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UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I have watched this saga unfold, and seen the various characters in action, and I truly believe that a commercially motivated person has for a long time been trying to hijack Qanons on Reddit and more recently on Voat, with the aim of making money off us. If it was simply a matter of posting video blogs that promoted hats and T shirts, I could have accepted that. There are many similar.

However this time it involves usurping moderator roles, trying to take over subverses, experimenting with bots and sock puppets to manipulate votes and opinions, and personal attacks including blackmail and doxing attempts.

Some genuine users may have been confused, and gone over to the 'dark side', and not realized it.

As a 'new to forums' user, meeting trolls and shills has been hard, and at times I've wanted to have 'mod powers' and ban users. Luckily I had contact with @Srayzie who put me straight. I paraphrase.

It isn't a Mods role to choose what users post or what they comment, nor indeed to censor.
It's to watch the board, and enforce the subverse rules.

Rulebreakers upset the smooth running of the board, and I've seen a gentle approach here, with warning messages by PM, and only in the event that the user ignores these, are posts deleted or users banned.

@srayzie has the patience of a saint, but she is not inclined to turn the other cheek too many times. Break the rules, and she and her mod team WILL eventually act to enforce them. As they should...

All our mods here, and also many I have seen on Pizzagate and elsewhere, have my confidence.