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FractalizingIron ago

The archive of his post snoozefest si really telling, and I wonder how any Q supporter could take NR seriously after that.

The politics of the personal attacks and trash-talking are discouraging. I'm sorry you have to bring them up here, but I get that you have to call a spade a spade. but please try not to let it take much of your attention.

Defending your good name and vindicating your (GA) team, etc, will come at a price. That price is being weakened and distracted, imo.

I have always found the atmosphere here and the mdo team, etc, great. Can't see anything wrong with it.

I would definitely put NR on my list of 'observe with care' list, but frankly, I've never felt inspired to pay attention to much of what NR says.

I agree with one of the other comments. Post a link and a few things to 8chan qresearch, so that Q team really knows. Aside from that, let's get back to work.

Every dog has its day, but patriots work day and night.

God bless the GA team. Thank you for your efforts.

Crensch ago

The politics of the personal attacks and trash-talking are discouraging. I'm sorry you have to bring them up here, but I get that you have to call a spade a spade. but please try not to let it take much of your attention (or ours).

Defending your good name and vindicating your (GA) team, etc, will come at a price. That price is being weakened and distracted, imo.

Oh, gee, look at this tired old SHILL narrative of "move the fuck on now", or "Let people think for themselves." or "This internet edgelord bullshit is exactly why q won't leave the chans." or "Who cares? You clearly have a pissing match that has nothing to do with Q or research."

Great company you keep there, 6 month old account with 625ccp.

You shouldn't feel too bad, though, one of our long-time users got his shit wrecked when he wrote and defended this:

"it seems to me like you are trying to distract with all this drama day after day"

All of the above is on ONE of her submissions. You should try reading the nest of that last link; maybe it'll illustrate for you exactly how you don't know shit about what's valuable and what isn't with regards to how the mods/shillhunters spend their time.

I would definitely put NR on my list of 'observe with care' list, but frankly, I've never felt inspired to pay attention to much of what NR says.

Isn't it nice that other people do the work of outing people like NR so you don't have to, and you can continue on your kindergarten-tier research and circle-jerking without giving a single thought to who keeps this place safe from people like @ESOTERICshade et. al. who is most likely responsible for the severe drop-off of both users and researchers on PG. If you want to argue that we should just leave people like NR/ES alone, we tried that, and look at what's left. They groom the most active of you, earn your trust, and then use any info you give them about yourself against you, and manipulate you to say whatever they want you to say.

I left PG alone to do their own thing because that's what they wanted, just like the users above. Just like you. "Just leave us alone so we can focus", amirite? Oh wait, I am!

I agree with one of the other comments. Post a link and a few things to 8chan qresearch, so that Q team really knows. Aside from that, let's get back to work.

You don't know shit, and your comment here shows it.

Nice edit:

God bless the GA team. Thank you for your efforts.

Trying to make it seem as if you didn't just backhand @srayzie for her hard work? Like you really do mean well here?

@srayzie @shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @kevdude