It TOTALLY amazes me that some people deny the HOLOCAUST happened. YOU FRIGHTEN ME. That very sick and mentally ill screamer named Adolf Hitler was a DEMON, and he and his NAZIS killed many innocent people. There are PLENTY of GOOD and DECENT people that testified about the HORRORS they managed to survive. Some even wrote books. President Trump had two holocaust survivors at the State of the Union address. I can see by the existence of the DENIERS that the EVIL DEEP STATE CABAL isn't the only EVIL we are fighting. There are just as many ordinary people who are just as EVIL. Thank you PRESIDENT TRUMP for saying that.
Here is the video.
Lauraingalls ago
"Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Poland Public execution of Polish priests and civilians in Bydgoszcz's Old Market Square on 9 September 1939.
The Catholic Church in Poland was brutally suppressed by the Nazis during the German Occupation of Poland (1939-1945). Repression of the Church was at its most severe in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany, where churches were systematically closed and most priests were either killed, imprisoned, or deported. From across Poland, thousands of priests died in prisons and concentration camps; thousands of churches and monasteries were confiscated, closed or destroyed; and priceless works of religious art and sacred objects were lost forever. Church leaders were targeted as part of an overall effort to destroy Polish culture. At least 1811 Polish clergy died in Nazi concentration camps. An estimated 3000 clergy were killed in all. Hitler's plans for the Germanization of the East saw no place for the Christian Churches.[1]
The massive crimes inflicted against Polish Catholicism took place in the wider context of the Nazi crimes against Poles under Generalplan Ost, as the German regime implanted a general policy of eventually eliminating Poland's existence. Adolf Hitler himself remarked in August 1939 that he wanted his Death's Head forces "to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language."
Lauraingalls ago
"Denial of the Holocaust has never been a monopoly of the far right. History has taught us that antisemitism arises in many forms, and this is no less true for Holocaust denial. That’s why Hope Not Hate’s new book also explores denial to be found in leftwing circles, in eastern Europe and from Muslims both in Muslim-majority countries and in the west as well.
Beyond considering contemporary political, religious and geographical dimensions to Holocaust denial, one of the key findings of the book is the worrying generational shift and the changing nature of far-right Holocaust denial engendered by the explosion of the internet.
Recognising the internet’s potential for reaching people at an unprecedented scale, Holocaust deniers were early adopters of online platforms, some as early as the 1980s. And since the 2000s social media’s arrival has had a profound impact, not just on the ability of the denial community to spread their ideas but more fundamentally on the idea of, and motivation for, Holocaust denial itself."
Lauraingalls ago
"Why It's Important to Confront Denial
The Nazi persecution of the Jews began with hateful words, escalated to discrimination and dehumanization, and culminated in genocide. The consequences for Jews were horrific, but suffering and death was not limited to them. Millions of others were victimized, displaced, forced into slave labor, and murdered. The Holocaust shows that when one group is targeted, all people are vulnerable.
Today, in a world witnessing rising antisemitism, awareness of this fact is critical. A society that tolerates antisemitism is susceptible to other forms of racism, hatred, and oppression.
The denial or distortion of history is an assault on truth and understanding. Comprehension and memory of the past are crucial to how we understand ourselves, our society, and our goals for the future. Intentionally denying or distorting the historical record threatens communal understanding of how to safeguard democracy and individual rights."
time3times ago
Did the holocaust happen or not? Trump seems to think so. Many agree. The details of how it happened are up for debate - like how many of the victims were not Jewish. But all that shit was 2 or 3 generations ago - fairly low-priority concern. I think the micro-portion of time Trump spends on the topic is appropriate.
Lauraingalls ago
Many people on VOAT, every single day, try to push this Hitler is a hero garbage, and the Holocaust was a lie. It is SAD.
Hastur77 ago
Revodude1 ago
I love it when the President uses their terminology against them.
benjitsu ago
I can only assume OPs continued lady boner for jews has to do with misguided ideas about Israel and the bible. It is really simple to understand for anyone who wants to: no group has existed without suffering and in the context of the area if the 6 million were accurate it is by no means the largest number. Jews have continually acted parasitically throughout history and feigned suprise when nation after nation has grown weary of it and stood up for itself.
TurquoiseLover ago
Frank Anne Stein
Lauraingalls ago
IF anyone is interested at ALL, Here is a video of Corrie Ten Boom and what she went through because of those DEMON POSSESSED NAZIS
PacaGoat ago
Someone forgot the Nuemberg trials. And my brain cant speil again today. My clege room mate was just out of the army. Be was one of Himmlers prison guards. I asked him about the man, his reply was, he is one of the most evil filthy human beings I have ever seen. It took everything in me to not shot the SOB. Hitler was even worse. He was/is a prototype of the antiChrist. And a the Muh Joo haters on bere and else were are infected with the same filth as he. And are just as demented.
srayzie ago
I’m not a fan of Hitler. That’s not what I said
Lauraingalls ago
I'm not mad at you, and don't take this personally, but I studied this subject, and am not interested in any BULLSHIT you found. Why don't you let it rest? It's not like I never studied this. The crap you are finding is GARBAGE. OK? Please drop it already.
PacaGoat ago
Lauraingalls ago
In all the comments where we talked to each other did I EVER mention SRAYZIE? I don't think so.
PacaGoat ago
Well. Let peace rule.
Lauraingalls ago
PacaGoat ago
Just posted this
Lauraingalls ago
Great. I'm glad you are SO NICE.
PacaGoat ago
"We try." 😏
Lauraingalls ago
We do.
Lauraingalls ago
Look what someone just said to me. SO NICE,
"keep on believing the holocaust, you fucking retard. you're here on the great awakening board, so i'm assuming you will believe that most of what the media tells you is a lie. yet here you are, aggressively defending the biggest lie in history for...reasons. probably because you learned it as a child
go fuck yourself"
PacaGoat ago
Laff at them. They display their ignorance and sgends with every post.
Lauraingalls ago
It's SO true. Q has a great answer for them and it's so true.
"Ask yourself, why are 'Liberals' always angry? Why do they curse? Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)? Why do they create 'emotional outbursts' when challenged? Why are they violent?"
PacaGoat ago
Because they inhert such from their father.
srayzie ago
I’m on my phone and away from home. I can’t get all deep right now. Read my post. Read what I read. Watch the video. I’m still researching.
PacaGoat ago
Ok be careful. You know I have always had your back. Just careful with this.
Lauraingalls ago
I agree. TOO many GOOD people exposed the EVIL for what it was.
bopper ago
To question the holocaust and objectively look at the facts and where they lead doesn't make you a fan of Hitler, that's all she's saying.
Lauraingalls ago
"Why Do People Deny the Holocaust?
Holocaust denial, distortion, and misuse are strategies to reduce perceived public sympathy to Jews, to undermine the legitimacy of the State of Israel—which some believe was created as compensation for Jewish suffering during the Holocaust—to plant seeds of doubt about Jews and the Holocaust, and to draw attention to particular issues or viewpoints. The Internet, because of its ease of access and dissemination, seeming anonymity, and perceived authority, is now the chief conduit of Holocaust denial.
Key denial assertions are that the murder of approximately six million Jews during World War II never occurred, that the Nazis had no official policy or intention to exterminate the Jews, and that the poison gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp never existed. Common distortions include, for example, assertions that the figure of six million Jewish deaths is an exaggeration and that the diary of Anne Frank is a forgery."
Lauraingalls ago
It's PLAIN AS DAY he was Evil.
the_art_collector ago
And? Illuminati agents tend to be evil and crazy, so I don't doubt that at all.
It has no impact on the numbers not adding up, the 6 million figure appearing in many clippings prior to WW2, people getting caught lying about being survivors quite a few times, the entertainment and medical care being in the camps, the fake soviet chimney addon, Mexicans being sprayed with Zyklon B in room literally called 'gas chambers', Zionists saying millions will die in a holocaust prior to WW2, and the lack of relevant entries for 'holocaust' in encyclopedias prior to 1970.
bopper ago
I think you're a sweet and nice person Laura. Maybe when you have time you could check out the 'other side,' no matter how ludicrous right now it may seem to you, and I know it does sound crazy. (I do know what POTUS said but I don't have time to explain what I think about that just now.) But it is not something I argue about (holocaust) on the internet, it's just too controversial and difficult. Hang in there and focus on the most important things, myself as well.
srayzie ago
Thank you Bopper. You know me. I always get myself in trouble. 😂
bopper ago
Yeah, but you were very nice about it in that post you did, you didn't try to shove it down anyone's throat, I thought you did a great job. Seems people would see and understand that and try to be more calm and understanding.
Lauraingalls ago
I NEVER CALLED HER A DEMON. I was talking to SOROS and she thinks I meant her.
bopper ago
Right, I think she knows, hopefully.
srayzie ago
Well tell that to @Lauraingalls who acts like I’m a demon
bopper ago
Well she couldn't be more wrong if she thinks that, I think she's going a little overboard using that term indiscriminately.
@Lauraingalls Srayzie is one of the nicest and soundest people you will ever meet here on Voat, trust me, I've known her a long time.
srayzie ago
Thank you Bopper!
bopper ago
Do I know you?
srayzie ago
Not really? Do I know you? 🤔
bopper ago
@auralsects why have you abandoned us?
srayzie ago
I know. What a
Lauraingalls ago
If President Trump LIED about the HORROR of the Holocaust for some STUPID reason I PROMISE YOU I will NOT VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN. I read PLENTY of books about Christians and what they experienced. I KNOW THE TRUTH.
bopper ago
No I don't think he lied, I'm not saying that, but I can't take the time to explain what I think is going on there.
Lauraingalls ago
You seemed to imply he wasn't telling the TRUTH. SAME THING. Either he believes the horrible holocaust happened or it didn't. He said he does believe it happened. So either he is lying or he is not. No middle ground.
bopper ago
I think that his advisers are going slow with POTUS about the holocaust. And probably other things as well. My opinion is that POTUS does indeed believe it happened. And it did, but likely not to the extent we've been taught.
Lauraingalls ago
Theories. He wasn't born yesterday, and has high intelligence. He doesn't need "ADVISERS" to fill him in about anything. That is an insult to him.
bopper ago
good grief Laura, you're a mess...the mark of intelligent people is that they surround themselves with advisers, goofus...I love POTUS, I would never insult him..
Lauraingalls ago
Then he doesn't need to be filled in by advisers on the Holocaust does he? A genius is smart enough to know the TRUTH. Thanks for the personal insult. I hate to fill YOU in but the Holocaust DID happen. Sorry you aren't SMART enough to know that.
srayzie ago
@Bopper is very smart and even a writer. He’s one of my best friends here. He’s a big time Christian and even has a pastor as a son. He LOVES Trump.
Just like me, he’s not denying that it happened. He’s just saying that it’s not to the extent that we’ve been taught. I’ve been looking thru documents. It was no where near 6 million people. That’s NOT denying that it happened.
Lauraingalls ago
I don't believe it's a lie at all. I have read many books on the subject from Christians and even had a course on it at University. It is scary though to be a denier.
srayzie ago
I’m not a denier. I will share things I found when I gather it all together.
Lauraingalls ago
I;m really not interested in garbage from the internet. I know the truth. Thanks for the offer though. I have read on this subject many times.
"Why It's Important to Confront Denial
The Nazi persecution of the Jews began with hateful words, escalated to discrimination and dehumanization, and culminated in genocide. The consequences for Jews were horrific, but suffering and death was not limited to them. Millions of others were victimized, displaced, forced into slave labor, and murdered. The Holocaust shows that when one group is targeted, all people are vulnerable.
Today, in a world witnessing rising antisemitism, awareness of this fact is critical. A society that tolerates antisemitism is susceptible to other forms of racism, hatred, and oppression.
The denial or distortion of history is an assault on truth and understanding. Comprehension and memory of the past are crucial to how we understand ourselves, our society, and our goals for the future. Intentionally denying or distorting the historical record threatens communal understanding of how to safeguard democracy and individual rights. Why Do People Deny the Holocaust?
Holocaust denial, distortion, and misuse are strategies to reduce perceived public sympathy to Jews, to undermine the legitimacy of the State of Israel—which some believe was created as compensation for Jewish suffering during the Holocaust—to plant seeds of doubt about Jews and the Holocaust, and to draw attention to particular issues or viewpoints. The Internet, because of its ease of access and dissemination, seeming anonymity, and perceived authority, is now the chief conduit of Holocaust denial.
Key denial assertions are that the murder of approximately six million Jews during World War II never occurred, that the Nazis had no official policy or intention to exterminate the Jews, and that the poison gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp never existed. Common distortions include, for example, assertions that the figure of six million Jewish deaths is an exaggeration and that the diary of Anne Frank is a forgery."
srayzie ago
It’s not Holocaust denial. It’s the fact that it was far less than 6 million. There are many inconsistencies. It did happen. Stop implying that I am denying that it happened. That is not true.
Lauraingalls ago
You can believe whatever you want. Have a nice day.
srayzie ago
Ok you too
Lauraingalls ago
Thank you,
srayzie ago
You’re welcome
srayzie ago
Your mind is closed if you aren’t even willing to look at documents and Newspaper clippings. Why can’t you look at facts from both sides and make up your own mind?
bopper ago
@Srayzie I give up lol.
Lauraingalls ago
You claimed advisers were going SLOW with Trump about the Holocaust like he was a stupid child.
srayzie ago
Just to let you know, @Bopper is a big goof ball and is playing when he says you should be banned.
You won’t be banned for having a different opinion. That’s what a forum is all about. Discussion.
Lauraingalls ago
Thanks. His views do surprise me though. I really think it's sad.
bopper ago
Nobody has the scoop on everything, immediately, they learn as they go along. Even geniuses. That hardly makes one a "stupid child."
srayzie ago
Don’t even start that topic 😂🤣
Lauraingalls ago
I won't get involved in that subject, It's no s bad as denying many people were murdered.
Lauraingalls ago
And of course the garbage on the Internet is better, right. I believe he knows the TRUTH and doesn't need advisers to fill him in.
bopper ago
Okay, well he's omnipotent then lol, always knew the truth, was born knowing the truth.
We'll agree to disagree.
PacaGoat ago
I understand that and havent said she was. What I have said is. I knew survivors and heard their stories. Some of us are still around who remember the truth first hand.
Lauraingalls ago
I actually can't believe people are being fooled by garbage on the internet. You know people personally and know the TRUTH. I have read books from Christians that survived and had NO reason to lie. They weren't even Jews. They saw the EVIL and left for other countries.
PacaGoat ago
This is true. As time goes forward, people allow the light of truth to dim and evil fills the void with lies and twisted facts which are no longer facts. We must be vigilant. What is sad to me is to see people even here not fighting back.
Lauraingalls ago
I'm so GLAD you are saying what you are saying. I'm surprised too to be honest. They think President Trump lied about what he said for some ridiculous purpose. I doubt that. If he did I assure you I will not vote for him again. I have no use for liars. Life is too important to lie about precious and imprtant things.
srayzie ago
I think you like to put words in people’s mouths. I’ve said over and over again that I don’t believe the OFFICIAL STORY LAURA.
Just like I don’t believe the official story of 9/11. Did 9/11 happen? YES! Do I believe the official narrative? NO.
I don’t mean any disrespect to anyone. But there are things that don’t make sense and I’m not going to stop reading and researching because YOU act like I’m evil.
You’re the one sounding crazy because you’re flipping out acting all dramatic saying Get behind me Satan like I’m some demon.
@PacaGoat @Lauraingalls
PacaGoat ago
Ok dkne with you. You want to attck me for telling YOU the truth. And I never said A N H T H I N G about you supporting hitler. I said those👈 who do. So now YOU stop twisting my words. Somerhi g wrong with you for acting like this.
D O N E!
srayzie ago
No I’m talking to Laura! I pinged you because you 2 were talking. She’s been talking crap all day. You’ve been very respectful and reasonable.
PacaGoat ago
Oh ok. I was wondering. Im not accusing you of anything. Nor are any of my comments regarding shills directed to you. But I am fighting what I see as an attempt to comp our subs. And Lara isnt your enemy either. We are speaking in general terms. Yes I mentioned you in a reply to her. But it is in the vein of concern for a friend👈👈👈. I nor she wants to see you misled. the crux.
srayzie ago
I’ve always gotten along with her and she’s acting like I am evil or compromised. I feel like we have to unlearn all the lies we’ve been taught and relearn everythjng by researching.
Lauraingalls ago
I have NO idea where you got the idea I called you a demon. I was talking to SOROS and most of my conversation with Paca Goat did NOT MENTION YOU.
srayzie ago
Lauraingalls ago
It was kind of FUNNY because I tried to let you know I was talking to that IDIOT Soros, who crawled back out of his hole. I thought maybe he was in Prison or something because he has been quiet for awhile. He is a REAL NUT, LOL. And when Paca Goat and I were talking we didn't even mention you at all.
srayzie ago
Oh ok. I thought you were talking to me.
Lauraingalls ago
No. He is Crazy and likes to comment to things i write. What a NUT. The prayer was to show him I believe in GOD and God protects me.
srayzie ago
Oh ok. Thank you.
Lauraingalls ago
You're welcome. Sorry for the confusion.
srayzie ago
It’s ok.
Lauraingalls ago
PacaGoat ago
I agree with researching. I did it for a living back in the day. Remember what I posted to you about Trump and Ivanka, the peace plan and the temple. That is what saving Israel for last means. All this noise about the holocost has been going on for a long time. Back in the day we shut all that down because we knew what happened. And it is lime I also said to Lara, as time goes on, the light of truth dims and evil will fill that up with lies and twisted facts which are not truth. Well... I hope I didnt start a lot of trouble for you. My intention was to alert you. And honestly, I didnt see the name on the post at first. Lol but I do bark at things.
You know way back in the day I was an DME, design manufacturing engineer. My nob was to take designs from the originating engineer and. Test it and make it work to specs. Many times the engineer would get info that didnt ..... Gehaw. Lol and I had to re research and plug in the revised criteria. So it IS necessary to take things with a grain of salt. One thing I often relied on is the experiences of ..... Seasoned engineers. Those who had done things similar before. My mentors.
If possible try and consider my offerings as this. Expose's of the experiences of a ....... Seasoned goat. Ahem.
All the best hon.
srayzie ago
Thank you. No you didn’t start trouble. It’s ok. All the best to you too <3
PacaGoat ago
I just replied to Syraze. Maybe she is having a moment here. I explained to her why this is happening and I will explain it to you.
Remember, the presidents daughter Ivanka is married to a Jew. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem and Israel sees him as a king Cyrus figure. He has a peace plan which will be shown after the 9th of this month. That is the date of Israels election. Now for the kicker. What did Trump do before elected? He was a real estate tycoon. what ya think is the most epic real estate venture and challenge (which he relishes?)
The temple! Yep. Trump will rebuild Solomons temple. Now ya know why all the Muh Joo heartburn.
Lauraingalls ago
WOW. That will fulfill Biblical PROPHECY. OMG. THANKS for filling me in. The nuts think that saving "ISRAEL for last" means Trump is going to destroy them. WOW.
srayzie ago
I guess she’s calling me a nut @Bopper. You’re smart. Can you explain anything to that over dramatic judgemental crazy lady?
bopper ago
No, I don't think I can explain anything at this point!
@PacaGoat That's that Hal Lindsey crap, why would God allow the temple to be rebuilt, especially restarting the old sacrifices, when Christ has put an end to that..I used to embrace that but learned the truth from the Reformers and Puritans.
PacaGoat ago
It is referred to in tbe book of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation. The cornnerstone has been cut and used in ceremony. The red hefier has been found. The implements for the temple have been crafted and the priest have been trained. Hal Lyndsey aside. The thing is. The new temple may not be built at the temple mount. Much evidence poits to another site nearby with scripture to support. It sill be at the temple after some period of time that the antiChrist will set himself up as the messiah. And....Israel will rebell thus begins the 42 months of tribulation. Its going to happen. And the peace plan will go foward also. Lets just pray that we can win as many souls to Christ as possible between now and then. our ultimate mission. And yeah, i never was a fan of Hal. Meh....
bopper ago
I don't embrace that interpretation of prophecy anymore, but I certainly wouldn't argue or debate about it. I appreciate your thoughts.
@Srayzie is a good friend, and a fantastic person, you guys should apologize if you've insinuated that she's evil. She's simply a freethinker, as we all should be. But I'm done for tonight.
PacaGoat ago
No one has least of all me. She is a friend and we talk. She knows where I come from
bopper ago
Great, glad to hear it (thought so).
srayzie ago
@PacaGoat is good. Laura should apologize but I highly doubt she will. I’m a Christian too and she knows it. Oh well. Thank you @Bopper
PacaGoat ago
srayzie ago
How did you make such a little emoji? 🤔
PacaGoat ago
On my cell phone. My laptop gaveup the ghost. Lol. 😋
srayzie ago
Oh ok lol 👀
PacaGoat ago
Lol. I told one guy cant fix stupid 😏
srayzie ago
Lauraingalls ago
AMAZING. Tbanks again. You made all this getting beat up worth it. Thanks for the help in sticking up for the TRUTH. I was getting discouraged that nobody cared. We have to fight and be soldiers of Christ.
Lauraingalls ago
THANK YOU for being so brave. Lots of EVIL PEOPLE HERE. Incredible. I just watched a video on the maid for Hitler and she said "HE WAS CRAZY." Her words. Here is the video.
PacaGoat ago
Lauraingalls ago
You are welcome.
Crensch ago
It totally amazes me that the information is right before your very eyes, and you still think it happened. It was a lie, to cover up for the Holodomor genocide they were enacting upon whites. It was a lie for infinite gibs and victim card status.
It wasn't even that bad had it really happened, far worse genocides out there, yet you never hear about them. Why is that?
You've been lied to.
Lauraingalls ago
You are a scary person.
Freebee ago
Actually you flipping out and call No people evil for being willing to research and seek truth that challenges YOUR beliefs us what’s so frightening.
Lauraingalls ago
NEO NAZI, Holocaust Denier. LOOK IT UP! You trying to make a monster a HERO is SICK.
Freebee ago
That dude who attacked Candace Owens on The Ingraham Angle last night said 72% of Jews support and vote for Dems. It’s undeniable that dual citizens in Congress are behind the coup attempt, It’s Jewish attorneys and judges who are twisting the law to subvert the Constitution, not to mention the white supremacy argument they use to divert attention from Jewish privilege.
That makes you an antiAmerican cunt for attacking people and calling them all manner of horrible names because you love Jews and hate America AND TRUTH.
Lauraingalls ago
Freebee ago
^^ Anti-American traitor who projects that truthbseekers are Nazis, as if Nazis exist in the current era.
Freebee ago
Nothing like willfully demonstrating what I’m trying to point out to you.
Even if the holocaust happened, the magical 6 million is nothing compared to the 20 million white Christians killed in the Holodomor nor the hundreds of millions who have sued under J-based communist rule in the past century.
You can’t deny it’s the dual citizens in congress who refuse to let the Russia conspiracy go, nor that every person indicted in the NXIVM sex slavery cult has a J name.
Are you an evangelical, Laura?
Crensch ago
And your nose is showing.
Lauraingalls ago
I know it's hard but try to make sense.
Crensch ago
Jew. You're a Jew. If you're not a Jew, you are so thoroughly fucked by them that you're indistinguishable from them.
Lauraingalls ago
I'm NOT a Jew. That is funny. No Jewish blood at all.
Crensch ago
Then you have an unhealthy interest in perpetuating a lie that allows Jews to parasite off your people.
Lauraingalls ago
You are a NEO NAZI.
Crensch ago
I'm not one of them, but nice try on labeling me as part of an alphabet agency honeypot.
Lauraingalls ago
I only know you are a NUT.
Crensch ago
I know you refuse to look at evidence because you have a foregone conclusion that you need to justify.
Otherwise you'd look at the evidence for yourself and either accept it, or be able to debunk it.
Notice how not a single person that believes in the holocaust has brought even an ounce of evidence/sources for it?
srayzie ago
I’m apparently an evil nut now too
Crensch ago
And again, for what it's worth, submitting what you did is admirable and praiseworthy. Not many can go against the grain that hard and shout it from the proverbial rooftops.
srayzie ago
Thanks! That means a lot coming from you
Crensch ago
It's too bad that some refuse to wake up. For what it's worth, you're more than welcome on this side of the fence, since these hoaxers keep wanting to build one.
srayzie ago
The least she could do is not overreact and act crazy. You were very calm. Good job Crensch. Haha
Crensch ago
Honestly, if she is white, all I'm talking to is a defense mechanism inside her head. Her authentic personality checked out the moment someone questioned her origin myth.
Lauraingalls ago
Crensch ago
Guessing you're incapable of responding to my other comment. You really ought to pull your head out of your ass and look real hard at the evidence. It wouldn't be the first time you were misled.
Lauraingalls ago
I think your manner of speaking needs to be shared. Why don't you become an author? The world awaits such BEAUTY.
Crensch ago
Leave it to some dumb cunt to put beauty before evidence, truth, and reality. This is why women shouldn't vote.
Lauraingalls ago
You are on a ROLL, meathead.
Crensch ago
Meathead? Kek.
Do you have better sources than this faggot?
I ripped his SOURCES. His HOLOCAUST SOURCES to shreds. You've provided nothing at all to support your position, just pearl-clutching moral outrage. I bet you don't have anything at all but your feelings to fight with.
You took CareBears too seriously, fronthole.
Crensch ago
Didn't Q say to think for yourself?
What argument convinced you that the Holocaust was real? Think back on when you were first convinced of it.
Lauraingalls ago
I've seen PLENTY of "EVIDENCE" just not the lies you are promoting. GOD IS GOING TO PROTECT ISRAEL and the JEWS. You evil people will LOSE.
Tiptop88 ago
As a Catholic American, death to israel.
Lauraingalls ago
Tiptop88 ago
Yeah, you’re right. jews are the children of satan.
Lauraingalls ago
Do you even know how transparent you are. No wonder you don't believe the Holocaust happened.
Tiptop88 ago
No. You miss understand. I want the holocaust to happen. That way the jews finally have something to bitch about.
Lauraingalls ago
Hell awaits.
Freebee ago
The Gu, it sure does. They call it Heaven. You’ll be joining them.
Lauraingalls ago
Freebee ago
If you serve the God who has the Gu as it’s chosen people then you’ll be joining them in their phosphorous based fake light heaven that devotees of the true God would consider hell.
srayzie ago
Q also said they’re saving Israel for last. POTUS isn’t going to expose everything. Trump,is brilliant. Just like he acted like he wasn’t going after Hillary, he’s not going to warn the enemy before he strikes. POTUS has to put on a fake smile to talk to these sickos.
I never said that people didn’t die. But the official story, what we were taught, is not true. Just like 9/11. We are lied to! Read everything from the link below, see all the pictures, and watch the video. Then come to me and tell me off. At least have an open mind enough to see both sides of the story.
Hastur77 ago
Spot on - keep you enemies closer
srayzie ago
Yes, exactly.
MudPuddlePie ago
Link to "Were we lied to about the holocaust?" is not working for me. Got another?
srayzie ago
Thanks. Fixed.
Lauraingalls ago
You insist on craziness. SAD.
KueAnaan ago
That's weird, because I regularly fly at 30K feet and there's not a bit of curvature in sight, nothing but flat as far as the eye can see. Try it next time you're on a jet at cruising altitude.
wokeasfook ago
People with questions = Evil.
Fuck you and fuck Trump.
howdoyoumakeahormone ago
Can't rule out misdirection on Trump's part
sorosminion ago
Uh, make that STUPID MENTALLY ILL CRAZY PEOPLE, ditto the questions. Fuck you.I hope EVERY bad thing happens to you, your family and friends. times 1000.
wokeasfook ago
Jesus you sound retarded. Like proper retarded. Frank's and beans retarded
Lauraingalls ago
HE IS. Should be locked up.
Lauraingalls ago
Get behind me SATAN.
srayzie ago
Omg I’m a Christian too. I’m not some demon. We have different opinions. I’ll pray for you too. You need to calm down.
Freebee ago
She has truth trauma, currently throwing a tantrum.
srayzie ago
Yeah we haven’t been on the best terms the last couple of days.
Freebee ago
I hope she finds some grace. My initial reaction years ago was shock and disbelief too. Thanks for being courageous enough to question.
Lauraingalls ago
It is sickening people believe that HORROR didn't happen.
SandHog ago
It is sickening you act this way when people dare question something. I've read through both threads on this subject and all I've seen out of you is finger-wagging, attempts at emotional manipulation and appeals to authority. You have zero arguments and are losing your mind over the simple fact that people are questioning something. I suspect you think that everyone is as easily influenced as you obviously are but that is simply not true. Why don't you just take your pearls and go clutch them somewhere else if you are that offended?
Lauraingalls ago
Do you even have a clue how sick your thinking is?
SandHog ago
You have no idea what I think. I made a simple observation and you've assumed I'm a nazi. There is nothing wrong with asking questions about anything. There is everything wrong with questioning nothing.
Lauraingalls ago
I agree, but even President Trump believes it happened.
srayzie ago
I’m not trying to convince you. The links there so people can research if they want to. Like I said, I didn’t say nothing happened. Of course people died. Don’t put words in my mouth.
Lauraingalls ago
You are a real elegant speaker and Q has a word for you too.
"Ask yourself, why are 'Liberals' always angry? Why do they curse? Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)? Why do they create 'emotional outbursts' when challenged? Why are they violent?"
wokeasfook ago
Ask yourself why aren't we all violent against the Jewish influence in our countries?
That's the more important question.
Lauraingalls ago
Write a letter to President Trump and ask him.
slwsnowman40 ago
Why were the death camps only liberated by the Soviets?
Why would the Nazis ship people all across occupied territory by train just to kill them? This is a group that had the V2 rocket/missile, Tiger I/II, Panther, Elephant and Mouse tanks. Wouldn't using a bullet in the head been more efficient and faster? Yet, they didn't do this, why would they waste resources shipping people all over?
Why did the showers where people were gassed drain to the ditch outside? Why did the same showers have wooden doors?
Why aren't you doing your own research on this?
Revised ago
So you missed all the footage of Eisenhower and Patton at the death camps the US Third Army liberated?
BTW the reason the Nazis went with zyklon b and the showers is because bullets were not cost effective and the stress on even the most fanatical Nazi SS troops murdering people all day every day was detrimental to combat readiness. They tried pumping exhaust from trucks in first but found it was not cost effective either.
slwsnowman40 ago
Eisenhower and Patton, and the US Third Army, didn't liberate a death camp; they liberated a concentration camp.
Here's a map, its location is centered under Germany -
Revised ago
An awful lot of death not to be a death camp.
Your denial is troubling.
Lauraingalls ago
Yes it is troubling.
slwsnowman40 ago
What denial? It isn't a death camp. Says so right there in the Kikepedia link.
Was there death there? Yes. Were they systematically being killed there? Outside of euthanasia, no I don't think so. I don't see any evidence that supports your claim that what is written in history books is accurate. If it was really a death camp, like Auschwitz is claimed to have been, wouldn't it be more infamous?
You don't find it odd that the most infamous of the camps were all liberated by the Soviets?
Lauraingalls ago
Don't mind the downvoat you are talking to NUTS.
slwsnowman40 ago
So how do you explain land being untouched for thousands of years, per ground penetrating radar, where thousands were buried? Why did the core samples show no signs of ash? Why give people you are killing access to a brothel?
Lauraingalls ago
WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I DIDN'T, Just because I don't believe YOUR Crazy theories?
slwsnowman40 ago
Okay, so why do you think what you've found is right? Keep in mind that the holocaust is protected by law in most of Europe. So if what the history books say is the truth, why does it need a law to protect it?
No, because I've already answered this elsewhere.
Murphman64 ago
Out of all the millions and millions of deaths due to war, for some reason there are these certain 6 million deaths(number not proven) that are to be revered above all others. No other deaths mattered at much as those 6 million(number not proven) in the history of man. Why is that???? Why?? To find out who owns you, find out who it is you cant criticize. I am an American Nationalist. I am against dual citizenship. I am against America being used as nothing more than a tool to further another country's agenda.
PacaGoat ago
It was proven. Deal with it
Murphman64 ago
No i dont think i'll "deal with it" I think something horrible happened over there, but nothing like what we've been told. Whats proven is at least a dozen articles with the magic number of 6 million deaths...all dated before the war ever happened. I'll continue to think for myself and question everything. Once youre awake you cant go back to sheep. Not a difficult concept. Good jews and bad jews. Bad jews run and own everything. They control all forms of media as well.
j_Dawg_01 ago
Got a source for that claim?
PacaGoat ago
Try reading a real history book. And dont believe all the garbage on the internet. It is a dark web lf deciet. I was taught dont believe anything you hear and only half what you see. Deception is real. Truth stands forever.
j_Dawg_01 ago
Truth is a funny thing. There are things I know to be true because I witnessed it first hand, saw it with my own eyes, or held it in my hands. Everything else is simply a belief.
I believe the world is a globe and not flat, but I've never been out into space to know for sure. I believe we landed on the moon, but I wasn't there to see it happen, so I don't know for sure. I believe Bush 41 and the C_A were involved with the assassination of JFK, but I wasn't in the room when it was planned, so I don't know for sure. I believe 9/11 was an inside job... I believe HRC is an evil traitor... And... I believe President Trump is an honorable man and Q is legit...
You're right, there's a lot of garbage on the internet, but there's also a lot of truth. The trick is learning to discern one from the other.
If you don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see because Deception is real, how can you know with any certainty what the real truth is?
If you want to know who your true masters are, just consider who you are not allowed to question or criticize.
PacaGoat ago
One word: Experience. Ok in belief you belive the lights will come on when you flip the switch. Why?
slwsnowman40 ago
I know this is off topic, but don’t we know HRC, among others, to be traitors?
j_Dawg_01 ago
Like I said, I believe this to be true, but I wasn't in the room to witness anything.
The most important part of my comments is:
If we don't recognize the natural limitations of our ability to "know," how can we learn to discern what is truth, and what are lies?
slwsnowman40 ago
Yea, I know. My assertion is based off Comey press conference and knowing what would have happened to any enlisted non-rank.
The best part is Paca contradicts himself.
Lauraingalls ago
CivNat88 ago
Hitler was a great man. Jews are parasites on modern society. I homeschool my girls and make sure they know about the greatest lie ever told.
PacaGoat ago
Speaking of parasites 👆
CivNat88 ago
How much does Canary Mission pay you Paca?
PacaGoat ago
More than soros pays you
benjitsu ago
Soros doesn't pay people to shit talk jews you ass eating faggot
PacaGoat ago
Of course he does faggette. You're proof
benjitsu ago
Only a jew would say Soros isn't one :) Also I assume that what you called me rhymes with baguette, because that is fucking hilarious but I don't think you did it on purpose.
Lauraingalls ago
CivNat88 ago
I can send you some literature if you’d like? If my two seven year olds can come to the realization that the wrong side won WWII anyone can! HH
Revised ago
See Thule Society.
Hitler was a patriot in the beginning, but became a Satanic tool in the end.
undertheshills ago
Of course he said that
Lauraingalls ago
You heard it on the video if you bothered to watch it.
KueAnaan ago
Some Jews died after the allies cut off supply lines, but there has been no proof of the mass graves, the gas chambers, the human skin lamps, the mathematically impossible 6m Jews transported on cattle cars for extermination. On the other hand, there's plenty of proof that the Jews were pushing the 6 million narrative at least 50 years before World War 2.
Lauraingalls ago
There are plenty of people that could prove it.
corrbrick ago
People lie. Especially when they have incentive to lie. There is no physical evidence to back up their testimonies. Until I get some good physical evidence I will remain skeptical.
KueAnaan ago
You mean the moneychangers that were imprisoned for their own good, to protect them from angry German citizens that were done with the inflation by the jew bankers? Or maybe the diary of Anne Frank? Or maybe the propaganda of the 6M number?
Go back to Walnut Grove, Laura.
crazy_eyes ago
Lauraingalls ago
You are kidding right? LOOK IT UP since you don't think I looked into this subject. I'm not doing YOUR research.
srayzie ago
Well where’s your sauce? I gave plenty.
Lauraingalls ago
srayzie ago
I don’t worship Hitler!
Lauraingalls ago
I didn't say you did.
bopper ago
But I've seen the shoes and the glasses at the Smithsonian, I also saw Schindler's List, also, some of my best Jews are friends, plus I actually met Roy Rogers @Shizy
Lauraingalls ago
And you still question the TRUTH?
bopper ago
That's my dry humor, I'm just saying that, just because I saw an exhibit, doesn't mean I accept the entire story without question basically. Simply because we've been lied to so much.
slwsnowman40 ago
I watched Schindler's List with my dad...I cracked up at "I'm fucking freezing." when small talk was initiated by the driver.
slwsnowman40 ago
I see someone doesn't have a sense of humor...that scene was too perfect to not laugh at.
srayzie ago
You’ve wrote me about Jews 😂
bopper ago
Glad to see you checking into it again!
Amazing how much we've been bamboozled, about just about everything.
bopper ago
this thread is funny
srayzie ago
To you maybe lol
crazy_eyes ago
I've looked into the books written by the so called holocaust survivors, they are filled with fantastic tales, that are all pure fiction.
Lauraingalls ago
crazy_eyes ago
if it were true there would be absolutely no reason for 22 countries to make the topic illegal
the truth does not need a law it can stand on its own
Revised ago
There are many documentaries on holocaust denial that make a lot of sense if you ignore the evidence and first hand testimony. Much like there are many documentaries proclaiming the earth is flat that make sense unless you look very hard at them.
The problem with the Nazis today is that they are correct about the current white genocide agenda and because of that their propaganda is gaining traction with some. The thing that convinces me of the ridiculous nature of the neo Nazi position is they will deny the Holocaust happened and in the same breath justify it.
Their doublespeak is strikingly similar to the tactics of modern Liberals.
Lauraingalls ago
I'm SO Glad President Trump said what he did. He is not a denier.
slwsnowman40 ago
He also does a lot of business in heavily jewish areas, so I would expect him to say what he said publicly.
If he is Q, then he's been on /pol/ for far to long to not have seen any holohaux posts.
srayzie ago
Lauraingalls ago
WOW. So trump is lying. KIND MAN.
Lauraingalls ago
SO now you are calling President Trump a liar. Nice.
srayzie ago
Trump is a brilliant business man that does and says what he needs to until he strikes. He has to lie to the enemy. Just like he made Hillary think she was safe. You think he’s not after her now? Open your eyes. He’s not going to succeed.
Q said they’re saving Israel for last. What does that tell you?
Lauraingalls ago
That they are going to blow them to smithereens. How Christians and kind.
the_art_collector ago
North Korea hasn't been blown to smithereens.
Lauraingalls ago
It was a joke.
slwsnowman40 ago
No, that's called playing the game.
srayzie ago
Yes. Thank you
Lauraingalls ago
I've learned a lot about how you people think. It's sad.
slwsnowman40 ago
You aren't awake.
Lauraingalls ago
slwsnowman40 ago
That's your opinion.
Lauraingalls ago
Your's TOO.
Lauraingalls ago
WOW. The insanity doesn't end.
KueAnaan ago
Not as long as you continue your nonsensical ramblings.
Lauraingalls ago
Tell that to TRUMP.
KueAnaan ago
There's actually more proof of a non-ball Earth when you look objectively at the supporting evidence outside of NASA's fakery.
Revised ago
The proof is standing on a 13,500 foot mountain looking out across the Great Plains and seeing the curvature of the earth.
Lauraingalls ago
They don't want to hear that. The earth is CURVED.
Revised ago
I stand corrected.
Wouldn't the earth have to be convex to appear to have a globe shape from a mountain top??
Lauraingalls ago
This isn't about FLAT EARTH.
Revised ago
No, it is about concave earth per Lord Steven Christ and his followers.
Please accept my sarcastic support in the spirit it is given.
KueAnaan ago
It's called organic discussion. AnD yOu sHOuld l3arN pr0p3R CAPITALIZATION.
Lauraingalls ago
You Flat earthers are KOOKY too.
KueAnaan ago
The "flat earthers" (or more appropriately, oblate disc earthers) I've spoken to are well educated truth seekers asking very good questions as opposed to the indoctrinated ball-earthers that compulsively spew forth verbatim what they were fed without any critical thinking.
Revised ago
But they are harmless. Very entertaining as well. Much like Sovriegn Citizens without broken windows and taser deployments.
derram ago :
This has been an automated message.PNG
Whiteflighter ago
There was no mass murder like the Jews did to whites during the Holodomor. There was forced resettlement like the US did to the Native Americans and typhus due to starvation when the US bombed German food production. Germans were horrified by the reports of liberated Eastern European and Russian towns mobbing the Jewish Soviets to death who had abused them.
The Jews did far worse to whites under the USSR than whites were accused of doing to Jews. 1/3 to 1/2 of all US Jews owned slaves. Less than 1% of the population as a whole did who were vastly white and Christian. Christians don't mass murder or enslave and don't respond much to being forced to by government. Jews are ordered to enslave non Jews by their religious texts.
It is a wicked religion and a threat to national security.
coulditbe4Q ago
PacaGoat ago
Your a friggin moron and eat up with stupid!
Lauraingalls ago
CatsControlTheEU ago
Don't forget the jewish role in the genocide of christians: the Armenians, Assyrians, and Byzantine Greeks.
PacaGoat ago
It was the muslims who invaded Europe for hundreds of years and sex trafficed women and children. Not the Jews These are they who are behind the Muh Joo bullcrap.
j_Dawg_01 ago
Check your history. The Muslims held Constantinople under seize for almost 400 years, but never got through to Europe. The Muslims were able to conquer and occupy Spain but never advanced past the Pyrenees Mountains and into France.
The muslims did manage to invade, conquer, and occupy all of Northern Africa from Egypt to Morocco. They held that territory for more than 500 years. They would routinely send out raiding parties to to capture, not buy, but capture sub-Saharan blacks for slaves.
They would kill all the older men and women, keep the younger women for sex slaves, and castrate all the males they wanted to keep. They castrated them right then and there, as soon as they were captured, and then all the slaves were forced to walk back to Muslim controlled territory. Many of the castrated males didn't survive.
Muslims captured, again, didn't buy, more slaves than all the slaves that were bought and sold by slave traders and sent to the Americas. Less than 1/4 of all the slave bought in Africa were sent to the American colonies, the trip was too long, too many would die along the way and it was not profitable.
More than 3/4 of all the slaves bought in Africa went to Brazil.
You are correct that the Jews didn't invade Europe, but nor did the Muslims, although they did try very hard for over 400 years.
Western European Jews are actually from Khazaria. They lived in what is now Russia, just north of Georgia, the western part of Kazakhstan, and the Eastern part of Ukraine. Between the 9th and 12th centuries they were sandwiched in between the Muslim invaders from the South, and the European Christians from the North.
They pretended to convert to Judaism so they wouldn't have to pick sides with the Muslims and the Christians. They were a Luciferian culture that engaged in ritual human sacrifice, much like the Mayans did. They would routinely send out raiding into Muslim and Christian towns on their border to kidnap women and children and steal anything they could find.
Eventually the Russian Christians and the Turkish Muslims agreed to the Khazars had to go and invaded from the north and the south at the same time. The Kazarian king and a few thousand elites managed to escape into western Europe.
The Ashkenazi Jews of today are descendants of the Khazars, not the Israelites. They have no legitimate claim to any territory in what is commonly referred to as Palestine. They claim to be Jews, but are from the Synagogue of Satan, they claim to be Jews, but do lie.
PacaGoat ago
I guess you have never been to Croatia. I have. They are muslims, descendants of the Turks who invaded. And.....the Barbers invaded the coasts of Europe for centuries. And as for the Ask. Jews as you call them. Your misinformed. Those who call themselves Jews bit are not, are Edomites. Aka the Rothschild clan. Come from the Mayers.
Lauraingalls ago
Glad you know so much about this subject. Better than the garbage on the internet.
CatsControlTheEU ago
How many actual muslims are congressmen/senators? The same ones who fill this nation with the trash that you're supposedly against are mostly jews. How many muslims control the libshit spewing corporations like Google, Facebook, CNN, or Pedowood? Guess what, jews.
Jews have been expelled out of nations for thousands of years, both before Christ and after.
"Muh joo bullcrap" existed a thousand years before Christ was even fucking born.
So you're telling me that the global wide hate of jews for the last couple thousand years is a massive conspiracy concocted by Muslims?
No. Everyone fucking hates jews because they seek to subvert and destroy wherever they're at. They were doing it already when the Great Pyramids were being built, they were doing it when the Assyrian Empire still stood, they were doing by the time the Roman Empire reached from Londinium to Damascus, they were still doing it by the time the Turks were at the gates of Constantinople, they were doing it when half the civilized world was dying from plague, they were doing it when the first ships set sail for the New World, they were doing it when Napoleon was marching towards Moscow, they were doing it when slave ships crossed the Atlantic, they were doing it during the rise of Marxism during the Victorian era, they were doing it when they killed the Christians of the Near East, they were doing it at the time of the Weimar Republic, and they are most certainly fucking doing it now.
Without jews, the fucking muslims would never set foot into Europe and they would be eradicated. Muslims are nothing but cockroaches compared to the jews. And you actually think it was just Muslims trading humans? Go look up the fucking jew role in the slave trade and get back to me.
You're willfully blinding yourself to something people have known since the dawn of civilization. Oh but it's ok, just keep being a good goy and defend the very people trying to destroy everything you hold dear.
slwsnowman40 ago
359 times they've been shown the door and the jews are still the victims of oppression?
PacaGoat ago
More muslims rhan you seem to know. Obama was is a muslim. Brennen is a muslim. Jarrett us a muslim. And the list goes on and on.
benjitsu ago
Muslims are simpleton pawns and you fucking know it.
PacaGoat ago
You just made my point meathead.
Lauraingalls ago
HA HA. Meathead.
benjitsu ago
That can't be so because you don't have one
PacaGoat ago
Dream a little dream pointdexter
benjitsu ago
Thanks for the clarification
PacaGoat ago
Glad I could help. Lol.
Lauraingalls ago
This Nut Stuff is why you don't believe the Holocaust happened. Your hate is EVERYWHERE.
CatsControlTheEU ago
I never said I don't believe Jews were killed. I don't believe the numbers, and I don't care.
20 years earlier they killed millions of white Christians and today the U.S and Israel are one of the few countries that deny the armenian/greek/assyrian genocide.
NellerBean ago
She must be an evangelical; they're just as bad because the backlash to their crazy projections of evil everywhere and just general rigid, intolerance is what created SJWs.
Lauraingalls ago
They don't get it.
Revised ago
Tolerance in the modern world has become nothing more than the acceptance of evil.
But I suppose that is the fault of (((them))) as well.
Cat_anon ago
If she's the same one on Twitter, she's a Twit.
Lauraingalls ago
Lauraingalls ago
President TRUMP said it. What don't YOU get?
the_art_collector ago
Trump also has a freemason mentor, checkerboard floor in his tower, pagan imagery in his penthouse, and a triangle grove on the roof with 6 trees on each side. You think he's being completely forthcoming about everything? The only way to succeed in a world of lies is to lie.
NellerBean ago
On the thread that prompted you to create this one you straight up call people evil for sharing information that you don't want to have to consider.
Lauraingalls ago
That's right. I know the TRUTH and so does TRUMP.
NellerBean ago
What Truth is that?
That the current state of Israel is "not" a Rothschild creation, wasn't behind the USS Liberty ordeal, dual citizens serving in our government, media and Hollywood aren't behind the ongoing coup attempt?
Or that the Luciferian Gu are "God's chosen people" and so reality be damned!?
Lauraingalls ago
If you bothered to listen to the video you would know. Nothing more, nothing less.
NellerBean ago
I listened to the video. You're trying to deny reality and blame it on DJT and you didn't address any of my questions:
Is the current state of Israel not a Rothschild creation? Who was behind the attack on the USS Liberty? Who's still promoting the Russia hoax? Who represents <85% of MSM and Hollywood?
Here's a new one: What do the names of EVERY person indicted in the NXIVM sex cult so far have in common?
Evil thrives when good people do nothing in the name of being good.
Lauraingalls ago
benjitsu ago
NellerBean ago
I've been on the fence about you for quite some time. Going to go ahead and block you so I can skip your nonsense from now on.
God Bless You.
benjitsu ago
I am upvoting lots of what you say here but you won't block her you chickenshit. To be fair you sound much more intelligent when you argue with retards like LI...maybe you should keep her close.
NellerBean ago
So now you're stalking me while begging me to block you? Big difference btw being chickenshit and using time wisely.
Don't even pretend we're on the same side after all that shitposting when I pointed out that we often make the same arguments, I'm just more human about it.
benjitsu ago
I voat where I don't like stay off my block. Any faggot that uses the term nazi un-ironically or completely incorrectly probably should lurk more.
NellerBean ago
I stand by my first assessment: overvaccinated vet with ptsd who is now looking for a place to focus his inner turmoil.
Freebee ago
He went anon bc he’s a vet, I saw another thread where he told someone he doesn’t like to tell ppl online and get all the gratitude and stuff.
Been hoping to see you post to let you know. You fucking nailed it so he had to go anon. Probably to create another profile to upvoat himself. He’s a real piece of work.
NellerBean ago
You sure have a lot to say about others while completely lacking in self reflection.
Lauraingalls ago
benjitsu ago
Call his bluff, he wont do fact he will edit/delete his comment after he replies to you.
Freebee ago
Like you do all the time jitsu? Lots of us lurk all day everyday, you’re too much of a coward to post as yourself now?
Lauraingalls ago
I will quote President Trump, "YOU ARE AN ACCOMPLICE TO THE EVIL."
Revised ago
Obviously Trump's words are going to alienate him with a certain group with a certain mindset.
Their numbers appear far larger here than they really are because of the free speech that is allowed in so few venues on the web.
KueAnaan ago
I've been rabidly supporting Trump since 2015, however I am quickly losing faith with his recent waffling, it's like he's becoming a swamp rat before our very eyes. There's no one else that's a better option at the moment, but outside of T_D and Voat, he is losing the blind faith he's been enjoying.
NellerBean ago
President Trump started selling us out big time recently.
If you deny the Holodomor and that it's the dual citizens in Congress, MSM, Hollywood who are behind the ongoing failed coup attempt, not to mention the constant degradation of the West, then it might be you who is the true accomplice to evil but I would never be so downright insane as to assume I know the state of your soul.
Lauraingalls ago
If YOU deny the Holocaust You are an accomplice. The WORDS of DONALD TRUMP.
Whiteflighter ago
No, I'm a space monkey, ready to be shot into space.
I will do nothing violent. I don't need to. I will watch and laugh as history repeats itself yet again. Pesky 1st amendment.