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kingdomhearts123 ago

Let’s be clear... the Q people DO deserve abuse.

Crensch ago

the Q people DO deserve abuse.

Abuse? For their beliefs? For keeping their Q stuff in their own subs? What are you, a Jew that can't let happy white people live in peace and be left alone?

Look at what I just wrote.

When have you anti-Q folks ever put together something like that? I've never seen it. Not once. Just mockery and declarations of Q followers "deserv(ing) abuse".

This is the kind of shit I've been presented with. He left Voat in shame after that.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Yes. They deserve abuse.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I agree. They are an embarrassment to Voat and delegitimize anything that we do here. It is as simple as that.

gustodog ago

You believe in guilt-by-association like a leftist... cool.

Crensch ago

@kingdomhearts123 states that Q followers deserve abuse. Not $uspicious at all.

Lafall ago

soap box fucked up, the spam was too much

Crensch ago

Fuckers gotta rock the boat.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Accept 9/11 truth.

Accept the fact that if there weren't enough white hats to prevent 9/11, there is no reason to be optimistic that there are enough to fix anything now.

Accept that transportation is a trick and that Israel is a hideout.

Accept that there is no political solution.

gustodog ago

Doesn't sound like you know much about Q. The first guy to put forward Q's basic theory, a week before the election, was a Jew. He said on TV that "Trump knows which Jews" were involved in 9/11.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Israel fuckhead. Say Israel.

gustodog ago

Somebody recently posted the recently released files on the Dancing Israelis to the sub, retard. There are pro-Israel boomers, yes, but there are also non-good-goys. The spook Jew who first put forward the idea core to Q (a year before Q) said publicly that "Trump knows which Jews" participated in 9/11.

srayzie ago

That’s where you have it all wrong. MOST of us know that 9/11 was an inside job. MANY are not pro-Israel. Most of the people that talk shit about us don’t even know about Q or what we believe.