Gothamgirl ago

Probably he has even went after my children before, on pizzagate.

He and his crew think theyre the eye witness news

Except they always get it wrong like cnn.

zyklon_b ago

@ar47 aka @eugenenicks is a tranny for real and he also had to pennsylvania cause he raped his own adopted son

@wickerman will confirm

AR47 ago

Still you learned your lesson Michael.

You won’t threaten me directly as you did before now will ya?

zyklon_b ago

bitch i aint learned a fuckin thing and i do same shit i did last time

AR47 ago

You know what they will do?

I do because it happened to me. First thing they do is bring up your history they find. Then they ask you some questions about your reason for violence. They ask about your mom and then your dad.

They ask about possible weapons you have, and then they start looking around. They make it very clear they are there to intimidate you and make sure you know the moment you show any bit of fear they haul you in.

They mention the patriot act and how they can detain you for 24hrs without cause. Then they pull out some cuffs and put you in them for their safety but your intimidation factor.

Pretty sure that even @puttitout would love to see you fry, and even he would deny it.

zyklon_b ago

boohoo cry and snitch some more

AR47 ago

As will I.

Plus with the history of violence you have curated on you by someone else I am sure they would fucking love to have a chat.

zyklon_b ago

sure they will over satire and i am so happy to be living RENT FREE IN YOUR FEEBLE MIND


AR47 ago

No not on voat and not the fbi it was cyber crimes division

And I didn’t call them either. I filled out a report and gave specific information about a user you pinged, but at the time they had a different name.

Know what? It worked well too because they killed the name and didn’t do that shit again.

18766456? ago

Wow, a SBBHer defending a SBBHer and SBBH tactics. Who saw that coming?

Native ago

That's where you are wrong sir, i'm a SDBH and proud of it!

18760390? ago

@Native and @Crensch are two goats I admire tremendously for different reasons and I just can't deal with y'all fighting each other at the moment. Seriously, please pick another time because life is really tough on my end and this is like my parents fighting. Yes, I realize I'm being completely selfish but I'm just asking for y'all to take a pause. Please. Love, E.

AR47 ago

Maybe some range time is what you need?

Or I can record another video of me bitching at stupid drivers? Lol

18761331? ago

I do need some range time. For sure.

AR47 ago

Don’t we all?

Monday when all these storms were about to hit oklahoma I cycled all my mags, and filled one with green tip just in case.

We have this big issue with looters here during storm season that will cut out sections of power line because they are made of aluminum if you didn’t know.

They will also rip off the copper wires on utility poles, and generally go and pick what they want from rubble. Wasn’t gonna deal with that shit on my watch.

18761671? ago

What an absolute drag. Why are some people so entirely scummy?

AR47 ago

Because citizens by the larger majority allow it.

Thing is you just need to remember

I felt in danger of my life and those lives around me you honor

And if you can stick to that without anything else to get anyone to doubt you then you too can walk like zim zam.

Cops and everything about our justice system is now insentivised in that the sooner they get a conviction prepared to the DA the better chance they have for a promotion and the DA because tough on crime.

They will get into your head and use every trick they can to get you to show that moment you knew what you did was wrong and then jail forever.

Don’t do that and don’t hint towards racism or any motive than self defense and I promise it will work.

AR47 ago

Let’s say someone did do a dox or attack @empress to the point at which she felt threatened.

Do you think that any of us would talk or make a post here?


Do you think we would find out who said person was and make sure that before anything was to be done a phone call made where said person would apologize and then some random form of justice be taken?

I mean these are the events and happenings that I would assume could happen, but I am fairly certain that the user base values some more than others, and ZB isn’t really one of those seeing as he has used many names throughout his tenure in this place.

People are extremely predictable when you watch their patterns and he is one.

Native ago

You’d be surprised how many people like Zyklon and I would wager more than who like Crunch

AR47 ago

You asked “what if they doxxed empress “

That is what I answered, but nice deflection

Native ago

You posed a hypothetical I have no idea what people would do or could be done

The subject is Zyklon as he is being singled out

AR47 ago

Well he is being singled out because he made it that way.

Same as any other user that contributed very little in the way of the site.

Native ago

@Crensch didn’t respond to eating sunny side up eggs, faggot tranny confirmed!

Don-Keyhote ago

Because I shit on Q Crensch included me in a hit piece despite all other sub regulars disagreeing (even as mod he never visited the sub except to suddenly push JewAnon with zero backstory or subtlety)

He's an attention-whore, and his mother an actual whore. His father a whoremonger, his uncle a warmonger, he a humble fishmonger, one and all under the tutelage of the shtetl's elder mongermonger.

Native ago

If anyone should be banned from Voat it should be Crensch it's no joke every 6 months with the cunt some 'detailed' report rant

shit_alt_lmao ago

you'll never be as cool as crensch

sguevar ago


Using the quotations there to conveniently feat your point of view is really unnecessary, You know as well as I do that no (((jew in the letter))) will ever debate against the holohoax ever, and even less publicly as @Crensch has done it before. I mean yes, they will use preaching to the choir techniques to appeal to the goys more but they will never put in doubt their "truth".

If you want to defend @zyklon_b you certainly haven't taken the best approach. You are basically defending his (((jew in the letter))) ways to attack the subs he dislikes, for example using porn. A well known tool to destabilize social relations. Does this means that you support his actions to try to initiate a brigading effort agains the GA sub and @srayzie also?

You may have had those interactions that you claim you had with him before, but how does that justify his actions? Is Crensch not entitled to defend @srayzie and v/GA as he sees fit? The same way you are doing with zykon?

Don't be a hypocrite here, you are standing by the side of a childish man that fails to know his limits and then fails to apologize for his wrong doings. If anything you are blinded by the fact that he is a mere example of the accountability that we all expect here at Voat.

Zyklon a fucking treasure? Are you fucking kidding me?

shit_alt_lmao ago

zyklon a treasure is the funniest part

zyklon is a loaf of shit on voat's anus

Native ago

Zyklon doesn't post gay porn there. If he posts porn or shit posts it's the job of the moderators to clean it up and frankly it's an anonymous sub so it could have been you and @crensch who posted the porn just as a pretext to make bullshit doxx posts.

Shizy ago

He posted porn in GA using his alt I/zyklown_b. It was deleted by @Srayzie and she banned the alt, not knowing it was really zyklon_b. Zyklon_b proceeds to kike out and play the victim, and denies he posted porn. It is in the GA deleted submissions log for all to see.

Native ago

How do you it was his alt? There are lots of users who make alt accounts mocking original goat users

Shizy ago

Native ago

Ok and you know fair well that he said he doesn’t post degenerate porn there so the accusations against him for that is absurd

Shizy ago

I know he said he didn't, but at one time he was saying it was him. Here he is acknowledging that he had been claiming it:

So since he was claiming posting the porn and gore there, why is it absurd to have believed him? And if he was saying it was him before, why should we believe him now when he says it wasn't him?

sguevar ago

If he posts porn or shit posts it's the job of the moderators to clean it up

He did it on GA as per @srayzie's word and one of (if he has more Idk and Idc) his alts got banned from GA for it. Then he started attacking GA by accusing them that the porn posted on QVR was coming from them. He admitted to it and then started saying he took the blame from someone else which seems he condones for the sake of "stir things up". He got mad that his alt was banned from GA and hence this whole thing started because of his actions.

and frankly it's an anonymous sub so it could have been you and @crensch who posted the porn just as a pretext to make bullshit doxx posts.

Sure because me and crensch have proven to work like that from our past activity. That is why I have stated and posted that I am against alt accounts and we both address the users directly. Try harder to accommodate to your point of view. Convenience is not going to work here. If you like debating bring valid arguments.

And regarding the "bullshit doxx post" - Who was doxxed? Crensch only used comments that the user made and also archived them in case the user goes ahead and delete his comments as he was shown to do. So far the only one that doxxed someone else was your so called "Voat treasure" to his apparent significant other.

So once again, try harder because convenience is not going to work here.

Shizy ago

What @squevar says is 100% true. The deleted submissions log on GA shows the post on questions and anyone can go look and see what zyklon_b posted using his alt "zyklown_b".

Native ago

@Zyklon_b is a Voat National Treasure

Commradz unite!

wokeasfook ago

Wtf is wrong with you?

zyklon_b ago

we win

sguevar ago

So no valid arguments I see.... (G.G)

shit_alt_lmao ago

native's a trolling faggot

Native ago

Your entire Q movement and your butt boy @crensch have no valid arguments.

sguevar ago

I am not even a Qtard. Can't you even make an effort to go ahead and check my past comment history and see that I do not follow it. Though I find it interesting I do not trust it. Period. Once again trying to use convenience here is not going to work and clearly you have shown your (((jew in the letter))) ways to try to divert and not use a valid argument at all...

shit_alt_lmao ago

lmao did you see how he included himself among empress, buddha, and atko

pretending he's one of the cool kids