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drstrangegov ago

I will also ask you to stop this. its not good for voat.

zyklon_b ago

$4000 and it ends

SandHog ago

Or you could just stop acting like a kike.

zyklon_b ago

or they could admit they were duped and quit spreading pro-israel propaganda.

u is a kike luvr

SandHog ago

I'm not the one that is forcing Putt to get involved and make a decision he doesn't need or want to make. That's all you, buddy.

Flood a community with porn and other degeneracy. Act like the victim when someone calls you on your bullshit and tries to put a stop to it. Attempt to get other people to fight on your behalf because 'I'm the real victim'.

Jew or @zyklon_b? Where is the difference?

zyklon_b ago

they brought the kike love herr not me

you a (((shill)))

SandHog ago

Nah, I just care about Voat. You either don't or you really need to get some sleep and reconsider what it is you are doing. It's very destructive to the principles of Voat and can only end in harming it. This is some reddit bullshit you are doing.

zyklon_b ago

mind ur own fuckin bizness till u know what the REAL motive is.

i are rweeetoddide

SandHog ago

Why not just state your motives then? You are acting like a redditor.

zyklon_b ago

3500 n i quit

SandHog ago

You'll quit anyway because you are being ridiculous and it stopped being funny a while ago. Or you won't and you'll end up looking like an even bigger fool than you already are. What's next? Gonna go on a crusade against v/guitar? Or maybe v/gardening? It's just dumb and it won't change anything other than forcing Putt to do some shit he doesn't want to do. You aren't gonna change anyone's mind about the subject here. All you are accomplishing is giving Putt a headache he doesn't need and annoying the rest of us.

zyklon_b ago

ima damn fool and a damn retard and do not gibs any fucks

SandHog ago

I don't know that any of those statements are true. Although, at this point, I am inclined to agree that the last one is probably accurate. Attacking subs and spamming them with porn simply because you don't think they are redpilled enough will accomplish nothing other than to run people off and nudge Voat down the path of no return. You won't change anyone's mind about anything. All you will do is cement what they already think.

zyklon_b ago

i aint EVER posted porn faggot

SandHog ago

I don't believe you.

zyklon_b ago

i know u a paid shill or u not support isrsel

SandHog ago

I've never supported Israel. I also don't support attacking subs on Voat and attempting to drive them off the site because they simply have not become fully aware of what is happening in the world. All that does is reinforce the spell they are under. Show them facts. Show them what is really going on. That is how you open people's eyes. Spamming shit and attacking them only drives them off and makes them plug their ears. By continuing to do that shit you are the one supporting Israel.

zyklon_b ago

i gibs zero fawks wut u beez thNkn bitch

SandHog ago

That's obviously not true. Why else would you immediately spam some threads calling me a white knight or whatever that bullshit was? It's also amusing how you attempt to dodge and avoid every single point I've made. It isn't all that surprising. Why is it that you never say anything of consequence? Repeating a bunch of catch-phrases over and over again doesn't make you smart or popular. Are you really this shallow?

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie has 3 moar weaksz at da minimim

SandHog ago

Do you even read what you type? All you gotta do is stop acting like a chimp and I'll lay off you. It's up to you.