Nadeshda ago

Quality shitposting as to be expected. @heygeorge had me looking into statistics on brigading posts on the quecumbers and at the moment we have averaged about 76.2% interferances and response ratio. What was really interesting was that there are closet Quecumbers!!! :0 yes and they roam freely among us.

With the statistical analysis it has also pointed to the fact that there are personalities that use software to create online personas and tripple tier their response ratio.

It’s been busy as you can clearly see but a trend has certainly been established to root of the cause of the influx ratio of the branches that have infiltrated the you know what-what.

That’s all for now these numbers have me spinning. Over and out ESP keep up the good werk!!! :)

ExpertShitposter ago

@Rotteuxx is a known Quecumbercan.

Nadeshda ago

Oh wow, this is interesting, I will have to faction this into the statistical analysis and see how it effects our overall rating of effectiveness. Thank you for this vital piece of information.

KatHarzso ago

You forgot about the Cat Protection they do, too. Evil fuckers.

drstrangegov ago

Stand back and let the expert work.

1moar ago

Come see me in my office please.

ExpertShitposter ago

Alright. I'll be there in

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I heard they blackmailed @PuttItOut by spamming endless v/aww pics to the front page. In return for stopping, they got a weekly stickied guitar thread.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thats why they call that @TheBuddha operative "NationalTerrorist".

TheBuddha ago

As long as it comes with a parade, you can call me anything you want!

heygeorge ago


Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Do I have to? I havent even had breakfast yet

ExpertShitposter ago

du it nau

C_Corax ago

I hear the Q team answers directly to high ranking SBBH officers.

Womb_Raider ago

@kevdude Dude who wants to control QRV is making shitty jokes about Q being controlled by SBBH. This is too funny.

ExpertShitposter ago

I heard that @srayzie @Shizy and @MolochHunter are all the same person, and answers directly to a high ranking SBBH information broker known only as "TheVoid". No one has ever set his eyes on this person in real life. Or maybe some people did, but never lived to tell the tales.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

They were instantly turned to stone is what actually happened