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TexasVet ago

So Crensch you are at it again? The same Crensch that participated in flooding v/identitarian with interracial and gay porn when your little crybaby ass got demodded from there. The same crensch from the Moonman discord that had to disband because of constant infighting. You guys purity spiral so hard you would attack your own mother to make yourself look better. You want me to answer these exact same questions yet again? We have been through these accusations before.

You have obviously never been in the military because you misuse both the word deployed and veteran. Deployed simply means being sent somewhere. I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas. As to your suggestion that it must be into a combat zone before you can claim to be a veteran... how dare you belittle my service? I wasn't some mechanic or desk jockey. I was an infantryman. I trained in warfare and was one of the best marksman in the army when I was in there. I dug foxholes in the hard Death Valley shale. I marched a 100 miles with an 80 pound backpack through the mountains of Germany, not once, but twice.

How do you think one becomes so good at marksmanship that they are asked to reenlist with a guaranteed spot on the All Army Rifle Team? That takes determination and dedication young man. So, I was never shot at. You think this makes me less of a soldier for some reason. No the real reason you are trying to character assassinate me yet again is because you still haven't got overt the fact that I called out your Moonman crew for flooding a white identity subverse with interracial porn. Nothing more. Nothing less.

You try to frame my gofundme as me begging. I made a post on reddit complaining about how illegals can get all this government assistance while I struggled to feed myself. I was unemployed at that time and yes, I needed some help. It was at the behest of many people telling me "Dude start a gofundme, I will slip you 20 bucks right now." That I did so. I put a goal of 500 dollars and stated very clearly that was all I needed so that I could go buy food for awhile while looking for a job. It all went a bit viral as they say and the gofund me over $5000 in less than 2 days.

Yes I bought a used rifle with a portion of that money but I also gave a $1000 of it to a guy I knew that was down on his luck as well due to medical bills. You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money? And lastly why would I buy a rifle while I was unemployed? It was during the lead up to Trump's election and if Trump lost due to provable vote fraud there would have been a civil war. I have an elderly mother, brother, cousins, nieces and nephews that live in households with no guns. It would have fallen to me to protect them. I take their protection very seriously so I armed myself just in case.

Vote brigading? I do not know what you are talking about? That reddit account of mine that got banned for mass downvoating pro Hillary subs on reddit? So what? Who the fuck cares? You are a degenerate little faggot trying to attack a man that is 100% dedicated to our movement. A man ready and willing to lay down his life protecting his race. You have wasted far too much of my time over this petty shit little man. Go back to watching porn while real men like myself work on saving their race.

fl3x ago

Mechanics are clutch, yo.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't give out more of your information, please.

adhdferret ago

This is all a front designed to ensnare wayward souls to divulging their own info. You like to dig so go ahead and dig in their history see who they associated with and how they speak.

Everything here is a Honeypot and don't believe me go and review the ones attacking those that challenge the narrative. See where they gained their CCP and such. See where they congregate at on here.

I will let you come to your own conclusions.

adhdferret ago

No military service member current or former would say the shit you are......none of them. You are fixated upon race and sexual shit......every prior service member I have ever encountered is fixated upon the safety of this nation.

I have been out since 05 and it is still a concern of mine, but you? Na it is all about the white race and naming organizations such as BLM for your reason to purchase a firearm. You don't worry about a drug addict?

Na you are a subverter and a plant to show bigots are prevelant within armed services as your words echo that of a over the top racist. Dare you to come back at me with some shit about racism.

I say that because yes I hate niggers and no I don't split hairs about black and niggers they are all niggers, but I would never say I was going to get a firearm and "scope" as well as ammo because I fear BLM. That shows intent and most people know that, but na you go off and spout words from Hitler as well to just inflame shit more.

The wording you use is so fucking deliberate too.

derkataIog ago

REMINDER: @adhdferret is a known degenerate shill (not paid shill, just useful idiot for the paid shills). downvoat and ignore.

digitalentity1497 ago

Working hard shill?

adhdferret ago

Ha. You done anything with the Canary sanegoatiswear?

Oh that's right it was just a way to waste admins time.

derkataIog ago

you are so stupid. it's hilarious how easy it is for criminal shills like @crensch to use you as their attack puppet.

if it weren't for the context, i'd laugh. instead, all good goats must stand and destroy the shill cancer that owns and operates voat.

you're just a shill, not a paid one, so you're free to speak (non-living entities the paid shills represent don't have human rights.)

even though everything that comes out of your mouth is either lies, fallacies, or just incredibly stupid shite.

no, really, you dumb shite: i have nothing to do with voat, criminal paid shill @puttitout nor whether that nigger does subverse transfers nor updates the canary.

my subs were stolen, my account severely limited and overtly censored. i have to use alts now to talk; 10 comments per 24 hours for each. this is modern voat: a reddit-level censored shithole filled with shills and nearly all good users have left.

the admins aren't here, retard. they're off stroking each others' soyboy cocks.

NotHereForPizza ago

lol it looks like you got close enough

adhdferret ago

Always with the fucking edits to limit my response back to you and now I have to go back and make sure you ain't saying some shit I didn't see.

No you were limited because you act like a tyrant. You use that whole argument of they did it why can't I? Or the Look at me look at me I want attention like some fucking child.

You had TIL and fucked it up like a fool. You could have been great for this place, but no that doesn't get you attention does it? Gotta make sure you fuck over everyone and everything to have everyone know your name.

I have never been in the negative points and only banned 4 people since I been here. In almost 4 fucking years! You did that in a minute when you had some power to do it.

You have pissed off so many people that the entire site can't stand you. Fuck we laugh at your copy and paste because you constantly repeat yourself like a nigger does.

You know you can't win against me and yet you keep trying to start something. Why?

It is clearly evident now that I am my own person and there isn't one on here that can tell me what to do...not one and I am no one's shill. Fuck I wouldn't even want to be as it means responsible to a person and not the values of this place.

So go ahead and burn some more accounts. Go ahead and keep this up because I don't have to even try as many others here will do it.

derkataIog ago

win? you've already lost. all the free-speech loving people that used to come here (and a few that remain) all know better.

reddit newbs are all you have left to prey upon, you inbred retarded nigger.

please live stream your suicide. you'd finally make the world a better place!

adhdferret ago

You think I March to the beat of anyone's drum?

Wow you got another thing coming because time and time again I have shown you up and if need be I will do it again. And I will keep doing it with this account as I always have.

Don't know why you enjoy losing so much to me, but must be persistence and the fact you have that shill money to make. By all means show your boss that you will lose again.

Come at me bro.

antiliberalsociety ago

I thought it was familiar, that tactic of "I'm doing THIS, what are YOU doing?"

I've seen it a lot lately then remembered what was on the front fucking page yesterday. Note the last line.

If that isn't designed to divide and conquer I don't know what is.

derkataIog ago

@adhdferret literally is a shill. you're talking to a shill that is only here to destroy voat. also, ferret crossdresses. enjoy watching this faggot degenerate try to back away from that. i wonder if ferret had destroyed the youtube videos of it yet.

antiliberalsociety ago

4 immediate upvoats, I wonder how that happens...

MadWorld ago

If you come back to this submission in a few day, you will see the vote manipulation tells the "story." These jews travel in packs and they will cook up the narrative/conversation with their alt accounts as if they were genuinely independent users. I always laugh at their voting behavior; it is that obvious!

antiliberalsociety ago

I love all the replies coming from accounts 1-3 years old with less than a thousand SCP/CCP.

MadWorld ago

XD Those are their sleeper accounts, waking up when necessary to execute their narratives. They are the convincers, which are often deployed in a typical con trick.

adhdferret ago

Subverter team assemble!!!!!!!

You tried this shit twice with me and lost dismal like both times. I am here to stay because I help community and get new subverses started.

What you do for the good of everyone else? Call users some names and act like a Redditor?

adhdferret ago

Oh I agree that posts such as that are made to discredit the platform. What you gonna do? The trolls have more accounts to upvote shit, but it is why I always look at the viewed counter as you can tell when a post is being turfed.

Chiefpacman ago

Not invested in this argument; but if you’re not aware- this is crensch/sbbh witch hunting.

Pretty normal affair. He’s cried wolf way too many times for me to take what he says seriously. Don’t consider yourself at all discredited..

he also vote brigades

There’s some irony there coming from crensch and gang.

What have you done to prove your military status/ what ways could you wothout doxxing yourself?

Pissant ago

But remember, everyone who calls out Crensch is just the same person using multiple accounts... right?

"Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!"

And remember, if you question SBBH then you're just being manipulated by SaneGoat, right?

Their campaign to discredit everyone who questions them is fairly transparent.

derkataIog ago

holy shit, there's still actually real goats here! hey @texasvet know pacman. this nigger sees that this is just paid criminal militant SJW shilling by @crensch the known criminal shill.

NotHereForPizza ago

hey, you're back

NotHereForPizza ago

Look up further in the thread where Crensch is, at least attempting, doxing the guy. He mentions a first and last name...

Chiefpacman ago


The guy seems like he’s a veteran me. There’s obviously not evidence to contradict that. He just put up a live stream apparently

This is really not cool. This guy seems like he’s actually doing stuff in real life for our cause, but is getting trolled for it?

Fuck crensch

@kevdude I would appreciate it if you looked over this thread. Sbbh/crench seem to suck up to you.

Pissant ago

I mean, we seem to be in agreement here for the most part. However this isn't "trolling".

A coordinated attempt to discredit one of the few people actually trying to do something and organize people? I don't know, I can't chalk that up to trolling.

NotHereForPizza ago

There's a reason they're doing this. There's a reason they're here.

Pissant ago

I've been highlighting these peoples behavior for over a year now. I find I'll walk into the thread and there's all this back and forth that just feels like it was coordinated before hand. Like I'm reading a script basically. So many narratives being pushed on people -- and I can't blame the average Goat for not connecting it all, it's not like these people are stupid. I'll give credit where credit's due and manipulating a forum that values freedom of speech above all else is no small feat.

Crensch ago

The guy above defends users that attack content-producing goats, and mods that don't act like rEddit mods, and accuses others of vote brigading while also attacking those that accuse him, and he demands evidence while giving none himself.

There’s some irony there coming from crensch and gang.

TexasVet literally admits to it in the comment you're responding to. Irony hit you in the face and you didn't flinch.

lion_rampant ago

You're not a content producer anymore, Crensch. You are a drama seeker.

Crensch ago

2 months 51scp 156ccp

You're nobody.

And honestly, I was probably right about him not being deployed because he was most likely never in the armed forces at all.

But feel free to attack me with one of your other alts.

lion_rampant ago

I have one account, Crensch.

And I'm not attacking you.

That's those paranoid delusions I was talking about.

Crensch ago

Oh, you're the one with the soyboy introduction about melting a snowflake, where you melted over my response.

I don't believe in coincidences, and until you decide to put more effort into this account and stand out from the rPV crew, I will neither believe, nor care, when you try to tell me something about yourself.

That's those paranoid delusions I was talking about.

Kek. Lurk moar, faggot. I'm right far more often than not, and you'd know that if you paid attention.

lion_rampant ago

Lol. You're rolling in the mud with me in a days old post. Admit it. You love the drama.

Crensch ago

What a stupid response.

lion_rampant ago

Good chat.

Chiefpacman ago


Vote brigading? I do not know what you are talking about?

Do you not read it, or do you expect that we don’t read it?

The guy above defends users that attack content-producing goats

Jesus, do you actually think you’re the victim? This user is attacking you, and that you were a content producing goat? You’re not only an annoying drama whore, youre delusional..

antiliberalsociety ago

I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas.

Right here is how I know he's a fake.

tholinz ago

I'm not going to get into this slapfight, but thought I'd point this out. This statement:

You have obviously never been in the military because you misuse both the word deployed and veteran. Deployed simply means being sent somewhere. I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas.

He's wrong because "deploy" has a fairly rigid legal meaning in the military and does not just refer to getting sent to some base. You're wrong because you can, technically, get officially deployed to stateside bases, so it doesn't automatically make him a liar.

The word "deployment" has a great deal of connotation surrounding it, including, yes, going downrange to shoot at people in Iraq. However, it's a narrowly defined order type within the military (orders here referring to the official process by which the DoD assigns people to duty location and position). It implies that you're probably supporting combat operations in some way, that you're being temporarily assigned to another location, that your family isn't coming with you, that your take-home compensation might change a little depending on your circumstances, etc. Especially in the Guard and Reserves too, deployment orders come with some additional factors and legal considerations. However, deployment orders do not 100% of the time mean you're going to a base in Iraq or Afghanistan. You can get deployed to some regular base anywhere else in the world, including stateside; especially in the Guard, you can get deployed at your own home station. It's not as common but it happens.

However, where @TexasVet is getting it wrong is insisting that "deployed" just means "getting sent somewhere." While military personnel will use the term "deployed" colloquially too, most of us are pretty specific when talking about "getting sent somewhere". The military has a lot of different "getting sent somewhere" statuses. They're all very different, and you try to be specific about it when talking to other military folks because those differences really matter. You can be PCA'ed, PCS'ed, sent TDY for operational purposes, sent TDY to training, or so on. Likely what he would be talking about are PCS moves (permanent change of station, where you move to another base), or TDY assignments (temporary duty, the military equivalent of a business trip).

Now, "deploy" does get used a lot - "we're deploying that new software package" or "we deployed our Humvees for disaster support" - but again, it usually has a operational focus to it. Normal personnel moves between bases or training assignments probably wouldn't be referred to as "deploying" somebody somewhere.

So there are two possibilities. He did have a number of stateside deployments, which would be rare but not impossible, and would be more likely if he was Guard or Reserve. Or, he's misusing the lingo because he doesn't know any better, because he doesn't think civilians would understand the term "TDY", or because the Army uses "deployment" to mean moving anybody anywhere. (This is possible, because the Army does a whole bunch of dumb shit)

I don't know how often an infantryman would be officially deployed stateside. I don't think it would happen, at least, not within job functions specific to that MOS. Training, yes. PCS, yes. Deployment, not sure. Anecdotally, I was Air Force, and the only active duty people I ever knew of who got deployed stateside to work within their career field were Intel and Space types.

The question to ask him is what kind of orders he was on at the time of the move. People might talk about things differently, but the order types are pretty standard.

antiliberalsociety ago

Army vets that I know say you aren't deployed unless overseas to a conflict. They were recently sent to Europe but it didn't qualify as a deployment.

TexasVet ago

Oh? How is that? If you think I am going to post a scan of my DD-214 you are out of your mind.

antiliberalsociety ago

Take a piece of paper, write your username on it, put it over your Name on your military ID and take a pic. You've several holes in your story.

TexasVet ago

So you think I wasn't in the military at all? Man, get the fuck out of here with that shit.

xenoPsychologist ago

a veteran would just prove it instead of getting indignant that they were called out for making significant claims without evidence to back it up.

antiliberalsociety ago

Your story is literally THAT full of shit. You're proud to be this accomplished veteran and you go begging for money online? Do you also pan handle claiming disabled vet with a cardboard sign? Because that's the equivalent of what you're doing. I don't know one that would stoop to this level.

Crensch ago

The same Crensch that participated in flooding v/identitarian with interracial and gay porn when your little crybaby ass got demodded from there.

Never happened, but keep lying.

The same crensch from the Moonman discord that had to disband because of constant infighting.

I never went to a Discord server, I called them out from here as likely honeypots, and Voat wound up banning the links because of it.

You guys purity spiral so hard you would attack your own mother to make yourself look better. You want me to answer these exact same questions yet again? We have been through these accusations before.

I don't give a fuck what you do. I don't care about your answers, I care that the users here know who you are.

You have obviously never been in the military because you misuse both the word deployed and veteran. Deployed simply means being sent somewhere. I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas. As to your suggestion that it must be into a combat zone before you can claim to be a veteran... how dare you belittle my service? I wasn't some mechanic or desk jockey. I was an infantryman. I trained in warfare and was one of the best marksman in the army when I was in there. I dug foxholes in the hard Death Valley shale. I marched a 100 miles with an 80 pound backpack through the mountains of Germany, not once, but twice.

You're right, I don't know the terminology, and mostly used what was said in the other threads. What I DID know is that there was something very wrong with your username, and when I saw it acting like a honeypot to get people into a discord, I decided to start digging.

As for your descriptions there, it sounds like a LARP. Something you heard some old army coot say and weaved it into a story you'd replay to others.

How do you think one becomes so good at marksmanship that they are asked to reenlist with a guaranteed spot on the All Army Rifle Team? That takes determination and dedication young man. So, I was never shot at. You think this makes me less of a soldier for some reason. No the real reason you are trying to character assassinate me yet again is because you still haven't got overt the fact that I called out your Moonman crew for flooding a white identity subverse with interracial porn. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I'm not sure I've ever even encountered the term "Moonman crew" until just now digging for why your username looked suspicious as fuck.

Your story looks more and more like a LARP to me, but I'm not expert on veterans.

You try to frame my gofundme as me begging. I made a post on reddit complaining about how illegals can get all this government assistance while I struggled to feed myself. I was unemployed at that time and yes, I needed some help. It was at the behest of many people telling me "Dude start a gofundme, I will slip you 20 bucks right now." That I did so. I put a goal of 500 dollars and stated very clearly that was all I needed so that I could go buy food for awhile while looking for a job. It all went a bit viral as they say and the gofund me over $5000 in less than 2 days.

And instead of giving the extra back, you bought a rifle.

Yes I bought a used rifle with a portion of that money but I also gave a $1000 of it to a guy I knew that was down on his luck as well due to medical bills.

Oh, is that what those people donated money to you for? For you to give the money to someone else?

You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money?

I don't really know, or care, but if you were already being called out, and you'd used that money for things besides necessities, it might be smart to try something like that.

And lastly why would I buy a rifle while I was unemployed?

Is this rhetorical?

It was during the lead up to Trump's election and if Trump lost due to provable vote fraud there would have been a civil war. I have an elderly mother, brother, cousins, nieces and nephews that live in households with no guns. It would have fallen to me to protect them. I take their protection very seriously so I armed myself just in case.

You used money given to you to buy necessities, and bought a gun. And this is your excuse for why you did so? Did you just start using the internet or something? This is one of the LAMEST excuses I've ever heard.

Vote brigading? I do not know what you are talking about? That reddit account of mine that got banned for mass downvoating pro Hillary subs on reddit? So what? Who the fuck cares?

So you admit to doing it there, why would anyone think you wouldn't do it here?

You are a degenerate little faggot trying to attack a man that is 100% dedicated to our movement. A man ready and willing to lay down his life protecting his race. You have wasted far too much of my time over this petty shit little man. Go back to watching porn while real men like myself work on saving their race.

Trying to shame me while your story sounds like a LARP will go over well, I'm sure.

Tazzermalt ago

I lurked here on voat a while and if I recall the guy flooding these Alt-Right Identatarian sub threads with spammed interracial and gay porn was a user named RamblinRambo, some Hitler loving loser from Finland? who ran the reddit European and Reddit alt right news sub threads...he came back here recently after getting his subs banned on reddit

Trash_Panda ago

He made you look like a total dick haha.

Crensch ago

Did he?

You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money?

Somehow making a post asking them to stop donating was the thing to do though, right?

Trash_Panda ago

Yes lol he did. You're making a big deal about a few thousand dollars and acting like he's morally obligated to give the rest back. If some guy is hurting for a few hundred bucks, especially to the point of asking strangers and especially a vet, I'd be happy to see them get 5 grand. That's the free market working as intended, this is how shit used to work before socialism bud. If he's telling the truth then you're just shaming him and making him feel embarrassed for no reason than some arbitrary moral standard you're imposing on him. People have given me money like that when I was down on my luck and I thank God for that, thankfully I didn't have some guy waving his finger around in my face the whole time.

Crensch ago

He could have shut down his gofundme before he had more than enough. He could have refunded what he didn't need. He could have not tried to get people into a discord which has historically been seen as a possible honeypot vector here on Voat. He could have defended himself from the outset instead of making up lies and attacking me directly. He could have not given such a lame excuse for buying that rifle.

But hey, honest people do that kind of shit all the time, amirite?

Trash_Panda ago

Do you realize how weird it sounds that you're injecting yourself into some random guy's private affairs? He doesn't have to explain any of his purchases to you lmfao. Are you gonna follow him around the grocery store snapping pictures like "AHA this motherfucker bought doritos! That's not a wise use of money!" get a life bro you'll be much happier.

Crensch ago

Do you realize how weird it sounds that you're injecting yourself into some random guy's private affairs?

Now you're sounding like a faggot. I brought up posts about this guy from before.

He doesn't have to explain any of his purchases to you lmfao. Are you gonna follow him around the grocery store snapping pictures like "AHA this motherfucker bought doritos! That's not a wise use of money and therefore immoral!" get a life bro you'll be much happier.

"I'm a vet and need money for food and necessities - thanks for money! - oh hey, look at this rifle i bought!"

Kek. Someone's being a faggot here, and it's not me.

TexasVet ago

Oh, is that what those people donated money to you for? For you to give the money to someone else?

I asked for 5 hundred and got 5 thousand. So I am supposed to buy 5 thousand dollars worth of food to hold me over until I had found a job? Why are you even attacking me in the first place. If you or anyone else would scroll my accounts here or Gab or on Reddit you will see I am 100% consistent in my mission and message to stand up for the white race. I do not deserve these attacks.

And instead of giving the extra back, you bought a rifle.

How do you even give gofundme money back? Do you even know how that site works? You cannot do it. It is impossible. So I chose to "pay it forward" by helping someone else in need.

SexMachine ago

You could pay it forward to me. Filing for change of custody of my son.

Trash_Panda ago

How do you even give gofundme money back?

Give it to me, I'll make sure it goes to the appropriate parties

TexasVet ago

Ha! Spoken like a true trash panda. Too funny.

Crensch ago

I asked for 5 hundred and got 5 thousand. So I am supposed to buy 5 thousand dollars worth of food to hold me over until I had found a job?

Give it back? Not take it in the first place? SHUT THE BEGGING SITE DOWN?

Why are you even attacking me in the first place. If you or anyone else would scroll my accounts here or Gab or on Reddit you will see I am 100% consistent in my mission and message to stand up for the white race. I do not deserve these attacks.

Your posts looked suspicious. Your name looked familiar in a bad way. I did some digging and found something.

How do you even give gofundme money back? Do you even know how that site works? You cannot do it. It is impossible. So I chose to "pay it forward" by helping someone else in need.

Not shutting down the donation page instead of posting on Reddit for people to stop donating?