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Dragon40 ago

Utter bullshit.

Crensch ago

It looks to me like they have their affairs in order as far as supporting their position. What do you have to support yours?

Dragon40 ago

Millions of pages of history and decades of experience dealing with the racist morons pimping Holocaust denial. If you believe "they have their affairs in order," I have this nifty orange bridge for sale.

Crensch ago

So you have nothing but more claims? If there's all that evidence, it should be easy to pull some out to present to us, shouldn't it?

Dragon40 ago

I have the historical record. It speaks loudly.,,, the transcripts of the Nurnberg Tribunals (,, ), the transcripts from the trial of Adolf Eichmann ( short, several hundred thousand pages of proven facts. That seems like a good place to begin...

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

What does Article 19 say?

What does Article 21 say?

How would you like to be tried in such a "court"?


By 1945, the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the "Final Solution." The "Final Solution" was the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe.

So what they're saying is two out of every three European Jews lived in Germany? Are you fucking serious?

Notice how they beg the question on "The Final Solution" inside of "fact" 1? When you number facts, do you couch other assertions in with them as if they're facts, too?

Dishonest people do that.

During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived racial and biological inferiority. These included Roma (Gypsies), people with disabilities, and others such as Poles, Soviet civilians, and blacks.

Oh, you mean those that are likely to be enemies and not part of the society in which they have invaded? How is this wrong?


German authorities persecuted other groups on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds. Among them were Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals.

Please tell me I don't actually have to analyze this one for you.

LITERALLY DISPROVES THE CLAIM IN YOUR PREVIOUS LINK: Scroll down for a list of population by country. It looks exactly like this, sans my additions.

Why were the OFFICIAL numbers at Auschwitz dropped nearly 3 million? Why do these website you've linked now claim 12 million despite the camp that was 4 out of the 6 original million claimed no longer being claimed as having killed nearly 3 million?

Your sources are bad, and you should feel bad.

I can tell you just snagged any pro-holocaust links you could to throw at me. You did no research yourself. You know nothing of this subject.

Did you notice that your links all push "holocaust education"? Why are they pushing this narrative on our children? Is it because children in school have not yet reached the age of reason, where they would have the chance to mature to a point that they could reject absurdities like the ones above?

Did you ever grow out of that phase?


Dragon40 ago

Why were the OFFICIAL numbers at Auschwitz dropped nearly 3 million? False claim (I'm guessing you're trying to pass Foner off as a reliable source).

Foner's assertions are simply not true; although it is correct to note that the Polish Communist government did claim that four million people were exterminated at Auschwitz, historians (Feig, Reitlinger, Hilberg, et al.) have never supported that figure. Consider the estimates provided by Buszko at the end of his article on Auschwitz, which appeared in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust:

Of the 405,000 registered prisoners, 65,000 survived Of the 16,000 Soviet POW's, 96 survived Various estimates suggest 1.6 million were murdered

Speaking of Smoke & Mirrors, you followed up those Auschwitz whoppers with Why do these websites you've linked now claim 12 million despite the camp, that was 4 out of the 6 original million claimed overall, no longer being claimed as having killed nearly 3 million of the original 4? Smoke and mirrors. The 12 million figure is an estimate of the victims of Hitler's murderous campaign, not solely the number of Jewish victims or the number of victims of a specific camp. Millions of Polish Gentiles were also murdered by the NAZIs, and they were hardly Hitler's only Gentile victims. Smoke and mirrors.

Crensch ago

Why were the OFFICIAL numbers at Auschwitz dropped nearly 3 million? False claim (I'm guessing you're trying to pass Foner off as a reliable source).

Foner? I'm telling you that's what was taught in schools. That's what the narrative stated for years.

Foner's assertions are simply not true; although it is correct to note that the Polish Communist government did claim that four million people were exterminated at Auschwitz, historians (Feig, Reitlinger, Hilberg, et al.) have never supported that figure.

Wait, so some JEWISH historians disagreed the whole time? Fancy that! Any documentation that they disagreed when 4 million was the number for the narrative?

Consider the estimates provided by Buszko at the end of his article on Auschwitz, which appeared in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust:

Got a link to that? I'd LOVE to see if his words matched the narrative at the time.

Of the 405,000 registered prisoners, 65,000 survived Of the 16,000 Soviet POW's, 96 survived Various estimates suggest 1.6 million were murdered

Oh, we're back up to 1.6 million? How'd that happen? Why were there only 405,000 registered prisoners? Weren't the Germans meticulous record-keepers? Wasn't that also drilled into children in schools? Ruthless, efficient, and needed records of EVERYTHING and that's why they have "mountains" of evidence?

So you're arguing that they weren't?

Speaking of Smoke & Mirrors, you followed up those Auschwitz whoppers with Why do these websites you've linked now claim 12 million despite the camp, that was 4 out of the 6 original million claimed overall, no longer being claimed as having killed nearly 3 million of the original 4? Smoke and mirrors.

Notice how you have to repeat yourself here? It's a Jewish persuasion tactic where you repeat yourself over and over again until people finally believe it. You can see for yourself that it works by finding people that believe CNN.

The 12 million figure is an estimate of the victims of Hitler's murderous campaign, not solely the number of Jewish victims or the number of victims of a specific camp. Millions of Polish Gentiles were also murdered by the NAZIs, and they were hardly Hitler's only Gentile victims. Smoke and mirrors.

Nobody gives a fuck about what happened outside of those camps when they're talking about the Holohoax, moron. What he did OUTSIDE of those camps is not the issue. War happens. People die. The part that is FALSE, and hammered into our heads, is the death camps.

Nobody. Nobody is disputing that other people died. The claims of homicidal death camps is the only thing relevant.

That's like making a memorial for the whites in South Africa dying to the current genocide, and adding all the whites being killed by feral savages in the other countries of Africa.

Notice how you didn't bring up the Nuremburg trials in your response? Didn't like what you saw in that charter?

Dragon40 ago

Meaning that IF THEY DID NOT KEEP ACCURATE RECORDS, many, many of the lies of the holohoax pushers are not valid. The SS kept very accurate records (assisted, believe it or not, by IBM), as noted, so your statement is meaningless. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

Crensch ago

The SS kept very accurate records (assisted, believe it or not, by IBM), as noted, so your statement is meaningless. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

And did those records survive the war?

Dragon40 ago

Yes, SS records did survive the war, along with tons of other German documents. The documents offered as evidence during the First Nurnberg Tribunal were included in the "Red Set" and are widely available now that the Red Set has been republished. The Weiner Library (London) has an extensive collection, some of which is searchable online. The United States National Archives has Nazi Party and SS Records available on Microfilm. In addition, offers an extensive collection of microfilm. Similar data is available on,, and elsewhere.

Dragon40 ago

Foner? I'm telling you that's what was taught in schools. That's what the narrative stated for years. Which schools? Which textbooks? Whose narrative?

Crensch ago

Which schools? Which textbooks? Whose narrative?

All of them. All of them. The Jews' narrative. The memorial plaque said 4 million, you ignorant mongrel. Whose narrative do you think it was? Do you think the schools and textbooks of the Jewed host countries said different during that time?

"Oh, hey, let's take a field trip and see where 1.1 MILLION died! ... What? 4 millon?"


Dragon40 ago

Evasion noted - you cannot document your absurd claims. Gosh, there's a shocker.

Dragon40 ago

So much bullshit, so little time. Nobody gives a fuck about what happened outside of those camps when they're talking about the Holohoax, moron. So you contend that those murdered by the Einsatzgruppen don't count? That Nobody gives a fuck? How did you (clearly a Holocaust scholar of the first order) determine that? Did you survey the people of the world? Did you ask billions of people whether or not they "give a fuck"?

Crensch ago

So you contend that those murdered by the Einsatzgruppen don't count?

The whole fucking narrative of the holocaust is camp-centric. They even had the numbers of the camps themselves match the 6 million before Auschwitz had to lower theirs because the claim was laughable.

That Nobody gives a fuck?

Because nobody was ever taught about the Einsatzgruppen in school. Nobody ever mentions it unless they're on the internet desperately searching through "holocaust denial debunking" sites.

How did you (clearly a Holocaust scholar of the first order) determine that?

How many times do you think I've had this argument with people? Do you have any idea how many of them brought up anything outside of the camps? No, that's an apologist tactic for when the numbers don't add up. "But muh war casualties outside." Because there were SUCH good records of that?

You just finished saying they kept good records. Where are these records?

Did you survey the people of the world? Did you ask billions of people whether or not they "give a fuck"?

You know what? Someone did that for me.

Nobody. Cares.

Because pushing THAT makes the rest of the holocaust claim even that much more absurd, and the Jews know it.

Dragon40 ago

So you contend that those murdered by the Einsatzgruppen don't count?

The whole fucking narrative of the holocaust is camp-centric. They even had the numbers of the camps themselves match the 6 million before Auschwitz had to lower theirs because the claim was laughable.

Your "camp-centric" contention is simply false. Please identify the "they" you claim say 6 million Jews were killed in the camps and document the claim. I'll wait.

think- ago

The whole fucking narrative of the holocaust is camp-centric.

Well, from my perspective, 'holocaust' is the name for the genocide which comprises all jews who were killed, inside and outside the camps.

I don't think any scholar nowadays claims that 'holocaust' means only those that were killed in camps.

Or do they?

This would be nonsensical imo, since I think the Nazis took many prisoners out of the camps, and made them walk long distances when the allied troops arrived at the end of the war, and many prisoners were killed IIRC.

Also, sometimes prisoners had to go to sites in cities that were bombed, and had to defuse bombs, some were killed. They died outside of the camps, but of course they died because they were prisoners in the first place.

You might not have been taught about einsatzgruppen killings at school, but from what I remember, this has been recent research of the last 20 years or so.

Some of it maybe has only been possible after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when archives were accessible for the first time.

So not sure why we should neglect these killings, only because it is recent research.

I don't think we should discuss what you were taught at school, but what current research claims, @Crensch.

Otherwise it will boil down to a discussion about what the people here were taught at school - which is quite interesting of course, but doesn't help deciding how many people were killed, and in which way.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @Dragon40

Crensch ago

I don't think any scholar nowadays claims that 'holocaust' means only those that were killed in camps.

Or do they?

They certainly used to.

Do you accept that Auschwitz was claimed to, at one point be the site of 4 million of the supposed deaths?

If so, please check the table below the selection here and add up the numbers only down to Sobibor.

I don't think we should discuss what you were taught at school, but what current research claims, @Crensch.

I believe it's relevant that children were taught these lies before the age of reason. Factoids that stick around long after the fact.

Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account, where the 4 million of Auschwitz was originally published, and The Chicago Tribune article about the four million memorial of Auschwitz changing long after the fact are not really enough, in my opinion, to show people that the original 6 million was added up from the camps, and Auschwitz was 2/3 of that number. Children were taught this, because it was canon enough to be on a memorial at Auschwitz itself.

Meaning the narrative, the claims, of the time, disseminated to children were basically in agreement.

Otherwise it will boil down to a discussion about what the people here were taught at school - which is quite interesting of course, but doesn't help deciding how many people were killed, and in which way.

I've got plenty of that, too.

think- ago

They certainly used to.

That's interesting.

Do you accept that Auschwitz was claimed to, at one point be the site of 4 million of the supposed deaths?

I looked it up on Wikipedia, so yes. ;-) grin

Also, I believe you when you say that's that what you've been taught at school.

I believe it's relevant that children were taught these lies before the age of reason. Factoids that stick around long after the fact.

As I pointed out in my previous comment, I think these are two different discussions, which are necessarily connected.

I think both are interesting: How did the research / discussion develop over time, and what does current resarch say?

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @PacaGoat

PacaGoat ago

I am not impressed with hour rewritten data points in a neffort to smear. The veey fact you pursue this day in and day out smacks of true racism and perversion of thought.

Maybe you could try knitting for a hobby because this ine aint working for you.

Crensch ago

Was that English?

PacaGoat ago

I wrecktum

srayzie ago

That was sexist

PacaGoat ago

I did. My mother taught me. And how to crochet. To sew and repair my clothes how to cook, clean house. Its not a sexist thing. Its a hobby and creative. And it is calming at least it was to me. Since I damaged my eyes workjng offshore, its a bit difficult anymore.

srayzie ago

Well guess what? I didn’t have a mom to teach me anything. She chose drugs over me and I was raised by my dad. You made me feel just wonderful. Thanks for telling me how a woman SHOULD be.

PacaGoat ago

Im so sorry. Had a problem with my dad. He beat my mom and made our life HELL. My mother was amazing and I wish you had had that. I also had a great grandmother. I took my mom away from dad when I turned 18 and got her away from all that. When he came around I put him on the road. Crazy crazy times.

Today my mom is gone. Cancer and I helped take care of dad. I had to forgive him.

srayzie ago

My mom was in and out of prison and both are gone

PacaGoat ago

So sorry to hear that. When I became an adult, I determined to not be the man my dad was. The only male role model I had was his younger brother who was killed in an accident when I was 14. I had to figure that part on my own somewhat. My mother could only go so far.

I remember at 16 one of dads girlfriends husband walked into our store and pulled a 357 on dad. I jumped in front of dad. Even though he was not a good dad. He was all I had.

We have survived Srayze. Now Im just an old broken down coot. Lol well not to broken down. You will do just fine. And I did appoligize to think. Like I said, i have some vision issues now. Why its taking me so dadgum long to type this.

srayzie ago

Ok thank you. That hit me wrong.

PacaGoat ago

Well. I am just getting up andbbarely had coffee also.😫 We have a big day today here. Have a lot to do. But good things for us.

srayzie ago

Where are you from?

PacaGoat ago


srayzie ago

See parent ladies.

@Shizy @Think- @LauraIngalls

think- ago

Excuse me?

When did I smear you?

What do I 'pursue day in and day out'? Excuse me? :-/

Maybe you could try knitting for a hobby because this ine aint working for you.

I look forward to you replying to actual things I have said.

Going ad hominem makes you look like a fool, sorry.

Not amused. :-(

@srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21

PacaGoat ago

Well I have to appoligise. I didnt see your name. I do have a problem with vision. One reason I cant spell sometimes. But thats no excuse.

think- ago

It's ok, PacaGoat, I accept your apologies. But I'm out of this discussion. God Bless.

@srayzie @Crensch @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

You were very polite @Think- @PacaGoat will always defend Laura.

Do you tell @LauraIngalls that she should go knit instead of calling people Nazi’s?

think- ago

I looked the story about the changed memorial inscription up on Wikipedia, lol. It's obviously true, since even Jewish research institutions don't deny it.

I didn't even say anything about the total number of murdered Jews, in fact, I had told @Crensch earlier today that I think that we should consider the number of killed Jews outside of the camps too when it comes to decide how much the total number might have been.

But why on earth can't we discuss that the official numbers of deaths at Auschwitz has changed over time? It's nonsensical to deny this.

I also stand my ground that @Crensch isn't a paid shill who only pretends to be a Nazi.

@PacaGoat is doing himself a disservice. It only contributes to polarize the discussion unnecessarily.

I think he could have tried a bit harder if he wants to insult me. I'm not impressed.

@Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @LauraIngalls

PacaGoat ago

The joos trolls are a crock of misinformation. Leaving out details and spreading half truths. All of it is horse crap. Like the now churchill "volumes." When churchhill himself wrote of the hope for the jews. Bother to look at the truth on this. There are a lot of youtube vids still out there which define what happen and SUPPORT the historical narrative and bare out the real truth. Not some hate filled diatribe based on phony evidences in type with hillarys fake and phony dossier. All part and parcel with the fake news and demoncrat lies hatch by the son of perdition. Anyone buying that crap is a light weight between the ears.

Lauraingalls ago

You seem like a nice person.

think- ago


Lauraingalls ago

YW very much.

PacaGoat ago

I told her to repair thing with you srazey

srayzie ago

Me and @LauraIngalls are doing fine. But @Think- was just trying to help and didn’t deserve your sexist comment.

PacaGoat ago

Its not sexist. I dont go around looking at profiles unless I have a question on their character. Why do you do you assume?

think- ago

It's totally nonsensical what he says.

Lauraingalls ago

I may contact the police because of this guy. and what is the "KNITTING" comment suppose to mean?

kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 34 seconds ago (edited 25 seconds ago)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Vindicator ago

I may contact the police because of this guy.

You're going to get laughed at, Laura, if you report that to the police. They will be telling their buddies about it at the bar after they politely take your report.

@Kevdude just hit you with a famous Internet meme.

Here's a little life tip: if something seems too cliche to be true, it probably isn't. All you had to do was paste the first line into a Google search and you'd know it. Your confirmation bias is killing you.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad you explained that...I was just sitting here scratching my head over that one.

Vindicator ago

Know your Meme, Blacksmith! :-)

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe I should spend more itme on Al Gore's Amazing Internet.

Vindicator ago

Well, when you're wading around in troll-infested waters, it does help to do a quick review of the flora and fauna so you recognize the poisonous berries when someone tries to serve them to you. Doesn't take long, and it's mildly entertaining.

The stupidest thing about that particular meme is that those guys would never speak that way. It's just too gay.

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, it's beyond gay. It's full of incorrect shit. That's why I blinked twice. I knew it was BS.

Vindicator ago

Yes, indeed. Making it a highly effective way to choke liberals with their own confirmation bias.

What about huckleberries, raspberries and strawberries? ;-)

Blacksmith21 ago

In a survival situation, where you cannot identify the berry, stick with the dark ones. In a domestic situation, I think you will be OK with your choice of berries ; )

Other than the cyclospora and e coli from the migrant workers crapping in the fields.

Vindicator ago

I'm more worried about pesticides, TBH.

Blacksmith21 ago

No doubt. Hot water + vinegar + epsom salt + dish soap (search for recipe) is a very effective weed killer. Esp vs Roundup. Pesticides are another story.

Vindicator ago

Cool. I'll have to try that out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Natural Weed Killer

1 gallon white vinegar

1 cup salt

1 tablespoon liquid dish soap

Combine ingredients in a spray bottle and treat weeds at the sunniest time of day for best results.

srayzie ago

@PacaGoat said this to @Think-...

Maybe you could try knitting for a hobby because this ine aint working for you.

PacaGoat ago

Lol. Yep i said that. Looking for fallout.

srayzie ago

Where is the link?

srayzie ago

I think that’s a good idea too @Think-

think- ago


think- ago

@PacaGoat @LauraIngalls: please see parent.

PacaGoat ago

Personally, growing up in the 60's we were not that I ever remember taught that the numbers of dead were atributed solely to the camps. It was the figure of the dead from not just Germany but the conqured states as well, which was several states. I also remember the ships loaded with refuges being turned away from our own shores and sent back to occupied territories. The current narrative being pushed is from the same source which infected 8 chan. Championed by one Doug Stewart and one or two pals from over on Reddit. He was changing his IP addy, there are youtube vids on how to do that. And having conversations with himself to appear he was many people.

This entire effort and argument is designed to make us look racist. And to hurt our movement.

It was last week??? I began to see this happening on full chan and then saw the "you" were he outted himself. He and his happy band has moved here to distract and cause trouble. And THAT is why I have been very forward.

You can learn a lot just by triggering some people. Their weakness of mind shows up. Like a flare.

Also, the Jews did not come up with those numbers. Investigators from the allied forces did. I have also found that a plethera of online sources from back in the day are missing. I will continue to do my own digging. To help clear the waters. I very much appreciate your pinging me. My wife and I are totally swamped today and tomorrow but I will be back on this soon. Thanks Srayze.

think- ago

...not that I ever remember taught that the numbers of dead were atributed solely to the camps. It was the figure of the dead from not just Germany but the conqured states as well, which was several states.

Yes, that's what I learned at school, too.

Also, I didn't learn about 4 millions killed at Auschwitz alone (I don't even recall being taught an exact number of deaths at Auschwitz); actually, when @Crensch mentioned that that's what he learned, it was the first time I heard the number 4 millions.

But I believe him; and obviously they had indeed a memorial at Auschwitz which initially said '4 millions' (I looked it up on Wikipedia :-P ;-) ). So I think that's quite interesting that they changed the number.

I also think it's interesting that there were newspaper reports about 6 million deaths in a possible holocaust even before WWII. They don't seem to be forgeries.

I'm not opposed to discussing these things, i.e. who came up with which numbers, and how research changed over time. As I said the other day, from what I gather, current academic research comes up with different numbers anyway, and everybody seems to say they are only 'estimates'.

I just felt that these might be two different discussions: One would be what current research says, and the other would be how research and discussion developed over time. (Although these discussions are connected of course, necessarily.)

I am going to read @Crensch's links and info in the next couple of days; I'm new to this discussion. I'm only on Voat, and not familiar with what's going on at the chans at all, I only go there occasionally when somebody links Pizzagate research.

Also, when you'll find something interesting you feel I should read, please ping me.

Doug Stewart and one or two pals from over on Reddit

I don't know who this is, and I've also never been to Reddit, sorry.

This entire effort and argument is designed to make us look racist. And to hurt our movement.

I'm sure there are Nazi shills here on Voat. But @Crensch certainly isn't one of them, and there are many other Voaters who I think are genuinely into Nazi stuff, too. He really believes what he says; and you should be aware that you will probably not be able to change his mind.

Although I have found him always open, and willing to listen to people when they make valid points or suggest to read new sources.

Also, the Jews did not come up with those numbers. Investigators from the allied forces did.

Would you maybe have a link, if you should have the time? Thank you.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @LauraIngalls

PacaGoat ago

What I think is they discoved a mistake and corrected it. But lets look at what we have here.

We have had a influx of Jew haters foisting rewritten historys. If my lap top was up I would absolutely dive into the html on those pages and discover their origins. On youtube there has suddenly popped up a socalled preacher who is parroting the same exact narratives. Another thing is, why now? Why the sudden interest? Israels been around for 70+ years. Now there has been attacks on these people since the 1930's. A lot of what is offered is from Yassar Arafats orginizations. By the way he never lived in Palestine. He came out of Egypt and was associated with Several. Terroriist orgs including the muslim brotherhood. Once Jimmy Carter elevated him to the world stage or about that time he moved to Paris. Now who else was in Paris? Khomanie. I cant speil. The guy who over threw the Shaw of Iran and had our embassy personnel captured. The arguments offered are preplanned. This is a psyop people.

Everything here is connected. This guy I mentioned is the same guy who first was pushing the jew hate hard on full chan. I noticed the very same identical links, pics, everything that was used there happening and being used here. I also took note of the user name(s) they were all goobeldigook. And similar in construction. The guy was using several sock puppets accounts to push out and attack. He also had conversations with (between) his several accounts. He posted something then upvoated himself and replied to his own comments. Using several IP accounts. This is the beginning of all this discussion. I fell into the focus as it were because I fought this false and negative push which was designed to do a few things.

  1. Change our focus

  2. Take advantage of Q's absence and sew doubt and hate

  3. Divide the community.

Arguing against their datapoints falls into the trap. I suggest every patriot move on. They cant win if we dont play their game. People need to try and see through the veil.

Thx for commenting. MAGA

Crensch ago

Also, the Jews did not come up with those numbers. Investigators from the allied forces did.

My Nuremberg comment, I believe, addresses this. The US allied forces put Jewish officers and world jewish orgs in chaarge of everyithing. The non-jews under orders to cooperate from their leaders that were convinced to go along with them.

think- ago

Sorry, didn't have time to read your Nuremberg comment yet.

Crensch ago

Not a problem at all. It's a lot to digest. Take your time.

think- ago

Thank you.

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you for the thoughtful reply, but I have been ripped to SHREDS over this. This place is like entering the GATES OF HELL. I have been accused of all kinds of things non of which are true and every kind of sick and sexual thing has been said to me. These PEOPLE ARE SICK!!!

think- ago

Laura, this is Voat. People speak their mind.

You will get tougher over time, or you might want to decide that this is not your favourite place to hang out. Please don't expect people here to change.

People here come from different backgrounds, they have different opinions, and they are often rude; but this is also a great place because you can actually say what you want without getting censored.

Also, if I may add this, you have said that users here are nuts, so you were also able to speak your mind.

Dragon40 ago

So what they're saying is two out of every three European Jews lived in Germany? Are you fucking serious? LOL - where, exactly, does the cited statement say that? Answer for the intellectually clueless: It does not. One must wonder why anyone would offer such a fundamentally dishonest statement, let alone expect anyone to swallow such bullshit.

Crensch ago

So what they're saying is two out of every three European Jews lived in Germany? Are you fucking serious? LOL - where, exactly, does the cited statement say that?

Oh, good! You did a little research! Not really, you read my quote and figured that out, but it's a start! Now let's see if you can think just a LITTLE harder and put together why I said that.

Hint, read this carefully, again:

Do you see the issue?

Crensch ago

What was it you said, @Dragon40? short, several hundred thousand pages of proven facts. That seems like a good place to begin...

? Several hundred thousand pages of that crap above? Neither internally, nor externally consistent?

Crensch ago

I'm going to give you the opportunity to research those things yourself. I'm going to give you the opportunity to read and understand the London Charter, specifically sections 19 through 21.

I'm going to give you the opportunity to look at the images they post all over their websites and find out the real origin of the ones that you and I both know don't belong. Well, you don't know which yet, but any examination of them will lead you to conclude that they don't belong.

I'm going to give you these opportunities, because if I go through and I destroy your sources, which I will do, you're going to shove your head in the sand and never learn anything just to avoid the reality of losing.

Do yourself a favor and figure it out on your own. Read the link in op, and if you still don't get it, at least attempt to prepare yourself to defend your position directly.

Otherwise, enjoy the last few hours before you feel so ashamed of your inability to defend your position that you wallow around in coping mechanisms until finally giving up. if there's anyone here that you think respects you, talk to them now, because that respect will disappear very quickly.

Ask yourself if you are just a second hand know-it-all, and don't actually know anything here, or if you think you can really go up against someone who has done the research themselves.

I'm pretty sure you will respond just like everyone else that doesn't know me, and think that I am LARPing. Ask some of the users that have been around a long time. The only way this goes well for you is if you do the research yourself.