thinking you or any other mod or user here or back on redshit is "compromised"...meaning a CIA/Mossad agent, is just nonsense.

everlastingphelps ago

Your category error is in assuming that government assets and employees are used to pursue government goals.

Seakiss ago

When a movement like Q starts attending political rallies and Has thousands of followers I think the CIA will be all over it to dismantle it. Makes sense.

SGM11Z ago

They have almost every single media outlet in the country and literally control the conversation. We are nothing more than a pimple on their ass. They are far too arrogant to take us as a threat.

WanderingTaurus ago

Well, I was banned from v/theawakening lol Damn... how will I ever sleep at night now.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Hahaha, just say you work at Credit Dauphine :D

MyDrunkAccount ago

Ciao. Coincidence???

Who's REALLY gone? Think!

West Philadelphia



YoHomie ago

And here I thought you were a bunch of ridiculous fools... go figure.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Demanding you go to some external site? Sounds like an obvious dox attempt.

EyeOfHorus ago

@SRAyzie wORst CiA agEnT EVAR!!!!


We're not? Well shit! I was looking forward to wearing my red nose too. Naw seriously fuck those clowns. By my reckoning this movement is way beyond Voat, reddit or Phuckbook at this point. I do a lot of traveling and its EVERYWHERE. But still work to be done!

Blacksmith21 ago

Bayonets affixed. Besides, this is all so silly. Everyone knows already that all of you guys went to The Farm together as a cohort. I should know, I was yall's instructor ; )

J/K - Lest someone think I'm serious.

DanijelStark ago

I have only this to say : those are not Q researchers - those are "paytriots" , shills , and sometimes simply unintelligent people ...

shekelforce ago

They're probably typical fags from reddit that escaped censorship only to implement that same censorship here. Fuck those niggers.

MrIgnition ago

This situation is so weird. Divide and conquer - pick and choose. It's really not what it should be about.

And I really don't get the "we had to move to voat quickly so we made mistakes excuse", everyone knew that day was coming and moving to voat shouldn't be a big deal when an existing sub already exists, you just point to that one. Unless you want to keep control. Just so stupid.

skeetervalent1no ago

Yeah can I recommend we don't even mention that board anymore? No point in division, let's just go about our business here. There's plenty of pressing topics to cover instead.

SirPellimore ago

The operative term is KEEP CONTROL- that is ((Their)) objective...((They)) will fail.

Azurulia ago

It's pretty obvious who the guilty party is.

One party is making accusations and telling to be distrusting, the other party is offering a home and is welcoming.

Anyone who knows the first thing about what Q is should know the awnser without even giving it a second thought.


Paladin_Diver ago

"It's pretty obvious who the guilty party is."

It isn't yet obvious to me, as a newbie to Voat. If anyone wants to share any definitive information that would allow an unbiased participant some clarity, it would be most helpful. I've mostly been laying low waiting for the rhetoric to settle down, but would love to make an informed decision and participate.

The trust hasn't been earned by either side from what I've seen to date.

Azurulia ago

Fair point. Let me clarify.

Shortly after the ban of the great awakening subreddit and other Q related subreddits, I belive some of the reddit admins, possibly it was Neon Revolt? (I forget which.) Suggested to Set up camp here at Voat. However it became very clear, very quickly that cultures of the goats (what the voat oldfags call themselves.) and that of Reddit where the movement was coming from was... quite different.

Voat being a very pro free speach platform and mods from reddit used to moderating content quickly classed with one another. The mods of the other board proceed to try and run it like they would Reddit, however that didn't exactly translate over to the platform the best. This lead to a shit show of fighting over there for a day or two. However there was one thing odd about the board. The mods set it up in a way that it essentially isolated itself from the rest of the site. (I forget the exacts, but it raised a lot of questions as to why they were doing it. Not necessarily bad, but not necessarily good either.)

After people stepped back to take a breather and access the situation, bans were lifted and trying to start off on a new foot was tried. A lot of the goats still seem rather disgruntled from the encounter and instead stick to this board. Their board.

Which brings us to this board. I don't know all the details, however what I do know is this was the original Q research board here on Voat before the Reddit ban and resulting migration to voat. This board has been up for several months (I think around 8?) And a lot of people found this board on their own due to the very similar name to the former subreddit having the exact same name, only with a v/ and not an r/. This ended up with an unintentional split of the Q Redditfugees. Some where here, while others were there.

The owner of this one welcomed everyone over, if they wish to come. From what I have personally seen, has been very welcoming. Also with a much, much more lax view of moderating and censorship, it's more or less everything goes here, within reason in the free speech department from what I have seen. However, an issue raised with the other board upon finding out about this one. An assumption was made that this board was essentially compromised due to two names registered to it matching up to be similar to two names from reddit that raised red flags.

However rather than reach own to the owner here, Neon Revolt made a post saying to simply avoid this one, implying that it was compromised. Needless to say, but the owner over here was a bit... displeased, especially considering they are a fan of Neon. A lukewarm exchange shortly following this also didn't really help the situation, either.

From my knowledge, that is where things are now. There appears to be a general distrust of this board from some over there, meanwhile those here are frustrated about not being trusted, however despite that, still extend a hand in friendship.

And above, in my personal opinion, I think it's clear that one side is more interested in coming together than the other. Which is those here.

And there you have it, for the most part. If anyone else reading this sees I got soemthign wrong, by all means, please do correct me.

Paladin_Diver ago

Thank you for that seemingly very fair-minded summary of events.

It was a NeonRevolt post that brought me here in the first place. I have enjoyed his writings, especially when I've been busy during one of Q's monster-dumps and need a quick summation. That said, he's not infallible and I certainly have no interest in getting involved in any board politics as I'm a bit busy trying to do my part in the real world.

Moderators are not a big concern to me usually, as my posts are rarely offensive (unless you are a leftist) and, having ridden a few buses in the minor leagues, I'm pretty tough to offend.

Again, I appreciate the tone and content of your reply to me, and will definitely take that into consideration when making any judgment on this unfortunate topic.

Azurulia ago

No problem. I tried to be as objective as possible and just tell it how it is.

Because while I have my own opinion, that doesn't change the facts.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

And I don't necessarily hold It against neon, he simply didn't know the people or mods of this subverse so he went with what he knew and thought was safe. he was wrong, but he is also humans and humans make mistakes. And then people are going nuts about the .pub Q post place leading everyone there too, but considering the person who made that place was a member of our subreddit, that's not very much of a surprise either.

I started hating our sub a few months ago when it was clear things weren't the same as they were 6 months prior. If I had known about T_GA at the time I would have most certainly moved over there.

it should have sent off major alarm bells when the mods of the Great Awakening a few weeks ago told everyone that they could receive an untrusted flair or even a ban simply for going to other Q Anon related subreddits and refused to give anyone a definitive answer on a whitelist of ones they thought were okay. That alone should have made everyone really start to wonder.

Azurulia ago

I also believe it was simply human error. Jumping to conclusions and miscommunication. These things happen. What matters is what we learn from them and that we move on from them.

Paladin_Diver ago

I think I understand. I was a frequent contributor at ZeroHedge for years, but rarely post anymore. Part of that was the sheer amount of issues the site causes for my devices, but also the quality of the banter dropped. I suppose this happens once any site gets too popular, but it was a crying shame. I should also point out that they stupidly changed their template so it became much harder to follow particular discussions one was participating in.

My point being I suppose we all need to never get too comfortable.

Politiskep ago

Don't let this be buried. All the "oh sorry we made mistakes" and the infighting and foul language from either side (including that which comes from the goats) is meant to bury this simple point: If they were about the movement and not about creating a walled garden, that sub wouldn't exist to begin with.

shekelforce ago

They're probably typical fags from reddit that escaped censorship only to implement that same censorship here. Fuck those niggers.

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

Those reddit mods were mostly compromised. They loved that ban hammer they wielded right up until someone grabbed it and wielded it upon them.

Promnite-toilet-baby ago

Curious...I seem to recall someone seriously pushing that FB alternative the last few days that r/T_GA and the like were scrubbed.

nullifyNWO ago

Shhiit. I am gonna print that Q bumber sticker tomorrow. Its gonna be a sticky and it wont be compromised other than maybe by fingernails.


I'm participating more here, than there now. I'm quite frankly tired of this drama, it was fun while it lasted, now it's just getting obnoxious.

Phloatpill ago

Thank you. Honestly, my view is that anybody perpetuating this drama is a suspected shill in my eyes. Let's move forward and make use of our shovels. There are going to be shills, there is going to be attacks....fuck it....further attempts to divide and create drama should be scorned by all Q people.

Type-o-Negative ago

I remember you from Reddit, think you went went by cultural marxism sucks IIRC. You would remember who ai am once I get enough ccp to make my own post to blow this wide open once and for all.

LurkMaster ago

I read your post in a deep voice.....


Yeap that's me. I'm having a blast over here on voat now that it's not as dead.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Everyone should know that this is the patient ass person who withstood my attacks for hours, and even a couple of days, and redpilled me with fucking Laser Precision Guided Redpills.

I owe everything to this guy right here.

I should also add why that is such a huge thing, up until that point I was a lifelong registered Democrat.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Oh hell yes!!! It's me, decadin!!

Blacksmith21 ago

I knew within the first 5 hours that the r/efugee crisis was full of useless migrants. Welcome to the REAL v/GreatAwakening. Support v/pizzagate too.


Moderation rules too strict on pizzagate for my tastes.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Someone made an uncensored one, I think /v/pizzagateuncensored

everlastingphelps ago

Ehh, they only seem to worry about the threads, not comments (like here.) People shitting up the comments can be handled by downvoats, people shitting up the threads with fuckery threads screws up the whole sub.

Blacksmith21 ago

They have to be. You can't imagine the attacks we have withstood for the last 20 months...


Lol I know I've been around for a while. It gets crazy out here.

Shilud ago

Think "mirror".....

C_Corax ago

Don't get so stressed out over this that you forget how to recognize a troll account. Voat's got your back if funky things starts to happen.

atri ago

Agreed. Responding saying v/GreatAwakening is "under attack from the other sub" is needlessly divisive when the poster is an obvious shill:

Type-o-Negative ago

That is pretty rich, guess we know who’s side your on now.

atri ago

I'm for @srayzie and the crew here as much as anyone. They do excellent work.

If a rando posting on a different sub equals being "under attack from" said sub then next time an insult is tweeted my way I can claim to be "under attack from twitter". Also, the post was deleted within 3 hours of posting by their mod team with "Description: Attacking other subs and mods, not cool."

Type-o-Negative ago

My apologies then, I read that the wrong way.

AperionPatriot ago

Frankly, I've made this sub my home. The voat immune system showed me pretty quickly who was comped and who wasn't.

Q_Watch ago

"I've made this sub my home." Me too. I was here before I moved to reddit. Now I have moved back. Lesson learned! I am not quite sure what they are on at TA but whatever it is, I don't like it.

pairadocs ago

In very short order, I clearly have come to consider this my home! I go over to v/theawakening to extend personal invites to individuals who seem sincere, open minded and I believe could benefit from getting out of what they have created over there and thrive here. Special thanks to our mods. You have been nothing short of kind, helpful and responsive even in personal messages I have felt the need to send. Also your questioning over there gets shills and flakes to expose their qualities quickly.

lord_nougat ago

I'm only partially composted.

AperionPatriot ago

Aged to perfection patriot.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Yep, this is my home as well. Way too much drama and division ‘over there’. Drama and division = unnecessary and counterproductive. I want to spend all my time seeking the truth through healthy conversations, not wasting my time getting sidetracked with shit that doesn’t matter.

Azurulia ago


I quite like it here. I think I'll be staying for a while.

Xenophobic ago

Define Projection

SandHog ago

Lol look at the comment histories of the new mods over there. New mods same as the old mods. How do people fall for such a pathetic ruse?

Type-o-Negative ago

This war is a different kind of war we are used too, as it is a battle for your mind.

s0ftpaddle ago

Because we've never been on this site and it's hard to distinguish what's real during a shame up. It's like your irritated with folks losing their balance during an earthquake.

everlastingphelps ago

No, its more like,

"Hey, this is an earthquake, I've done this before. Stand in a doorway."

You can't tell me where to stand! I'll stand where I want!

"I don't think you get it, this is a fucking earthquake."


"Fuck that, you're about to get crushed!"



"Throw me out? I live here, motherfucker. I paid rent. You just showed up."


(And that is when we all just start kicking the screamer rolling around on the ground in the earthquake.)

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago


SandHog ago

Nah, I'm not irritated with the average users. I'm irritated at the duplicitous mods who are obsessed with controlling people and steering the narrative for their own benefit.

Womb_Raider ago

It's not a mistake. It's a manufactured problem. It's a psy-op to manipulate you into liking one group over another, when you should be skeptical of both.

MolochHunter ago

well, I'm a forgiving guy. Im still holding out an olive branch to the guys at theawakening. I've drenched it in butane, and I'm holding a lighter in my other hand, but for now my olive branch is still on offer

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

I'm sure a few more will eventually see the light, but most of us made this place our home within the first couple of hours. Q has preached about freedom of speech more than one time, and freedom in general, and I'm really not sure of that a large portion of the people from our subreddit understood what that even means anymore... But for the rest of us, as soon as we walked through the doors of a place that truly understands the definition of freedom of speech, we knew we were home and sure as hell weren't going to be silenced once again.

BlueDrache ago

Unfortunately, the butane would dissipate off rather quickly, as it's a gas. Perhaps you meant kerosene? Gasoline? Diesel? Pitch?

Azurulia ago

Can never be too safe!

CentipedeRex ago


troofguy ago

Yep. This is home now

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

🎶 country road, take me home, to the place, where I belong🎶

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm not taking sides in an argument that seems to me to be a lot less important than the topic that is supposed to be at the the heart of both threads. I've found good comments on both, can ignore most of the inter-thread antagonism, am not offended by much of anything, so I'll continue to passively visit both until I can get more clarity about where the better comments and content emerge.

jbo5112 ago

I subscribe to both, look through what's hot (from all my subscriptions), comment where I can be helpful, and don't have time to dig enough for actual posts. If I would post, it would probably be to both for now, as I don't even time to keep track of which subverse is which or which one's posts I happen to be commenting on.

Dredging up a war and publicly accusing fellow patriots. It looks more like attempts to tear down than attempts at peace or shining a light into evil. It looks like you're bowing to the wishes of the enemy, wishes for division and hate. It has grown wearyingly far from the battle from dark to light.

I trust that the more welcoming community will be the one to thrive.

troofguy ago

Can't disagree with what you wrote. Used to visit GA & CBTS Will do same here

troofguy ago

Can't disagree with what you wrote. Used to visit GA & CBTS Will do same here

Shizy ago

That's a smart way to approach it! Thinking for yourself is always the best choice.

Blacksmith21 ago

Welcome to our home.

LurkMaster ago

I saw that. Noticed the mod list has grown again too?

I have moved on. At this point I put them all in the same division boat, FOT too sad to say.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The reddit mods all had their accounts downvoted into negative hundreds because they called themselves gods and laughed at how their "invasion" would be taking over.

The new mods are the same mods with new accounts they will try to keep out of the negatives.