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Native ago

I find @zyklon_b a Voat treasure. I mean just replace Zyklon with HPOP and you have the same argument why HPOP was terrible to the Voat community.

Crensch ago

@Native defends @zyklon_b as a "treasure". A leftist, doxxing, child threatening, gore/porn/loli-posting, child abusing, unfunny faggot.

Native ago

It seems like in your attempt to virtue signaling you are dangerously close to committing the same sins of doxxing and threatening community members.

Voat can't go 6 months without some kind of drama. It's ridiculous.

Yes. I defend @zyklon_b you asked if anyone finds him valuable and entertaining. I do. I've had very personal discussions with him. He opened his house to me (should I chose to visit) and despite the shitposting is a good soul. Frankly, if anyone is trying to (((divide))) voat it's you. I've seen around these parts for years and NOT ONCE have I actually seen you make ANY personal posts.

So who is the Secret Agent Man? Zyklon who shit posts and interacts with the whole of the community or you, who continues to stir the shit every 6 months.

Crensch ago

Everyone can smell the Jew on you.

It seems like in your attempt to virtue signaling you are dangerously close to committing the same sins of doxxing and threatening community members.

Oh, am I? How DANGEROUSLY close am I to such a thing? Please do explain.

Voat can't go 6 months without some kind of drama. It's ridiculous.

Oh, should the blame be on literally everyone that didn't start this, or the one guy that did?

Yes. I defend @zyklon_b you asked if anyone finds him valuable and entertaining. I do. I've had very personal discussions with him. He opened his house to me (should I chose to visit) and despite the shitposting is a good soul.

I don't believe you, but thank you for the riveting anecdote.

Frankly, if anyone is trying to (((divide))) voat it's you.

I would split this website in two in order to not share this place with a Jew that goes around posting loli and bestiality porn and attacking people that are minding their own business. Luckily, I'm pretty sure it's just a few usernames that'll be burned that supported him in his effort to attack innocent users over their believes and speech. I don't give a FUCK about being divided from sacks of shit like you.

I've seen you around these parts for years and NOT ONCE have I actually seen you make ANY personal posts.


So who is the Secret Agent Man?

We both know. Well, everyone knows now.

Zyklon who shit posts and interacts with the whole of the community or you, who continues to stir the shit every 6 months.

"interacts" is a wonderful Jewish word for "attacks with loli porn and doxes and threatens children and attacks communities for minding their own business".

It smells like pork.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Tactics. Smear shit everywhere to confuse your enemy. The enemy can't fight if they're too busy gagging.