friendshipistragic ago


gabara ago


gabara ago

It's simple, we just keep sending the "refugees" to Serbia and don't ask any questions about what happens after that.

gabara ago


gabara ago


gabara ago

Well then get your shit together. Get it all together. And put it in a backpack. All your shit. So it’s together. And if you gotta take it somewhere, take it somewhere, you know, take it to the shit store and sell it, or put it in a shit museum, I don’t care what you do, you just gotta get it together. Get your shit together.

gabara ago

NO! Fuck you. You do not get to spend several decades destroying social systems that worked well (although not perfectly) and then say "Oops. We made a mistake". This is called "Consequences" Look that word up liberals and conservatives. You both damaged this by your ignorance and middle America chose sides. This is perhaps the most offensive and disturbing quote of all.

gabara ago

NO! Fuck you. You do not get to spend several decades destroying social systems that worked well (although not perfectly) and then say "Oops. We made a mistake". This is called "Consequences" Look that word up liberals and conservatives. You both damaged this by your ignorance and middle America chose sides. This is perhaps the most offensive and disturbing quote of all.

ExpertShitposter ago

you sound a bit bigidded

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Where the fuck am I now?

Good morning everybody:)

ExpertShitposter ago

get out of the gutter

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Up and up, up and up.

Rotteuxx ago

You're the best ! That morning BJ was amazing by the way :)

Rotteuxx ago

I didn't mean yesterday's coffee, I want fresh coffee ! And pick these dirty dishes up while you're at it, sheesh woman !

Rotteuxx ago

Alright, I'm up... where's my fuckjng coffee ?

@Trigglypuff !!!! COOOOOFFEEEEEEEEE !!!!!

gabara ago

NO! Fuck you. You do not get to spend several decades destroying social systems that worked well (although not perfectly) and then say "Oops. We made a mistake". This is called "Consequences" Look that word up liberals and conservatives. You both damaged this by your ignorance and middle America chose sides. This is perhaps the most offensive and disturbing quote of all.

Rotteuxx ago

You're a real piece of shit for excusing this dirtbag. I've shown you proof he threatened his girlfriend, shit talked her and her kids, but somehow he's the victim? That's some fucking Jew bullshit right there.

ExpertShitposter ago

@puttsmum where's mah beeerr. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear.

ExpertShitposter ago

@KatHarzso welkom bak from de ded

KatHarzso ago

Thanks, :) it is good to be a gangster or sumthin'.

xenoPsychologist ago

did someone lure you away with a pile of gold?

KatHarzso ago

Sorta. I was emotionally exhausted and at my wit's end so I got a job. They lure me with gold too...

xenoPsychologist ago

well, welcome back.

KatHarzso ago

Thank you. Also, thank Putt. He had to put up with me constantly begging him. Wasn't until I started to purr that he relented.

xenoPsychologist ago

heh. think unsexy thoughts. think unsexy thoughts. think unsexy thoughts...

KatHarzso ago


xenoPsychologist ago

thats a very convincing argument you have there.

KatHarzso ago

I know. I should use it more often.

xenoPsychologist ago

now i kinda feel like rereading prequel again. for no particular reason.

KatHarzso ago

Wtf is this a story of my life?!

xenoPsychologist ago

maybe! it gets really good. and it runs on reader suggestions.

KatHarzso ago

LOL I read a lil bit into it and was very amusing. Thanks for sharing!

xenoPsychologist ago

i highly recommend reading the whole thing. its pretty incredible. like an orc highwayman with incredible luck (because of multiple four leaf clovers) who is very muscular and usually nude.

and, of course, a hilarious "diversity mural" that was painted by the daedric prince of nightmares.

KatHarzso ago

LMAO! Definitely I will!

xenoPsychologist ago

do you have any experience with the lore of the elder scrolls setting? its not required by any means, but its always a bonus.

KatHarzso ago

I've played the shit out of Skyrim.... which I may just hook my old xbox up here soon and start again.

xenoPsychologist ago

daggerfall was amazing. morrowind was good. oblivion was pretty alright. theyve been going down hill since that one guy took over back when morrowind was in the works. he cuts out more game mechanics with each one... sad times.

can you believe daggerfall had non combat skills?? thats right! skills essentially for roleplay with no effect on combat! im glad some fans are rebuilding the whole thing again in unity. dosbox is a bit of a hassle to get going correctly, if you know what im sayin. however, the classic arena and daggerfall programs are downloadable for free these days, if one were interested.

KatHarzso ago

Ooooh, thank you! I'll look into that. Always been a bit interested about the whole of Elder Scrolls.

Non combat skills. Huh.

xenoPsychologist ago

have fun with it. and feel free to let me know what you think of it.

WhiteRonin ago

Morning ... zzzzzz ... I’m awake ... I think

ExpertShitposter ago

to battle stations!

FecalDemiurge6000 ago


drstrangegov ago

@poodledog ! I'm being brobdingnagian!

xenoPsychologist ago

is it possible you could be... pregante??

drstrangegov ago

definite possibility. I hear you can get pregnate from gas station bathrooms.

totes_magotes ago

I thought "The Cabal" was called "The Heresy" nowadays?

heygeorge ago


totes_magotes ago

I thought that was horse meat??

heygeorge ago

I thought perhaps you were just a shit speller

totes_magotes ago

Not really but I did put the horsemeat in @TheBuddha once. He seemed to like it.

heygeorge ago

This disclaimer on this post is a sad statement on the decline of both Voat society and Voaters’ intellect.


TheBuddha ago

I think I might start shilling for PRS, instead of Gibson.

heygeorge ago

Makes sense for you, as they are beautifully playable yet also the most vanilla of tones.

Also, why?

TheBuddha ago

Because they are easily used to create a wide variety of tones, without needing a whole lot added to them. It's the only guitar I know that'll (realistically) let me sound like a Les Paul and a Strat, with merely a tone switch and pickup selection. They're also very well crafted.

Finally, because I emailed 'em the info needed to show I'm a performer and our audience sizes. They're givin' Ol' Buddha the artist discount on a couple of new guitars. "I'd love to take your guitars on stage with me, but I don't want to put something so special and expensive where it gets stage abuse."

I freely admit that I can be bribed.

heygeorge ago

Oh yeah! I loves me some artist discount. Especially on quality consumables. My first string endorsement... wow those strings were fucking terrible. I ended up giving them away!

And as for the PRS, yup, precisely as I imagined.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I took full advantage of their offer. They're even gonna send me some shirts and hats. I fucking love pretty much everything that's ever been in their private stock collections. I smoked some weed, loaded up a debit card, and went shopping.

I'm now a diehard PRS fanatic, until I pull the same stunt with Gibson, again. Martin only hooked me up with two, and that was quite a few years back.

Fender gives me the cold shoulder, but I've not reached out to them in a while. I bet I can get me some free fucking Strats if I start reviewing guitars on YouTube.

So, I shill for PRS now.

Actually, you know what I really miss? I miss all the free drumsticks I've been given.

heygeorge ago

I never particularly enjoyed the free sticks. Pro-Mark will print you custom sticks, though, for dirt cheap, which is a lot of fun.

Fender, from what I remember, was notoriously tough. Martin also gets real tight real quick, but they used to have an amazing program for their employees (which now has been largely castrated, unfortunately) which I found better than their artist offerings.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not really mad. I really only reach for a Fender when it is the correct tool for the job. For whatever reason, it was the guitar used by the original artist. I take my replication serious enough to strive for that tone, and I can fake it well enough with just a 5041 Custom 24 and I can still get my throaty howl like a GLP.

It means less switching and less shit to bring to the stage. I figure I can cut two guitars out and save the effort.

heygeorge ago

In your circumstance, it makes total sense.

PS: I just opened a package of delicious syrup! Hmm... we may be having pancakes for dinner.

TheBuddha ago

The syrup is absolutely delicious. If you've tasted it, there are very good odds you've now had my berries.

heygeorge ago

Not yet. About to whip up some banana pancakes! The fam also went strawberry picking today. Glorious! Life is good. Perhaps even...

Best day ever!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

ExpertShitposter ago

also, "the imperium of man"

totes_magotes ago

Psh, that one's older though.

C_Corax ago


ExpertShitposter ago

gud meuning

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Fire drill?

ExpertShitposter ago

yes, my ass is on fire

drstrangegov ago

Hey-yo! Good morning!

ExpertShitposter ago
