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Crensch ago

It totally amazes me that the information is right before your very eyes, and you still think it happened. It was a lie, to cover up for the Holodomor genocide they were enacting upon whites. It was a lie for infinite gibs and victim card status.

It wasn't even that bad had it really happened, far worse genocides out there, yet you never hear about them. Why is that?

You've been lied to.

Lauraingalls ago

You are a scary person.

Crensch ago

And your nose is showing.

Lauraingalls ago

I know it's hard but try to make sense.

Crensch ago

Jew. You're a Jew. If you're not a Jew, you are so thoroughly fucked by them that you're indistinguishable from them.

Lauraingalls ago

I'm NOT a Jew. That is funny. No Jewish blood at all.

Crensch ago

Then you have an unhealthy interest in perpetuating a lie that allows Jews to parasite off your people.

Lauraingalls ago

You are a NEO NAZI.

Crensch ago

I'm not one of them, but nice try on labeling me as part of an alphabet agency honeypot.

Lauraingalls ago

I only know you are a NUT.

Crensch ago

I know you refuse to look at evidence because you have a foregone conclusion that you need to justify.

Otherwise you'd look at the evidence for yourself and either accept it, or be able to debunk it.

Notice how not a single person that believes in the holocaust has brought even an ounce of evidence/sources for it?

srayzie ago

I’m apparently an evil nut now too

Crensch ago

It's too bad that some refuse to wake up. For what it's worth, you're more than welcome on this side of the fence, since these hoaxers keep wanting to build one.

srayzie ago

The least she could do is not overreact and act crazy. You were very calm. Good job Crensch. Haha

Crensch ago


Honestly, if she is white, all I'm talking to is a defense mechanism inside her head. Her authentic personality checked out the moment someone questioned her origin myth.

Lauraingalls ago


Crensch ago

Guessing you're incapable of responding to my other comment. You really ought to pull your head out of your ass and look real hard at the evidence. It wouldn't be the first time you were misled.

Lauraingalls ago

I think your manner of speaking needs to be shared. Why don't you become an author? The world awaits such BEAUTY.

Crensch ago

I think your manner of speaking needs to be shared. Why don't you become an author? The world awaits such BEAUTY.

Leave it to some dumb cunt to put beauty before evidence, truth, and reality. This is why women shouldn't vote.

Lauraingalls ago

You are on a ROLL, meathead.

Crensch ago

Meathead? Kek.

Do you have better sources than this faggot?

I ripped his SOURCES. His HOLOCAUST SOURCES to shreds. You've provided nothing at all to support your position, just pearl-clutching moral outrage. I bet you don't have anything at all but your feelings to fight with.

You took CareBears too seriously, fronthole.