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Crensch ago

I'd like to thank @TexasVet for providing me with exactly what I needed.

@TexasVet writes:

You also failed to mention that I had another post related to the gofundme that went viral on reddit telling people to stop donating to me. That I had plenty of money. If I was a scammer why the fuck would I tell people to stop giving me money?

-Removing your GoFundMe campaign does not automatically refund your donations. To learn about issuing refunds, please see: How to Issue Refunds on GoFundMe

-Removing your campaign doesn't affect your withdrawals at all. Any pending withdrawals will continue to process if you take down your campaign.

You made a REDDIT post asking them to stop. Instead of taking enough money to buy a gun, and supposedly give $1k away.

Then you said:

How do you even give gofundme money back? Do you even know how that site works? You cannot do it. It is impossible. So I chose to "pay it forward" by helping someone else in need.

You're at the very least, a liar, proved by the above link.

And you've yet to provide proof of these accusations:

So Crensch you are at it again? The same Crensch that participated in flooding v/identitarian with interracial and gay porn when your little crybaby ass got demodded from there. The same crensch from the Moonman discord that had to disband because of constant infighting.

I'm one of the main reasons discord links need to be broken here, I never went to one that was linked here. I also never posted any disgusting interracial gay porn here.

So you don't support your claims, at the very least, and went directly to false character assassination in your response, instead of simply defending yourself.

Why would you need to attack my character with lies if your position was solid?

adhdferret ago

Calling a rifle a luxury item when BLM and Antifa are rioting and attacking us in every major city is ludicrous. First off was I supposed to use every bit of that money to buy five thousand dollars worth of food? Of course not. Secondly I have a large family of which many of them do not own any weapons at all. They have small children that are priceless in our stuggle to survive as a race so I used less than a thousand dollars to buy a good AR-15, a scope and a box of ammo just in case it fell to me to protect these family members. Even if you think it was wrong of me to use a small portion of that money to do this I don't care. You can kiss my ass. I will do whatever it takes to protect my family whether you like it or not. Now as to the last accusations...

This shit right here makes me damn near certain he is full of shit.

Crensch ago

That's a good one, too!

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahhhh I see what you're doing

adhdferret ago

See how he named antifa and BLM as attacking? So he decided to get a firearm because of that? Then goes on to spout some Hitler shit and whatever else.....? Na this fuck is a plant and a shitty one at that.

If there was a way to track that GoFundMe campaign to see where that money originated from I would be very interested to follow it. Every single thing this person promotes is off site to gather.

When I got help from Voat did I leave the site? The only thing I did was make a Bitcoin wallet and two people gave me a few bucks via PayPal because they didn't use Bitcoin.

That was it.....I never left to say GoFundMe or anything else and that shows me so much. These fucking people will keep at it and it is great you bring attention to shit like this.