goatboy ago

No. That’s stupid. Bad strategy. He is a narcissist. He must be destroyed from the inside out. He needs a false reflection to thrive. Right now he has a false reflection as a hero. His image must be clarified in himself and he will destroy himself and all that was created for you.

You should use his relationship to Ted Kazinsky and the mind fuck of those human experiments to destroy him.

zyklon_b ago

no only good juden is dead juden

goatboy ago

They love to hear that and will use it to their advantage.

zyklon_b ago

good so will i

GhostSkin ago

Happy Thanksgiving

zyklon_b ago

happy skanksgiving me head

GhostSkin ago

I wish i had a skank today.

zyklon_b ago

I got my dick sucked by this messikan't last night but my ma n pa said I cannot invite her over to thanksgiving cause she aint white

GhostSkin ago

Just invite her anyway.

zyklon_b ago

no cause when she got treated un kind it would hurt her feeelings and I NEVER want anyone feeling to hurt if I can prevent

GhostSkin ago

I dated a few non whites before. They were all nice.

zyklon_b ago

I got a half filipino daughter and is accepted but do not think my family would let a nigger or spic into fam

GhostSkin ago

I guess if you wanted to be with them they wouldn't have much of a choice. The way I see it if the person is good who cares. I hate niggers as much as the next guy but some blacks and spics are just fine.