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PacaGoat ago

Someone forgot the Nuemberg trials. And my brain cant speil again today. My clege room mate was just out of the army. Be was one of Himmlers prison guards. I asked him about the man, his reply was, he is one of the most evil filthy human beings I have ever seen. It took everything in me to not shot the SOB. Hitler was even worse. He was/is a prototype of the antiChrist. And a the Muh Joo haters on bere and else were are infected with the same filth as he. And are just as demented.

srayzie ago

I’m not a fan of Hitler. That’s not what I said

PacaGoat ago


Lauraingalls ago

In all the comments where we talked to each other did I EVER mention SRAYZIE? I don't think so.

PacaGoat ago

Well. Let peace rule.

Lauraingalls ago


PacaGoat ago

Lauraingalls ago

Great. I'm glad you are SO NICE.

PacaGoat ago

"We try." 😏

Lauraingalls ago

We do.

Lauraingalls ago

Look what someone just said to me. SO NICE,

"keep on believing the holocaust, you fucking retard. you're here on the great awakening board, so i'm assuming you will believe that most of what the media tells you is a lie. yet here you are, aggressively defending the biggest lie in history for...reasons. probably because you learned it as a child

go fuck yourself"

PacaGoat ago

Laff at them. They display their ignorance and sgends with every post.

Lauraingalls ago

It's SO true. Q has a great answer for them and it's so true.

"Ask yourself, why are 'Liberals' always angry? Why do they curse? Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)? Why do they create 'emotional outbursts' when challenged? Why are they violent?"

PacaGoat ago

Because they inhert such from their father.