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srayzie ago

What v/greatawakening rules did @trigglypuff break? @katharzo?

You know what you just did? You proved all of your detractors right and made a lot of us look stupid for defending you.

I had your support as long as I ran this sub the way you saw fit. GreatAwakening is a private niche sub. I don’t have to follow your rules. Since there is now division because of shills, especially Zyklon, what am I to do? I can’t please everyone. So, I needed to make a choice. If I’m going to choose which way to lean, it’s going to be keeping GreatAwakening safe.

I can’t count on my ole pal shill buddies to leave us alone. They all got “muh free speech!” You didn’t say shit to Zyklon until he called you a cuck. But you’re going to act like I’m in the wrong?

Where were you when SBBH removed my submission post? How about all my comments? Did you make a post here? Nah, you’re a mod of that very sub now. It’s obvious who you’re loyal to.

Your feelings are not a good enough reason to break Voat's culture of limited moderation.

I’m within my rights. I’m used to shills. I did get my feelings hurt at first when some of my “friends” turned. You know a lot more of the behind the scenes shit. But, after Triggly’s Shillbook 101 lesson, and her naming Zyklon and others as shills, I saw that she was never a friend. In fact, she’s dividing Goats behind their backs. You got my first response where I showed what she was doing. Almost everyone agreed. You didn’t acknowledge it, so I didn’t include you in the rest. But now, I have no doubt who is behind the division.

Oh are you going to pull the “I’m a girl so my fee fees hurt” bullshit now? The other day, after being called a cuck, you said you modded me because I’m a killer. I don’t put up with bullshit. I won’t put up with it from you either. You’re not my handler. What you see right now isn’t a FEMALE with hurt fee fees. You and your shill buddies may see this trolling as all in fun. I’ve tried being reasonable and asking everyone to stop. It’s not all fun and games to me. I put my heart and soul into this movement, and I’m not letting it get shit on so you guys can have a blast.

BTW the css trick they pulled? It was used 3 years ago against me and mods of this sub.

I also know what else happened over 3 years ago involving @Electrolumus, aka @Nucleolumus, aka @Heru, aka @BuilderAnon, aka @aqmapcurator. You were perfectly fine with all Consensus cracking which lead to the founding of ProtectVoat. You were ok with him using his “tech tools” and reporting back to you. You panicked when I called him out and he deleted his accounts. Several of us were tripping out on you. I’ve had my doubts about you since.

Because people who supported this sub and its mission weren't retarded enough to believe anything on a troll sub.

I’ve supported Voat. I’ve encouraged unity. There’s all kinds of subs the shills can attack. They chose the Q subs. Hmmm. It’s about us having a place to follow Q without having to deal with all the trolls. Kind of funny how these freaks come out of the woodworks right before declas. The media is shitting all over themselves.

BECAUSE it was free from namefagging self righteousness powertripping mods

Wow Kev. You’re starting to sound like your buddy Builder. How many years have you been a name fag now? Remind me again, who’s the emotional one?

What is this Kev?

The usually calm and cool Kevdude is getting really worked up. You’re all over the comments too. Calm your tits bro.