lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i know n appreciate you

Womb_Raider ago

I could be considered the most unknown positive force on voat

This just sounds like you either use multiple accounts to spread propaganda or you use multiple accounts to manipulate voats in whichever direction you see as virtuous. That doesn't make you much better than the group you are pretending to be separate from.

I haven't had a beer, but I think I will.

Womb_Raider ago

Participation doesn't lie.

Womb_Raider ago

^ this dude is saying "they" as if he's not SBBH. What a laugh.

33 submissions to GirlsRock

32 submissions to ShitpostersTavern

10 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

antiliberalsociety ago

You once again prove my point by pinging for backup lol. Look at you go! SBBH doing what SBBH does.

antiliberalsociety ago

Even more amazing: The fact that it stopped the moment I called it out lol. Try harder.

NotHereForPizza ago

I dunno, you two have a lot in common. I figured you could answer for him by now.

ExpertShitposter ago

If you hang with me, thou shall be labeled as....unclean. Especially as i am openly of the trump train due to his jewery.

cyclops1771 ago

Not cool. dude. Worst thing, ever.

NotHereForPizza ago

It appears, rather, that Crensch (totally not you) had decided what the user was before he set out to discover if his decision held water.

Care to try again, kev?

antiliberalsociety ago

You know what's funny? I get -6 votes, you get +5 because you can't upvote yourself. You are the one that should try harder

antiliberalsociety ago

Those are just the two that I know from work, all the others have a very definitive Texas accents much the same. Take your alts and go back to SBBH, faggot.

antiliberalsociety ago

Alt account: TerdWilson Member for 1 dog year SCP: 551 CCP 839 Submissions: This user has upvoted 307 and downvoted 271 submissions for a contribution score of +36 Comments: This user has upvoted 310 and downvoted 247 comments for a contribution score of +63

7 upvotes 7 replies down the thread, hours after the fact.

Compare to mine... 1.6 years, SCP: 94617 CCP: 10343 Submissions: This user has upvoted 12753 and downvoted 1313 submissions for a contribution score of +11440 Comments: This user has upvoted 10433 and downvoted 4420 comments for a contribution score of +6013

Result: You downvote almost as often as you upvote which illustrates a will to silence vs. a will to contribute and support content on Voat.

10 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

Oh, that clinches it.

I just showed you the definition of alt. Is the sky not blue?

Pissant ago

If people are comfortable giving their IRL information then I don't see the issue. He wasn't trying to trick anyone?

However if someone gave their IRL information and then ended up regretting that, I would have issues with people who, say, took an Archiv link of the individual giving their IRL out and saving that for the future like @Crensch did here.

Pissant ago

I mean sure. Fuck him. I sort of like the guy personally but I entirely understand why most people don't. I actually took the time to talk to him one on one because I was curious about the massive reaction he had garnered. He explained his reasoning and perspective to me on more than a few occasions. I tried warning him that his methods were simply turning people against him but his stance was that if people need a nicely wrapped package for their truth then they don't deserve the truth and man, I have to agree with him on that. Sane was being Sane, whether you hate the guy or not he was fucking unique. He was being himself even though people hated him for it.

The issue isn't exactly about SGIS himself. He used poor methods to spread his message, I understand why people downvoated him for instance. What I don't understand is why he was attacked in such a coordinated way, and why to this day if he ever pops his head up there are numerous front page posts about him making sure everyone knows not to listen to anything he says.

All the accusations of transexual porn, beastiality porn etc... I was there, man. It wasn't Sane. Period. I spent way too much time in Voat Chat because I liked the format -- you could really tell who was able to think on their feet and who relied on a script. That's one reason, among many, that I believe it was shut down. Color me a conspiracy theorist all you want.

But yeah, "Fuck SGIS". By all means feel that way Kev. I don't begrudge that sentiment at all. That's your right, and I understand what led you to feel that way.

However the issue is that now anyone who questions the same things as SGIS gets lumped in with him. I can't tell you how many times I've been accused of being SGIS. It's fucking tiresome, man. People should be able to criticize Voat without being labeled as a fucking tranny loving beastiality toting nutbag. Especially considering that SGIS is none of those things in the first place, and that the only reason people think that is because it was spammed by the same group of people who were trying to shut down any criticism of @Fuzzywords.

adhdferret ago

Sane spammed chat for hours in different formats. One was to make massive squares that were white and he would spam it so they would fly by and cause the screen to flash.

Another was some Asian shitting and catching it in their mouth. The account posting was sanegoatiswear! He repeatedly attacked anyone that didn't tow his narrative as some sexual method he deemed undesirable.

He doxxed and I mean doxxed atko and atko said meh whatever. Didn't ban him. Puttitout banned well over 100+ alts he had and sane admitted they were his and how he couldn't speak now.

He spammed the front page of new, protectvoat, niggers, anon, and many others with whatever rambles he could find. Usually something about faggots and trannies.

No he is cancer and he is still here. He didn't change his methods with that screen name because he still has alts he uses now to work his way into groups. Dude is just a lonely piece of shit that wants a rise from people and begs for attention.

Long as he is getting it and feels he controls it then it is good for him.

You however are not a bad guy you want to understand the guy and I tried too. I did, then I saw how he just went after anyone he could. Calling empress a tranny and shit.......one of the most empowerment subs I have seen for women and encourages family bonds.

No one attacked you and if they did then fuckem they are assholes for it if you worded it like you did here.

Pissant ago

Like I said I don't agree with his methods, and I told him that his methods won't be productive. He still chose to be himself though, knowing it wasn't necessarily effective. The way I see it is he stayed true to who he is. I respect that in a world where everyone basically reacts to others instead of being their own individual -- even if in this case like I've said I disagree with their tactics. I also happened to agree with many of the things he took issue with like how Fuzzywords actually was a transexual SJW, which seems like a strange fit for someone to be coding on Voat. I'm also skeptical of who actually controls the Putt account, as we know both Putt and Atko disappeared for quite some time, at the same time as the Slimgur developers disappeared. There's a lot of strange things that deserve being questioned here -- Sane went about it the wrong way. His methods detracted from his actual message. However the message was still a valid one by and large.

As far as the porn spam -- I could have sworn that was "SaneGoatIsSwear" or one of the knockoffs that did not seem to actually be Sane. I was active at the time in Voat chat, just not using this account. My original was essentially doxxed, so I switched it up about a year back. I try to be more careful about that now.

JuiceTown ago

Yes. My subverse was the greatest, most content rich sub this site has ever seen. You're welcome.

Pissant ago

He was demodded from v/TIL after a series of coordinated posts there targeting him specifically. He was targeted for pointing out inconsistencies with the siteadmin such as a lack of transparency on funding and allowing certain users on this website such as the openly transexual @Fuzzywords from having access to the underlying code of the website.

I was and still am an active user, he never once disrupted me. If it weren't for him I'd never even know about Fuzzywords, nor would I have been as aware about the funding mysteries as I now am.

The disruptions that I remember? Constant posts about him. I've been harassed numerous times for stating what I'm stating right now. Attempts to doxx me being the more memorable. I had to give up my original account because I wasn't as careful as I now am.

I rarely if ever saw an actual SGIS post because Voat was working as intended. People were downvoating him when he was spamming and the comments would 90% of the time be hidden. However I did see at one point on a nearly daily basis SBBH making "memes" about how crazy SGIS is for questioning the websites owners.

Remember, the owners of Slimgur who never came back disappeared at the same time as Atko and Putt did. We really have no idea who runs this website, and asking questions should not get you demonized by an allegedly freedom of speech loving community. The campaign to discredit and undermine SGIS was incredible, and it was well organized. That should say more than enough.

Everytime I open my mouth about any of this I get harassed by the same group of people. Every. Single. Time.

JuiceTown ago

Sup dude

kalgon ago

Where is amalek when you need him!

JuiceTown ago

Spam? No. I was one of the largest contributors to voat ever. I created multiple subverses and have collected hundreds of thousands of points which I'm cashing in for a Winnebago. You must be thinking of someone else

adhdferret ago

Said that I unblocked all of you but your lack of comprehension is showing.

Chiefpacman ago

I like how it got 50 upvoats in an hour at 5am-7am US time.

Yet, this guy is apparently vote brigading. @crensch

antiliberalsociety ago

I'll go report immediately to Sgt. [REDACTED] to inform him he was wrong per an internet alt account.

adhdferret ago

It's done and now you will lose this account. So let's put up another.

adhdferret ago

Aww can't get my screen name right? adhdferret is how it is done. Go ahead and copy it so you don't fuck it up more and show your lack of detail so more.

Second off. My lack of computer knowledge isn't to deal with how people react. I know people and I know how they will react as lots of them want a place to fit in.....just like you. Thing is that they are very easy to manipulate which is what you and those like you are hoping for.

You want to get them to do something stupid so that you can be entertained for a moment until you find the next person.

You and those like you are the absolute worst humanity has to offer. Worse than even niggers in my book because you do this on intent where a nigger does so by emotion. So you plan this shit and sceme it in the hopes you will get what you want.

Control! Really that is all it is about and all of you are too weak to commit a crime on your own so you will find a way to get others to do it for you....yes I unblocked all of you because I wanted to see what you would say. So watch what I do. Go ahead and downvote me because the users here will counter you as the always do.

Now you pissed me off. And for that I can't do much but I can sure as fuck get all you new accounts down to the negatives with listing all that I feel are here to start fuckery.

antiliberalsociety ago

Right onto deflecting. You're attacking my status as a "linguistics expert" as if only they are allowed an opinion, so yes - ad hominem. But this is just digressing from the fact he has no proof it's him in the video. Not one mention of Voat, despite his obtaining assistance from it.

antiliberalsociety ago

Ad hominem is a Jew favorite. Keep kvetching

antiliberalsociety ago

I've been to each region of the country, its not hard to pick up accents. It doesn't change the fact that the video is not him and that you're just an alt.

adhdferret ago

Well look at that another subverter that got their SCP and CCP in known upvote farms. Just so full of anger and absolute fury aren't ya?

You don't need to asnwer as I already blocked you. But you can keep finding more fucking alts to come at my ONE account to defend the actual purpose of discord chat.

antiliberalsociety ago

Every reddit migration leads to alt armies.

adhdferret ago

Oh I know and I been here for all of them.

I mean all of them and the only thing is there is more and more each time. Look at this thread and see how many accounts defend this user that was named. It is always the same too. Come after anyong on the Protectvoat crew past or present then after long time members of Voat.

They think this place is like Reddit where you can downvote something and it is hidden, but people here always look and read that shit. Always so they continue to lose each time. Thing is that we have helped voat in different ways, and we always will. These subverter accounts just name call and such.

NotHereForPizza ago

Good God, it's this even serious?

Sbbh complaining that other people are brigading?

How fucking far do you plan to let this go, Crensch?

Native ago

Can you fucking Niggers go a single month without drama???

Go and do some goddamn push-ups and better your life instead of this petty bullshit

NotHereForPizza ago


it's working

Pissant ago

The only positive is more and more people are starting to recognize their bullshit.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Is this lover's quarrel? Didn't know the lifetime channel was here.

Pissant ago

Just Crensch and his drama squad trying to fuck up Voat.

Remember, if they can't take the site down they will most definitely try to manipulate it. Now take a cold hard look around. Who is doing the manipulating.

Crensch ago

This is Tuesday for me. Jewdar went off, and I started digging.

KillYourselfShill ago

So you're a no-life loser as much as TexasVet is. I'm glad we've established that.

Go fucking kill yourself you worthless waste of space. e-drama faggots are as low as any SJW rebbit tumblr nigger.

Chiefpacman ago

Might be a case of the metal detector user, having metal boots.

JohnGoodman ago

At the very least, just the fact that you never actually went to war and your whole online identity is based around being a vet, you’re a faggot.

Dudicles ago

This is the type of crap that helped drive me from reddit, in addition to their first great purge. Beggars, scammers, and the drama surrounding those accusing everyone of doing such. Regardless of who is right or wrong in this thread, it never goes away once it takes root.

Pissant ago

Just keep your eyes open and notice who is doing the blind accusing all the time. I've been paying attention to all of this for the past year. It's the same group of people stirring shit every single time.

People need to be aware of who is behind all the drama around here. They're fairly transparent about it as well. They're trying to hide in the crowd so to speak. They put a lot of effort in attempting to make anyone who questions any of this shit appear to be a crazy conspiracy theorist -- and we all know who invented the term conspiracy theorist.

Dudicles ago

Yeah. I feel I'm pretty aware of the goings on here, and the main shit stirrers, although I'm not necessarily up on all the alts people have, nor do I necessarily care. If the goal and message is the same, I don't care if it's an alt or not pushing it.

And unfortunately, just like most places, most people seem to not really care about what is going on.

Pissant ago

And unfortunately, just like most places, most people seem to not really care about what is going on.

Which bothers me because you would think that Voat of all places would be more keen on that sort of thing. Obviously we're going to get attacked. We use to get DDoS attacks fairly regularly until we switched over to Cloudflare. ( Just off the top of my head, I wonder if a lot of these accounts stirring the shit popped up after the Cloudflare situation or at least became more active after that. )

And yeah it's practically impossible to keep up on alts unless they're really sloppy about it. Even then I've been accused of being an alt before simply because I responded at the same time as another user on more than one occasion.

Crensch ago


He's at the very least a liar.

gabara ago

10 Downvotes. Confirmed @TexasVet is a v/realProtectVoat fag.

Pissant ago

There are plenty of normal users downvoating you, such as myself.

derkataIog ago

hey buddy, i can't wait to watch you live stream your suicide! use a shotgun!

sincerely, sanegoat.

gabara ago

I've never spoken to you before, so I'm going to have to assume you're @TexasVet. Stop outing yourself. You're not very good at this.

derkataIog ago

no. i am @sanegoatiswear. you are sbbh, yes? that means you are part of the criminal paid SJW shills that were paid to come here to takeover/destroy voat.

i hope you get aids from being raped, and die slowly from it, alone and cold.

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, everyone is super surprised you showed up.

No seriously, we're all really surprised that Crensch calls someone out for brigading, and then you happen to pop up.

Anti_Idle ago

Thanks @Crensch. @TexasVet has set off the jew sensors to me in the past a few times too, but I never delved into it. I bet he's hiding his face because there's a giant hooked nose underneath. Glad to know my shill-seeking missiles are still functional as ever.

TexasVet ago

You want my face? Here you go. Just did a live stream discussing the caravan. I am fully doxxed and still fighting for our race. What are you doing?


Chiefpacman ago

Don’t let hysterical children on the internet hinder your mission. You seem legit to me.

antiliberalsociety ago

Funny there's no Texas accent nor any proof at all it's you. How about a live stream discussing Voat? Then I'd be more inclined to believe this isn't further stolen valor.

Chiefpacman ago

Texan here.

We dont all have East Texas/ lousiana accents. That’s a yankee way of thinking; we’re all on horseback shooting our guns in the air celebrating our oil money. You would have the hear me talk for a while to notice any difference.

antiliberalsociety ago

I work with two Texans, one born and raised the other lived there for five years and came back. Both have obvious drawls.

Chiefpacman ago

If he lived for 5 years, and has a draw, he’s a bullshitter for sure. Unless he’s 10.

Or he’s from Lousiana/Alabama/Georgia, ect.

Again, big difference between east Texan accent and Panhandle.

antiliberalsociety ago

Yeah, just as easy to dismiss my comment as it is for me to point out the fact you have nothing you can use to back up your statement.

That’s a yankee way of thinking

Over generalization of the north, BIG difference between yanks and upper midwest.

Chiefpacman 10 points (+15|-5) 9.9 hours ago. Not invested in this argument;

So much for that

Chiefpacman ago

Yeah, just as easy to dismiss my comment as it is for me to point out the fact you have nothing you can use to back up your statement.

I’m not dismissing it, I’m telling you that no one can gain an accident by living somewhere for five years. You have to really try, aka faking it. Unless he moved there while learning to speak still. I bet you he got the accent from somewhere else, where is he from?

Most Texans, basically sound like midwesterners, besides a few differences. Eastern Texans, sound more like Louisiana/ southern Arkansas people.

Over generalization of the north, BIG difference between yanks and upper midwest.

Yeah that’s probably true, almost like someone from the area would know more about the dialect...

Overgeneralizing Yankees is something all southernors do. But yes, assuming that all Texans have some thick draw is very hollywood/yankish.

So much for that

Not invested as in; not gonna go looking in users history. But yeah, I got drawn in more. Not sure what that has to do with accents lol, now I think you’re lashing out..

Chiefpacman ago


Haven't found evidence, but his stories really seem like LARP bullshit.

Oh crensch. Shoot first and ask questions later right? You make yourself out to be an ass on a weekly basis.

Do you actually think this tactic is helpful, or do you just enjoy stirring up drama and getting our attention?

Crensch ago

Oh crensch. Shoot first and ask questions later right?

For the deployment stuff. Everything else in the title he admitted to doing - and he's done worse.

You make yourself out to be an ass on a weekly basis.

Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.

Do you actually think this tactic is helpful, or do you just enjoy stirring up drama and getting our attention?

My Jewdar doesn't give a fuck what you think.

Chiefpacman ago

So you don’t have proof. More meta whitch hunting bullshit.

My Jewdar doesn't give a fuck what you think.

Transparent attempt to validate argument by bringing up jews.

Now he’s a jew too?

You act like a Jew. You concern troll and want to play the victim constantly.

Crensch ago

So you don’t have proof. More meta whitch hunting bullshit.

2/3 of the claims he admitted to. What part of that do you not understand?

Transparent attempt to validate argument by bringing up jews.

There's not really a better way to describe it. Something seemed off, so I started digging.

Now he’s a jew too?

Maybe. He certainly bought a gun with funds donated so he could eat. Seems Jewish to me.

You act like a Jew. You concern troll and want to play the victim constantly.

You defend users that attack content-producing goats, and mods that don't act like rEddit mods, and you accuse others of vote brigading while also attacking those that accuse you, and you demand evidence while giving none yourself.

Chiefpacman ago

You defend users that attack content-producing goats, and mods that don't act like rEddit mods

Said this earlier. You have a bad habit of copy/pasting. I stand by that comment, I don’t know why you think that bringing it up will discredit me. I’m basically saying the same thing now.

You are no better than the keyboard warriors. You’re not a leftist, but that just makes you more in embarrassing for us.

You said yourself, you have no proof. Have you stopped and thought about what you’re doing. You’re some angsty kid, this guy might actually be a veteran who is helping with our mexican problem, irl.

Pissant ago

They're persistent but if enough of them consistently call them out on their behavior, they don't have the manpower to tailor responses to all of us.

All of us questioning them and calling them out on their nonsense have individual messages. You can tell our arguments come from a personal place. Meanwhile their attempts come off as coordinated, they all have the same talking points, and they can't even properly respond to us as individuals.

Crensch ago

I'd like to thank @TexasVet for providing me with exactly what I needed.

@TexasVet writes:

You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money?

-Removing your GoFundMe campaign does not automatically refund your donations. To learn about issuing refunds, please see: How to Issue Refunds on GoFundMe

-Removing your campaign doesn't affect your withdrawals at all. Any pending withdrawals will continue to process if you take down your campaign.


You made a REDDIT post asking them to stop. Instead of taking enough money to buy a gun, and supposedly give $1k away.

Then you said:

How do you even give gofundme money back? Do you even know how that site works? You cannot do it. It is impossible. So I chose to "pay it forward" by helping someone else in need.

You're at the very least, a liar, proved by the above link.

And you've yet to provide proof of these accusations:

So Crensch you are at it again? The same Crensch that participated in flooding v/identitarian with interracial and gay porn when your little crybaby ass got demodded from there. The same crensch from the Moonman discord that had to disband because of constant infighting.

I'm one of the main reasons discord links need to be broken here, I never went to one that was linked here. I also never posted any disgusting interracial gay porn here.

So you don't support your claims, at the very least, and went directly to false character assassination in your response, instead of simply defending yourself.

Why would you need to attack my character with lies if your position was solid?

adhdferret ago

Calling a rifle a luxury item when BLM and Antifa are rioting and attacking us in every major city is ludicrous. First off was I supposed to use every bit of that money to buy five thousand dollars worth of food? Of course not. Secondly I have a large family of which many of them do not own any weapons at all. They have small children that are priceless in our stuggle to survive as a race so I used less than a thousand dollars to buy a good AR-15, a scope and a box of ammo just in case it fell to me to protect these family members. Even if you think it was wrong of me to use a small portion of that money to do this I don't care. You can kiss my ass. I will do whatever it takes to protect my family whether you like it or not. Now as to the last accusations...

This shit right here makes me damn near certain he is full of shit.

Crensch ago

That's a good one, too!

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahhhh I see what you're doing

adhdferret ago

See how he named antifa and BLM as attacking? So he decided to get a firearm because of that? Then goes on to spout some Hitler shit and whatever else.....? Na this fuck is a plant and a shitty one at that.

If there was a way to track that GoFundMe campaign to see where that money originated from I would be very interested to follow it. Every single thing this person promotes is off site to gather.

When I got help from Voat did I leave the site? The only thing I did was make a Bitcoin wallet and two people gave me a few bucks via PayPal because they didn't use Bitcoin.

That was it.....I never left to say GoFundMe or anything else and that shows me so much. These fucking people will keep at it and it is great you bring attention to shit like this.

Diggernicks ago

Stalking women is bad enough. Stalking men is pure homosexuality.

LurkMoarFaggot ago

@panzander is a larping faggot as well.

A lot of fuckery happening on voat as of late.

DeadFox ago

Stop using the term larper. It makes you look like a fat fuck neckbeard armchair activist.

LurkMoarFaggot ago

Projecting much?

panzander ago

So we’re our founding fathers until they won our freedom. Weak men like @lurkmoarfaggot have caused the dalecay of our country, strong men will cut it out and save our people.

playitagainsam ago

@TexasVet’s response 9 months ago: https://voat.co/v/Identitarian/1962178

TexasVet ago

Thanks for linking that man.

I don't know what this Crensch guy has against me but I will give him one thing. He is persistent.

Pissant ago

Just be careful with providing them information about yourself to fight their accusations. They will 100% doxx you. I've already had to delete an account on this website thanks for their crew.

adhdferret ago

What he has against you is the same thing I do. You are trying to lure people to your discord as opposed to keeping them here so that you can identify them.

I am not a computer savvy person really. So I don't know how it all works, but I do know that @puttitout is and he blocked those places for a reason. Meaning your attempting to get people to go there just shows me you want it for another reason.

He and I are about protection of Voat and it's users. When you try to fuck with that we say something. Now I left you alone because I see no benefit in your demise, but after reading your bullshit I got so say I am leaning to see that you are just another person here to fuck with Voat.

Don't care about your GoFundMe either as what you did with the money is for you to live with. Hell members of Voat helped me out, but I kept it here! I never strayed from the site, and the fact that the Donald mods allowed you to keep the post up raises even more suspicion with me.

We have had our run ins with that crew before when they attempted to take over. So to me it seems you work with them as well.

You can attack me if you want, but before you do be very careful because I been here a long fucking time and done a lot more for this place than you ever will. I have proved myself over and over for this place so many of them are my friends and I am theirs.

Trash_Panda ago

You are trying to lure people to your discord as opposed to keeping them here so that you can identify them.

I am not a computer savvy person really.


My favorite thing about people who don't understand technology is how they always make these sensational claims that everyone who is tech savvy laughs at.

Anybody who ever starts a Discord is instantly accused of being a honeypot to lure users in and identify them. It is a chat room. People like chat rooms because they're fun and easier to communicate. Did you miss the entire 90's or what?

adhdferret ago

I didnt miss anything but I remember at one point during Yahoo chat there was a way to directly connect to anothers computer when they either send you or relied to a private message.

With the way shit is now and how FBI loves to cultivate terrorist who is to say that discord isn't just another place for them?

Point is why not stay here and respect that tiny bit of anon we have? No it is all about uproot yourself and come here because it is easier and faster to communicate.....I don't trust that shit one bit and I never will. This is how Reddit goons split community apart and they been doing it for 8 years.

Trash_Panda ago

Point is why not stay here and respect that tiny bit of anon we have? No it is all about uproot yourself and come here because it is easier and faster to communicate

Because Voat is the fort Knox of the internet? If anything Voat is even riskier than anything else. You can be anonymous by blending in with crowds of traffic, Voat is like the NSA's wet dream. Don't be surprised if everyone on Voat is compromised.

adhdferret ago

If you feel that way so be it. I don't and I have formed a great many relationships with people here on a personal level that it is likely you wouldn't understand as everything with you is negativity for the platform.

I trust the people here more than my neighbors. Least most of them say what the mean and mean what they say.

Trash_Panda ago

I don't and I have formed a great many relationships with people here on a personal level that it is likely you wouldn't understand as everything with you is negativity for the platform

Quite the opposite. I'm not even talking about the individual users so idk what you're even ranting about. Do you think a few dudes working on an open source Reddit alternative have bulletproof security? Voat is probably the MOST insecure platform.

adhdferret ago

Then leave and have a good time.

Trash_Panda ago

Lmfao what? So random

adhdferret ago

This conversation is over!

Upon reviewing your dismal comment history and your lowest scores on comments I have concluded that you are just another subverter and have blocked you. I would encourage others to do the same so they don't waste the time that I have.

Trash_Panda ago

Lmfao can't get one past you bro.

playitagainsam ago

You do you, be honest, keep a record, and know when to step away from the keyboard and breathe. I'm too far from the border to help, but I'm telling people about the caravan. This will not go unnoticed. I'm praying for everyone at the border.

KillYourselfShill ago

gay ass e-drama

Everyone involved here needs to become an hero immediately.

TexasVet ago

I do not want to be a hero. I'm just trying to save my race.

AvariciousNose ago

You're uncultured

forgot_p4ssword ago

Where is the evidence for stolen valor, @crensch?

How do you know he organizes vote brigades?

NotHereForPizza ago

Isn't it convenient how crensch knows so much about brigading

NotHereForPizza ago

Crensch is likely very familiar with how one would brigade.

Crensch ago

How do you know he organizes vote brigades?

Because he admitted it.

Where is the evidence for stolen valor, @crensch?

I was reporting what was in the other threads. Haven't found evidence, but his stories really seem like LARP bullshit.

DeadFox ago

"Haven't found evidence but I feel like I'm right." Fuck off cunt

Crensch ago

Let's see if I was wrong about any of it.

Submission made 5.3 hours ago. He commented 2.7 hours ago https://voat.co/user/TexasVet/comments

Tazzermalt ago

seems there is more than one dishonest person in this story @Crensch when you're in a hole, stop digging

Crensch ago

I know you find Voatanon and 4chan to be some kind of consensus against me, and I know you're probably either one of them, or too stupid to know when one user is getting attacked by multiple people outside of the site, that it's probably not that user that's the problem, but let's see if I was wrong about any of it.

Submission made 5.3 hours ago. He commented 2.7 hours ago https://voat.co/user/TexasVet/comments

Tazzermalt ago

I am wondering why you receive a big backlash from many users?

Crensch ago

I'm one of their main targets, too. I call out Jews and bullshit that they try to slide by here constantly. I archive everything, argue with links to support, and am not afraid of their downvote brigading.

Ask yourself why this was so heavily downvoted. Before that I had been harassed from anon constantly saying that putt was talking about me when he said there were users he didn't like.

freshmeat, 9-11, a "user" that posted an introduction that sucked, and from what I can see, one username with -800 or so ccp.

4 total usernames commenting against me. Look at the usernames defending me - high scp/ccp, quality content, and 9 or 10 of them.

You'll find that any post of mine that has anything to do with a user here will get MASSIVE "backlash" from those two usernames (or their known alts).

Crensch ago

It's not "many" users. You'll find the exact same names popping up each time.

THIS time a few extra because of the Stolen Valor accusation that I couldn't support without doxxing OP more than he doxxed himself, but almost every other time it's been only those names.

What you've stumbled upon is the /v/realprotectvoat crowd that uses offsite communication to brigade and manufacture consensus here. SaneGoat alone seems capable of doing this with his many alts. They produce no content, and do very little besides attack users that do, and good mods here.

What an easy way to manufacture this consensus without even needing many alts - VoatAnon and 4chan. Try it yourself; look at what was posted, and post similar things about another user or group.

Crensch ago

I've already admitted to (probably) being wrong on the deployment front - that doesn't make the rest of what I'm undeniably right about just disappear.


forgot_p4ssword ago

If you go diggin' you'll know I'm usually down for some character assasinations, but not enough compelling stuff to get involved. Next time.

Crensch ago

https://voat.co/v/whatever/2481859 Let's see if I was right.

No, I didn't have evidence worthy of sharing (that wouldn't dox him in a way that he hadn't already doxxed himself).

Cheers, bud.

Crensch ago


Not stolen valor, but definitely a liar and a cheat in that link. If he keeps at it, I might dig through his life to find out for sure on the valor thing.

AvariciousNose ago

Don't post a thread unless there is evidence nigger

Crensch ago

He admitted to brigading and buying a rifle with that money. What more do you want?

AvariciousNose ago

Haven't found evidence, but his stories really seem like LARP bullshit.

If you have evidence, I'm on your side.

Crensch ago

https://voat.co/v/whatever/2481859 He's commented since this submission went up.

adhdferret ago

Goddamn you pulled the shills out didn't you.

Can you teach me this trick?

KillYourselfShill ago

haven't found evidence

I don't know or care about TexasVet, but you sound like a fag. Find a better way to spend your time, for example by killing yourself.

Crensch ago

Oh man, I didn't find actual evidence of one out of the three claims. Boo fuckin' hoo.

billyvvinz ago

Hey guys, I served in the Army. As a vet, it's hard to make it on your own, so if you kindly folk would take pity on me and help me pay my power bill I would appreciate it. My daughter hates doing her homework by candlelight.

Afterwards, if you have time, check out my review on my brand new MP-15 sport gen 2. It's an amazing, affordable rifle!

NotWearingPants ago

Classic example of "Let's you and him fight".

Chiefpacman ago

Crensh is almost definetly an unemployed child. The amount of autistic work that went into this post, rivals some of the 4Chan work I’ve seen.

Posted when most of us are going to work. No doubt he stayed up all night for this one.

TexasVet ago

So Crensch you are at it again? The same Crensch that participated in flooding v/identitarian with interracial and gay porn when your little crybaby ass got demodded from there. The same crensch from the Moonman discord that had to disband because of constant infighting. You guys purity spiral so hard you would attack your own mother to make yourself look better. You want me to answer these exact same questions yet again? We have been through these accusations before.

You have obviously never been in the military because you misuse both the word deployed and veteran. Deployed simply means being sent somewhere. I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas. As to your suggestion that it must be into a combat zone before you can claim to be a veteran... how dare you belittle my service? I wasn't some mechanic or desk jockey. I was an infantryman. I trained in warfare and was one of the best marksman in the army when I was in there. I dug foxholes in the hard Death Valley shale. I marched a 100 miles with an 80 pound backpack through the mountains of Germany, not once, but twice.

How do you think one becomes so good at marksmanship that they are asked to reenlist with a guaranteed spot on the All Army Rifle Team? That takes determination and dedication young man. So, I was never shot at. You think this makes me less of a soldier for some reason. No the real reason you are trying to character assassinate me yet again is because you still haven't got overt the fact that I called out your Moonman crew for flooding a white identity subverse with interracial porn. Nothing more. Nothing less.

You try to frame my gofundme as me begging. I made a post on reddit complaining about how illegals can get all this government assistance while I struggled to feed myself. I was unemployed at that time and yes, I needed some help. It was at the behest of many people telling me "Dude start a gofundme, I will slip you 20 bucks right now." That I did so. I put a goal of 500 dollars and stated very clearly that was all I needed so that I could go buy food for awhile while looking for a job. It all went a bit viral as they say and the gofund me over $5000 in less than 2 days.

Yes I bought a used rifle with a portion of that money but I also gave a $1000 of it to a guy I knew that was down on his luck as well due to medical bills. You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money? And lastly why would I buy a rifle while I was unemployed? It was during the lead up to Trump's election and if Trump lost due to provable vote fraud there would have been a civil war. I have an elderly mother, brother, cousins, nieces and nephews that live in households with no guns. It would have fallen to me to protect them. I take their protection very seriously so I armed myself just in case.

Vote brigading? I do not know what you are talking about? That reddit account of mine that got banned for mass downvoating pro Hillary subs on reddit? So what? Who the fuck cares? You are a degenerate little faggot trying to attack a man that is 100% dedicated to our movement. A man ready and willing to lay down his life protecting his race. You have wasted far too much of my time over this petty shit little man. Go back to watching porn while real men like myself work on saving their race.

fl3x ago

Mechanics are clutch, yo.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't give out more of your information, please.

adhdferret ago

This is all a front designed to ensnare wayward souls to divulging their own info. You like to dig so go ahead and dig in their history see who they associated with and how they speak.

Everything here is a Honeypot and don't believe me go and review the ones attacking those that challenge the narrative. See where they gained their CCP and such. See where they congregate at on here.

I will let you come to your own conclusions.

adhdferret ago

No military service member current or former would say the shit you are......none of them. You are fixated upon race and sexual shit......every prior service member I have ever encountered is fixated upon the safety of this nation.

I have been out since 05 and it is still a concern of mine, but you? Na it is all about the white race and naming organizations such as BLM for your reason to purchase a firearm. You don't worry about a drug addict?

Na you are a subverter and a plant to show bigots are prevelant within armed services as your words echo that of a over the top racist. Dare you to come back at me with some shit about racism.

I say that because yes I hate niggers and no I don't split hairs about black and niggers they are all niggers, but I would never say I was going to get a firearm and "scope" as well as ammo because I fear BLM. That shows intent and most people know that, but na you go off and spout words from Hitler as well to just inflame shit more.

The wording you use is so fucking deliberate too.

derkataIog ago

REMINDER: @adhdferret is a known degenerate shill (not paid shill, just useful idiot for the paid shills). downvoat and ignore.

digitalentity1497 ago

Working hard shill?

adhdferret ago

Ha. You done anything with the Canary sanegoatiswear?

Oh that's right it was just a way to waste admins time.

derkataIog ago

you are so stupid. it's hilarious how easy it is for criminal shills like @crensch to use you as their attack puppet.

if it weren't for the context, i'd laugh. instead, all good goats must stand and destroy the shill cancer that owns and operates voat.

you're just a shill, not a paid one, so you're free to speak (non-living entities the paid shills represent don't have human rights.)

even though everything that comes out of your mouth is either lies, fallacies, or just incredibly stupid shite.

no, really, you dumb shite: i have nothing to do with voat, criminal paid shill @puttitout nor whether that nigger does subverse transfers nor updates the canary.

my subs were stolen, my account severely limited and overtly censored. i have to use alts now to talk; 10 comments per 24 hours for each. this is modern voat: a reddit-level censored shithole filled with shills and nearly all good users have left.

the admins aren't here, retard. they're off stroking each others' soyboy cocks.

NotHereForPizza ago

lol it looks like you got close enough

adhdferret ago

Always with the fucking edits to limit my response back to you and now I have to go back and make sure you ain't saying some shit I didn't see.

No you were limited because you act like a tyrant. You use that whole argument of they did it why can't I? Or the Look at me look at me I want attention like some fucking child.

You had TIL and fucked it up like a fool. You could have been great for this place, but no that doesn't get you attention does it? Gotta make sure you fuck over everyone and everything to have everyone know your name.

I have never been in the negative points and only banned 4 people since I been here. In almost 4 fucking years! You did that in a minute when you had some power to do it.

You have pissed off so many people that the entire site can't stand you. Fuck we laugh at your copy and paste because you constantly repeat yourself like a nigger does.

You know you can't win against me and yet you keep trying to start something. Why?

It is clearly evident now that I am my own person and there isn't one on here that can tell me what to do...not one and I am no one's shill. Fuck I wouldn't even want to be as it means responsible to a person and not the values of this place.

So go ahead and burn some more accounts. Go ahead and keep this up because I don't have to even try as many others here will do it.

derkataIog ago

win? you've already lost. all the free-speech loving people that used to come here (and a few that remain) all know better.

reddit newbs are all you have left to prey upon, you inbred retarded nigger.

please live stream your suicide. you'd finally make the world a better place!

adhdferret ago

You think I March to the beat of anyone's drum?

Wow you got another thing coming because time and time again I have shown you up and if need be I will do it again. And I will keep doing it with this account as I always have.

Don't know why you enjoy losing so much to me, but must be persistence and the fact you have that shill money to make. By all means show your boss that you will lose again.

Come at me bro.

antiliberalsociety ago

I thought it was familiar, that tactic of "I'm doing THIS, what are YOU doing?"

I've seen it a lot lately then remembered what was on the front fucking page yesterday. Note the last line.

If that isn't designed to divide and conquer I don't know what is.

derkataIog ago

@adhdferret literally is a shill. you're talking to a shill that is only here to destroy voat. also, ferret crossdresses. enjoy watching this faggot degenerate try to back away from that. i wonder if ferret had destroyed the youtube videos of it yet.

antiliberalsociety ago

4 immediate upvoats, I wonder how that happens...

MadWorld ago

If you come back to this submission in a few day, you will see the vote manipulation tells the "story." These jews travel in packs and they will cook up the narrative/conversation with their alt accounts as if they were genuinely independent users. I always laugh at their voting behavior; it is that obvious!

antiliberalsociety ago

I love all the replies coming from accounts 1-3 years old with less than a thousand SCP/CCP.

MadWorld ago

XD Those are their sleeper accounts, waking up when necessary to execute their narratives. They are the convincers, which are often deployed in a typical con trick.

adhdferret ago

Subverter team assemble!!!!!!!

You tried this shit twice with me and lost dismal like both times. I am here to stay because I help community and get new subverses started.

What you do for the good of everyone else? Call users some names and act like a Redditor?

adhdferret ago

Oh I agree that posts such as that are made to discredit the platform. What you gonna do? The trolls have more accounts to upvote shit, but it is why I always look at the viewed counter as you can tell when a post is being turfed.

Chiefpacman ago

Not invested in this argument; but if you’re not aware- this is crensch/sbbh witch hunting.

Pretty normal affair. He’s cried wolf way too many times for me to take what he says seriously. Don’t consider yourself at all discredited..

he also vote brigades

There’s some irony there coming from crensch and gang.

What have you done to prove your military status/ what ways could you wothout doxxing yourself?

Pissant ago

But remember, everyone who calls out Crensch is just the same person using multiple accounts... right?

"Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!"

And remember, if you question SBBH then you're just being manipulated by SaneGoat, right?

Their campaign to discredit everyone who questions them is fairly transparent.

derkataIog ago

holy shit, there's still actually real goats here! hey @texasvet know pacman. this nigger sees that this is just paid criminal militant SJW shilling by @crensch the known criminal shill.

NotHereForPizza ago

hey, you're back

NotHereForPizza ago

Look up further in the thread where Crensch is, at least attempting, doxing the guy. He mentions a first and last name...

Chiefpacman ago


The guy seems like he’s a veteran me. There’s obviously not evidence to contradict that. He just put up a live stream apparently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmxSePYVcG4

This is really not cool. This guy seems like he’s actually doing stuff in real life for our cause, but is getting trolled for it?

Fuck crensch

@kevdude I would appreciate it if you looked over this thread. Sbbh/crench seem to suck up to you.

Pissant ago

I mean, we seem to be in agreement here for the most part. However this isn't "trolling".

A coordinated attempt to discredit one of the few people actually trying to do something and organize people? I don't know, I can't chalk that up to trolling.

NotHereForPizza ago

There's a reason they're doing this. There's a reason they're here.

Pissant ago

I've been highlighting these peoples behavior for over a year now. I find I'll walk into the thread and there's all this back and forth that just feels like it was coordinated before hand. Like I'm reading a script basically. So many narratives being pushed on people -- and I can't blame the average Goat for not connecting it all, it's not like these people are stupid. I'll give credit where credit's due and manipulating a forum that values freedom of speech above all else is no small feat.

Crensch ago

The guy above defends users that attack content-producing goats, and mods that don't act like rEddit mods, and accuses others of vote brigading while also attacking those that accuse him, and he demands evidence while giving none himself.

There’s some irony there coming from crensch and gang.

TexasVet literally admits to it in the comment you're responding to. Irony hit you in the face and you didn't flinch.

lion_rampant ago

You're not a content producer anymore, Crensch. You are a drama seeker.

Crensch ago

2 months 51scp 156ccp

You're nobody.

And honestly, I was probably right about him not being deployed because he was most likely never in the armed forces at all.

But feel free to attack me with one of your other alts.

lion_rampant ago

I have one account, Crensch.

And I'm not attacking you.

That's those paranoid delusions I was talking about.

Crensch ago

Oh, you're the one with the soyboy introduction about melting a snowflake, where you melted over my response.

I don't believe in coincidences, and until you decide to put more effort into this account and stand out from the rPV crew, I will neither believe, nor care, when you try to tell me something about yourself.

That's those paranoid delusions I was talking about.

Kek. Lurk moar, faggot. I'm right far more often than not, and you'd know that if you paid attention.

lion_rampant ago

Lol. You're rolling in the mud with me in a days old post. Admit it. You love the drama.

Crensch ago

What a stupid response.

lion_rampant ago

Good chat.

Chiefpacman ago


Vote brigading? I do not know what you are talking about?

Do you not read it, or do you expect that we don’t read it?

The guy above defends users that attack content-producing goats

Jesus, do you actually think you’re the victim? This user is attacking you, and that you were a content producing goat? You’re not only an annoying drama whore, youre delusional..

antiliberalsociety ago

I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas.

Right here is how I know he's a fake.

tholinz ago

I'm not going to get into this slapfight, but thought I'd point this out. This statement:

You have obviously never been in the military because you misuse both the word deployed and veteran. Deployed simply means being sent somewhere. I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas.

He's wrong because "deploy" has a fairly rigid legal meaning in the military and does not just refer to getting sent to some base. You're wrong because you can, technically, get officially deployed to stateside bases, so it doesn't automatically make him a liar.

The word "deployment" has a great deal of connotation surrounding it, including, yes, going downrange to shoot at people in Iraq. However, it's a narrowly defined order type within the military (orders here referring to the official process by which the DoD assigns people to duty location and position). It implies that you're probably supporting combat operations in some way, that you're being temporarily assigned to another location, that your family isn't coming with you, that your take-home compensation might change a little depending on your circumstances, etc. Especially in the Guard and Reserves too, deployment orders come with some additional factors and legal considerations. However, deployment orders do not 100% of the time mean you're going to a base in Iraq or Afghanistan. You can get deployed to some regular base anywhere else in the world, including stateside; especially in the Guard, you can get deployed at your own home station. It's not as common but it happens.

However, where @TexasVet is getting it wrong is insisting that "deployed" just means "getting sent somewhere." While military personnel will use the term "deployed" colloquially too, most of us are pretty specific when talking about "getting sent somewhere". The military has a lot of different "getting sent somewhere" statuses. They're all very different, and you try to be specific about it when talking to other military folks because those differences really matter. You can be PCA'ed, PCS'ed, sent TDY for operational purposes, sent TDY to training, or so on. Likely what he would be talking about are PCS moves (permanent change of station, where you move to another base), or TDY assignments (temporary duty, the military equivalent of a business trip).

Now, "deploy" does get used a lot - "we're deploying that new software package" or "we deployed our Humvees for disaster support" - but again, it usually has a operational focus to it. Normal personnel moves between bases or training assignments probably wouldn't be referred to as "deploying" somebody somewhere.

So there are two possibilities. He did have a number of stateside deployments, which would be rare but not impossible, and would be more likely if he was Guard or Reserve. Or, he's misusing the lingo because he doesn't know any better, because he doesn't think civilians would understand the term "TDY", or because the Army uses "deployment" to mean moving anybody anywhere. (This is possible, because the Army does a whole bunch of dumb shit)

I don't know how often an infantryman would be officially deployed stateside. I don't think it would happen, at least, not within job functions specific to that MOS. Training, yes. PCS, yes. Deployment, not sure. Anecdotally, I was Air Force, and the only active duty people I ever knew of who got deployed stateside to work within their career field were Intel and Space types.

The question to ask him is what kind of orders he was on at the time of the move. People might talk about things differently, but the order types are pretty standard.

antiliberalsociety ago

Army vets that I know say you aren't deployed unless overseas to a conflict. They were recently sent to Europe but it didn't qualify as a deployment.

TexasVet ago

Oh? How is that? If you think I am going to post a scan of my DD-214 you are out of your mind.

antiliberalsociety ago

Take a piece of paper, write your username on it, put it over your Name on your military ID and take a pic. You've several holes in your story.

TexasVet ago

So you think I wasn't in the military at all? Man, get the fuck out of here with that shit.

xenoPsychologist ago

a veteran would just prove it instead of getting indignant that they were called out for making significant claims without evidence to back it up.

antiliberalsociety ago

Your story is literally THAT full of shit. You're proud to be this accomplished veteran and you go begging for money online? Do you also pan handle claiming disabled vet with a cardboard sign? Because that's the equivalent of what you're doing. I don't know one that would stoop to this level.

Crensch ago

The same Crensch that participated in flooding v/identitarian with interracial and gay porn when your little crybaby ass got demodded from there.

Never happened, but keep lying.

The same crensch from the Moonman discord that had to disband because of constant infighting.

I never went to a Discord server, I called them out from here as likely honeypots, and Voat wound up banning the links because of it.

You guys purity spiral so hard you would attack your own mother to make yourself look better. You want me to answer these exact same questions yet again? We have been through these accusations before.

I don't give a fuck what you do. I don't care about your answers, I care that the users here know who you are.

You have obviously never been in the military because you misuse both the word deployed and veteran. Deployed simply means being sent somewhere. I was deployed to four different duty stations. One overseas. As to your suggestion that it must be into a combat zone before you can claim to be a veteran... how dare you belittle my service? I wasn't some mechanic or desk jockey. I was an infantryman. I trained in warfare and was one of the best marksman in the army when I was in there. I dug foxholes in the hard Death Valley shale. I marched a 100 miles with an 80 pound backpack through the mountains of Germany, not once, but twice.

You're right, I don't know the terminology, and mostly used what was said in the other threads. What I DID know is that there was something very wrong with your username, and when I saw it acting like a honeypot to get people into a discord, I decided to start digging.

As for your descriptions there, it sounds like a LARP. Something you heard some old army coot say and weaved it into a story you'd replay to others.

How do you think one becomes so good at marksmanship that they are asked to reenlist with a guaranteed spot on the All Army Rifle Team? That takes determination and dedication young man. So, I was never shot at. You think this makes me less of a soldier for some reason. No the real reason you are trying to character assassinate me yet again is because you still haven't got overt the fact that I called out your Moonman crew for flooding a white identity subverse with interracial porn. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I'm not sure I've ever even encountered the term "Moonman crew" until just now digging for why your username looked suspicious as fuck.

Your story looks more and more like a LARP to me, but I'm not expert on veterans.

You try to frame my gofundme as me begging. I made a post on reddit complaining about how illegals can get all this government assistance while I struggled to feed myself. I was unemployed at that time and yes, I needed some help. It was at the behest of many people telling me "Dude start a gofundme, I will slip you 20 bucks right now." That I did so. I put a goal of 500 dollars and stated very clearly that was all I needed so that I could go buy food for awhile while looking for a job. It all went a bit viral as they say and the gofund me over $5000 in less than 2 days.

And instead of giving the extra back, you bought a rifle.

Yes I bought a used rifle with a portion of that money but I also gave a $1000 of it to a guy I knew that was down on his luck as well due to medical bills.

Oh, is that what those people donated money to you for? For you to give the money to someone else?

You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money?

I don't really know, or care, but if you were already being called out, and you'd used that money for things besides necessities, it might be smart to try something like that.

And lastly why would I buy a rifle while I was unemployed?

Is this rhetorical?

It was during the lead up to Trump's election and if Trump lost due to provable vote fraud there would have been a civil war. I have an elderly mother, brother, cousins, nieces and nephews that live in households with no guns. It would have fallen to me to protect them. I take their protection very seriously so I armed myself just in case.

You used money given to you to buy necessities, and bought a gun. And this is your excuse for why you did so? Did you just start using the internet or something? This is one of the LAMEST excuses I've ever heard.

Vote brigading? I do not know what you are talking about? That reddit account of mine that got banned for mass downvoating pro Hillary subs on reddit? So what? Who the fuck cares?

So you admit to doing it there, why would anyone think you wouldn't do it here?

You are a degenerate little faggot trying to attack a man that is 100% dedicated to our movement. A man ready and willing to lay down his life protecting his race. You have wasted far too much of my time over this petty shit little man. Go back to watching porn while real men like myself work on saving their race.

Trying to shame me while your story sounds like a LARP will go over well, I'm sure.

Tazzermalt ago

I lurked here on voat a while and if I recall the guy flooding these Alt-Right Identatarian sub threads with spammed interracial and gay porn was a user named RamblinRambo, some Hitler loving loser from Finland? who ran the reddit European and Reddit alt right news sub threads...he came back here recently after getting his subs banned on reddit

Trash_Panda ago

He made you look like a total dick haha.

Crensch ago

Did he?

You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money?


Somehow making a post asking them to stop donating was the thing to do though, right?

Trash_Panda ago

Yes lol he did. You're making a big deal about a few thousand dollars and acting like he's morally obligated to give the rest back. If some guy is hurting for a few hundred bucks, especially to the point of asking strangers and especially a vet, I'd be happy to see them get 5 grand. That's the free market working as intended, this is how shit used to work before socialism bud. If he's telling the truth then you're just shaming him and making him feel embarrassed for no reason than some arbitrary moral standard you're imposing on him. People have given me money like that when I was down on my luck and I thank God for that, thankfully I didn't have some guy waving his finger around in my face the whole time.

Crensch ago

He could have shut down his gofundme before he had more than enough. He could have refunded what he didn't need. He could have not tried to get people into a discord which has historically been seen as a possible honeypot vector here on Voat. He could have defended himself from the outset instead of making up lies and attacking me directly. He could have not given such a lame excuse for buying that rifle.

But hey, honest people do that kind of shit all the time, amirite?

Trash_Panda ago

Do you realize how weird it sounds that you're injecting yourself into some random guy's private affairs? He doesn't have to explain any of his purchases to you lmfao. Are you gonna follow him around the grocery store snapping pictures like "AHA this motherfucker bought doritos! That's not a wise use of money!" get a life bro you'll be much happier.

Crensch ago

Do you realize how weird it sounds that you're injecting yourself into some random guy's private affairs?

Now you're sounding like a faggot. I brought up posts about this guy from before.

He doesn't have to explain any of his purchases to you lmfao. Are you gonna follow him around the grocery store snapping pictures like "AHA this motherfucker bought doritos! That's not a wise use of money and therefore immoral!" get a life bro you'll be much happier.

"I'm a vet and need money for food and necessities - thanks for money! - oh hey, look at this rifle i bought!"

Kek. Someone's being a faggot here, and it's not me.

TexasVet ago

Oh, is that what those people donated money to you for? For you to give the money to someone else?

I asked for 5 hundred and got 5 thousand. So I am supposed to buy 5 thousand dollars worth of food to hold me over until I had found a job? Why are you even attacking me in the first place. If you or anyone else would scroll my accounts here or Gab or on Reddit you will see I am 100% consistent in my mission and message to stand up for the white race. I do not deserve these attacks.

And instead of giving the extra back, you bought a rifle.

How do you even give gofundme money back? Do you even know how that site works? You cannot do it. It is impossible. So I chose to "pay it forward" by helping someone else in need.

SexMachine ago

You could pay it forward to me. Filing for change of custody of my son.

Trash_Panda ago

How do you even give gofundme money back?

Give it to me, I'll make sure it goes to the appropriate parties

TexasVet ago

Ha! Spoken like a true trash panda. Too funny.

Crensch ago

I asked for 5 hundred and got 5 thousand. So I am supposed to buy 5 thousand dollars worth of food to hold me over until I had found a job?

Give it back? Not take it in the first place? SHUT THE BEGGING SITE DOWN?

Why are you even attacking me in the first place. If you or anyone else would scroll my accounts here or Gab or on Reddit you will see I am 100% consistent in my mission and message to stand up for the white race. I do not deserve these attacks.

Your posts looked suspicious. Your name looked familiar in a bad way. I did some digging and found something.

How do you even give gofundme money back? Do you even know how that site works? You cannot do it. It is impossible. So I chose to "pay it forward" by helping someone else in need.

Not shutting down the donation page instead of posting on Reddit for people to stop donating?

JuiceTown ago

Thanks for this @Crensch. I've noticed some of his recent self-promotion-type posts here lately that seemed a bit off. Like yesterday's post where he titled the post as an "update" to the border situation but the content of the post was him seeking militia contacts for his own private Gab group. That's a rather suspicious request. So serious militiaman is going to communicate with an untrusted third-party.

This guy must think we're idiots or something.

BaneGhostiSwear ago


digitalentity1497 ago

Fake sane getting shekels.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's literally all of Crensch'posts though...

Trash_Panda ago

Ah, invoking the no true militiaman fallacy.

derkataIog ago

hey @texasvet @juicetown is just another infiltration shill paid to be here, just like @crensch. ignore and downvoat.

JuiceTown ago

Are you Jewish?

xobodox ago

Some of us had to sign NDAs for our action. Some of us were not technically in the military. So, you can fuck off with your technicalities.

Besides that, I could care less if he saw action or not; he's in the actions now trying to stop an invasion. And, you CIA/FBA commie nigger faggots seem to want to let the invasion happen.

So, f'ck all you CIA/FBI/NSA commie nigger faggot running propaganda against patriots.

Trash_Panda ago

And, you CIA/FBI commie nigger faggots seem to want to let the invasion happen.

So, f'ck all you CIA/FBI/NSA commie nigger faggots running propaganda against patriots.


Thank you for proving to me you're a neurotic ass. I'm sure all your buddies will read this and be like "Omg yea this is all a conspiracy" but casual onlookers who get accused of being CIA AGENTS will identify you for the comedic caricature you truly are.

xobodox ago

What are you fuckwads doing to stop the invasion? (Besides breaking down those that are.)

You and your little ShariaBlue/CTR buddies are clear as day.

Trash_Panda ago

What are you fuckwads doing to stop the invasion?

Why is this plural? And why would you assume anybody who disagrees with you is not doing anything to "stop the invasion" (what does that even mean?)

(Besides breaking down those that are.)

Lol is that what you call Voat drama? Wow yea bro you're changing the world, nice job.

You and your little ShariaBlue/CTR buddies are clear as day

Hahahhahahahhhhh. Well nothing anybody says is going to change your mind so you've now created an unfalsifiable parallel reality where you think stirring up Voat drama and accusing everyone of being a counter-revolutionary is somehow productive when all you're actually accomplishing is chasing your tail around in circles ad infinitum. It's akin to a paranoid scizophrenic, you just can't talk then out of their neurotic tendency so it's pointless to even try. I'm sure you have all kinds of paranoid tendencies. When you abandon objectivity in lieu of what you feel is correct and hunches you get, you've now taken the first step towards spiraling into a bottomless void of paranoia and unsubstantiated conspiracies that become more and more prolific.

JuiceTown ago


TexasVet ago

Fuck Jiuce we have always been cool with each other. I am disappointed that you would join in on the attacks on me. Oh well its a free country. Shame though.

JuiceTown ago

Perhaps you should consider what I've said rather than dismiss it as an attack. My involvement with and loyalty to, the Voat community extends further than any dealings you and I share with one another.

In fact, I barely know you, yet I know Voat very well.

CRKT_M16Z ago

I'm just glad to see you're still around. Haven't seen you posting to /v/juicetown as much lately.

JuiceTown ago

It's been a strange year

goatsandbros ago

Well then, that makes you think.

Could this all be happening to foment a push for gun control? "Internet man organizes right-wing army" could be seen as a big argument to the public for taking away rights. Given that it's 2018, it wouldn't work, but it totally seems like a Dem tactic.

Stay frosty, goats.

SexMachine ago

Also, never deploying doesn't make anyone less of a soldier. I went to a 1st Armored Division reunion, and many of the men there were stationed in Germany during Vietnam. Also, during the 80s and most of the 90s(besides Desert Storm), there wasn't much conflict going on. Yeah, some shit in Kosovo and Bosnia, but the entire armed forces weren't involved.

Soldiers don't get to pick the wars we fight in. Some of us "get lucky", I guess.

I don't look down on a veteran who served during peace time. They went through all the same bullshit. They were trained and prepared for a battle that never came.

I do look down upon stolen valor or veterans that misrepresent their service. If all you did was peace keeping or disaster relief, or even just serving, you did more than most, and should be proud of that.

goatsandbros ago

less of a soldier

That's irrelevant: a vet has been deployed.

Crensch ago

Technically untrue, but when begging for money, calling yourself a Vet when you haven't done anything more than a job is really pretty low, IMO.

Tazzermalt ago

I don't know about you anymore @Crensch this is borderline abuse and doxing... I'm not sure about this guys story maybe there is something false or even criminal but YOU Crensch are sailing pretty close to the edge here, I now understand why there is so much shit talk about you on 4chan or voat anon talk ... He might turn out to be a low life but is it up to you to make that call?

Crensch ago

I don't know about you anymore @Crensch this is borderline abuse and doxing...

Linking shit that was here before, that he himself linked publicly? Nice try.

I'm not sure about this guys story maybe there is something false or even criminal but YOU Crensch are sailing pretty close to the edge here, I now understand why there is so much shit talk about you on 4chan or voat anon talk ... He might turn out to be a low life but is it up to you to make that call?

HAHAHAHAHA cuckchan and voat anon. Now I know I have no real reason to take you seriously. Go hang out with SaneGoat and the rPV crowd in their Discord server or something.

SexMachine ago

Awe man, I wrote a long ass reply to him and he deleted it. Reply to him below:

A "veteran" technically is someone who served for 6 months, doesn't have to have been deployed.

If a soldier is serving, been in 2 years, no combat deployments, loses his leg in training, gets discharged, and collects disability, you wouldn't consider him a veteran? I mean, in my eyes he is, but he's just not a combat veteran.

Shit, I don't even consider pogues combat veterans. Most of them don't even leave the wire on deployments.

Fun story. We had a tank lose a roadwheel and break track in the middle of Iraq, so we had to go pick up the tank mechanics at the FOB and drive them out to the tank. All we could do was sit there and watch these mechanics take their sweet ass time. Then someone threw a grenade at us, but like way way off, didn't land anywhere near us, so I'm not even sure if they were throwing it at us. Anyway, after that the mechanics were all hustling and busting their asses to get this tank back up. They went from lazy Sunday stroll to Nascar pit crew real fucking quick after that grenade went off. We were dying laughing at the sight of it. The mechanics had never left the FOB before, and this was their combat experience lol... Someone throwing a grenade from 100 meters away.

oftotc ago

Shit, I don't even consider pogues combat veterans.

My preferred identifier is REMF. See how far you get in field without us back here taking care of shit for you - you can eat your fucking socks for all I care. Secure comms? Who needs that under combat conditions, right?!?

SexMachine ago

Infantry is self sufficient.

Food? MREs

Comms? That one dude we sent to the special warfare communications course.

Dental? I'm CLS certified, I can figure it out.

But for real, I'm not knocking most non-combat MOSs. Shit, I had to hit up the finance clerk down range because my LES had no pay due, on a fucking deployment. How the fuck does that happen? Had to get advanced pay and shit until it sorted out.

Our mechanics though. They busted their asses down range. First deployment I was mechanized infantry, so we had the Bradleys. We rolled into maintenance one day, and I say to my mechanic, "I don't see how you guys do it. You're out here sun up until sundown, every day, busting your asses on these vehicles. I couldn't do it."

To which my mechanic replied, "I don't see how you guys do it. Go out every day to get shot at and blown up, for days at a time. I couldn't do it."

Then it really hit me, it takes a certain personality, a certain drive for someone to enlist in the infantry. Not everyone has that. I mean, I couldn't imagine joining the military and signing up for anything besides infantry. I almost joined the Marines, but they don't let you pick your MOS, I don't think. At least that's what my buddy who joined told me. He said he wanted infantry and they made him an engineer.

oftotc ago

Infantry is self sufficient.

Total myth. You are self-sufficient for as long as the supplies you carry with you or rig in the field. Otherwise you start looting. And calling for more bullets means many people on the other end of that call have to be there to answer the phone, so to speak. But I get where you're going with this. I don't "advertise" my status, but the dudes I was supporting were exceedingly appreciative of the services I provided for them, wherever they were. They don't mind the patch on my right shoulder either. Fun tidbit for you: one of my "jobs" was bribing customs officials in such a way as to not appear to be bribery. Fun times :-D

Crensch ago

I mean, in my eyes he is, but he's just not a combat veteran.

I think most non-military people think combat veteran = veteran. Not because of any actual knowledge or investigation, but out of habit, and a general reverence for anyone labeled "veteran". I think the term misleading when begging for things like money.

That is a funny story, thank you for sharing.

SexMachine ago

I think most non-military people think combat veteran = veteran.

And I think that's where the confusion sets in. The US was just involved in two wars that lasted well over a decade. Almost every veteran that's served in the last 17 years most likely has been deployed to a combat zone, so it's almost implied that veteran means combat veteran.

Usually the question "Are you a vet?" is followed by, "Oh yeah, where did you serve?", and that's when you find out if they were ever deployed.

And like I said, being deployed to a combat zone is misleading. Kuwait was considered a combat zone for a few years at the beginning of the Iraq War, so there's pogues with combat deployment awards and combat patches that never went over the berm.
Even then, there's pogues that never left the FOB, worked in air conditioned offices, and had 3 hot meals and a shower every day. They still got themselves a combat patch, and they still got the same combat pay as me.

So yeah, I don't automatically assume veteran means combat veteran, and even if they were deployed, I don't think of them as combat veterans unless they were infantry, tanks, scouts, or artillery. Edit: or medic serving in a line platoon.

Pilots are a weird one though. I mean, they fly helicopters and planes, but they don't get to shoot back when getting shot at. I mean, helicopters are close enough to the ground to get hit by bullets, but what about that AC130 that's just shredding people from the safety of the sky? And I bet they had air conditioning too.

Crensch ago

Usually the question "Are you a vet?" is followed by, "Oh yeah, where did you serve?", and that's when you find out if they were ever deployed.

I always thought that a conversation between people that served. I think I might just ask if they risked getting a limb blown off or not. Seems more to the point.

AC130s can get shot out of the sky, no?

Even then, there's pogues that never left the FOB, worked in air conditioned offices, and had 3 hot meals and a shower every day. They still got themselves a combat patch, and they still got the same combat pay as me.

What the everloving fuck is this shit? You don't get more pay for being in actual danger? YOU GET COMBAT PATCHES FOR NO COMBAT?

What the fuck kind of participation-trophy bullshit is that? WOW the things I've learned about our military and the definitions are embarrassing as fuck.

SexMachine ago

You don't get more pay for being in actual danger? YOU GET COMBAT PATCHES FOR NO COMBAT?

Combat pay goes to everyone in a combat zone. From finance clerk working behind a desk in an air conditioned office to the infantryman who hasn't showered in three weeks.

The combat patch is just saying that you deployed to a combat zone with that division.

Then there's the Combat Infantryman Badge, for infantry who were under direct fire; Combat Medic Badge, for medics who were under fire; and the Combat Action Badge, which is a newer award for all other Army MOSs that were in direct contact with the enemy. The CAB was made because they had a lot of people who were tasked with the same exact shit the infantry was doing, but there was no recognition being given to them for being engaged in combat, but the infantry was given special recognition.

The USMC just gets a combat ribbon. I wouldn't recognize it if I saw it.

Crensch ago

You get a badge. That's the difference.

Holy crap those guys deserve more. Fuck everything that doesn't set them apart in a big way.

Crensch ago

@Donky_punch you may not like me, and you may think very little of me thanks to this thread, but THIS is more or less what I'm getting at.

MAD respect for those in danger. Not so much for those that aren't. Maybe that's not popular, or maybe it's offensive, but that's what I think.

xenoPsychologist ago

dontcha worry. my dad served in the army during just cause. he was stationed in panama and the family moved with him. on time noriega had missiles pointed at the apartment complex my family was living in and declared "it will be the bloodiest christmas in history".

then, some years back, after having been out of the army a while, he joined the national guard reserves and ended up deployed and actually in some combat situations.

i have serious respect for the ones who fight. the rest arent any different from anyone else in noncombat roles to me.

Crensch ago

Oh, this is you commenting about the same thing in that thread 9 months ago.

BaneGhostiSwear ago


digitalentity1497 ago

This fake Sane wanna be is working hard for his JEW money.

MadWorld ago

You will get used to this downvote/upvote behavior. It's what they do! They also organize it from the discord!

digitalentity1497 ago

I'm used to it. I've been here for almost as long as you. I know their modus operatis. I know he's a Sane wannabe or else he would have recognized me. I know they have alts and share accounts.

MadWorld ago

I feel very thankful that you are always here digging up the dirt... Thank you!

Crensch ago

I think I'm with the guys in that thread when they say calling yourself a veteran without having seen action is really misleading.

you did more than most

If you weren't in some kind of actual danger, you did a job. My .02.

kneo24 ago

I think I'm with the guys in that thread when they say calling yourself a veteran without having seen action is really misleading.

Only to the misinformed. If we use the word in a colloquial context, we only think of things like, Iraqi Vets, WW2 Vets, Viet Nam Vets.

Even consider the "VFW", which stands for "Veterans of Foreign War", will accept veterans who were never deployed to any combat zone. If you enlisted and served, and can prove it, you're in. Also take note how the name of the group is parsed. "Veterans of Foreign War" implies there are other types of veterans. It also implies other types of wars.

SexMachine ago

I'm not sure, but I think you have to have at least served overseas to join the VFW. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Crensch ago

Why is it that someone in the military that was never in danger gets the same label as someone that was? There needs to be a modifier to the word "veteran" in order to specifically mean those that saw combat?

Why is it that someone never in danger isn't considered to have simply done a job?

kneo24 ago

Then come up with a new term and get it to become popular. As it stands, the word "veteran" has some very distinct definitions. A person who served in the military is considered a veteran. A person who has simply done a job for a really long time is considered a veteran of that job.

If you have a better reason to change things, lay it out for us.

Crensch ago

If you have a better reason to change things, lay it out for us.

I might donate to a guy that could have gotten his leg blown off. I probably wouldn't donate to a guy that was never in that kind of danger.

A person who has simply done a job for a really long time is considered a veteran of that job.

So anyone at a job for a long time could just call themselves a "veteran" when begging for money? This line of argumentation is dishonest on that front.

A person who served in the military is considered a veteran.

TIL, and I'll be sure to grill them if they want anything from me first.

Then come up with a new term and get it to become popular. As it stands, the word "veteran" has some very distinct definitions.

IMO, thanks to your own argument, the term really should not elicit feelings of gratitude, since anyone can be a veteran.

And since I know you're going to object to that, why would anyone be more grateful to a military "veteran" that risked nothing than, say, anyone else working for the government? That's what this is about, after all.

kneo24 ago

I might donate to a guy that could have gotten his leg blown off. I probably wouldn't donate to a guy that was never in that kind of danger.

And that's fine. You do you. I'm not going to judge you for that.

So anyone at a job for a long time could just call themselves a "veteran" when begging for money? This line of argumentation is dishonest on that front.

Not really. It's the definition of the word. You're trying to use the colloquial understanding of the word and twist it around.

And since I know you're going to object to that, why would anyone be more grateful to a military "veteran" that risked nothing than, say, anyone else working for the government? That's what this is about, after all.

I don't know if you served and I'm not sure that matters, but I know plenty of people who are thankful we don't have mandatory conscription in this country, especially given the fact we're always off in some armed conflict somewhere in the world. The people who sign up for the military voluntarily keep the status quo. I'm thankful for that sacrifice.

Donky_punch ago

I'm with you on @texasvet being a shit bag after buying the guns last year our 2 years ago, that was a nigger thing to do. I don't necessarily hold it against him for never deploying. That might not have been his fault. I don't know what his job was, or when/where he served. There are also non combat zone deployments, maybe he did one of those. There's lots of reasons to not trust him, or even just call him out for being a fat has-been current larper, but, non deployment isn't really one of them

Crensch ago

I don't necessarily hold it against him for never deploying. That might not have been his fault. I don't know what his job was, or when/where he served. There are also non combat zone deployments, maybe he did one of those. There's lots of reasons to not trust him, or even just call him out for being a fat has-been current larper, but, non deployment isn't really one of them

That's fair. My original OP was pretty much taking what seemed more or less settled on the older threads. Might've jumped the gun there.

Crensch ago

Happy to have my mind changed on this, but downvoting certainly won't achieve that end.

By all means, what am I missing here? I see it as a job being put on a pedestal because it's government-related. If there was no danger, what did you do that is more than what anyone else does?

Donky_punch ago

I get where you're coming from, but being a vet means you made the cut. You have become a service member in the world's most powerful military force. Not everyone can say that, not everyone is qualified or makes it past basic training. There are vets who deployed, and there are some cool things about it, but don't hold it against those who never did. Chances are it want their fault

xenoPsychologist ago

in the context of military service, being a vet means you serve in combat. desk jockeys arent veterans. people who went over and fought are.

Crensch ago

Not saying it was their fault at all. Just saying that the deference shown to veterans that didn't risk getting a limb blown off seems odd to me.

And especially when begging for money. What did a non-combat veteran do that civilians or non-military government workers didn't do?

Not everyone can say that, not everyone is qualified or makes it past basic training.

Sorry, I can't really get behind that argument now that women pretty much just have to show up and they get in.

xenoPsychologist ago

and trannies. dont forget the trannies.

Donky_punch ago

Yeah, sure, that's fine. It's definitely not hard. Many of us agree that females should at the very least not served in combat positions. I don't think they should serve in any capacity beyond the fob. But coming from a civilian, your point has little weight

Crensch ago

But coming from a civilian, your point has little weight

How is that? My point is somehow less because I'm not a female that decided to join the boys club?

Donky_punch ago

No hahahahaha, because you don't fully know or understand what you're talking about. Case in point - calling it a boys club. Don't forget to take off your fedora

Crensch ago

No hahahahaha, because you don't fully know or understand what you're talking about.

And it is somehow unexplainable? Just dismiss the other party without saying why?

Case in point - calling it a boys club.

At one point of time, it was. Might not have had all the participation trophy bullshit then, too.

Don't forget to take off your fedora

Somehow I'm the one with the head accessory, but you can't explain why you feel you can just sweep my point under the rug because I'm a civilian?

Donky_punch ago

Sorry buddy, I don't know how to explain it. But yes, you definitely come off as a neckbeard. And yes, because you lack the background, your opinion is less valuable.

Are you going to value my opinion on how to fix an economy? I sure as shit wouldn't.

This all isn't even the point of your post, go back to calling out assholes and larpers and niggers, all categories to which Texas vet belongs

Crensch ago

Sorry buddy, I don't know how to explain it. But yes, you definitely come off as a neckbeard. And yes, because you lack the background, your opinion is less valuable.

Not really convincing.

Are you going to value my opinion on how to fix an economy? I sure as shit wouldn't.

Not sure how that's relevant. I'd expect a rocket scientist to be able to explain why my opinion on the diversity hires at NASA has little weight.

This all isn't even the point of your post, go back to calling out assholes and larpers and niggers, all categories to which Texas vet belongs

It became the point of this nest. I prefer to understand things, rather than letting them go and not asking the questions required to understand. I'm not really one to be wrong on a subject because of pride or stupidity.

Donky_punch ago

I don't think any answer I give you will be satisfying. It's an entire culture, being in any branch. Regardless of deployment, once you've finished all your training, you're a veteran. That's just the rule. That's the standard that has been set. That's how the govt sees it, that's how service members see it. Thats how financial institutions, car lots, etc see it. I dont know when this was established, but once you are done with your basic and advanced training, once you have a unit, you're a veteran. A line had to be drawn somewhere.

A combat vet is different, and there may be something on the uniform to distinguish that honor. Look for that, if that's what you want

As far as donating to someone who has never deployed? Depends. I dont blame you for not donating, i probably wouldn't either. I don't really give money to vets or anything either, half because I don't believe them, half because i don't trust how they would use it (Texasvet).

Those are two different things, respect and vet status. You might be confusing them

Crensch ago

I don't think any answer I give you will be satisfying. It's an entire culture, being in any branch. Regardless of deployment, once you've finished all your training, you're a veteran. That's just the rule. That's the standard that has been set. That's how the govt sees it, that's how service members see it. Thats how financial institutions, car lots, etc see it. I dont know when this was established, but once you are done with your basic and advanced training, once you have a unit, you're a veteran. A line had to be drawn somewhere.

I'd like to continue this line of inquiry. Feel free to not answer.

You don't know when that line was drawn. Would it bother you if it wasn't before the women/trans were let in? Something started in order to accommodate them?

Does it bother you that almost literally any woman that just chooses to do so gets to be part of that group? I'd be a little irritated with the bar being set so low, which is why I made my comment about the "boys club".

Thanks in advance, either way. I've learned a good bit today from this submission.

Donky_punch ago

Oh, no i don't mind, but I'd prefer if we go pm for that. Which I can't do from mobile, so if you want to know anything or my opinion, just send me a pm and I'll get back to you

Crensch ago

I don't think any answer I give you will be satisfying. It's an entire culture, being in any branch. Regardless of deployment, once you've finished all your training, you're a veteran. That's just the rule. That's the standard that has been set. That's how the govt sees it, that's how service members see it. Thats how financial institutions, car lots, etc see it. I dont know when this was established, but once you are done with your basic and advanced training, once you have a unit, you're a veteran. A line had to be drawn somewhere.

All right.

A combat vet is different, and there may be something on the uniform to distinguish that honor. Look for that, if that's what you want

Not sure I'd remember it, TBQH, but I'm happy to learn about it.

As far as donating to someone who has never deployed? Depends. I dont blame you for not donating, i probably wouldn't either. I don't really give money to vets or anything either, half because I don't believe them, half because i don't trust how they would use it (Texasvet).

Makes sense.

Those are two different things, respect and vet status. You might be confusing them

Nah, not confusing them at all - the former is expected with the latter from almost anyone I've ever met in my life. I never gave it much thought before this thread.

SexMachine ago

Someone else called him out for being a Walter Mitty. I asked him at least once about the accusations, but he never replied.

I'll ask again, @TexasVet, what do you say about the stolen valor claims being made about you?

TexasVet ago

This is not me. What's your point?

antiliberalsociety ago

Your story is full of holes, just like his.

Dkeere ago

I don't interact with @TexasVet often, and didn't listen to the discord, but I have a serious problem with stolen valor accusations being thrown around. Especially if it's due to the definition of veteran vs combat veteran.

For a place like voat where doxing and the destruction of your life is a real possibility, I don't want to see accusations thrown around to discredit someone when the only way to disprove them is to dox yourself.

SexMachine ago

Yeah, @TexasVet replied to the thread and gave his side.

I'll say him buying a rifle with the Gofundme bux is a bit fucked, especially when he has other firearms already. Yeah, he did get 10x the amount requested, but the right thing to do would have been to put it away and use it for what he said he needed it for.

Dkeere ago

Provided he actually shows up armed at the border, I don't have a huge problem with that. There's a good chance he'll lose that rifle if the government steps in, so having one to take while the other falls off the back of a boat for awhile isn't a terrible idea.

Now if he doesn't show up at the border, that's an entirely different story.

Then again, I'm sure there are a lot of nuances to the story that I don't know, so I'm hesitant to jump on the bandwagon railroading him without knowing all the facts.

Crensch ago


He's most definitely Sean Sweat - he admits it. Not sure if Walter Mitty is an alias, though.

Pissant ago

Nice, using an Archive link to doxx someone hey? That's classy.

Pissant ago

@kevdude nothing to see here eh?

Just Crensch trying to ruin someones life for speaking out and trying to organize people.

NotHereForPizza ago

Jesus, now Crensch is doxing people.

Is this a global rule violation? It should be.

@puttitout Crensch is mentioning another user's first and last name here.

adhdferret ago

Hold your taters buddy. User already admitted it within their history twice. So ain't nothing here that is doxing.

NotHereForPizza ago

No, that's not what doxing is.

You don't have to be the original source. Doxing = divulging personal info on line. I'm sure they guy has mentioned his name on the internet before if he's stupid enough to do it once, however, that doesn't' mean repeating it doesn't also fit the bill.

Rotteuxx ago

It's not doxing if it's info freely available online, especially when the info is supplied by the doxed faggot.

The "doxed" faggot posted it himself here this morning after having done it elsewhere in the past.

Your attempt at white knighting for this faggot is eery as fuck. Especially since the first line of your top rated comment is :

Don't fucking leave a trail of evidence lading to you, digital or otherwise.

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys are all so green, this is hard to watch....

I've remained too consistent for you to call me a white night only for me to worry about it at all.

I'm trying to help people here. Why? I don't know, because I like that I have certain freedoms, so I want to make sure other people can maintain certain freedoms. But, with those freedoms, we have certain rights that can't be ignored. He ignored his rights, and that's his prerogative, but he doesn't deserve Crensch spreading his personal information. Maybe he isn't so sure about the dangers of having your personal information on the internet, and we shouldn't fault him for his ignorance in the way of continually sharing his information that is now out there, along with capturing the image and spreading the capture so he has no way to recant it later.

You really don't understand what you're advocating for, do you?

Rotteuxx ago

You've single handedly done more to expose him publicly & spread his information around than @Crensch did. If it weren't for your posts & attacks on Crensch, only a fraction of the users would have seen it.

Since you've decided to white knight for @TexasVet, you've made yourself guilty of everything you claim to be denouncing. Your actions probably did more damage to his privacy than anything else.

He ignored his rights, and that's his prerogative.

So mind your own business, he made a choice as a grown man.

Maybe he isn't so sure about the dangers of having your personal information on the internet, and we shouldn't fault him for his ignorance in the way of continually sharing his information that is now out there...

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice, just like ignorance is never an acceptable defense in any legal matters (ie : doxing)

adhdferret ago

Whatever doesn't matter as admin has clearly defined what doxing is.

MadWorld ago

It doesn't stop the disrupters from propagating false information...

MadWorld ago

I believe the name was already given by someone else in another thread or post. That information was already made public. So he didn't dox anyone here.

NotHereForPizza ago

You don't understand how doxing works.

Leave. Don't poke that bear. That's a bear you can't unpoke.

MadWorld ago

Leave. Don't poke that bear. That's a bear you can't unpoke.

Aren't we all here poking bears? What a hypocrite!

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm tired of reiterating the same point over and over again.

From a purely pragmatic stand point, taking operational security in to account, the damage is done due to exposure. My position remains, as it has from the beginning, that whether or not he gave out his information primarily is unimportant, rather the risk increases as the information garners exposure.

Pissant ago

Which is why he took an Archiv link of it right away, so that if buddy realized the implications of having his real name out there he can't edit it or remove it?

Nothing to see here guys...

SexMachine ago

What was the v/Identitarian breakdown? I try to avoid drama.

Pissant ago

Crensch and his buddies stirred shit, as per usual. Now he's claiming abuse.

Crensch ago

I'm not entirely sure, myself. Not sure it's worth picking apart in order to understand it at this point.

SexMachine ago

Walter Mitty is slang for stolen valor. Based off the book about the guy who daydreams about living grand lives better than his own, including a war time soldier.

Crensch ago


The Discord server in question referenced in the link above.