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MadWorld ago

[–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago

post more gore and porn and loli un GA

SearchVoatBot ago

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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@shizy. Look i know you're fat fuck who can't think straight so let me help you out a bit.

Although it seems you've now changed your tune and are demanding proof that he actually posted loli too.

I've been saying that the whole time dumbass. Its nothing new

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@shizy is a hypocritical cunt

She says she would never reply to something knowing i couldn't reply back as with being banned from /GA

Oh wait whats this? Talking shit in her safe space because shes a fucking power hungry lunatic?

They made the claim that zyklon was POSTING loli and no proof has been provided. Only evidence that zyklon was "promoting" the trolling to which has been acknowledged. @shizy is trying to save face by claiming victory by moving the goal posts away from "he was posting loli" to "he was encouraging it". Clearly i wanted evidence for either or with the logical desire for anyone to get evidence for both. This is standard division tactics.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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srayzie ago

You’re awesome. Thank you 😊

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thank you for the evidence, more is appreciated in this ongoing investigation. @Zyklon_B

Now he did say he didn't actually do the posting. Zyklon whats funny about getting others to spam loli?

MadWorld ago

He claims to be a performance artist:

“ i am a perfomance artist ALL here is satire -beatlejuice- ”

It gives him the unique situation where he can freely cross the borderline of being an "artist" and an actual troll/shill. As such, he can use this persona to troll others while causing conflict/divide among other subverses.

You can use searchvoat to search for user comments. But keep in mind that comments on searchvoat can well be deleted upon update request.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It is well within reason that the loli would be spammed regardless of his comedic or non comedic remarks. Proof would need to be given that he actually spammed it otherwise this is a big nothing burger.

zyklon_b ago

i aint get nobody to do shit they doin whatever they do anyways. so fuck anyone trying to accuse me of posting that shit.


@heygeorge raped a white infant in 1990

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@madworld zyklon brings up a good point. Now was his intent to cause loli to be spammed on /qrv or was his intent to trigger dumb niggers on /GA into thinking he was doing it for his own comedic benefit? Was the loli already being spammed? Would it keep being spammed no matter what anyone said?

Could you prove the actions of zyklong lead to the direct spamming of loli? Was there a measurable uptick?

MadWorld ago

@madworld zyklon brings up a good point. Now was his intent to cause loli to be spammed on /qrv or was his intent to trigger dumb niggers on /GA into thinking he was doing it for his own comedic benefit? Was the loli already being spammed? Would it keep being spammed no matter what anyone said?

I do not know if he is doing more than just trolling. What he is doing could be used to direct other users' behaviors in a way that would make him the leader of a group of troll accounts. Of course, I do not have any evidence to support that, nor have I looked into his comment history.

Could you prove the actions of zyklong lead to the direct spamming of loli? Was there a measurable uptick?

QRV is an anon subverse, you might have to ask Putt to do the investigation. But it will also bring out more drama as Putt himself would be accused of accessing/unmasking anon comments...

We could try to ask @SearchVoat to see if it is possible to do a stat on QRV's submissions.

SearchVoat ago

What exactly did you have in mind?

SearchVoat ago

It's not clear to me from those links what stat you want.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

A correlation comparison between zyklons "promotions" of loli and the actual rate of loli posts to /QRV. Was zyklon impactful on the amount of loli posts in any measurable way? When did the loli start and is there any correlation to suggest he was the catalyst?

SearchVoat ago

What counts as a "zyklon promotion of loli" and what counts as "a loli post"?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@madworld ask this guy. I actually don't really give a fuck its just funny how retarded GA mods are.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Shizy.

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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

HOLY SHIT straw man much you fucking cunt?

I actually don't really give a fuck

Is in context to @searchvoat performing his search, which @MadWorld suggested. Not me.

Shizy ago

You asked for proof that zyklon_b called for loli to be spammed.

Proof has been provided.

So why are you now changing the goalposts? Does his intent change anything? He did it! He lied about it, and now he's been proven a liar.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@shizy is too fucking stupid to realize i can't change the title you dumb fucking cunt. Yes an example has been provided that zyklon "promoted" the spamming of loli. However your IQ appears to be too low to understand that;

  • There are less than 10 users who post that shit and we know who they are

  • They were posting it long before zyklon "promoted" it

  • They would continue posting it long after zyklon "promoted" it

  • Therefore zyklon is a non contributing factor unless SUFFICIENT evidence is provided that his proven "promotions" were more than obvious satire at the expense of people dumb enough to deserve it. Was is it orchestrated? Is there a direct correlation between his comment and a measurable uptick in loli?

  • Regardless, there is still ZERO evidence that he actually participated. You are hypocrites of the highest order.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

zero goal posts have been changed you dense nigger. He didn't lie about anything, he said he didn't POST any of it. He ADMITTED to fucking with you and others. The intent and result of which is highly important but its clear you are not interested in actual justice. Was he doing it for the likely comedy of your retarded over reaction?

Proof has been provided that he made comments promoting the spamming however no proof has been made that he did the actual loli spamming himself. I'm against all of it, if you dense fuckers haven't picked that up yet.

Shizy ago

READ the title of this thread nigger?!

@crensch accuses one @zyklon_b of posting OR ENCOURAGING loli to /QRV

Proof of him calling for loli spam has been provided!

however no proof has been made that he did the actual loli spamming himself.

You asked for either or nigger!

In an anon sub how the fuck are we supposed to be able to prove he was actually spamming loli? It's anonymous you dense NIGGER?

Proof that he called for spamming loli has been provided yet you STILL defend this punk ass mother fucker!

I was respectful to you, and you've continued to call me a retard and lash out like a flaming autistic faggot! 🖕🏻

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yes you dumb fuck and i said it was provided. Are you really this retarded?

Shizy ago

So you're not gonna address your fuck up of asking for either OR?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its not a fuck up you dense bitch.

@szhizy is too fucking stupid to realize i can't change the title you dumb fucking cunt. Yes an example has been provided that zyklon "promoted" the spamming of loli. However your IQ appears to be too low to understand that;

  • There are less than 10 users who post that shit and we know who they are

  • They were posting it long before zyklon "promoted" it

  • They would continue posting it long after zyklon "promoted" it

  • Therefore zyklon is a non contributing factor unless SUFFICIENT evidence is provided that his proven "promotions" were more than obvious satire at the expense of people dumb enough to deserve it. Was is it orchestrated? Is there a direct correlation between his comment and a measurable uptick in loli?

  • Regardless, there is still ZERO evidence that he actually participated. You are hypocrites of the highest order.

Shizy ago

@szhizy is too fucking stupid to realize i can't change the title you dumb fucking cunt

I'm well aware you can't change the title dumbfuck! That's my point! You asked for OR and now you want it to say AND!

Doesn't work that way nigger! You sperged out demanding proof that he called for loli spamming or evidence to back up those claims. It's been provided. You lost our case!

That didn't go the way you were expecting did it? Hard to admit that you were wrong in defending this guy since now you know he did in fact call for loli spamming!

But go ahead and keep adding to your OP to try to cover your fuck up!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@d0c5 i really don't have the patience to explain this, the account is most likely an alt of @srazyie could you kindly explain to this dumb bitch how the logic of this situation actually plays out?

Shizy ago

Not a Srayzie alt, but nice attempt to get out of being held accountable for your refusal to accept that you were wrong.

There's no phone a friend either dense nigger, but if you want someone to help explain things so that you can understand it better, go for it!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

There was nothing wrong you dense nigger!

There was no mistake!

I'm simply looking for evidence instead of a mob rule unlike your crazy cat lady self you fucking whore.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Look at this hypocritical bitch.

She says she would never reply to something knowing i couldn't reply back as with being banned from /GA

Oh wait whats this? Talking shit in her safe space because shes a fucking power hungry lunatic?

Shizy ago

You lost me being considerate of you when ou continued to name call and throw a tantrum. I wasn't going to leave your questions unaddressed for other users and provided the answer for THEIR benefit. You are of no concern to me and can fuck off.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Hypocritical low IQ bitch

Shizy ago

You lost consideration and respectful treatment after your repeated name calling.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You are mentally ill, there is no fuck up and you have no intention of actually seeking out facts.

Do you even understand how basic deductive reasoning works? I was looking for proof of either OR but that does not mean that one being provided proved both. You dumb fucking bitch let me hold your fat pig hands one last time.

  • Showing that zykon "promoted" the spamming of loli does not equate to actually spamming loli

  • Asking for proof of zyklon actually spamming loli does not equate to moving the goal posts or negating the first.

Shizy ago

It's funny that you keep replying multiple times to my single comments! Who's the mentally ill one? Hahaha!

bopper ago

The boy is insufferable lol.

Shizy ago

Boy is right! He probably acts like that when his momma tells him to clean his room.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You are you dense bitch. Go back to your safespace

Rotteuxx ago

Go take your meds you delusional attention seeking gaslighter

zyklon_b ago

prove 1 instance of me postin it and i quit voat

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I'm still waiting for the proof too. So far they have NOTHING.

zyklon_b ago

@heygeorge banned me from sbbh wit zero evidence. only proves he is here for monetary gain via keeping the (((shills))) here. prove me wrong???

CameraCode0 ago

Lol talk about self-destructing.