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GhostSkin ago

Happy Thanksgiving

zyklon_b ago

happy skanksgiving me head

GhostSkin ago

I wish i had a skank today.

zyklon_b ago

I got my dick sucked by this messikan't last night but my ma n pa said I cannot invite her over to thanksgiving cause she aint white

GhostSkin ago

Just invite her anyway.

zyklon_b ago

no cause when she got treated un kind it would hurt her feeelings and I NEVER want anyone feeling to hurt if I can prevent

GhostSkin ago

I dated a few non whites before. They were all nice.

zyklon_b ago

I got a half filipino daughter and is accepted but do not think my family would let a nigger or spic into fam

GhostSkin ago

I guess if you wanted to be with them they wouldn't have much of a choice. The way I see it if the person is good who cares. I hate niggers as much as the next guy but some blacks and spics are just fine.