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srayzie ago

Surprise Surprise...

@NeonRevolt is defending the corrupt mods.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @FartOnToast

NeonRevolt ago

Lies from you again, what a surprise.

I'm calling you FAR stupider than them for taking their trolling seriously.

Gothamgirl ago

Most of us here are not surprised at all to read that @Neonrevolt, her and the pg-13 gang, make up lies about good people daily, to intentionally ruin researchers reputations on pizzagate.

@Srayzie is batshit crazy, and for attention this psycho pretends to be someone named Sarah, and she threatens and stalks herself which is quite funny to watch actually 😂😂. Especially since she is so freakishly paranoid, like a drug addict, she blames anyone and everyone.

Oh and she is also Voats #1 Tramp. Someone should let her poor husband know what a skank she is...

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Thank you! I take pride on being Voats #1 tramp alhough the reason I never called the pullease is because they wouldn't fall for my voice and would be sexist and say I sound like a male.

So sorry about Sarah’s bad luck on the account of me.



srayzie ago

Wow look who’s here starting drama @Shizy... AGAIN

Gothamgirl ago

I am not going anywhere ever, what made you think I was? I am going to make a fool of you with your own words...


No that bitch is a liar, she is finally busted ask her what her PM's say about me, ask her to see them! and fuck you, who is you?

I have no emotional or sensitivity issues I am from NYC. You're just an idiot trying to bully someone, with weaponized and inaccurate, words.

And no, it isn't over because you people state is, best joke I heard this year.

"annihilator in verbal contest"

You people picked the wrong one..

@Lapdog the reason I am editing this comment, is because your weak gang @Skrayzie blocked me.🤣

MolochHunter ago

Remember I warned you that your emotional fragility was your responsibility should you continue to engage in unprovoked antagonisms ?

you are one masochistic fool, GG

Shizy ago

Annnnddddd, she just edited her comment over an hour after she made it! Looks like she added to it to make you aware she's a tough broad from NY.

MolochHunter ago

hey Socktard

get a clue. You've been exposed to the world, your credibility is shot

nothing you can do on this forum will redeem you, and you dont even have the attitude to START the process of redemption

bc that requires HUMILITY

argosciv ago

I'm calling you FAR stupider

You calling anyone stupid is rich as fuck.

Why don't ya try some genuine research like others do? Oh right, too busy 'adminning' your blog and gab page, right?

You're not at the forefront of shit anymore, if you ever were in the first place. You're gonna write a book, but, can't even discern what 2245 was about? Forgive me, but, if you couldn't even take 15 minutes to dig into that, I can't even begin to take you or any book you write as a serious and valid authority on anything Q-related.

The fact that you use the "ayy lmao" meme in your whinging blog entry, where you claim to not be a sheep, is fucking priceless. Why? Because it's yet another example of you being a sheep(on top of you bleating about "boomers" constantly), regurgitating tired old memes that really aren't even funny. If you're gonna claim you aren't a sheep, you might want to avoid behaving exactly like one - albeit "of a different kind".

Shizy ago

Excellent comment! Funny how he doesn't respond to you or any of your valid points. He's too busy throwing out baseless claims about @srayzie it seems!

srayzie ago

You’re a lunatic. You’re lying and acting like a psycho on Gab. But you blocked me from replying. Obviously, you don’t want your followers to knowing anyone’s side but your own. What a coward. I don’t have thugs creep.