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Shizy ago

GA has the backing of Voat. It’s not about Srayzie. Neon fails to understand the very nature of this site.

And that's what it comes down to precisely. Neon doesn't get voat and he never will.

Neon can suck a nigger dick and get gay flu

That's something I hope Neon gets!

Rotteuxx ago

Sry, you'll have to find someone else to be your "bottom" bitch. Only 2 holes do it for me ;)

srayzie ago

You may not be my minion but you’re my boomer!

think- ago

That's cute. :-)


srayzie ago


think- ago

;-) xoxo

Rotteuxx ago

If we were in prison together, you would totally be my bitch. Shotgun top bunk XD Inb4 you like to be on top.

Nah, I actually enjoy swinging bobs in my face :)

Besides, I'd get to kick you from the bottom bunk when you don't put out dominate me.

Rotteuxx ago

LMAO. When I get bored I copy paste neons blog to QRV, then I ask boomers to buy his merch. I don’t always Larp, but when I do, it’s as @neonrevolt.

Can confirm ! I even laAaaAArped as a boomer myself & placed an order.

Except @Neonrevolt fucked up my order and instead of getting a coffee mug & a t-shirt all I got is a fucking dredel & a menorah with baby dick scented candles.

2) I think Q is a Jewish psyop, because everything is a Jewish psyop until proven otherwise

So are you but who cares, you have sexy legs and a bitching attitude. Grrrrrr !

4) Neon can suck a nigger dick and get gay flu

Shit... I actually have a meeting at the local penitentiary today for cell block renovations. Those faggots better not start jerking off to my sexy ass !

5) GA has the backing of Voat.

That because we believe not only in free speech but also tough love. When the larp come crashing down, we'll be here to rub it in their faces while shaming them for being jewish psycho lab rats. We care in our own way !

Crensch ago

Neon fails to understand the very nature of this site.

Jews will never understand what humans can easily figure out.

1) I’m not Srayzie’s fucking minion. I was red pilled and here long before her.

Can confirm.

Unclefuzzydix ago

Because you have acted insane and offered not even one percent of the information to the conversation as him. You are a footnote in his works and he is the entirety of yours. Pretty telling as to whom the villain is. You are evil and mentally unstable. It is obvious.

GodBlessTrump ago

Looks like an educational read! Thanks, for a change.

Paladin_Diver ago

I've always found that a person's true character comes out the greater the intensity of observation. In other words, whether one has or doesn't have integrity isn't changed with transparency, but the more chances you give good or bad character traits to reveal themselves, the more likely they are to do so.

fearlessness1 ago

Use to follow Neon. I unsubscribed quite awhile ago but still messages. srayzie I'm sorry you had that happen. Thanks for letting us know. We know how hard you work to make this board GREAT!

RVangel ago

I am sorry you had to go through all of that. I have read Neon Revolt and something just told me not to continue. I am still figuring out how to get around in this platform and don't intend to stop. I go to Gab once in a while but have not checked out Neon Revolt's great awakening and from what I learned here I don't intend to. We get enough revolting behavior from the others side and don't need any from anyone who is supposed to be following Q.

Publius1778 ago

What happened to you is wrong and anyone who cares about the country and the Q movement DOES NOT DO THESE KINDS OF THINGS.

Agreed there is something off about Neon Revolts Vibe, same with Serial Brain 2 for other reasons.

Bottom line is that no Q supporter is perfect(some willfully misleading and others just misguided), we will all have our differences and the goal is to move on, lead and unite.

feckyerlife ago

I use to like Neon until he came out with his shirts, then i realized that he is a Paytriot, fuck him

d00danon ago

I am with you Sray, Neon Clown will never enjoy my readership again.

Paladin_Diver ago

As somewhat of an unbiased outsider who could have cared less about board politics, I find it telling that the usernames that NeonRevolt calls out in that post are all posters whose content I've found enjoyable and enlightening. I used to enjoy Neon's posts, but he seems to have become a bit too self-important and manic of late.

dmanny77 ago

meh. NR is hit and miss, but I read him from time to time. not abandoning this place though. more information and like the anons here.

patriotwomen ago

Seems to me if I am here it's because I like it here and don't want to change !! I think the only thing he proved is that not only are you "brainy" you are also a "beauty". Thanks for all you do.

70times7 ago

Voat will be better the day all you q'ers leave.

"Sheep no more"


Truther65 ago

Thank you @srayzie. You are a hero for standing strong. So do not let evil people have potency over you. Ultimately evil loses........keep that in mind.


I'ved removed him from my Bookmark.

Headwest127 ago

Good. I was looking for a 'final straw' to stop reading Neon. It sucks that you're being put through this. We know who the true patriots in this discussion are. Head high, @Srayzie and ModTeam. Keep up the great work.

Mycofruit ago

What, Bill Maher's writing his 'script' now? Maybe they're the same pos.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

Good for you for sticking to your guns.

I read NR when I first started following Q because his research helped me understand/unpack the drops. But there were quite a few things that gave me pause about him. Including at least one post where he boasted about Q following him and claims that Q would give him a nod here and there. He started showing very narcissistic tendencies and then when he did his “blacklisted” series I had to quit following along. Then the book deal and this latest post patting himself on the back about it. He’s pretty insufferable. Maybe he’s a closet gay? Maybe he has other skeletons in his closet, since he supposedly worked in H-Wood and it feels like he has an inferiority complex of trying to prove himself, perhaps he did some unsavory things in the past to try to gain leverage in that industry? Those who scream the loudest...

Adopted-Patriot ago

I believe NR is controlled opposition, being used to gather as many Anons under his umbrella before dropping the hammer. As Q has said, "This is war." V/GreatAwakening is one of the many weapons being offered to Anons for the battles. True Anons, when show from the great mods here, can make the proper decision and discard the garbage presented from the shills. Keep up the great work!

Fishdo169 ago

I read his follow up post to the one mentioned by OP and it made my mind up for me...

Caveat Emptor


srayzie ago

What follow up post?

Fishdo169 ago

The one proposing Qs identity...

HuFlungDung ago

Nice work and your time spent on this is greatly appreciated.

singlebrain1 ago

Confirmed. Neon Revolt is a 16 year old girl with a 'do not enter' sign on her bedroom door. Srayzie, we got your back, here at least. Karma is a bitch, Neon is over due.

Blacksmith21 ago

Interesting angle regarding IATSE. The article is correct that 90%+ of the union are white males. And they have purview over the grips, gaffers, set builders, sound techs, cameramen, lighting directors, boom ops, etc. If IATSE strikes, Hollywood comes to a grinding halt.

Blacksmith21 ago

We got your back @srayzie.

For those unfamiliar with the NR history:

Hand_of_Node ago

What's the real name of this person, and where does he live? PM might be best.

FractalizingIron ago

The archive of his post snoozefest si really telling, and I wonder how any Q supporter could take NR seriously after that.

The politics of the personal attacks and trash-talking are discouraging. I'm sorry you have to bring them up here, but I get that you have to call a spade a spade. but please try not to let it take much of your attention.

Defending your good name and vindicating your (GA) team, etc, will come at a price. That price is being weakened and distracted, imo.

I have always found the atmosphere here and the mdo team, etc, great. Can't see anything wrong with it.

I would definitely put NR on my list of 'observe with care' list, but frankly, I've never felt inspired to pay attention to much of what NR says.

I agree with one of the other comments. Post a link and a few things to 8chan qresearch, so that Q team really knows. Aside from that, let's get back to work.

Every dog has its day, but patriots work day and night.

God bless the GA team. Thank you for your efforts.

Crensch ago

The politics of the personal attacks and trash-talking are discouraging. I'm sorry you have to bring them up here, but I get that you have to call a spade a spade. but please try not to let it take much of your attention (or ours).

Defending your good name and vindicating your (GA) team, etc, will come at a price. That price is being weakened and distracted, imo.

Oh, gee, look at this tired old SHILL narrative of "move the fuck on now", or "Let people think for themselves." or "This internet edgelord bullshit is exactly why q won't leave the chans." or "Who cares? You clearly have a pissing match that has nothing to do with Q or research."

Great company you keep there, 6 month old account with 625ccp.

You shouldn't feel too bad, though, one of our long-time users got his shit wrecked when he wrote and defended this:

"it seems to me like you are trying to distract with all this drama day after day"

All of the above is on ONE of her submissions. You should try reading the nest of that last link; maybe it'll illustrate for you exactly how you don't know shit about what's valuable and what isn't with regards to how the mods/shillhunters spend their time.

I would definitely put NR on my list of 'observe with care' list, but frankly, I've never felt inspired to pay attention to much of what NR says.

Isn't it nice that other people do the work of outing people like NR so you don't have to, and you can continue on your kindergarten-tier research and circle-jerking without giving a single thought to who keeps this place safe from people like @ESOTERICshade et. al. who is most likely responsible for the severe drop-off of both users and researchers on PG. If you want to argue that we should just leave people like NR/ES alone, we tried that, and look at what's left. They groom the most active of you, earn your trust, and then use any info you give them about yourself against you, and manipulate you to say whatever they want you to say.

I left PG alone to do their own thing because that's what they wanted, just like the users above. Just like you. "Just leave us alone so we can focus", amirite? Oh wait, I am!

I agree with one of the other comments. Post a link and a few things to 8chan qresearch, so that Q team really knows. Aside from that, let's get back to work.

You don't know shit, and your comment here shows it.

Nice edit:

God bless the GA team. Thank you for your efforts.

Trying to make it seem as if you didn't just backhand @srayzie for her hard work? Like you really do mean well here?

@srayzie @shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @kevdude

Crensch ago

If you had read all of her other posts on Neon, I think you would have a different opinion about what she should spend her time and effort on.

Nobody would blame you or anyone else for not reading all of it, but there is far more to the story, and the guy is extremely dangerous to any healthy group on the internet.

Read up on consensus cracking if you are only mildly interested in what I mean.

FractalizingIron ago

Thank you C.

You may be right. As far as I know, I've read a good number of Srayzie's posts on Neon and on various 'attacks' on GA, etc. (By putting attacks in quote marks, I do mean to imply they are not attacks, but rather that this is how they are presented.)

I was involved with r/GA, and was privy to a certain amount of the machinations that were taking place behind the scenes with that, not to mention having a first hand seat to seeing the arrival of the r/GA 'team' on Voat, the emergence of qrv, and some of the mayhem there.

I do not doubt that you are correct, with regards to NR; I am merely stating that for many patriots, we are already full with working on Q drops and other elements of the war, and that dealing with infighting or conflicts within the ranks (regardless of whether that infighting is required, or highly appropriate and necessary) can and is often debilitating.

If you read my comments to be in some way a criticism of Srayzie posting on this topic and area, then you misread. Just take the comments at face value, I suggest.

kneo24 ago

I was involved with r/GA, and was privy to a certain amount of the machinations that were taking place behind the scenes with that, not to mention having a first hand seat to seeing the arrival of the r/GA 'team' on Voat, the emergence of qrv, and some of the mayhem there.

This says a lot more than you probably intended to. More or less, the majority of that team was compromised. Any doubt was removed when they came over here acted the way they did.

FractalizingIron ago

Yes, I certainly agree. That was my point. For whatever reason, I was on the inside track with FOT who exposed quite clearly the BS the r/GA mod team was up to. A lot of people on GA never got to see that, because the mods would edit, ban and delete, etc, doing crazy stuff so that the r/GA community never got to see their BS.

More or less, the majority of that team...

100% concur.

I strongly supported FOT and the new alternatives he set up. As far as I know, FOT helped Srayzie out in setting up the new coding / image work etc that now gives v/GA its distinctively great feel. (I might be wrong, but that's what I understand).

This says a lot more than you probably intended to.

Actually, I think my comment said a lot LESS than I intended to. I was alluding to the fact that I know a lot of the behind the scenes BS that happened on r/GA, and the really bad elements that were part of setting up vtheawakening. To wit: I'm no stranger to the reality that was going on behind the scenes there, and therefor understand (to some extent, emphasis on SOME) and support Sray'z issues with NEON and the old r/GA mob that were offside. Does that help?

Any doubt was removed when they came over here acted the way they did.

100% agree.

Crensch ago

I do not doubt that you are correct, with regards to NR; I am merely stating that for many patriots, we are already full with working on Q drops and other elements of the war, and that dealing with infighting or conflicts within the ranks (regardless of whether that infighting is required, or highly appropriate and necessary) can and is often debilitating.

And you don't give a thought to why you have this nice place here, relatively free of COINTEL faggots that would disrupt and slide and consensus crack this place into a ghost town. You're a naive little shit that thinks he knows something, and has room to comment. You have the processing capability, but your information input is fucked.

Let me lay it out for you:

Your research, and q drops, and decoding, and meme-making, and whatever else you do here is predicated on you having a platform upon which you can do so. You're acting like a pacifist in a nation that earned its peace through military power.

If you read my comments to be in some way a criticism of Srayzie posting on this topic and area, then you misread. Just take the comments at face value, I suggest.

I read your comments exactly how anyone following her submissions would read your comments. You're a naive little shit trying to make your save space safer by asking the guys with guns to buzz off because they're not aesthetically pleasing enough for you. You're beyond wrong, and I'll illustrate that to you, and everyone on this subverse if needed, until you figure out exactly how far past wrong you are.

FractalizingIron ago


Have a great day.

Crensch ago

At least you know when to tuck tail and slink away.

How does it feel to have your entire position demolished publicly?

Crensch ago

If I misread, my apologies. The sentiment pops up every single time she makes a post like this, so the general reaction is based off of that.

Fighting any kind of War, including an information War, can be overwhelming and debilitating. Ignoring the enemy behind your own lines in order to fight the enemy outside because it might drain the troops is, I think, a poor plan.

FractalizingIron ago

"general reaction" - You have to admit, this says something here, if you are reacting as opposed to acting.

I'm just saying, think in terms of overall context. I'm not saying ignore an enemy behind your own lines. Corsi has been well exposed. I supported (and thereby encouraged) the idea of posting related info on qresearch. Why?

This is why you build specialist teams: to deal with internal issues. If NR is bad news, he should be widely exposed. I'm just advising with a sense of caution on 'how'.

I get that this is personal for you, and for the mod team at GA. Therein lies the very reason you should consider and reflect on what I write, and not simply .... react.

Crensch ago

"general reaction" - You have to admit, this says something here, if you are reacting as opposed to acting.

It says I have something to defend, soyboy.

I'm just saying, think in terms of overall context. I'm not saying ignore an enemy behind your own lines. Corsi has been well exposed. I supported (and thereby encouraged) the idea of posting related info on qresearch. Why?

What does this have to do with anything? And yes, you are saying to ignore the enemy behind your own lines. You're specifically saying that.

Defending your good name and vindicating your (GA) team, etc, will come at a price. That price is being weakened and distracted, imo.

Remember when you said that?

Or this one?

The politics of the personal attacks and trash-talking are discouraging. I'm sorry you have to bring them up here, but I get that you have to call a spade a spade. but please try not to let it take much of your attention (or ours).

"I TOTALLY understand you have to call this out, but don't waste your attention on it."

These look, to anyone that calls out shills on this site, EXACTLY like what a shill would say in order to demoralize those doing the heavy lifting.

This is why you build specialist teams: to deal with internal issues. If NR is bad news, he should be widely exposed. I'm just advising with a sense of caution on 'how'.

No, you're not. You're backpedaling after being called out for "suggesting" to her that she shouldn't, AND I QUOTE, "WASTE YOUR(her) ATTENTION ON IT."

Admittedly, a typo, as I meant to write "but please try not to let it take TOO much of your attention (or ours)."

Absolutely changes not a goddamn thing. Congratulations on your failed attempt at backpedaling here, too.

I get that this is personal for you, and for the mod team at GA. Therein lies the very reason you should consider and reflect on what I write, and not simply .... react.

Someone needed to consider and reflect - it wasn't me.

FractalizingIron ago


If you say so. Your choice.

Crensch ago

Low-effort posting is part of the Kubler-Ross stages of grief.

The depression stage.

You've already denied you said what you said. Then you got angry, and admitted you did. Then you backpedaled (bargaining). Now depression.

Feel free to act like a human and actually experience that last stage, if you can. If not, enjoy trying to convince yourself that you don't care for the foreseeable future.

Crensch ago

I think you're misunderstanding what I do here.

I watch, I wait, and I look for little red flags that go up when someone comments seemingly towards a narrative that is pushed by people wanting to demoralize and attack those that keep this place safe from people like Neon.

Yes, I react. There is nothing wrong with reacting. It is not intrinsically a bad thing, which is what you seem to be suggesting. If everything is going well, I do not act.

The addition of that word doesn't really change the fact that the overall take away from your original comment was, whether intentional or not, demoralizing.

If you've worked your ass off on something, and someone in your target audience tells you that maybe you shouldn't pursue that line of thinking or digging or researching or acting, what effect would that have on you?

I posit the effect on most would be demoralizing.

FractalizingIron ago

It seems to me there was more behind your comment than meets the eye.

Yes, there was. I personally find certain degrees of attention to this stuff discouraging. I think certain other patriots do too.

I'll leave it there. You've gone all super defensive, explaining your case, justifying your response (reactions?). Fine. Why don't you just attack me now?

If you're saying that my initial comment was demoralizing to you and your team, come out and say it. Why try to rationalize it, and turn on a patriot who actually FLIPPIN supports your cause?

See the result here? EXACTLY my point.

Thank YOU Crensch for the VOTE of confidence. You have succeeded. You've managed to multiply the CRAP that the post rails against in the first place, and now a loyal, supportive patriot on GA feels how..... ?

Well done.

Rope yourself in, mate.

I'm NOT going to bother engaging with you for a long time.

Do you want me to leave the forum now?

Sheesh. Get over yourself.

Crensch ago

That's funny coming from someone that had to edit their original comment.

Maybe you should be apologizing for saying something you all but admit is wrong.

Crensch ago

@srayzie I don't know if you know the guy above, but I think I caught one.

FractalizingIron ago

LOL. Seriously?

All you did was piss me off with your attitude.

Crensch ago

All you did was piss me off with your attitude.

Nobody gives a fuck about a pacifistic, whiny-bitch soyboy's feelings.

Sray, please do review ALL my post and comments to GA.

Oh, this is ADORABLE.

The little shit thinks some submissions and comments that appear to belong will be enough to make anyone else think that after acting just like the other shills. Hey, @FractalizingIron do you know what a well-maintained sleeper account is?

I notice that Crensch is a more recent addition to the team (haven't been paying much close attention to GA for a little while, so not sure when).


Oh fuck. That's rich.

I'm not on your team. I'm not directly a part of GA. I'm a goat. I've taken it upon myself to defend Voat from all threats, foreign and domestic.

Goats, real goats, are responsible for Voat being as free-speech as it is. I played no small part in that. You're welcome.

I do not doubt Crensch's motives,

You've shown you can't even conceive of my motives.

but I strongly question his methodology.

@kevdude @Trigglypuff @Empress @shizy @MolochHunter

Oh god this guy is killing me. My methodoloy? MINE?

Well, that's just feedback.

Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?

There are multiple facets to it, but the most important takeaway is that the unqualified are not qualified to assess whether or not they're qualified.

You are beyond unqualified.

You have to support your team, and I get that. It's appropriate and correct. But at the same time, I hope you can find some value in the feedback I've offered.

Humor. A good laugh. You have no idea how insanely presumptuous you're being right now.

As for this lout, well, yeah, he/she just totally pissed me off with this over-the-top defensiveness, self-justification and accusatory tone in which he/she just refused to NOT criticize me rather than actually just take the feedback and say "I disagree".

You should really venture outside of this subverse once in a while. If you thought Q sent you here to insulate yourself from the rest of Voat, you're probably overlooking something.

See? Is he/she just trying to win some argument here? <facepalm>

Bend or break, I care not which.

FractalizingIron ago

LOL. Now that's funny.

OK. <self facepalm>

I thought I'd seen your name on the mod list.

Didn't quite realize you were just being a general pleb.

Go ahead, Knock yourself out. I really don't care. My ONLY interest in the exchange with you was because I thought you were a member of the GA mod team.

Have a great day. I hope you do not get too caught up in your delusions and obvious emotional problems...

17021618? ago

Hate to see someone disrespecting one of Voat's very best. You need to lurk moar. @Crensch, I commend you for your patience.

17RedPills ago

I'm embarrassed to admit that I came to voat through NR. Used to follow his blog, and found out about TheAwakening from him. Subbed to this and QRV too. Realized this one has the least bulls*t with best goats. Thanks for all you do. WWG1WGA!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thank you @srayzie

I am very happy to support you in any way that I can...

Threats to you and your family are subhuman

Paytriots like NR have my contempt

The comments from users confirm overwhelming belief in you...

☕️ 🧁 💐

Dafunkstarr ago

Fuck that piece of Shit.. Stay strong srayzie Wwg1wgA!

RainDrops ago

NR posts are actually just made up of other people's research already posted on the some other site. Reposting things isn't research. As for his gab group, I think he's trying to get info for his book from posted material there and of course a base to sell the book from.
I've been a lurker here for a long time. I used to read following NR's blog but the whole book thing really turned me off. After I read about the threats and stalking of the mods here, I'm just disgusted. So sorry you've had to go through all of that and NR is not just a profiteer but a despicable and dangerous sociopath.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

ThanQ for keeping us informed. It helps to let me know what to pursue and what to leave in the dust. Especially as the platform in this neck of the wood grows to bring more people on board. I want to point them to the good stuff. A lot is happening, and i am glad to consider myself part of this crew. Is that pride?? Well, proud of YOU and all that you do!!! As our coms (and mods) get attacked, we gotta to remain informed as to what is legit! Dont have time to waste nor resources to support the false and the paytriots. Godspeed! The Lord continue to bless you and keep you safe!

Timedancer ago

Thank you for this post. It caught my eye because when I saw mention of NR it made me realize I have not bothered to read any of his stuff in many months! I don’t remember exactly what it was that turned me off about him but it does go back to the last days of GA on reddit. At this point, I pay no attention to anyone who disses Q. I hadn’t paid attention to anything going on with NR...appreciate catching up on it!

I appreciate the work you do here, Srayzie ❤️🇺🇸

Paladin_Diver ago

"but it does go back to the last days of GA on reddit."

Would you please be so kind as to elaborate on this. I was there and don't recall exactly what was going on at the time.

Timedancer ago

I used to read his articles on his website frequently but then all the weird stuff (like being instantly downvoated many times per comment) on reddit happened and as best as I can recall NR seemed tangled up in some anti Q sentiments on his own site. I think Srayzie has posted links above that may give insight into the final demise of our GA reddit board. It was a confusing time!! Sorry, I know you’re looking for more info on pisses me off that everything got deleted!!

Paladin_Diver ago

Thanks. I've only skimmed Srayzie's posts on the subject (they are long), so can probably find more on my own if the motivation strikes. I was looking for a lazyman's summary.

Agreed on the Reddit deletion. Some of my better efforts, and those of others, were gone like POOF!

LeeDoverwood ago

I used to like NR but then he started being a downer, his blog started being kind of crappy with less valuable content and I just forgot about him. Hearing about these threats just sickens me over him. I'm done with NR. Thanks for the heads up and posting links.

Patti_McGreen ago

Anyone that sends threats of this nature to anyone is truly sick and evil!!

Patti_McGreen ago

I'm just a regular person that came here from Reddit when they started censoring...i don't really understand what this is all about... but it sounds scary!... I come here for inside news re:Q... mostly lurk... and then research comments from anons.

I only have 2 people in real life that i can discuss the topics contained in this group.

Sadly, most, including my spouse are asleep at the wheel... and the few that are starting to wake up are often put off when I bring up topics that they consider to be conspiracy theories...

Anyways... sorry you are going through this... and like I stated I do not fully grasp the VOAT thank you for explaining this situation and for all the work you do here!💖

HateTheCabal ago

Me too. Hubby too much into MSM to listen to Q. Have no one I can talk to about Q. Come to GA to talk to all of you.

Paladin_Diver ago

I got here the same way you did and also found this drama a bit surprising. I'm curious how having a spouse that doesn't share your worldview works? I'm finding it impossible to even date women who don't see at least part of what is really going on. Being in SoCal, that means my social life has been reduced over the past couple of years.

Patti_McGreen ago

I have an IT digital communications is not completely foreign to me...but these days My computer work is fairly limited to Adobe Creative Suite..

It is NOT pleasant when he is watching MSNBC. We have roku TV and he loves Rachel Maddow and all her %$#@(% views on gender neutral BS and her rudeness towards our POTUS. we watch in separate rooms. hahah I read alot. Researching for many years now on what some consider to be right wing conspiracies...WHATEVER...I am an introvert type anyways...not a wallflower but avoid people as a whole unless..I have specific reasons for being somewhere...I am an artist all grown and all their own...I enjoy my new freedom...but yes I have lost friends and family over my choice in 2016 election...I love TRUMP!

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm a bit of a loner at times myself, but it's hard having a conversation when the most interesting topic on my mind, Q, is something that can't be brought up in most conversations. I just think it would be very hard to self-censure in my own home.

And I agree that paring down one's friends list can be beneficial.

Patti_McGreen ago

we've almost divorced over it a few times...the 4 kids told their father that he was being daughter called him out with his claim of being a feminist male but then CENSORS his own wife!!! he said he would file for divorce if I voted for TRUMP. He's nutz...he seriously has TDS bigtime... I went to a Trump Rally an hour away with a couple and another GF...all of whom he likes...he was shocked that they all voted for Trump too....I had a blast there :-) we have n agreement no politics. I recently started volunteering for a ProLIfe Pregnancy Center. He just grunts like a mamdan when Iam onthe phone taking care of business with the other volunteers.

Mention Q when you are out. You could be a breathe of fresh air for someone already following Q or just one curious about the state of the Union...You could be a beacon of light for someone wanting to learn more...I am finding more and more folks that are interested but afraid of their PC peers ...I just ask " do you know about Q" and if they shut me down..I drop it...other good ones are... Who killed JFK? ......and did Timothy McVey really blow up the OK Federal Building? ....Do you know about Building 7? What about the 2 boys murdered on RR tracks in Mena, AK and the Clinton connection?

We all have to keep sharing even at the risk of being labeled the village nut!!!! We live in a small town...I've been explaining weather modification by the DOD since 1987...Not easy being a nut in small town but someone has to do it...haha

Paladin_Diver ago

I was half-ready to break my no-tatoo personal rule with a big Q on my biceps. I did drive around with a Q on my SUV during election week, but I'm in deep blue territory and don't really want my car vandalized so I took it down after awhile. Beyond that, someone has to say the right things for me to open up about Q. The exception being a few friends who were mostly red-pilled already and were easy to get to take the next step.

Patti_McGreen ago

We have a state's College in our town and quite liberal. I am afraid to drive around with a Q or Trump bumper sticker. I don't want my car to get vandalized either. And I'm serious be a little bit more open about bringing it up if you're quickly rebuffed and just let it go but like I said you'd be surprised how many people asked me to keep telling them more and asked me for websites and what to look up

GoodGodKirk ago

If it wasn't for this board, he wouldn't have much to talk about except how he's doing a book.

I just avoid his bullshit now.

Funmi ago

Once NR started going on and on about his book and boasting about his achievements and turning people to his Gab account, I stopped reading him. I had a bad feeling and now confirmed!

WhiteRonin ago

Neon Revolt sells Chinese products at gross profit margins.

Let his plebs buy hoodies made in China that need special care because they fall apart.

srayzie ago

@blessedtoteach I watched your video. All Q subs are being attacked by shills. You know what that means? It means we’re doing something right. You didn’t mention the other Q Subs today before you said that maybe Neon Revolts Group would be a good place to try.

You are one of my favorites to watch. I watch all your videos. Have you not even read all the stuff Neon has done to us? He’s lying about us again. Please read and use discernment. You saw once before how he was acting like Jerome Corsi. Neon is even trying to pull people from QRV by saying we’ve left a bad taste in their mouths.

BlessedToTeach ago

Thanks for the heads up. I have not had time to research and did skip the drama part when reviewing Neon Revolt. Yes, he did have one post that seemed to be anti-Q, but he and I traded messages offline and I was comfortable that is was an anomaly. I am going to try and stay out of this since I don't have time to research and will just focus on good Q content for my show. God Bless

srayzie ago

I appreciate that you skipped the drama part. I’m talking about the part where you talked about us having tons of shills. That’s all Q subs. God bless you too.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Tried out B2T early on. His self-righteous bible thumping, incessant vocabulary issues & general thick-headedness quickly caused me to tune elsewhere for more substantive, less cluttered content.

We may be on the same side regarding POTUS, MAGA & Q. But should the SHTF, I would never want a halfwit like him anywhere near my foxhole.

Ashamandre ago

Sad that neon would continue to seek division in our movement. @srayzie, you and the goats here made me feel welcome when the reddit migration happened. Good research is done here, and i feel enriched for the experience. Fuck those that seek to muddy the waters, and a pox on those who cannot understand Where We Go One We Go ALL.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I’m glad you felt welcome!

HateTheCabal ago

Me too. Came from Reddit. Tried TA and QRV. Settled on GA. Like it much better. Good people here.

PacaGoat ago

I have been following Neon on gab for a long time. Done. Ive tried to hangon but Not going to now. Ive watched as his posts on gab have seened to devolve into some very juvenille offerings. I cant see how he is an asset to any community any longer. It seems all he really posts about his his epic war and peace volume. I just dont see it. He is manifesting classic "grandiose" behaviors."

Lets just pray for him and hope he doesnt keep up with this destructive behavior. Anyone who threatens a woman or mother in this fashion is sick in the head.

Let peace regin in your heart.

kestrel9 ago

^ Well stated and thoughtful perspective, I dub thee the Peaceful PacaGoat :)

MuckeyDuck ago

We're with you. I don't know what NR looks like but quite sure I wouldn't get all popeye'd looking at his picture.

srayzie ago

Lol thanks

Shizy ago

So Neon denies he was the one threatening to dox us, rape us, kill our kids, etc- but interestingly, all those threats and harassment stopped as soon as Neon threw his tantrum and left voat. Hmmmmmm.

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

In case anyone doesn't want to waste their time reading that crap, I'll summarize it for you:

"Hi guise, Neon here (barf), I know I told you I wasn't going to post until my book comes out, but I'm such a narcicistic fame whore, I just couldn't wait to talk about myself! Oopsie, tee-hee! So my book is going to be the most important gift anyone has ever bestowed upon mankind, so make sure you go out and buy it as soon as it's available! Okay everyone? Please! Please buy my book!

oh, and Srayzie is really mean and hurt my feelings because she doesn't fall at my feet and worship me like I deserve, so I made g/GreatAwakening on gab because voat sucks and "left a bad taste in my boutique" (not the first time today I'm sure). Yay! My new gab board will NOT be a democracy and I will rule with a heavy hand, so post only things I will approve of or else I will ban your ass! If you don't like it, tough titties, I'm Neon revolt!


What a faggot! 😂😂😂

Headwest127 ago

And hats, and t-shirts and stickers.....

Shizy ago

That too 🤣

DawnPendraig ago

lol well translated

Shizy ago

Haha! Thanks! M

RockmanRaiden ago

He waited until everyone forgot the shit he pulled. Also way more normies on the Q wagon now. Figures he'll start making moves again.

inspiretk ago

Tag this in 8ch Q Research thread, and let Q know.

Q's on the offence, and taking out shills now.

goldman1959 ago

What's wrong with minions? I like the minions. I'm proud to be one of your minions. Keep up the good work.

B-------D ago

That is a L.O.T. of fucking drama... Whew.

Banky1974 ago

Never had a good vibe with NeonRevolt. He's presented some good info and research, but always had the vibe that it he viewed the entire phenomenon as a means to an end.

And then disappearing for months to write a book made it very clear that he didn't give a shit about this movement or this country. This is a daily fight. If people look to you for information, guidance and leadership, you don't disappear to write a book.

Very sorry to hear about your experiences srayzie but thank you for sharing them and confirming that NeonRevolt is a complete POS.

kestrel9 ago

NR's attitude and discussion about his book (The People's 'Life Raft') makes it sound likes he's already writing the epilogue of the Qmovement, with NR's own special reveal: "Plus, you’ll get to learn a bit about me, my own journey, and how I ended up doing what I’m doing."

That's a nice way of saying 'eat my dust' to voat:"So I expect to wrap up the first draft of that soon. After that, it goes to an editor, and then, hopefully, to every bookstore in America." and btw Voat sucks/don't go there/come to my new venue/I'll protect you from mean goats/and yeah I'm supposed to tell you that QRV is great, 'cause well, you know >>Q sent you there, but I know you won't plan on staying there once you come over and check out my snazzy new Q Diner on the Gab!

So NR has left the building. Hopefully for good this time.

GoodGodKirk ago

yep, he's a true paytriot.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Is he aware Q knows who he is?

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

I tried to tell everyone a while ago but people still trust him for some reason.

Paladin_Diver ago

Because a lot of people are like me and didn't care about board politics. I'm just here for the information. That is, until I read Srayzie's posts and it becomes pretty obvious who is wearing the white hats here.

DawnPendraig ago

Remember when he had thay Q clock app "free for all" with hidden crypto mining program embedded? I came on the Q scene when that was happening and I waited for him to apologize (maybe his programmer didn't tell him) but he doubled down. That decided me not to bother with him.

FractalizingIron ago

Can you elaborate? How was crypto mining embedded in the Q clock program?

FractalizingIron ago

Thank you.

Shizy ago

No problem!

FractalizingIron ago

Hmmmm... Beginning to understand why I've never felt any impetus to follow NR. I read about 2 or 3 posta way back early last year, but never felt the pull. The same was with Corsi. Actually listened to Corsi in the beginning when I just learn about Q. But quickly felt no pull.

intothelightwego ago

Its all about the money honey! Who gets more fame gets more money - so simple really - lots of people have jumped on the Q train for self aggrandisement purposes - Those who make the most noise....

MuckeyDuck ago

Not everyone that earns money is a bad. See Money Myth here

Corey Lynn produces some great digs.

mark7 ago

Joe M. gave him a shout out today, calls him a "great researcher". And I think that is likely true. Joe also says, "If you turn one away, you've hurt the plan, if you hurt the plan you will be left behind". I do NOT understand NR, or why he would start so much bullshit. But it seems obvious, that he is severely butthurt over something, and his ego has run amuck. I FULLY support GA, srayzie, Shizy, and Molochhunter, and ANYONE who would send such threats, deserves the (nasty karma) that awaits them. IF NR is pulling this infantile bullshit, Q knows, and has it all. Starting to wonder if NR is comped as a Hellyweird pedo, because that is the ONLY way his attacks make sense? "Those who scream the loudest" Seems his "go to" is sexual violence. The crew here is SOLID, and I will gladly share a foxhole with ALL the true Patriots here!!

Unclefuzzydix ago

He and Srayzie both have ego issues but he at least provides solid research where Srayzie only offers drama.

mark7 ago

So you say. If so, then shouldn't he be researching, or attacking the DS/Cabal,( instead of wasting one second being a petulant bitch?) How does srayzie hurt or threaten him? If he had an ounce of integrity, he would move on, and rally the troops, (instead of the constant auto-fellatio on display).

Unclefuzzydix ago

Look at his research to drama ratio vs Srayzie. It is that simple.

mark7 ago

Not gonna lie, I enjoy his work. Either way, lets move on!!

kestrel9 ago

Great researcher. I suppose if a great researcher is someone who had never heard of Jack Parsons before yesterday...

Saw this music video tonight.

Made me aware of something/someone I previously was not aware of:

Jack Parsons was a rocket scientists who helped found NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1942...

Oh, and he was also an Ordo Templi Orientalis Satanist, who was personally mentored by Aleister Crowley, and he also spoke to Nazi-import Werner von Braun at length on more than one occasion.

Yes I confess I took a sneak peak at the Diner and that was one of NR's hard hitting lightning bolts of revelation! Maybe next year NR will discover song lyrics about L. Ron Hubbard, Marvel Whiteside Parsons, 'dear sister Sara', and Marjorie Cameron.

Unclefuzzydix ago

He is an egomaniacal great researcher. Srayzie is just egomaniacal.

Shizy ago

Thank you @mark7 for your kind words!

Phillylotus ago

What a nightmare you've gone through! Neon revolt has proven himself to be a bully and a self-righteous homophobe. I'm so sick of hearing about his book updates...I really don't think anyone cares.

Revel4ti0n ago

He is looking for power. He does not fully understand the Q movement with such a statement. I ask where is his love and tolerance for other patriots? We have been warned about the power hungry people who want do profit out of this movement.

Writing your name just gives me some hits he knows a german spoken language maybe. You get it guys German and power hungry... ;-) (Sorry real german partiots just a little joke)

chocolatepatriot2 ago

dont feed the rats

CarpenterforChrist ago

True goats have your back. Will be praying for you. God bless!

madhatter67 ago

This exactly.....and if nothing else NR did bring us some new Q goats.....hopefully we won't be seeing any more of him and his more ovine followers

I'm sorry you had to put up with such shit srayzie.....this place was always drama free until he turned up and tried to take over...may it be so again

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that.

VQTmom ago

We are with you. We appreciate all you are doing. Thank you a million. God bless.

DickTick ago

Neon talking about how he goings to run his new page that everybody supposed to go to ----- "No, this group is not a democracy. If you want to post crap, you can do so on your own wall. You’re not going to force other people to listen to it."


hamman365 ago

Wow - totally fucked up.

wokeasfook ago

He hates you cause he ain't you.

NoKnothing ago

Don't worry about Fluorescent Revulsion. He mad because he is barely hanging on to his Reddit Gold.

sinclair ago

Oh, he do this for the moneys? If so, AJ and disingenuous.