Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

You should just stop. White knighting is pathetic. Sorry.

Gothamgirl ago

Sounds just like what Srayzie and friends did to me, except due to the stress and my disabilities (nerve disease) I had to be admitted to a hospital..

NosebergShekelman ago

Didn't hotdog or whatever the fuck his name was warn you about her?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Ok thanks for filling me in 👍

ExpertShitposter ago

While i don't agree with zyklons actions and am not trying to defend him here....i have to say:

emotional woman

She prides her self as the PATRIOT WARRIOR that is gonna take on the deep state and annihilate its cabal to free all of America and the world from the tyranny!!

Yet she got broken by a single person typing things into a message box while under the influence of meth. Let that sink in. Rekt by a random dude on the opposite side of the country. What would have happened if Q was actually real, and the deep state sent masked door kickers IRL like they did after Seth Rich for example?

This is actually a perfect example why i lost all respect for such boomers. They wanna be the rebel revolutionary war fighter, but they call the emergency services because they realize someone didn't replace the toilet paper roll after they already let out one poop.

@srayzie is a victim of internet brutality. If she cant handle it, then....maybe she's too old for this gig eh? In space, no one can hear you scream. And on voat, no one can give you pussy pass.

@heygeorge @Trigglypuff @crensch

SearchVoatBot ago

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finix_666 ago

Is voat becoming reddit now?

ExpertShitposter ago

with reddit migrants comes reddit

HateCumbuckets ago

This feels like @she all over again. Fully agree with maintaining voats ideal of free speech.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

In who's interest is it to disrupt those subs, and this one, bonus to pin the blame on this one, and now all of Voat is in an uproar, pinging @PuttItOut, etc... creating infighting and stress and turmoil among the mods, and has it ever succeeded. Too many people freaking out plays right into it. Makes it very difficult to see things clearly through all of that emotion.

Psyops. We are being played. Led down the garden path. Turn friend against friend. Now is a time for great caution.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

You might be getting played.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

What sort of behaviour did you expect of dial's best mate?

drstrangegov ago

the only logical answer is to remove the anonymity of qrv. people use anonymity to vent their poison because there are no consequences. its always struck me as cowardly to speak from dark corners. stand tall and proud and "speak your mind". and face the social consequences of that speech. I was always taught to not say anything about someone that I wouldn't say if they were in my presence. this anonymity encourages shitty behavior. don't be surprised when you get shitty behavior.

heygeorge ago

the only logical answer is to remove the anonymity of qrv.

This is why putts suggested the mods do that. Meanwhile a bunch of turds (or a couple, or one person: It’s impossible to tell!) shits all over Putts in the sub, and they say they’re opening up at Poal? What’s the fucking point outside of splintering folks?

I am sad you are demodded. You should really be a mod. You’re one of the best people here!

drstrangegov ago

I only joined back up because it looked like sdbh had messed with you guys and I wanted to help. but I really don't want to be involved in this. nobody has bothered to be truthful with me and that's all ive ever asked.

KatHarzso ago

SDBH and SBBH fronthole vs dick waving antics have been around forever.

Behind the curtains they're all making sweet passionate love.

drstrangegov ago

I'll buy that for a dollar.

KatHarzso ago

Ok, but they are all friends for the most part. They are like two big families with their children married together. Bickering, sure, but not hateful.

drstrangegov ago

I can absolutely see that.

heygeorge ago

I don’t think I’ve been always untruthful? Jocular. Jovial. Joking. But also serious! Sometimes you ask questions which have no answers. Your invite is on the table and you’re always welcome. In fact, little known secret, everyone is welcome here.

drstrangegov ago

fascinating to think ive never noticed that. but I don't even know what a mod DOES. I don't know what the purpose of any of this is.

heygeorge ago

Caveman said it really well recently, and has in the past, but this place is supposed to be a respite from the serious side of Voat. When all this crazy bullshit happens, it detracts from that atmosphere.

You see, this is why I’ve even encouraged you to upvote the posts and comments you view. It’s just being nice. You go out there on Voat, and sometimes your submissions are ignored or your pithy comment gets shit on with downvotes or whatever. But here, you post whatever is on your mind: WDGAF. And maybe you get banned, maybe not. The votes aren’t about farming or any of that. It’s about adding to the atmosphere and enjoyment of the place.

drstrangegov ago

I considered that. that it was a social nicety to upvote as an acknowledgement. and then it occurred to me.....all a person would have to do to create an army of accounts is go and start small talk with someone on sbbh. its why I rarely upvote unfamiliar accounts. and I have been trying to upvote friends lately as a courtesy but I forget a lot. sorry.

heygeorge ago

person would have to do to create an army of accounts is go and start small talk with someone on sbbh.

We aren’t to live our lives by what abusers will do to game the system. It’s not right. It’s letting them win. Do you not make friends or be kind in the real world simply because the other person may not reciprocate?
Second: One of the bans I levy out here are for “filthy alts”, and I bet there are a couple on the list right now. There is a balance.
Third, anyone who tries to get points here to go troll about is immediately opening themselves up to suspicion (some justified, some not) that they are a troll. You know, you pop into some new accounts profile and you see only a couple comments in sbbh and figure that guy’s an asshole. So that is another in-built deterrence from using this place for the purposes you’re describing.
Last, there are way easier ways and places to get points than here. Say some really le edgy jooooooooooo talk and you’ll have 10 points in no time. Make a few pointed comments in v/news and you’ve got it. Everyone here knows the crowd pleasers. Look at my top comment evar. That was in response to a n00b asking for the ‘straight dope’ on Voat. So, planting tongue firmly in cheek, I gave it to them.

Given all of these reasons: Why would you waste your time grinding out a solitary point here and there in this subverse which marks you with a scarlet letter just by participating? You wouldn’t, if you were serious about it. You could blend in elsewhere way more easily and hide in the cracks much more easily.

It doesn’t even take much reflection to take this in. People complaining about using this sub to farm are nimrods or shitstirrers or both.

drstrangegov ago

very good points.

drstrangegov ago

you don't have to do anything. don't escalate this. there are people rubbing their hands together over this situation.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Is it her sub?

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Its the internet. Its not that serious. Goes for you too @srayzie whoever the fuck you are.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

What happened?