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mark7 ago

"If you turn one away, you've hurt the plan, if you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind!" Apparently (neon-revolting) has an ego the size of Jupiter! Q has become his ride "to the stars", and it would appear he thinks this is all about him. I guess creating drama around a legit movement is par for a failed screenwriter? Nothing will be hidden in the end, especially sabotage of the movement. I actually got a shirt from him once, now it bugs me to wear it. Hang in there, Mods, those who seek impeccability, will win the war.

NeonRevolt ago

Alternatively, come over to and hear my side of the story.

I never doxxed Srayzie, and I never threatened her. She literally just accuses random accounts harassing her of being sockpuppets of mine, with no proof whatsoever. And of course, I have nothing to do with those accounts, but what can I say, other than "That's not me; I don't do that."

Her proof today of people running a "bot network" were two mods trolling SBBH-trolls with posts like "Bot 352 reporting" and "Mambo number 5."

In actuality, they were just getting fed up with the idiots on this site not letting them run a subverse in peace.

Yesterday, she had one of her guys, I think Kevdude, make fake comments "as me" in order to frame me. But again, all I can do is point out where they got things wrong and say, hey, it wasn't me.

Time will prove who is really being honest here. I'm not worried. In the meantime, I work on my book.

mark7 ago

Quite frankly, I must apologize for my post (critical of you), as I have no real knowledge of any of the issues. My natural tendency is to defend my host, especially, as I have found no reason to disbelieve them, and have seen nothing to diminish my respect for them. Conversely, I followed you on your website, and always enjoyed your work. I will leave it to those actually involved in the issue, to deal with it. I will say that "They want us divided", and quite possibly you are both being manipulated, or mistaken. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?" In the meantime, I will mind my bizness better, and hope we can all find common ground. God Bless!

NeonRevolt ago

Srayzie is really butthurt about v/TheAwakening, and has now:

1) made fake comments pretending to be me, in order to claim I'm harassing her.

2) claimed I threatened to rape her, and kill her child

3) had someone try to bait me into doxxing one of her friends here on Voat, by sending me info on Gab tonight.

It's getting ridiculous. I've now blocked her, and her associates on both platforms.

Like, even just take this comment here:

Anyone with a 3rd grade education can tell I'm not "defending" anyone. I'm saying she was too stupid to discern an obvious troll, and took it seriously.

But she just continues to grasp and straws and manufacture controversy. I'm done with it. She's blocked as of tonight. It's over.

argosciv ago

manufacture controversy

Like that time you made up bullshit to manufacture a controversy at the expense of @fartyshorts and @LightlyToasted?

NeonRevolt ago

Dude, I presented my concerns to the community while admitting it wasn't 100% proof, and said, "Hey, we're going over here instead." I wasn't the only one concerned.

I also didn't engage in a six-month-long targeted harassment campaign like you guys have.

argosciv ago

Dude, I presented my concerns to the community while admitting it wasn't 100% proof, and said, "Hey, we're going over here instead." I wasn't the only one concerned.

Bullshit. You knew exactly what you were doing. @srayzie has demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that you were intentionally seeding distrust of her and v/GreatAwakening in an attempt to secure controlling influence over the reddit-based Q community; you were willing to create a faux situation in which she was the villain and you were the hero who would lead the exiled to safety.

Lo and behold, srayzie has also demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that the controlled environment you tried to herd people into, was itself actually compromised - at absolute best by incompetence. Meanwhile, your allies have been responsible for continued attacks against v/GreatAwakening, to the extent of even trying to infiltrate the moderation team(after failing to intimidate and blackmail/manipulate srayzie via PM) so as to materialize your attempted self-fulfilling prophecy that "v/GreatAwakening is comped!"

I also didn't engage in a six-month-long targeted harassment campaign like you guys have.

Again, bullshit. Put the fucking victim card back in the deck you pathetic worm. It has, again beyond all reasonable doubt, been shown that your little manufactured crisis(ostensible "concerns") are at the root of the months-long and still ongoing campaign to smear and attack v/GreatAwakening, not least of all via anonymous shit-talking over in v/QRV, where you and your allies unashamedly self-advertise every time you're put in the spotlight - oh and on the subject, you deliberately exaggerate with claims of "daily attacks", go on, find an 'attack' that can genuinely be attributed to srayzie for every day in the last 6 months; I bet you fucking can't you hyperbolic cunt.

Again I point out that you are one of the people who maliciously spits "boomer" rhetoric, not only with regard to the Q community abroad, but even as a direct attempt to insult srayzie. You consistently show that you are among those actually perpetuating division so that you can come across as some sort of authority re: Q.

Y'know, even I've cracked a few "boomer" jokes, but that is entirely in jest from my end - you on the other hand, are a petty and aggressive divider, profiting off your activities along the way; you are exactly the kind of shit stain that Q has warned people about. The only difference with you, is that you're an utter coward about it.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago



Bullshit. You knew exactly what you were doing. @srayzie has demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that you were intentionally seeding distrust of her and v/GreatAwakening in an attempt to secure controlling influence over the reddit-based Q community; you were willing to create a faux situation in which she was the villain and you were the hero who would lead the exiled to safety. Lo and behold, srayzie has also demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt, that the controlled environment you tried to herd people into, was itself actually compromised - at absolute best by incompetence. Meanwhile, your allies have been responsible for continued attacks against v/GreatAwakening, to the extent of even trying to infiltrate the moderation team(after failing to intimidate and blackmail/manipulate srayzie via PM) so as to materialize your attempted self-fulfilling prophecy that "v/GreatAwakening is comped!"

is 100% spot-on

except that he pulled his punches and didnt mention the bit about you threatening to rape @Srayzie and murder her child

argosciv ago

^ cc also: @Shizy

Crensch ago

You presented "concerns" as fact, then got your shit royally pushed in.

Did you forget that the mods you vouched for were straight up called clowns/retards BY THE BOARD OWNER Q NOMINATED TO MAKE QRV?

srayzie ago

Lies again Neon. I have nobody trying to set you up. Man up. You lie or mislead your readers all the time. People are waking up. You blocked me on Gab after your rant full of lies. Coward.

Gothamgirl ago

You have fucking nerve to call anyone a liar...

srayzie ago

Yeah so do you, after accusing me of planting child porn on your phone when I don’t even know you, and threatening to kidnap your kid. Go back to your sub and talk to yourself crazy.


Gothamgirl ago

A question is not accussing..

I have read your messages about me in your outbox...

Maybe you should tell the truth before I make a fool of you.

Do you think the Q fans would like you after they see what a 2 faced back stabbing bitch you really are?

You keep tagging your gang because you're weak. Bring it on, I don't fear any of you faggots..

srayzie ago

Wrong again. I proved everything I said about Sarah. You then accused me of planting child porn on your phone when I’ve never even met you, for threatening to kidnap your kid, and thought I was flirting with your man.

srayzie ago

What is my outbox?

Shizy ago

Please nooooooo!!!! I thought we finally got rid of that thing!