17882810? ago

So we all thought Revelations was about all of the world converging on Israel to destroy it. What if the real truth is to destroy fake jew Zionism and not Judaism. What if the evil Zionist planned all this to gather all the jews together so they can be exterminated?

Zionist like to setup this dualism so they can have each other destroy themselves. Lucifer hates Israel with a passion. So why in the hell would Lucifer support Zionism? Evil bastard is smart. Lucifer wants to kill all bloodline jews so bringing back to their homeland was the start.

Lucifer is one smart sick psychopath.

17938044? ago

The Rothschilds and others hijacked a movement for nefarious purposes. And yes Lucifer is sick. Imagine throwing away living in heaven for a pipe drean which be could never achive. We shall see soon. The Israeli elections are over and the peace plan should be revealed soon. Things are going to roll big time after that. Stsy safe.

17938029? ago

The Rothschild hijacked a movement for nefarious purposes. And yes Lucifer is sick. Imagine throwing away living in heaven for a pupe drean which be could never achive. We shall see soon. The Israeli elections are over and the peace plan should be revealed soon. Things are going to roll big time after that. Stsy safe.

17938022? ago

The Rothschild hijacked a movement for nefarious purposes. And yes Lucifer is sick. Imagine throwing away living in heaven for a pupe drean which be could never achive. We shall see soon. The Israeli elections are over and the peace plan should be revealed soon. Things are going to roll big time after that. Stsy safe.

17889699? ago

Satan does want to kill the true bloodline. That is what Genesis chapter 6 was all about. How that Noah was perfect in his 👉generations. When theybwere even in the womb Jacob and Esau fought.

As the first born Esau was entitled to a double portion of the inheritance and would be the one to carry on the bloodline and family patriarch. He broke his bloodline when he married out of the clan, (they married back into their original clan over in Midian.) Esau married an Ishmaelite, who were antagonistic to the lineage of Issac. This by law Esau threw away his birthright. Rebecca saw this and put forth jacob to inherit as was proper.

So here we have the beginning of the problem which will plague Israel to the end. The blood feud between brothers, Esau and Jacob, Ishmael and Issac. Esau can be seen today by they examples. The Mayer family who became rhe Rothschilds and others that are mentioned in the article I posted. Israel, the nation is not Esau, you may want to look at the Palestinians. As for satan and zionism as it is uaed today. Zion, is the city of David. Zionism is simply the restitution of zion and Israel. It has been hijacked with enuendo and various groups to sully it as a movement. Perpetuated by the Palestianians speciflically by Yassr Arafat. And who was given legitemacy by Jimmy Carter who is an adherant of replacement theology and does not like Israel. Thx for your comment.

17880732? ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskAnon comment by @17880728.

Posted automatically (#32849) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

17875966? ago

The Rothschilds are the descendants of royalty of the Khazar warrior clan. I dunno if royalty is the most accurate phrase. They are false jews who I actually think were the first true anti semites.

This long video is worth watching for anyone who cares about the history of some of the illuminati bloodline factions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TVd8ovSPl4

17876419? ago

Now When I get some free time, I lookbforward tonviewing that. It is possible that the Edomites and Kazars have ties. There is another video I saw recently which showed the capital city of Kazakistan if thats how you spell it. It is illuminati central. The whole shooting match is symbolism. It seems also to be a center for the NWO. Which Chuck Misler equates to the Edomites. I will look at this. Right now I gotta eat. Lol duty calls. Thx again.

17875742? ago

Chabaad vs Frankist jews

17875493? ago

You say that you listen to Missler, so I assume you are a christian, but I find no Christ in you. All of your posts are marked with an (S), and after reading them I see arrogance, childishness, closed mindedness, and contempt. Nothing resembling Paul's attributes of love. And pro-tip, if you are going to call people stupid, at least check your spelling first.

17875898? ago

I have no patience with the enimies of Christ. And your being sanctimonious.

17880658? ago

Listen to yourself. Its not very becoming. Someone disagrees with you and you judge them an enemy of Christ, in your own private inquisition. A good person can actually disagree with you. Why don't you try reason and patience. Because if you aren't trying to change peoples minds, then why are you even here.

17890355? ago

Words mean things study understand what is going on. Thwre isba reason for what I say and do. Revelation

17891472? ago

Im not hearing reason from you at all, just lots of name calling. You actually called someone who disagreed with you a satanist. Buddy thats just sick. Stop acting like a child. You can be better than this.

17892746? ago

What you need to do is shut up. You have no clue what is going on. Put a sock in it.

17893660? ago

Wow, you talk just like a low status gamma male. Every gamma I have ever employed was a complete loser. I fire them quick. As for your pretending to be a Christian, you have a lot to learn son.

17911082? ago

Well... I dare say I have many years on you. And if you knew what was going on you would not comment. Somethings going on in the background.

17911267? ago

Im 50 and have seen seen first hand what Q is talking about since the 80s, when that group came against my family because we got in the way of their treason. If you are truly seasoned, then try acting like it. You speak like a petulant child in their twenties. And the fact your speaking as a Christian makes it that much worse, because it gives us a bad name.

17911658? ago

Oh please. Knock off the sanctomony. Im in mh mid 60's and have seen way more than you ..."son."

17913056? ago

Then why do you talk like a petulant child?

17914453? ago

Why do you care? Obvious shill.

17914622? ago

Actually, I was taking your post seriously and talking facts, before you went on your Jihad against every poster who disagreed with you. Tried to reason with you, but when your showed that wasn't possible, then I realized you were just a low status gamma male. And your type is envious and destroys what it touches, it does not unite. All the proof you need is the fact that you got almost 2000 views for the topic, but only a 19 score. Pretty weak stuff. And the contempt you were getting in the comments was brutal. I only tried to reach you because I figured anyone who found Chuck Missler must not be all bad. Sadly, you were a disappointment.

17918605? ago

And I endevored to give you a conversation and you triggered. That says volumes to me.

17919563? ago

You offered no conversation only insults.

17930481? ago

I dont do stupid nitey nite

17931775? ago

your a master of it

17874927? ago

  1. Rebuild the Temple
  2. Roll out the New World Order
  3. Enslave all the goyim (non-Jews)
  4. Rule the one-world communist Government from Jerusalem
  5. Hand over control to the Antichrist

17875927? ago

Someone has done their homework. I wish their were more like you. It breaks my heart that so many are blind to what is coming. And its all in black and white in the new testament if people could only see it. Very frustrating. Glad to know their are others out their who take the time to understand.

17873422? ago

I find that hard to believe that they are the real 'jews'. So few are 'real' anything today, because there has been so much transient activity over the centuries....on that point, it's very weak. If they stayed within their 'blood line' they would all be retarded. So to avoid mental and physical deformations which lead to early death and endless genetic disorders, they would have to go outside their 'circle' to keep the line healthy. No, no such thing as a real 'jew'. Even neanderthal man knew that much....

17874116? ago

There is a racial bloodline of Israelites alive today, that includes Jews. There are many tribes/bloodlines from Israel. The Jews are 1 of 12.

17899514? ago

Khazarians are the ancestors of the Jews today. The hard work was to make the racial connection to the 'tribe' in the middle east, is a big undertaking. I find that suspect too. But, if you need to believe that, help yourself. BTW, the 'out of africa' gene that was pushed is totally fabricated but few look at the facts or logic. I would say the same would apply in this case. Weak, very weak.

17903753? ago

BTW, the 'out of africa' gene that was pushed is totally fabricated but few look at the facts or logic.

Do you have a good reference for the truth of the matter? I'm still learning and don't trust Gulag or DDG to give me any decent results.

18068478? ago

you can look through Robert Sepher utube videos, Atlantean Garden is another....there are other videos that will pop up surrounding this topic. Most are anthropologists, archaeologists, and I think I listened to another who might be a geneticist.

17874941? ago

Yes. There other 10 went somewhere and it was prophecied in Genesis.

17872951? ago

This is related...I think.

Someone else wrote this and I am merely copying it here for OP to pick apart (if you would be so kind). I've shared it a few other times before and was told it was rather informative. Again, this isn't mine. I saved it because it was fascinating to me but I do not have a background in Biblical studies to know how much of it is true. Maybe others will have some input on it...

Jesus was NOT a Jew; he was a Hebrew. Hebrews come from the tribe of Jacob and JEWS come from the tribe of Esau. Jews are edomites NOT Hebrews.

Jesus was aware of the corruption at the top of the Synagogue.

He spoke truth to power. He was calling out the evil at the top of the religious organization, and he was explaining to their faces how they were in fact violating the Torah.

He called them the sons of Satan.

But Jesus himself was ALSO a turning point, because he was the prophesied Messiah.

The Old Covenant, or Old Testament was the law God gave for man to live by until Jesus came.

God promised a New Covenant or Testament at that time.

That new Covenant (Testament) creates a relationship not just between Jews and the creator, but, between the creator, and all of mankind that all of Israel (not just the "Jews", use to call Gentiles)

Remember, God is the creator of the time dimension, so this act saved Gentiles both before and after the birth of Christ at one moment.

So, interesting. In the bible if you look closely, there are 5 types of people in the end times.

1) True Jews who follow the Tenekh to this day from the Tribe of Judah, who were intentionally blinded to Christ by God himself until "the age of the Gentiles be fulfilled". See Romans in the New Testament. Hard to believe God did this, so I am going to throw up my current research, so people can look at it. Only reason for it I can see is that we needed to know the traditions and language now, 2000 years later, to be able to correctly read the bible. The tribe of the Levites are included in the "Jews" today. Levites are the priest tribe.

2) The other 10 Tribes or lost tribes of Israel, that are not lost because their tribal and family names were kept in the Roman census records as they came over what is still called the pass of Israel today, in the Caucus mountains. Cant fit all this sauce, so look it up. These Israeli's the Romans called "Caucasians" which is where we get that strange term for white people in Europe and America. These are the known now as the Christian settlers of Europe and America. They knew of the Prophecies, and accepted Christ. These are what Christ referred to as "the lost sheep of Israel" in the Bible. America is mostly the tribe of Manasseh with a few of the others sprinkled in, when you follow the family names. There is hoards of information being dug on this right now, all over the net. In Hebrew, Manessah means "Representative Government". Weird huh.

3) There are the Gentiles, the non Israeli populations of the earth belonging to none of the original Hebrew Tribes, that God means to keep and bring to heaven if they will have him. Simple faith in Christ is all that this takes. The Job of Israel is to take the message of the Messiah to the Gentiles.

4) The Seeds of Satan, or, what the Book of Revelation calls the "earth dwellers" who follow Satan, hate man, and attempt to destroy all three above people groups, at every possible opportunity. These come in all stripes. It is the choice to follow Satan that marks them, not their heritage, or religion, or nation. The Pope himself could be the seed of Satan, as the leaders of the Synagogue were.

There are in fact Jews in this class, as well as people from every other nation. Jesus was angry at these who were running the temple at the time. He called these "Those that say they are Jews who are not"

5) The last class is the class of the tribe of Judah that is un-blinded by God, about Jesus being the messiah in the end times before his return. They realize what happened, and that they missed the Messiah. They are called Messianic Jews, and are prophesied to start appearing after the reappearance of Israel. This is now happening with our fellow true biblical Jews…. which, according to prophecy, also means it is just about the end of the "Times of the Gentiles".

There are 300+ prophecies of the coming of Christ. There are 2400 prophecies of events to happen in the end times. The prophecies are happening, and many who read the bible are watching them with their mouths agape.

17874763? ago

First off out of the box the article is bogus. Edom are enemies of Israel and of Jesus. Edom aligned itself with the Ismaelites and have sworn eternal hatred of the Jews.

Jesus was of the tribe of Judah. He was the root AND the offspring of DAVID. His mother was a direct descendant of David throught the kingly line. Joesph was of no relation to Jesus via blood. The geneologys can be found in the gospels and the Joseph mentioned is not her husband, but her father. Edom is Esau who was so named because he sold his birthright to his brother Jacob.

In Isaiah we read of the returning Messiah coming out of Edom with drenched with blood. The Slaughter that is to come will be recogned on the house of Esau aka The Rothschilds and others. If you notice there seems to be a similarity in physical appearences between the Judahites... Jews and Emonites. That is because Esau and Jacob were twins. But not identical that is why some traits can be seen and some traits are not the same. If anyone would read the article I posted, it would explain a lot. Instead of having to post bits here and there. But that would only happen when anyone wants to know the truth.

Not mad, Just saying.

17874838? ago

I did read it. There's a lot of nuance to work through. Stop being such a prick. If you want people to know the truth, stick around and explain some things without being a pretentious dick. Satan is the father of lies. Do you know how many lies we are fed daily? If you are here to spread the truth you are going to need to practice patience with those who have been lied to daily since birth.

Edom are enemies of Israel and of Jesus


Those calling themselves Jews are actually Edom.

The Synagogue of Satan is Edom.

The people in physical Israel right now are Edom. They are the same people trying to rebuild a third temple.

They are children of their father, Satan, who was a liar since the beginning.

What am I missing? Are you saying the people currently occupying Israel right now are true Jews? If so, why do they mock Jesus? Why is Tel Aviv the sodomite capital of the world? If those in Israel right now are the real Jews, why aren't they making daily sacrifice and killing Jews who refuse to keep the Sabbath holy? I suspect it is because they are EDOM and not the real Jews.

17875061? ago

Im not the one pretentious. You are the pot cslling the kettle black cat daddy. But your comments belie the fact that you didnt read the article. You just reposted bull crap. The same horse poop as all the rest of the shills. One hit wonders with no grey matter between your ears. Just following along the same garbage given to you to post and repost ad nausem.

17875158? ago

Furthermore, many orthodox Jews today continue to view the international “globalists” as Edomites, a term they regard as referring to Rome or any other ruling empire.…

Don't globalists call themselves Jews?

17875910? ago

A person can call themselves anything they want. Doesnt mean they are that.

17873022? ago

5) The last class is the class of the tribe of Judah that is un-blinded by God, about Jesus being the messiah in the end times before his return. They realize what happened, and that they missed the Messiah. They are called Messianic Jews, and are prophesied to start appearing after the reappearance of Israel. This is now happening with our fellow true biblical Jews…. which, according to prophecy, also means it is just about the end of the "Times of the Gentiles".

Ray Comfort is a Jew (bloodline) who loves Jesus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvzlsap5QPM

Brother Nathaniel is a racial Jew (bloodline) who loves Jesus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1auf5iV_g8


17875098? ago

And there are many others. And they will look on him who they periced and morn over him as an only son. đź‘Ť

17872710? ago

Servants of Satan. That's all they are.

17874766? ago


17872671? ago

Lmfao. Jew wet dream right here.

17874771? ago

Satanist right here👆

17879052? ago

That's pretty satanist of you, to call anyone who doesn't believe in your low effort post satanist.

17890415? ago

Now we see who you are.

Lights are on

17894216? ago

Yupp. It me. An anon. Great job.

17872461? ago

The contortions you have to go through to get from "saving israel for last" to it means he is going to rebuild the temple for them is unbelievably stupefying.

17874783? ago

For one to be as stulid as you woukd be the real contortion. Congrats you win stupid of the year.

17872414? ago

Fuck Israel


17874789? ago

Dreaming again?

17874108? ago

The piece of land? The synagogue of Satan within it? The sodomites in Tel Aviv? The Christians? The atheists? Like, just all of Israel or what? Abraham's bloodline?

17874920? ago

Try reading the article.

17874935? ago

I did.

17872404? ago

I’m out

17871930? ago

I used to love Chuck Missler. Started buying his books back in the late 90's, but a few years ago when I found out how heavily influenced he was by the Darby / Scofield bible deception, I had to hit the delete button on those memory neurons. Research Darby and Scofield for yourself, and discover how the Synagogue of Satan used it as a vehicle to corrupt church doctrine. You wont like what you find.

17874127? ago

Key points?

17875841? ago

They claim Jesus failed in his mission, and that because of this God had to make the church and bring in the Gentiles. But this was never his plan. He then needs to remove all Christians, because they get in the way of his original plan. This is where the idea of the rapture comes from.

It is hundreds of little misinterpretations and false doctrines that says Gods plan is the original covenant and falsifies the new covenant. Says Jesus was failed and we have to get back to the temple sacrifice, This is why they obsess with the 3rd temple, that and they believe it hails the return of the messiah. But it will be the son of perdition that goes into the temple and demands worship. Revelation is clear on this, but if you look through their lens you cant see it.

What we are taught in the US is rejected by the vast majority of Christians from around the world and all prior to the late 1800's before this false doctrine showing up. A jewish lawyer, who was the first head of the IRS, spearheaded getting this new bible printed and delivered for free to all the seminaries in the US and Europe. This is how it spread. Research for yourself. It will make you angry at what has been hidden from us. TruNews talks about this problem on occasion, if you want to hear more. God bless.

17880614? ago

"They claim Jesus failed in his mission"

Jesus did not fail his mission. Jews failed their test to accept the Messiah.

17874963? ago

Read the article

17870954? ago

Chuck Missler was a great teacher and a super intelligent man. He knew and understood the Bible better than any man I have ever known. If anyone wants to see what the Bible really says go watch some of Chuck's videos on the Koinonia House YT channel. They will all amaze you and awaken you to some things you never imagined were in the Bible.

17873504? ago

I used to love Chuck Missler. Started buying his books back in the late 90's, but a few years ago when I found out how heavily influenced he was by the Darby / Scofield bible deception, I had to hit the delete button on those memory neurons. Research Darby and Scofield bible for yourself, and discover how the Synagogue of Satan used it as a vehicle to corrupt church doctrine. You wont like what you find.

17876777? ago

how did it influence todays society?

17880749? ago

They claim Jesus failed in his mission, and that because of this God had to make the church and bring in the Gentiles. But this was never his plan. He then needs to remove all Christians, because they get in the way of his original plan. This is where the idea of the rapture comes from.

It is hundreds of little misinterpretations and false doctrines that says Gods plan is the original covenant and falsifies the new covenant. Says Jesus was failed and we have to get back to the temple sacrifice, This is why they obsess with the 3rd temple, that and they believe it hails the return of the messiah. But it will be the son of perdition that goes into the temple and demands worship. Revelation is clear on this, but if you look through their lens you cant see it.

What we are taught in the US is rejected by the vast majority of Christians from around the world and all prior to the late 1800's before this false doctrine showed up. A jewish lawyer, who was the first head of the IRS, spearheaded getting this new bible printed and delivered for free to all the seminaries in the US and Europe. This is how it spread. Research for yourself. It will make you angry at what has been hidden from us. TruNews talks about this problem on occasion, if you want to hear more. God bless.

17870816? ago

Interesting article. Don't think Trump will be building any Temples though. Your assumption is perhaps a little delusional.

17874801? ago

Watch. But thax for the interest in the post

17870366? ago

Kushner is also heavily involved with the chabaad movement.

I agree, "saving Israel for last" means rebuilding the third temple.

Trump is not going against the jews.

17873732? ago

Here is the context of what Q actually said regarding saving israel for last. Post #916 an Anon asks: What about Awan? (referencing the spying on capitol hill) Is Israel involved? Q then responds: We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

So how do you get from the context of the Awan brothers spying to the 3rd Temple?

17874855? ago

The phrase saving Israel for last has to do with context of the discussion. Not Awan. But there it is in black and white, "saving Israel for last." it was said. Awan bas nothing to do with the statement.

17873866? ago

Q did not specifically link them or say that the reason had anything to do with the Awan brothers.

17874112? ago

It was in direct response to a question about the Awan brothers and israeli involvement.

17879990? ago

His response ignored it.

17873273? ago

Trump ran on the platform Make America Great Again (MAGA)

But his admin has been Make Israel Great Again (MIGA)

Guess we all have to get new hats for his 2020 campaign. MIGA baby!

17869943? ago

Q said saving Israel for last, it's not a by itself it's a quote of a Q drop, used as a statement.

Middle-east is a fucking shit show, the uniparty and mockingbird demand and scream about bullshit while they bomb Yemen, rob, rape, pillage and make bank from poppy fields in Afghanistan-- then there's the war crimes and war criminal Bibi Netanyahu-- Israel and the jews need to oust him asap but with how advanced their tech is I wouldn't be surprised if would-be leaders are rounded up weekly to prevent this, he's pretty much Hitler 2.0.

17876769? ago

you nailed it

17874900? ago

Ok last time I address this. I said as for the ststement saving Israel for last..... I made no connection to anything. As I DID say, the statement that has been tossed around.

I think it is very obvious what I really said.

17871370? ago

Shill. Take your meddies, foolish child...

17869981? ago

Spot on Patriot

17869961? ago

Very decieved you are

17869965? ago

Is that so? I feel so liberated and enlightened now, thank you very much Anon!

17869771? ago

Synagogue of Satan never sleeps

17874109? ago

Satan is always employed.

17869627? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @PacaGoat.

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