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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Two thoughts on this,

  • What evidence? @Crensch What proof do you have that @Zyklon_B is posting loli/porn on /qrv /GA? Two pages and i see no actual proof. Doesn't matter how much you hate or love the guy that's kike move without evidence to back it up and you should know better.

  • The majority, as you should be well aware of the upvotes exposing the Qtards to the JQ is from us in the first place. I've been working on them albeit from a different approach(s) since Q's first post, on all platforms. Waking them up has been my project. Their pompous "better than you attitude" like a small child who thinks they know a special secret had to be destroyed. They set themselves up as a hypocritical target and deserve all the harassment they get for being clueless little dumb niggers who suck jew cock while looking down on us from their adorable high chair. Regardless of the authenticity of Q+ = POTUS the very act of "trusting the plan" is in essence a jewish cuckold trick that has been used in the past with the red terror and "trust". Their idols and heroes must be destroyed. Their hopes and dreams must be destroyed. It must be made perfectly clear to each and everyone of them that their understanding of "freedom" is directly proportional to their understanding of the depth of their enslavement and that most of you fucks haven't a single clue. They must be brought into the black pit of hopelessness for only then will they realize that the only force they can trust is themselves. Only then will they start to think clearly and for themselves. Sheep in a new pasture who think they are woke yet still follow a shepherd. Sit back goy and relax, all is taken care of.

I murdered and skull fucked seth rich and got away with it in 1990. Space is fake and gay. Human timeline is a lie. CHRIST IS LORD FIGHT ME

Shizy ago

He posted porn on GA using his u/zyklown_b account. Srayzie banned the account from GA because the post violated the sub rules.

The deleted post is in the GA deleted submissions log for everyone to see.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

is @zyklown_b a confirmed alt of @zyklon_B?

Could be. Could also not be. I'll look into the logs. What is loli porn or gay nigger porn? One is funny, the other isn't. Regardless it isn't the right move to make on the Q domains as we want as many of you in the crowd as possible when SHTF.

Obviously spamming loli is degenerate and if you haven't heard degenerates get the rope first. Followed by niggers and kikes. Not sure if its worth distinguishing kikes and degenerates at this point as you are starting to understand.

Shizy ago

It wasn't gay or loli, just a porn image of a woman. It was still against GA submission rules. He used his alt to post it instead of using his main account. He knew he would be banned for it, that's probably why he used the alt.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thanks for confirming. Yes he did it to have fun with you guys and it does break GA submission rules so you guys acted accordingly. The issue that needs to be resolved is @Crensch accusing him of being the loli spammer. Two different things. One is funny for me and annoying for you the other is completely disgusting to anyone and is a very serious accusation to deliver without proof.

Shizy ago

Oh, ok I get what you're saying.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

He just replied here and confirmed. Was he posting loli? i can only find nice nudes of adult women that hes posted.

Shizy ago

That was it, just one of a woman and then he was banned. What he posted wasn't nearly as bad as what's being put on QRV but it's still against GA submission rules.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

whats happening on QRV is why Crensch is so upset and understandably so. It pisses me off as well. There is tact to helping you guys erode the brainwashing techniques of perceived superiority of morality when it comes to issues like race and IQ and the JQ and it looks like we've made good progress with the Q group for discussing these real issues.

I'll tease and joke and insult, loli does no one any good and is clearly either a JIDF shill or some teen who doesn't understand his autism isn't funny.

zyklon_b ago

yeah its me

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Well that saves me the effort. I only see classy pictures of attractive nude women. You are not the loli /qrv spammer are you?

zyklon_b ago

Nope have never posted any of it. just been playing mind games and trolling em

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I figured you were just having fun. @Crensch really should relax and focus his loli witch hunt on the various known loli posters in the first place.

I hereby do declare that @zykon_B is found innocent of the accusations stated against him and that everyone else is a goofy nigger. CASE CLOSED.

zyklon_b ago

of course komrade.

we need form a sub for the troll army