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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Two thoughts on this,

  • What evidence? @Crensch What proof do you have that @Zyklon_B is posting loli/porn on /qrv /GA? Two pages and i see no actual proof. Doesn't matter how much you hate or love the guy that's kike move without evidence to back it up and you should know better.

  • The majority, as you should be well aware of the upvotes exposing the Qtards to the JQ is from us in the first place. I've been working on them albeit from a different approach(s) since Q's first post, on all platforms. Waking them up has been my project. Their pompous "better than you attitude" like a small child who thinks they know a special secret had to be destroyed. They set themselves up as a hypocritical target and deserve all the harassment they get for being clueless little dumb niggers who suck jew cock while looking down on us from their adorable high chair. Regardless of the authenticity of Q+ = POTUS the very act of "trusting the plan" is in essence a jewish cuckold trick that has been used in the past with the red terror and "trust". Their idols and heroes must be destroyed. Their hopes and dreams must be destroyed. It must be made perfectly clear to each and everyone of them that their understanding of "freedom" is directly proportional to their understanding of the depth of their enslavement and that most of you fucks haven't a single clue. They must be brought into the black pit of hopelessness for only then will they realize that the only force they can trust is themselves. Only then will they start to think clearly and for themselves. Sheep in a new pasture who think they are woke yet still follow a shepherd. Sit back goy and relax, all is taken care of.

I murdered and skull fucked seth rich and got away with it in 1990. Space is fake and gay. Human timeline is a lie. CHRIST IS LORD FIGHT ME

srayzie ago

There are a lot of times he says it, but here’s one. Even encouraging others is wrong.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Advocating nigger/tranny/gay porn spam for /QRV is a far cry away from actually spamming LOLI . His antics are known and you've already taken appropriate steps for /GA. However, the accusation against him posting loli is nonfactual and lacks any supporting evidence currently from what i have seen and gathered. i'll be updating from here if i find out to the contrary.

Shizy ago

He acknowledged that he claimed the the porn/gore spamming to be from him:

He claimed to be the one doing it. So is it really a surprise that people accuse him of it?


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Hes also is the personality that would claim it for the comedic value alone. That said, my only point of argumentation is that he is not involved in loli specifically from what i have dug into. Sure its all inappropriate given the context of the boards discussions however there is a very thick red line difference between gore/porn and loli and i wanted to make sure the facts were what they were.