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crazy_eyes ago

it seems to me like you are trying to distract with all this drama day after day

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

You don’t think it’s concerning that thousands of people don’t know that the mods were comped and have been removed and the one left isn’t even around? Who is running it? That’s concerning. It’s not concerning that the one that endorses them is writing a book on Q?

It’s kind of like, do you want to take the red pill or the blue pill? This is our Q home. A whole damn sub has been infiltrated. That Q sub is the only one not attacked. That should tell you something.

You just go live in comfy land then. I’m going to be careful about who I follow and warn people so they can make an informed decision. This isn’t about choosing v/GreatAwakening. There’s also QRV, and other subs. It’s about having safe subs that are not infiltrated.

crazy_eyes ago

I just think it is not Q related or great awakening related, it seems like all those others users you mentioned are not Q related either.

I direct people to simply read all the Q posts starting from the beginning, dont read someones book, read the source, and do your own research when you have questions, and do not let someone elses opinions sway what you know. Just find the truth.

It seems like you are giving those irrelevant people a lot of your attention and energy that could be better spent on things Q

srayzie ago

If that were the case, then Q wouldn’t have made a post in June, telling people that they were comped and to be removed/replaced. They weren’t. They came here. That makes it Q related.

crazy_eyes ago

Im not denying that people are fucking with you, but their mission is partly to get you off topic and in this case i think they have

srayzie ago

It’s not about people fucking with me. It’s about the whole fricken Q community on Voat. This doesn’t stop me from posting about Q. Look at my history. Someone needs to stand up.

Paladin_Diver ago

You've sold me.

srayzie ago

I’m sorry 🙁 I see you’ve posted there a lot.

Paladin_Diver ago

No apologies necessary. I'll explain that more in another longer post ( I'm on a tablet right now), but I was unaware of any of the internal board politics. Now that I am informed, I'll do a bit of homework. I suspect my findings will lead me to focus my attention here.

srayzie ago

Ok, sounds good.

Crensch ago

Are you familiar with ESOTERICshade?

A user or group that ran off the best PG researchers consistently because PG had a ton of people just like you that didn't want, or didn't think they needed, people like @srayzie to come in and wreck the shills so good users don't get run off.

I realize Q is a little different than just PG, but NR, if he is BuilderAnon/ElectroLumus, has a LOT of shillpower behind him and will ruin anything any anyone he can.

Alternatively, tell us what you think @srayzie should be doing instead.

crazy_eyes ago

my advice would be to ignore the bastards

Crensch ago

That's what PG did.

I'm sure there are plenty of archives, but look at PG's 'users here now' number.

This isn't a game. If users that can bust these faggots don't, the most active, (and naive,) users will get run off. Many PG researchers were doxxed and threatened, others were groomed by ESOTERIC et al, and manipulated or forced via willingly-given blackmail material to behave themselves.

@Vindicator @think- @MolochHunter @kevdude all have seen these things. They all can attest to the danger of letting these guys operate while those of us that aren't affected do nothing because of attitudes like yours.

And again:

my advice would be to ignore the bastards

And do what, instead of busting them? Is there something @srayzie hasn't done that needs done otherwise?

crazy_eyes ago

I guess Im not one to be afraid of them, I just think they are drawing attention away from Q, so dont give them attention was my first thought, just seemed logical. Srayzie can ban them, it just seems like a lot of unnecessary drama

think- ago

it just seems like a lot of unnecessary drama

You might want to re-read what @Crensch wrote above, and what @MolochHunter wrote below.

I was a v/pizzagate mod for ten months, and now I'm a normal user again. To a certain degree I understand that normal users don't want to engage themselves too much in taking shills down. They come here to have convos with people they like, and to do research.


Taking notice of shills, and learn how they operate is something the average user will have to learn, if he/she wants these subs to thrive.

These shills are bad actors. They are not just some retarded guys who don't know how to behave on a board.

They do it deliberately, their actions are carefully schemed and planned.

As @Crensch and @MolochHunter have pointed out, they are driving the best researchers away.

What @Srayzie does, and what the other mods do isn't 'drama', it is an attempt to provide a good and safe environment for genuine Pizzagate / Q researchers, respectively.

We shouldn't allow bad actors to operate here. Burying our heads in the sand will contribute to them having success in destroying legit subs.

Think about it. Please.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy

Edit: spelling

Crensch ago

It'd be nice to have a submission to point to that explains all of this to people that don't understand. Does anyone want to take a crack at it?

I'm not sure I would be the best qualified to do so.

@vindicator @molochhunter

Paladin_Diver ago

I might, because I'm exactly the audience you are seeking to protect (new here, not into the board politics, but immodestly a valuable contributor).

This thread has really demonstrated the intellectual honesty that your little posse has. It is admirable, and I'm now going to change my focus to this sub.

I'll have some background questions.

Crensch ago

Sounds good.

Ask away.

think- ago

I'd suggest that all of us write something, and forward it to @Vindicator (if you don't mind, Vin), so that he can edit and re-write it, and put it together in a coherent post.

Actually, he might want to take the comment I left above, and @MolochHunter's comment above, as a starter, if he likes. I think that @srayzie and @Shizy have also already pointed out something along these lines, so they might want to dig into their comment history, and forward it to Vin.



Crensch ago

I guess Im not one to be afraid of them, I just think they are drawing attention away from Q, so dont give them attention was my first thought, just seemed logical. Srayzie can ban them, it just seems like a lot of unnecessary drama

Banning them doesn't do much, here.

Nobody that busts these shills is afraid of them. They bust shills for the people that should be afraid... or at least aware of them.

Not knowing about NR and the reddit mods caused the schism in the Q community. Imagine if someone had been able to do what @srayzie is doing here on Reddit.

NeonRevolt gets eyes. If you accept that he is BuilderAnon, he claims to work with, which had a banner supporting THEIR subverse specifically, if memory serves. @srayzie, do you have a screenshot of that?

Do you use Do you know what they might be planning? How they intend to corral a bunch of redditard-tier Q people into following their deceptions? Do you think they've just given up?

They don't give up, they just keep scheming and putting new plans in place to ruin people or take over sites. That's how the free internet consists of just a handful of websites.

I'm going to go a step further:

Your attitude is that of a boomer. Close your eyes to it. Ignore the problem, it'll go away. Don't give it attention or it'll materialize in reality and become true. Don't rock the boat. Don't make drama. Everyone just be cool little Fonzies and let bygones be bygones infinitely.

The more I think about it, the more disgusted I get with your position. Just kick the can down the road by inaction, because who gives a shit about other people? Just leave it all alone, and let the weak get eaten, instead of educating them on the dangers of the internet, and these people in particular.

@srayzie was a naive, weak, terrified soccer mom not too long ago. What would have happened if someone had groomed her into giving up blackmail material before she made GA? She got lucky, as it were, but others weren't so lucky and disappeared suddenly after cryptic interactions with some of the usernames we've outed since.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Burke

srayzie ago

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Burke

Damn I like that

think- ago

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Burke


@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @MolochHunter

crazy_eyes ago

i do not use qanon,pub, I go to qresearch and get it from the source.

I am no boomer. You seem to have misread my attitude, nevertheless, see you on the chans

Crensch ago

i do not use qanon,pub, I go to qresearch and get it from the source.

Not the point. Do you know how many people do?

I am no boomer. You seem to have misread my attitude, nevertheless, see you on the chans

I haven't:

it seems to me like you are trying to distract with all this drama day after day

crazy_eyes ago

do you disagree that this neon shit is a distraction, and it taking energy away from q research here in this sub?

That was all I was trying to get across.

I think the energy could be better directed, But its up to each of us to where

Crensch ago

do you disagree that this neon shit is a distraction, and it taking energy away from q research here in this sub?

No. It's part of it.

I think the energy could be better directed, But its up to each of us to where

Seems like @srayzie made her choice of where to direct her efforts: to the safety of the users, subverse, and Voat as a whole. I couldn't approve more.

crazy_eyes ago

well good night, I'm going to go to sleep now, looking forward to Trumps big announcement about the wall this afternoon.

Have yourself a wonderful weekend

MolochHunter ago

as moderators, if we ignore the bastards, this is what happens:

1) they intimidate and scare off more fragile researchers. Which, given that there are many SURVIVORS trying to make a contribution here, is a big concern

2) they MANUFACTURE consensus to approve fake news, or falsely debunk real intel. They do this through a) mass upvoting / downvoting with sock puppet accounts, making innocent eyes think there is a consensus they should give creedence to, b) using sock puppets to make artificial back-and-forth conversations which a reader can be sucked into a false granting of creedence or authority to a viewpoint

3) using their multiple account log ins, they can detect someone of genuine value to this work, and downvote brigade them until they lose their ability to make posts

there is no singular larger threat to the movement than this. If they prevail - and are not sufficiently countered - THEY CONTROL THE NARRATIVE, rather than the community of genuine researchers controlling the narrative

Its like handing the keys to Voat over to James Alefantis

so please, pwiddy pweeze, help us out here

Vindicator ago

Yes, @crazy_eyes, what @Crensch, @srayzie and @MolochHunter say is true. All of this has taken a toll on v/pizzagate over the past two years, and will have the same impact on v/greatawakening if left unchecked. I would also add, these nefarious operators attempt to sow distrust in the mod team with constant criticism.

crazy_eyes ago

The mod team sows distrust with their own actions

Vindicator ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

@crazy_eyes I've seen your posts and I know you are tired of this.

Mods Job

It's the mods main job to keep the board safe, because if they do not do that, nothing else is sure. Voting may be unreliable, and consensus may have been manufactured. I would not want a board out of control like that, and how would I even know ?


GA mods can't just ban a user unless they have broken the rules severely, and warnings come first. Even when an account is banned there are always three to take it's place, so that's not a solution. Add to that the 'new' user has to have all the latitude and warnings before getting to banning again, and then it starts all over again. The final problem is that the 'new' accounts act like shills initially, so are difficult to detect, unlike trolls who are obvious.

Consider the history of shills.

They were originally people who stood in the audience around market stalls. They pretended to be prospective customers, and argued with the traders over fair prices. Of course they then would say "OK that seems a fair price: I'll have one" and spring forward with the money, triggering the punters to follow, and lose money paying too high a price. How can you tell someone is a shill when they are pretending not to be ? It's not easy or quick, until they start their move...

I'll stop there, but I did write a non technical explanation yesterday, and I will put a link here, should you be interested.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the assist. I couldn't think my way out of a wet paper bag last night and your comment fills in the gaps nicely.