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Whiteflighter ago

There was no mass murder like the Jews did to whites during the Holodomor. There was forced resettlement like the US did to the Native Americans and typhus due to starvation when the US bombed German food production. Germans were horrified by the reports of liberated Eastern European and Russian towns mobbing the Jewish Soviets to death who had abused them.

The Jews did far worse to whites under the USSR than whites were accused of doing to Jews. 1/3 to 1/2 of all US Jews owned slaves. Less than 1% of the population as a whole did who were vastly white and Christian. Christians don't mass murder or enslave and don't respond much to being forced to by government. Jews are ordered to enslave non Jews by their religious texts.

It is a wicked religion and a threat to national security.

NellerBean ago

She must be an evangelical; they're just as bad because the backlash to their crazy projections of evil everywhere and just general rigid, intolerance is what created SJWs.

Lauraingalls ago

President TRUMP said it. What don't YOU get?

NellerBean ago

On the thread that prompted you to create this one you straight up call people evil for sharing information that you don't want to have to consider.

Lauraingalls ago

That's right. I know the TRUTH and so does TRUMP.

NellerBean ago

What Truth is that?

That the current state of Israel is "not" a Rothschild creation, wasn't behind the USS Liberty ordeal, dual citizens serving in our government, media and Hollywood aren't behind the ongoing coup attempt?

Or that the Luciferian Gu are "God's chosen people" and so reality be damned!?

Lauraingalls ago

If you bothered to listen to the video you would know. Nothing more, nothing less.

NellerBean ago

I listened to the video. You're trying to deny reality and blame it on DJT and you didn't address any of my questions:

Is the current state of Israel not a Rothschild creation? Who was behind the attack on the USS Liberty? Who's still promoting the Russia hoax? Who represents <85% of MSM and Hollywood?

Here's a new one: What do the names of EVERY person indicted in the NXIVM sex cult so far have in common?

Evil thrives when good people do nothing in the name of being good.

Lauraingalls ago


benjitsu ago


NellerBean ago

I've been on the fence about you for quite some time. Going to go ahead and block you so I can skip your nonsense from now on.

God Bless You.

benjitsu ago

I am upvoting lots of what you say here but you won't block her you chickenshit. To be fair you sound much more intelligent when you argue with retards like LI...maybe you should keep her close.

NellerBean ago

So now you're stalking me while begging me to block you? Big difference btw being chickenshit and using time wisely.

Don't even pretend we're on the same side after all that shitposting when I pointed out that we often make the same arguments, I'm just more human about it.

benjitsu ago

I voat where I don't like stay off my block. Any faggot that uses the term nazi un-ironically or completely incorrectly probably should lurk more.

NellerBean ago

I stand by my first assessment: overvaccinated vet with ptsd who is now looking for a place to focus his inner turmoil.

Freebee ago

He went anon bc he’s a vet, I saw another thread where he told someone he doesn’t like to tell ppl online and get all the gratitude and stuff.

Been hoping to see you post to let you know. You fucking nailed it so he had to go anon. Probably to create another profile to upvoat himself. He’s a real piece of work.

NellerBean ago

You sure have a lot to say about others while completely lacking in self reflection.

Lauraingalls ago


benjitsu ago

Call his bluff, he wont do fact he will edit/delete his comment after he replies to you.

Freebee ago

Like you do all the time jitsu? Lots of us lurk all day everyday, you’re too much of a coward to post as yourself now?