MadWorld ago

Check this thread. I thought most people already know that is owned by the jews as well. I can't tell if he is stupid, if he is defending jew, or been fucking ignorant! Thanks!

Crensch ago

Well, I know he's doing what he can to steal shekels. I think it's more likely that he's using his Stolen Valor card to make a buck, and has no care in the world for anyone or anything beyond that.

He knows I can't provide the evidence of his not being in the armed forces without possibly violating Voat TOS. He's going to milk whatever he can, whenever he can, just like his other gofundme.

MadWorld ago

I chuckled over that snapshot image! There is zero leadership in him. He is a janitor at best! It's going to get everyone into trouble for his followers.

forgot_p4ssword ago

Alright, I lost my patience so I did a little digging - because none of you niggers wanna share notes. I ain't gonna share much because I previously got a subverse nuked by Voat's owner for "over-sharing".

He might be a veteran, I cannot access the veteran registry because I'm not an american - so I cannot verify. (i'm not about to proxy it up either, I don't know shit about american law - so not gonna risk accessing a military registry "illegally" and get guantanamo-bay'd.)

What kind of information does the veteran registry hold? Addresses?

However.. regarding his homeless status at some point, may very well be true. Circumstances regarding his home address, phone registry and a few other things points in the direction of his kin helping him out. I don't think he is malicious, maybe shit at handling funds.

@TexasVet, dudebro; you gotta scrub some information on the internet, PM me if you want some kind of anonymity going forward in your "e-celeb career"...

P.S. Unless his criminal record is fabricated, he is unlikely to be a CIAnigger.

Crensch ago

Sharing more of what I've learned about TV would constitute doxxing here, I believe. Let's just say he's not who he says he is, and if he was in D.C., he'd be part of that swamp.

forgot_p4ssword ago

[...]I believe.

I'm a man of science, lets put it to a test! Joking aside, you have access to something I don't. Not sure where you wanna go from here. Maybe without proving it, you can make a claim as to what you gather from your intel and i can attempt to verify it?

You know, I can't act against something that I haven't seen. The data (that i have) all points to a guy that wanna get in on the monitized and kike-infested alt-right movement as an e-celeb and regular talkshow guest.

I'm done with this, until i get handfed some intel. Stay frosty.

Crensch ago

Cheers to that, sir. No doxxing, but you've come to the proper conclusion with your data.

MadWorld ago

The barbaric nature of the human species can not be suppressed by writing some laws down in a book. Evil will never die, thus good men must be free to bear arms and defend themselves at any cost.

Would you do some research into where this modified quote was originated? It sounds like he is capitalizing his "fame" and leading others into trouble... The group that attacks old goats and controls narratives seems absent in the comment section of that submission. Could there be some ulterior motive to this movement? I hope those "followers" think logically instead of letting their emotions drive them into some form of shit show that ends with our rights been stripped away...

Crensch ago

At the very least, he admits it's not his. Was unable to find a similar quote.

dooob ago

@TexasVet crickets

PrettyBigDouche ago

I did. One of his many lunatic meltdowns. I think he got anally plugged by some Jewlywood faggot when he was a kid. Almost makes me feel sorry for him.

PrettyBigDouche ago

LaDouche? The fuck is certifiable. Imagine getting so lucky as to become a star and rich and famous even though you're an ugly jew and then acting like a complete retard afterwards? I mean I'd take the money and go live a fun life myself. He just can't stop being a cock.

Fambida ago

So, uh, I must be out of the loop on this one. Why is Texas-Maybe-Not-An-Actual-Vet being targeted? General shit talking? Stolen valor? He said something that hurt some feefees?

What started it?

Tazzermalt ago

why is there so much talk about voat on the 4chan and anon thread? From what I see of the drama stuff is now so heavily downvoted and there is some brigade soap box group. Crensch says the texan vet guy is a scam and he doxxed himself, but others are defending the guy. It would be good to see some neutral people step in and figure out whats up

Crensch ago

Saw him trying to gather Voat people IRL and that seemed odd to me. Seen the username before and recalled there being something wrong with it - so I started digging.

At the very least, the fucker defrauded people on a gofundme. It's very likely that he's not even a vet.

freedumbz ago

I like how he fails to answer any question that could hold any useful information. Basic shit too. I've asked him what his link to his gab is (I found it without him easily enough, but still) and I also asked him what those militias would feel about lone wolves showing up on the border. Got nothing but crickets.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Have you read his comments? He's broke & sometimes homeless, had to start a gofundme - he said for food & basic necessities - yet spent some of the funds for a gun and gave over $1k to another dude, he said, supposedly - yet there are many programs for helping Vets in those circumstances, along with foodbanks and other resources.

Then spends an inordinate amount of his time online bitching and moaning.

"Oh woe is me, no one helps me, everyone is against me" - God, I hate whiners.

Dude needs to get off his ass and work at something to help himself. Even if he is a vet, his comment history here indicates one of those bitchy soldiers who moaned a lot and did little work.

Then again, it's late in my own workday & I'm pissed that he bragged about carrying an "80 lb backpack" in Germany --- goddamnit, what kind of soldier calls it a backpack? It's a frickin RUCKSACK

/it triggered me

swastikawaii ago

Terms that would sound legit: pack, ruck, rucksack, etc. A backpack is the think you carry your school books in

adhdferret ago

Seabag where I came from. Then again we didn't have to haul that fucker through the country just use as a floatation device when shit was really bad.

Elmer_Hagen ago

Lets see your DD214.(you can redact your address and ssn of course)

adhdferret ago

Na I don't want his dd214 because that doesn't matter. All I say is warranted is what was asked. His service date as we already have his name.

adhdferret ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

CavemanVet seconds the motion for an answer to this question

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

sheeit that dude aint no vet its myg trying act straight