18785355? ago

@Crensch is a jew who larps as a Nazi on Voat

18785294? ago

awwww sheeeit!! Crensch(AKA Kev Dude) will destroy SBBH!! Those weakling faggots will bow at his feet. Unless @Zyklon_B shitposts their way out of this

18785327? ago

deaf 2 @srayzie n @crensch they shud be put n2 a kilt

18784786? ago

This is from the post at GA:

QRV posted a sticky showing @Puttitout, owner of Voat, PM'd them. See their response... Yesterday, the QRV stickied this post saying they are leaving Voat and moving to Poal. Wtf? They aren’t going to be anonymous there either. I knew they would try to blame Voat. Q didn’t ask for his board to be on Poal. If that doesn’t prove to you that these people are compromised, I don’t know what will. Putt was clearly giving them a chance to clean it up.

This is what @FastJack really said:

We will ride this bitch until we can't and when we can't we will head to Poal and when we get banned from there we will just keep on keeping on because this ride never stops.

Sounds to me like we are not moving unless we are forced to by voat.

18784741? ago

@srayzie and @crensch = shills

18785310? ago

This was known long ago when Srayzie first popped up here. Anyone who went after srayzie got attacked by crensch, kevdude and various other alts. This shit goes very deep