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Euli ago

Congrats! you've fond the truth of the "trillion billion dollar lie" which is known by many with own mind. In Germany it is not allowed by law to deny it.

In US the truth about it has been revealed e.g. by the "Phoenix Journals", in this case in #39 and #40. You can find it here: and here:

GodsAngell ago

Well here is a Christian (gentile) Concentration Camp Survivor, Corrie Ten Boom, sharing the delights of the Garden Parties going on at German Concentration Camps. Her father, her sister and her brother all died in the concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom was scheduled to be executed after 11 months, but through a clerical error, she was suddenly released one week before all the women her age (in their fifties) were to killed, and their bodies burned in the ovens.

Corrie was put into a concentration camp because she and her family hid Jews in Amsterdam during WW2, to help them escape Europe. Her home was called The Hiding Place. At one time they had 30 Jews hiding in their home.

She and her sister went to Ravensbruk. They lived in a barracks that was built for 200 people, but they crammed 700 women into them. They had one meal a day, watery potato soup, with no potatoes. The potatoes just flavored the warm water. That's it. Then they had to work 12 hours a day, dragging away debris from blown up railroads, and assist in rebuilding the railroad tracks (i.e., hard physical labor). Before work each day it took 2 hours to do roll call in the morning, and all the prisoners had to stand in the freezing cold for these two hours in cotton dresses. Every single day, they could smell the smoke of bodies being burned in a huge furnace. Corrie's sister only lasted 10 months before she died. Through the providence of God, Corrie was released by mistake before she was supposed to be put to death the following week along with all the rest of the women her age. The conditions were so harsh the average life expectancy of a concentration camp inmate was about a year.

Corrie Ten Boom a devout Christian broke the laws of the land, which said that Jews were animals and should be rounded up to be killed, (after being worked to death for a year first), just by saving Jewish lives. So Corrie broke Hitler's immoral law, and she suffered for it. The Jews were all at these concentration death camps, just because they were born Jewish or born part Jewish. They did not break any laws, other than being born.

I don't know how many people died in the concentration camps, and neither do you, because the Nazi's did their best to cover their trails, destroying records, digging up bodies and burning them, blowing up buildings, to destroy as much evidence as possible. At lot like Hildabeast would have done, destroying all evidence.

You will also note how wonderfully and lovingly Hitler spoke of the Jews in Mein Kampf. I'm sure because of his attitude toward Jews, you can trust that he treated Jews with the best loving care humanly possible (not). Do the math here.

There was a Holocaust. How many died, no one knows. Schindler, a gentile German Nazi supplier would never have stuck his neck out to save hundreds of Jews, if he didn't know they were about to be killed. He knew what was going on and he blew his wealth to save Jews. Are you saying YOU know more than Schindler and Corrie Ten Boom, sitting in your comfortable chairs in your comfortable homes, thousands of miles and about 80 years away from these events???

Lets get a little TRUTH into your perspectives, shall we, based upon Eye Witness Accounts? Yes the Rothschilds are horrid, and the Rockefellars, and the Soros, etc, but these are just a few people, a few bad apples. Not EVERY Jew is in on these wicked schemes. Lets keep some balance and perspective here.

Listen to this Christian survivor of the German Concentration Death Camp GARDEN PARTIES:

Corrie Ten Boom

700 Club Classics - Corrie Ten Boom -

Corrie Ten Boom, "How to Forgive"

Dead bodies were dug up and thrown onto open bonfires too. In the beginning when the nazi's thought they would rule the world, they got sloppy and just buried their dead prisoners in huge pits. Later when it became apparent they were losing the war and inquiries would be made (Nuremberg?), they rapidly began covering their tracks, forcing prisoners to dig up the dead bodies and throw the bodies onto huge bonfires.

Records were destroyed.

Buildings blown up.

Bottomline? You have absolutely NO IDEA how many innocent people were murdered by the Germans during WW2, and neither does anyone else......except the Jewish families who know that they lost family members. Have you asked those eye witnesses? No, of course not.

THE POINT IS: JEWS WERE ROUNDED UP AND SLAUGHTERED LIKE CATTLE, just because they were born Jewish, by definition, THAT is a HOLOCAUST!!! When NO Jews were left in Europe, except a handful half starved to death in Concentration Camps, THAT IS A HOLOCAUST!!!

Definition: holocaust (hŏlˈə-kôstˌ, hōˈlə-)►

Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Corrie ten Boom

oy vey look at that nose, weird you can't find any detailed information of her mother, Cornelia Johanna Arnolda ten Boom-Luitingh, enthnic background online. And it's also odd that her father wore the star of david in the camps if he wasn't a jew. You really think you can fool anyone?

GodsAngell ago

Corrie's father wore the star of David because he was in sympathy with the plight of the Jews. As a Christian, he was acutely aware that the Savior of every Christian is a JEW, called Jesus Christ. I'm sure you have heard of this Jew, every Christian nation celebrates his Birth every winter, during a Holiday called Christmas???

Corrie's father thought that if every Gentile wore a yellow star of david too, the Germans would no longer be able to distinguish between Jews and Gentiles. He was correct of course. But people were too afraid of going to concentration camps to do the same, although most Gentiles were in sympathy with the Jews because the Nazi's were so cruel. Even some German soldiers were horrified with what was happening to Jews, so they GAVE Corrie Ten Boom and her family LOTS of German Military Uniforms, to help Jews Escape. They also shoved ration cards under their doors, so Corrie's family could feed the 30 or so Jews hiding in her home. Not every German was a Nazi maniac, it was nice to find out.

Lauraingalls ago

I see Voat is FILLED with NUTS, God's ANGEL.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Corrie's father wore the star of David because he was in sympathy with the plight of the Jews.

so the Nazis forced certain prisoners to be marked for identification, yet some guy could just request it and they obliged? If the star was voluntary what would be the point? why would the waste fabric or time meeting silly requests like that for political prisoners during a war? This doesn't add up, while there's a much more reasonable conclusion.

the Savior of every Christian is a JEW

the main holy book of the contemporary "jewish" religion is the talmud. The Talmud has two components; the Mishnah which dates back to approximately 200 AD and the Gemara which dates back to approximately 500 AD, but both certainly after the death of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Most "jews" alive today, and particularly the ones in Europe that Hitler's put in labor camps, [are Ashkenazim in background]]( and not Sephardi. Unlike the Sephardi people, who are the group of people talked about in the old testament who condemned Jesus to death despite his mother being kin to them, the Ashkenazim originate from Babylon where they were devil worshipers and they merely adopted the jewish religion around 8 centuries ago.

Religiously and Ethnically the "jews" of today have nothing to do with Jesus Christ who in the first place was of his father God whom he was himself merely made flesh rather than a jewish person himself.

Corrie's father thought that if every Gentile wore a yellow star of david too, the Germans would no longer be able to distinguish between Jews and Gentiles.

again, why would the Nazis running the camps allow this? it's simply absurd.

But people were too afraid of going to concentration camps to do the same

so not just the stars, but the camps themselves were voluntary? what kind of authoritarian state were they running? if the Nazis were so cruel and oppressive why could this guy do as he liked? why didn't the jews do the converse as him and simply just claim not to be jews if the Nazis would simply take his word for it? not adding up.

so they GAVE Corrie Ten Boom and her family LOTS of German Military Uniforms, to help Jews Escape

"...and then everyone clapped" seriously isn't any of this strikingly too good to be true? where's the proof any of this actually happened?

They also shoved ration cards under their doors, so Corrie's family could feed the 30 or so Jews hiding in her home

so not merely the star or the camps, but the Nazi regime wasn't even keeping close tabs on rations? During a war? They'd regularly redeem dozens of extra tickets and raise no suspicions? have you ever once asked any questions? do you listen and believe Trump's alleged sexual assault victims as well?

Blacksmith21 ago

100% False: "the main holy book of the contemporary "jewish" religion is the talmud."

Mainstream Judaism follows the Torah aka Old Testament.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the torah includes the oral torah not just the five books of Moses, and guess what the compiled version of the oral torah is called? the talmud. Retard.

Blacksmith21 ago

"but nonetheless are regarded by Orthodox Jews":

Orthodox are 10% of US Jewish population. 22% in Israel:

Wrong again. Retard.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

so they'd like you to believe, many "jewish" people today are allegedly "atheists" but they still push for abortion which is the modern day version of their child sacrifice rituals

Vindicator ago

The Ashkenazi-Jew theory is interesting and something I'd like to read more about. Genetics ought to be able to trace their history fairly accurately. However...

Jesus Christ who in the first place was of his father God whom he was himself merely made flesh rather than a jewish person himself.

I think you're fooling yourself, here, Rainy. Jesus took every cell of his flesh from Mary, who was a Levite descendant of Aaron the first Jewish priest, according to the Angel Gabriel in the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

Gabriel names Mary as the relative of Elizabeth, whom Luke says is a decedent of Aaron, and also tells her Jesus "will be given the throne of his father, David."

According to Scripture, Jesus is definitely a Jew.

Gabriel also tells Zecharriah (Elizabeth's husband, also a Levite priest), the father of John the Baptist, that his prophet son will

"Bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

So, the Jews of Jesus' day were already screwed up, even before they decided to kill off their Messiah. Logically, things would have gone downhill dramatically from then, on.

However, I think we should also recall that Jesus himself told the Samaritan woman in the Gospel of John that "Salvation is from the Jews":

"You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him."

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The jews of Jesus' day were the people who Moses led in from Egypt to settle in israel, these are the Sephardi jews who exist today. The 12 tribes of israel as it were. The ashkenazi who were the "jews" in Europe Hitler went to war against are not the same group of people, their origins can be traced to babylon where they sacrificed children to baal and moloch before later adopting the jewish religion.

srayzie ago

That’s the part where I get confused. The Jews that are in the Bible... Gods chosen people. I don’t think they are the same Jews as the ones of today. I don’t know enough about it tho. It’s something I would like to learn more about.

What you said Rainy Day makes a lot of sense.

@Vindicator @Think-

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the twelve tribes of israel fom the old testament, the ones who condemned Jesus to death, are the Sephardi. The Ashkenazim are the self-appointed 13th tribe.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I’ll read about it. But, I read in the Bible that Jesus WAS a Jew. But most Jews didn’t believe He was Christ.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he was born of Mary and she was a jew, so yes but remember he was also God himself incarnate on earth. Also the jewish religion and most of the "jews" running around today have little to do with the ones in the bible, so in so far as we talk about jews today you could argue that he's not since they're a different people with a different religion

srayzie ago

That’s what took me a long time to understand but I’m seeing it now. I’m very interested in learning more about it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the truth fears no investigation ;)

srayzie ago

True ;) Thank you for lending me your brain!

think- ago

From what I know, there are Jews who are Semites - those are mentioned in the Bible, and these are those who are still to be found in the Middle East today (Israel), although many Jews immigrated to Israel who have European ancestors (see below).

Then there are Jews who are not descendants of the semitic Jews, but whose ancestors were European, and who later adopted the Jewish faith (Ashkenazi Jews).

@Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21

srayzie ago

Thank you. @Bopper is really smart about this stuff too.

bopper ago

It's funny, it kind of depends on who you read and what you accept from that. I'm with donkey (lol) and David Duke, that the Jews of today are the ancient Jews and can be proven by DNA, tho I haven't researched it in depth. If scripture is correct, they would have to exist today and be identifiable in that they will be converted to Christianity en masse according to scripture. (The reason why they have a homeland now and Trump supports that because the people he follows are at least half right about prophecy.)

srayzie ago

That’s the part where I get confused. The Jews that are in the Bible... Gods chosen people. I don’t think they are the same Jews as the ones of today. I don’t know enough about it tho. It’s something I would like to learn more about.

@Vindicator @Think-

think- ago

The ashkenazi who were the "jews" in Europe Hitler went to war against are not the same group of people, their origins can be traced to babylon

But then they were from the Middle East too? looks confused

I thought that the whole point about the Ashkenazi Jews is that they were not from the Middle East, but from Europe / Western Asia?


@srayzie @Crensch @Vindicator @Blacksmith21

Vindicator ago

Those are not what I would call reliable sources. As I pointed out, Jesus himself said he was a Jew (note the word "We" in the quotes I shared above).

We need a scientific source for the genetic stuff. That should be verifiable via modern genome research.

Shizy ago

Interestingly, prior to Jesus the Bible gives a geneology when introducing new, key people. After Jesus, that doesn't happen because through him we are Gods children and not because of our lineage and descendence from Abraham, etc.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. I don't imagine many of us would be descendents of Abraham, anyway. :-)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I posted that earlier, Ashkenazim and Sephardi are genetically distinct ethnic groups

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm impressed.

Vindicator ago

Was that sarcasm?

Blacksmith21 ago

No, it was sincere. Excellent knowledge.

Vindicator ago

:-) Thanks

EmXPpatriot ago

**isn't any of this strikingly too good to be true? **

No - it's not too good to be true.**** The Ten Boom family were locked on to their spiritual lives, they prayed, studied the Bible and trusted Jesus with everything. The work they did of hiding the Jews was an open secret - even the town's police chief knew what they were doing. Food cards were stolen and given to them. Uniforms were given to them because, like what GodsAngell said, not everyone supported what was happening.

I would attribute their success to God answering their prayers. Not only that, their family was highly-connected in the town they lived in and there was a network of people who were working with them (mainly Corrie's brother) transporting Jews out of the town and getting them out of the country. I believe in Jesus as God; he does have the power to orchestrate these things that cannot be explained. The only proof we have that this happened is Corrie Ten Boom's story that she's written. She even states that the reason she wrote the story was so that she could use it to tell others about the love of God. The town's people who knew her & her family can (and have) testified that it did take place. If you go to Holland today - their house is still there and you can go in & tour it.

Corrie wrote a book called The Hiding Place, it was made into a movie. In the movie, they show the dad lining up to register with the Jews to receive the star. I think this is only in the movie as I cannot find it in the book (as of this typing).

I am open to reading about the truth of the holocaust but I will tell you this, I would like an honest set of facts so that I can make up my own mind. We might NEVER get an honest account of our history. There is plenty of information about 9/11 to say whether or not there were planes, etc. but if our history is doctored, who can I trust? For me the jury is out on this for now.

**As far as Jesus is concerned **- I believe in the New Testament writings, specifically in the book of Revelation where it says (and I paraphrase) that God is not done with the Jewish people yet even thought they reject Jesus as the Messiah. Even though they do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah - they will in the future. There are several instances in the Bible where God the Father says "Israel will be redeemed."

As Q has posted that they are "saving Israel for last" I can't imagine that they are going to do something that involves Trump's daughter since she & Trump's grandkids are Jewish. Why would he allow or do anything weird to hurt her or the religion she's attached to? "Saving Israel for last" could mean anything right now. If he declares that he's going to help them build the temple on the temple mount next to the dome of the rock mosque - then the poop will hit the fan because that is the sign of the Anti-Christ.

Also, regarding Jesus, he was a practicing Jew. He celebrated the Passover, Hanukkah and was in the synagogues on Saturdays preaching & teaching from the scrolls. He came to fulfill the Old Testament Law and Prophets not to abolish them. And he did so, although the Jewish leaders of his time did not recognize what he was doing nor did they acknowledge him as the Messiah. They accused him of blasphemy & that lead to him dying on the cross. But that was the plan all along because God willed it & he came to die for the sins of man.

Both of Jesus' earthly "parents" descend from the line of King David - Mary's father's can trace his lineage to David's son, Nathan. Joseph's father's lineage can be traced to David's son, Solomon. Both of Jesus' earthly "parents" were devout Jews. The history of Jesus descending from Adam is explicitly laid out in the Old and New Testaments.

The Jews will be redeemed and they will recognize Jesus as the Christ - I would tread lightly when speaking of God's chosen people. I am not saying they are automatically good or that we need to put them on a pedestal - for all have fallen short of the glory of God and no one is righteous, not one- but their future has yet to be reconciled and it's through their line that we trace ourselves back to Adam, it's through them we get our Bible, it's through them Jesus is born/died and is resurrected. Have there been bad Jewish people - yes. Are their bad Jewish people today - yes. Is Zionism the right religion - I don't think so because I believe in Jesus as the Messiah. Every one - Jew or Gentile is called, right now, to repent of their sins and put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is no "us" and "them" we all have a sin problem and we all need Jesus.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The work they did of hiding the Jews was an open secret - even the town's police chief knew what they were doing.

again we're talking about an authoritarian state that supposedly systematically killed 6 million people. ow were the german's competent efficient mass murderers who went to war on multiple fronts and for most of the war were winning, but also so bumbling and lenient that they'd allow anything you're talking about? such plot holes only persist in works of fiction

The only proof we have that this happened is Corrie Ten Boom's story that she's written.

right, and first hand accounts aren't reliable evidence.

In the movie, they show the dad lining up to register with the Jews to receive the star.

right but why would they let him have it? and if he could get away with this why didn't jewish men and women refuse to get the star? you think the Nazi's wouldn't have checked if he was jewish? then how did they track down other jews?

would like an honest set of facts so that I can make up my own mind.

read the link that @strayzie posted at the top, watch documentaries like the greatest story never told, etc. look up the counter arguments to what they put forward, teach the controversy and learn the facts.

he was a practicing Jew

sure, but the jewish religion of today's main holy book is the talmud which was compiled hundreds of years after he died. In fact it mentions Jesus and says that he's in hell buring in a cauldron of semen and excrement, and I don't think he believed that. Spiritually it's a completely different religion that when he was alive.

Both of Jesus' earthly "parents" descend from the line of King David

but none of the Ashkenazim jews of today can, they are the self appointed 13th tribe of israel who came from babylon and adopted the jewish religion, the Sephardi people also still exist today they're separate ethnic groups genetically.

trackmeplease ago

Thank you for your sensible rebuttal to the crafty disinformation posted by our clown friends.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Ms.Ten Boom seems to have her (((mother's))) nose

Lauraingalls ago


EmXPpatriot ago

She was Dutch. She was not Jewish.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Nice try shill go collect your blood schekcels elsewhere

trackmeplease ago

Goodness look at the idiots clamoring around that Nigger Faggot

Nosense ago

Even the Red Cross reported nothing on this. Because it didnt happen. How long does it take to burn a body? Where are all the remains? How do gas chambers work?

Until you take in actual evidence and science, not personal accounts (many of which were admitted lies ) you are just repeating your indoctrination script.

Look into it with open eyes. Ya have to find the truth yourself. Dont fear the truth.

GodsAngell ago

Red Cross visits to all prison camps, including prisoner of war camps (downed pilots, etc), were always staged ahead of time. The Germans handed out blankets and other items before the Red Cross arrived, and immediately after the Red Cross left, these items were taken away from the prisoners. Think Hillary Clinton running prison camps, and you get the picture of how honest and accurate these Red Cross "visits" were.

By the way, the Red Cross is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Q confirmed that.

trackmeplease ago

Avoiding the real questions. Do you know how bodies burn? Do you know what it takes to kill a man with gas? Look at the video posted by one of the top comments. Think rationally.

Of course a nation trying to uphold their national image in wartime would make things extra pretty with better conditions than they could afford before the clowns came in to “inspect”. But that is far far from the point everyone else here is making.

Nosense ago

Yeah so not only did they break the laws of physics by burning that many bodies with very few proper facilities but they were able to hide the entire operation within a reasonable time. Im not debating your programmed response. Look into it on your own and thats all I got to say.

trackmeplease ago

You see how the idiot completely neglects the key points of your post.

Readers: what are you going to do to make up your rational mind?

Phillylotus ago

Clearly these idiots don't personally know any Holocaust survivors or their families. And I agree with your point, that the total number was probably much higher...

Shizy ago

I knew a holocaust survivor. He was a relative through marriage. He's gone now, but I heard many of his stories. He wasn't a Jew, but was captured and put in a camp for being out when he shouldn't have been.

His stories are incongruent with what we have been told about what happened at the camps. Yes, it was a prison, and yes people died. But what we have been told is highly inaccurate based on his description of what he experienced.

I'll continue to question everything we have been told about this.

trackmeplease ago

Your saying the number was probably much higher? What kind of idiot are you? I’ve met the supposed survivors and studied the testimony of hundreds. You have the audacity to call people who rightly notice and point out the proven lies idiots.

You are too stupid for this site. Kindly go fuck yourself. Faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

weird that so many people allegedly survived "death camps"

PacaGoat ago

Good post. Here is a link which explains who these people are. And they arent Jews. Its from the late Chuck Misler an absolute scientist on scripture.

trackmeplease ago

Uh no it’s not. It does nothing to discount the lies we are told about the holocaust.

pckpat ago

Good article, TY.

AlabamaPatriot ago

Thank you GodsAngell for the eloquent reply to the OP.

Lauraingalls ago

AlabamaPatriot, We have a REAL battle on our hands with all these EVIL people.

trackmeplease ago

Thanks for showing everyone how wrong and unsupportable those positions are.

trackmeplease ago

Totally stupid and does nothing to discount the points made here.