everlastingphelps ago

But in 24 hours we've seen posturing and censorship and goofy sub rules all across v/TA. This makes me question Neon's (1) intelligence, (2) real-world experience inside v/TA, (3) honesty in general. Hell, I only found Neon a few months ago, and now I'm scratching my bald boomer head.

Ditto. I'm -><- close to 86ing his RSS feed on my reader.

Cheetah1964 ago

I took "no outside comms" to mean that we should not believe anyone who says they have communicated with Q. However, I don't see a problem with people analyzing Q drops. We can believe them or not, and decide ourselves how good the dirt is. In fact, we are supposed to be "group analyzing" here. So, I read the drops, add a fair amount of Praying Medic, a little dash of NeonRevolt, absolutely no CerealBrain2. And use a WHOLE lot of what I have personally experienced. And that's my choice.

PrivateJoker ago

I love neonrevolt's in depth research and presentation. And I think he's sincere with his recent post directing people to theawakening BUT in his last blog post I sensed a touch of self-importance. That needs to go away asap or people will start rapidly turning on him like they did for a bit on 8chan

Soakingitup123 ago

I was disappointed by that from Neon. Hoping he addressees this soon

Boscovius ago

Rubbit Refugee NiggerFaggot here. I'm mostly quiet. Been around a while and have a good bit of life experience from the rabbit hole POV. When I have something to say I speak up. Other than that, I listen more than I speak. Thanks for hosting us.

user_1234 ago

the rules will be the down fall. you have this built and old Kev says they will come. worry not, stay in here and ignore them. TRUTH rises like cream.

HotAirFactory ago

Can someone gin me up a crib-sheet about this whole Q thing...As a guy who works 70-90 hours a week sometimes....and only gets on Voat 0000 til about 0230..I probably have missed tons of shit about this subject

the_art_collector ago

Anon started posting on 4chan and later 8chan in 2017. Has made some absurdly accurate predictions like the date and time of McCain's death as well as some failed ones. Claims mass-arrests are imminent and that the world will change when the truth about the illuminati is revealed. There's some contradictions and larpiness in his posts, but I follow along for the insights and leads. He's really on top of things and catches shills' mistakes when they try to claim to be him which is hilarious. There's way more to it, but that's a quick summary.

Lemonjello ago

I totally agree. Looks too suspicious (projection). Just PLEASE EVERYONE let the fucking dust settle. The toilet is still flushing and soon the shit will be gone.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Neon revolt has NO fucking clue what’s going on here... he only vouches for his reddit crew (which is likely decent folks) but the whole shit show is going to fall apart once he realizes just how cucked v/ta is

MAGA555 ago

Thomas Wictor from Twitter is getting called out right now as well. Could be a package deal.

Seakiss ago

Reddit refugees have just panicked.. They couldn't do without their site... Things will get better and eventually blend. Give them time to get their heads around the Censorship issue. They're in shock.

TheMystic ago

Pinged NeonRevolt earlier today https://voat.co/v/whatever/2717366

No response yet....so let me get this straight. He sends all his followers our way, doesn't school them on any voat etiquette first, announces to everyone that he doesn't trust the already established Great Awakening sub here and his so called "trusted mods" of the new sub have managed in one day to screw up any good will that sub might have received by banning all the natives, voat farming etc.

Where are you Neon? You sort of put yourself in the position of being the leader of this exodus and now that it turned into a shitshow you are nowhere to be found? WTF?

TheBookWasBetter ago

What do you think @MrPim ?

MrPim ago

I'm not sure why you would ask. I don't follow Q. I don't follow Q and NeonWhatever. I've no idea. You guys have latched in to me because of the migration.i be been vocal, and that's all.

My only interest is Voat. Q, and in fact America doesn't matter to me here. America matters elsewhere. Here, it's Voat. We are here for very specific reason. We Demand Free Speech. Niggers and Kikes.amd all of it. Attempt to take my speech and I will straight up push a finger in your eyeball.

I'll defend America elsewhere here, it's Voat.do Not fuck w Voat. Goats will straight up kill you.

TheBookWasBetter ago

It is super funny to push your buttons. You think I purchased my account. Remember me?

MrPim ago

Actually I remember your name from like last week. OTOH, I barely remember me

MrPim ago

No, who are you again ?

1Iron_Curtain ago

Next they will be coming after us to censor us, but I kind of doubt this because they know they have won and just want to live us in a corner. They see us basically a bunch of primitive Trogodolytes.

I think in fact they are the ones that are such, at least in a crypto-fashion, and they see us as easily vulnerable targets who they want to target. Its like going after a helpless child and ruthlessly pinning them into a corner, raping them, and then killing them.

AUSAFVet ago

Think about it...If POTUS and Q are 12 steps ahead of the ds then..They (POTUS/Q) KNEW this was going to happen to US. That is why Q keeps saying "Stay Together" "WWG1WGA". We just need to regroup. Notice Q has not posted...Q is waiting to see what WE do.

RJ8896 ago

I’m I on the wrong site? These people don’t seem to like NeonRevolt much. How about SB2?

mr_shamalama ago

These people want you to trust yourself long before you trust someone you've never met. They want us to read Q, not have Q read to us.

Neon told his Reddit followers from r/TheGreatAwakening to go to v/TheAwakening, and it's been a dumpster fire.

Optional-Reading ago

Follow as many sources as possible

blocksof ago

Q knew which forums would fall....


Q had set up their backup ready..... 5 months before we understood.

Tut560 ago

Can we all just be one movement? Remember where we go one WE GO ALL .. The in fighting is just what they want to splinter us. They are trying to divide us

mr_shamalama ago

Am I reading The Onion? This is so outlandish it cannot possibly be true ... and yet it is.

Jessica Ashooh, overseeing policy at Reddit, is a veteran of George Soros’ Atlantic Council, where she served as deputy director of the Middle East Strategy Task Force

NotTheMeanest ago

Thank you!! This is me right now too - and read a comment that neon was was a profiteer. I’ve definitely gotten some good info from him, but yeah, nah not here to ‘trust’ anyone blindly - especially one that says ’Trust me!’ like any other con artist.

SirPellimore ago

As we know, Reddit GA was compromised and some mods were trying to steer the narrative through censorship. As an alternative, The_GA sub gained more traction and was likely viewed as an uncontrollable threat to the narrative. Reddit pushed the destruct button for all Q subs because the subversion of GA was not enough to contain the next phase of organic knowing. They were scared that the subversion was being revealed..and now here we are.

Thank you Voat

madmardigan ago

The whole Quite thing is about thibking for yourself. Its about reading the facts and coming to your own conclusions. Outside sources can help, but should never be taken as fact. No false idol, use logic, use reason, trust your own mind.

Aaronkin ago

Freedom of Speech is the Cannery in the coal mine. If it is dead the abandon the mine. So far these guys are only different from the other floods of Redit refugees because these guys can't run back to Redit. That puts us between a rock and a hard spot. I will give them 7 days to adjust.

thebearfromstartrack ago

There put cannerys in coal mines? Does it keep the fish fresher or something?

MisplacedMan ago

If it dies, there is poison gas that will kill you too, shortly.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Yeah...I'm TRYING to avoid that.Only NOT with FICTION. Fatty. Obvious?

MisplacedMan ago

Wow I'm a dumbfuck that cannot read today. My apologies.

PatriQt ago

Good one!

thebearfromstartrack ago

This is FUN as SHIT for me. I LOVE this SHIT. Not really...YOU can imagine how I could BETTER use my TIME. RIght?

LostandFound ago

Neon and Alex Jones are in similar categories in my head, though neon is more likely shariablue

mr_shamalama ago

THAT'S what I'm beginning to wonder. Disinformation puppet.

the_art_collector ago

I find some of Neon's beliefs and conclusions as questionably reaching, but so far I've considered that to be just his personality and the fact that he has to rush so many articles. He's not really Wilcock-tier. The thought has occurred to me but I'm not worried yet.

mr_shamalama ago

Yeah, something tells me he's busy doing damage control behind the scenes.

WhiteDragonMage ago

I felt the same way when I read that and honestly because of his articles he just received special treatment and was never censored like the rest of us.

the_art_collector ago

Damn. That's a good point, actually.

Ina_Pickle ago

Do you guys not read Q's posts for yourselves? Just curious. Plenty of people have said that Q never even mentioned our site, but plenty you refugees are convinced you have to be here because someone told you Q said you were supposed to be here.

I mean, the sane among you are welcome, but don't you think you should confirm your own facts?

Reminds me of Catholics, before the Bible was allowed to be printed in languages other than Latin.

Is this Neon guy your priest? Is he your only way to Q?

Hate to break it to you, but I happened following Q on 8chan and here. This Neon guy has never come up in conversation.

Skeeterdo ago

I read his site sometimes. He has decent write ups and seems like a good guy but it was a fatal fucking flaw to recommend REDDIT CANCER to come here and bring their minions with them... Utter..fucking...insanity.

This site is so insanely ANTI-REDDIT.. i don't fucking know... More preparations should have been made for this especially if it was on reddit.

mr_shamalama ago

I can't get to 8chan at work (blacklisted) and I work nights, so I read qanon.pub and read posts from outside sources, especially to help me decode some of the more cryptic stuff. Neon has been one of those, much like r/GreatAwakening.

Ina_Pickle ago

I see.


"If you only knew the people behind the new /v/TheAwakening, there would be no issue."

That's the fucking problem! WE DON'T! They've done nothing except try their hardest to call dibs on all the displaced reddit people and they've made no other statements other than saying that their sub is THE sub while simultaneously banning everyone who doesn't conform to their specific clique-think.

blocksof ago

/v/ are the mods of the The_Greatawakening on Reddit and Qresearch on 8chan, people learn to read the notices. This sub has existed before the Great Q purge on Reddit, The purge you claim is simply the shills that infected Great_Awakening before it was shut down. Did you notice the many fake posts and red arrows on Reddit? How come G_A went first then the The_G_A and suddenly the Swamp_Watch? Did you not read the AJ, Infowars post several posts back? AJ is an NXVIM supporter and Infowars is a Judas Goat, leading to direct us to slaughter..... Q told us to be careful who you TRUST, Infowars is CNN. So fuck anyone who says the mods here don't know the babbling people, the Mods here know who are the JUDAS goats....

Buttercup0724 ago

Please give us little time. I want to be on both boards. We fought hard for what we built over there under a lot of heat that is becaise we had to fight on a platform where we had actual reach, but ass tons of opposition. I also see a lot of value in whats already been built here in the voat community. Theres a lot of culture shock but its only been one day. If ppl can chill for a second to let some form of sane discourse ensue.

kestrel9 ago

Anyone who has it, should just start posting their best Qanon related research from deaddit and people will settle in to focus on task.

Skeeterdo ago

I wrote a bunch of shit and deleted all of it.

Reddit ruins everything. Tired of explaining to Americans what the trouble of banning speech is.

I trust no one on that fucking website and how anyone else could is beyond me.

Watch one day the christianity sub will get banned for calling homo's an abomination upon the Lord.

Slippery slopes exist.

The fact that you redditors didn't even have a back up plan for this is fucking way beyond me.

LurkMaster ago

You need to get a smaller brush fren. Not all of us Redditors are sheep. Many of us are here.

Skeeterdo ago

I realize that and I see many of you just want to follow Q drops so both boards will serve your purpose.

Please understand first and foremost this site hates anything and everything reddit. The fact that podesta emails explained that Reddit was going to be used to reach the LGBTQ and liberal squad should speak volumes.

spiggot ago

Not a Q follower, just someone who finally got jack of subs I liked turning SJW, realised I only visited a few subs any more, hated reddit but visited out of habit...

One day on here and I'm finding myself more at home than I did in the last 5 years of reddit.

Niggerfaggots need to calm their shit while we get used to the culture here.

LurkMaster ago

Please understand first and foremost this site hates anything and everything reddit.

Many of us do. Realize many coming from Reddit are also Reddit newbs themselves. I would say most were not on Reddit, and maybe never heard of it before they found Q. They don't really know the culture of Reddit, let alone VOAT and the Chans. A great number couldn't link a pic or another site. We are talking FB/twatter/Instagram peeps.

These are the sheep you speak of. They will go where told. Even when TGA was started up and we began inviting GA peeps. I had a few I knew fairly well, upvoted them often, but they would not change. Even after showing them screen grabs proving everything being asserted.

It is an obvious control move to start a new sub. Time will shake things out. People will make choices. TBH, both of these subs will be shut down before its over. Its only been a day. Give things some time, newbies will adjust to the culture or they will go.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Just more of the same. Rules for thee but not for me. It will work next time guise, I totes swaer!

Le_Squish ago

I'm reminded of when Jerome Corsi imploded. He said the same shit. Insisted everyone should follow only approved Q interpreters. /V/patriotssoapbox eventually joined the wasteland as his followers figured him out and abandoned him.

mr_shamalama ago

Corsi was before I got involved, but from what I've read about him your post makes a whole lot of sense.

pixelkitteh ago

Does this whole thing not sound familiar to anyone else??? A whole lot of refugees coming into our space pushing their culture upon us, while insisting to not actually become a part of our culture (i.e. making their own damn sub when there was already a great sub here) so that they can claim they are a part of this place but really they are just hiding in their own little corner claiming "mah free speech"?

This is exactly what all those fucking sandniggers are doing...

benjitsu ago

The irony is rampant and seems as obvious as the gigantic (((noses))) on (((their))) face and yet... only 2 answer : Purposeful shilling or utter stupidity. I finally figured out this year why a democratic republic is better than mob democracy

Q_sent_me_here ago

Hey, I am a (((reddit))) refugee and I love THIS sub. I like the way it is and it does not need to change.


mcmanitee ago

same tho, v/theawakening is basically stillborn (and shillborn)

just wait, people will get fed up with the circlejerk and realize this is the place to be

Tdschef247 ago

Coming from reddit this interface is really similar which is great and made the technological transfer quick and easy. The cultural change I think will take a little more time but it seems to be more freedom, less censorship, and fewer bots so far. I approve niggerfaggot

Q_sent_me_here ago

You're welcome you puss filled anus faggot.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Feel free to dive right in and explore, I have an outdoors sub that's mostly fishing pictures and Canadian scenery. There's a guitar sub and fridays are guitar night where anyone can join in. There's a movie night sub too, it's not all politics and racism all the time, it really is a nice little community once you get familiar with us.

Boomstickred ago

I agree!! How are people shocked?? Didn't anyone go down the chan trails???..and how can they be more shocked by this than the actual truth most of us have been investigating for years!?!?...btw, I vote to change wwg1wga to simply...HULK SMASH!!

Q_sent_me_here ago

Works for me.

I love the fact that folks from GA are so offended by the "bad" words. I get it. They are said because the CAN be said. The are not used to insult people, but proof this is a free speech zone.

Fuck you faggotniggerkike

pixelkitteh ago

Thanks for being here niggerfaggot <3

Q_sent_me_here ago

Same to you queerhonky.

ideologicidal ago

See also: Manifest Destiny

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

It's all so tiresome...

jwa71064 ago

I agree! I’m just trying to figure out which sub to go to and not get fussed at because I’m new lol.

pixelkitteh ago

Very true.

DeplorableVet ago

I hadn't thought about it that way, as I am one of the newfags from rebbit, but you're right! It's exactly like that! I was just over there at their little fiefdom and it's already a cesspool of whining and complaining and what-not.

So, what do we do? Some people are naturally followers, and are very uncomfortable with absolute freedom, so how do we convince them that uncomfortable freedom is better than comfortable slavery?

Des_Herren_Knecht ago

Took them Jews 40 years.........

kestrel9 ago

We need a v/Goolag as a transitioning station for those uncomfortable with absolute freedom. /s

DeplorableVet ago

Lol, or we should just bombard them with hurty words until they get some thicker skin! It worked for me!

spiggot ago

So, what do we do?

It's been a single fucking day. Give it some time and us newbs will either learn to fit in or go elsewhere.

DeplorableVet ago

Fair point, and I agree, but it seems in today's instant gratification world, everything has to happen all at once!

Maxtruth808 ago

Yesterday was a bad day. I'm not going to lie I was shocked by what happened ,and getting used to a new environment isn't easy. I think everyone knew this was a possibility but know one was ready for it.

Tdschef247 ago

Fellow newfag here, that was my first thought, refugees have to adapt when presented a new environment. Cant make the new environment the old one and become a bunch of righteous cucks in the process

Swampcat421 ago

Even though I registered here back in April I never really spent any time on this site. I should have come aboard v/GA sooner after I had numerous posts deleted and received a 6 day suspension from r/GA less than a week ago. Anyway, I'm still a newfag here and I wholeheartedly agree with your comments.

DeplorableVet ago

Everybody needs to just get back to live and let live, as long as nobody's getting physically hurt of course. Too many statists, I blame the Marxist universities!

Ina_Pickle ago

How do you convince someone with Stockholm Syndrome to leave their captor? There were slaves who didn't want to leave the plantation after the Civil War.

It's ingrained Behavior. They are probably sheeple in real life as well.

Your best bet is to lead by example and give them reminders occasionally.

Add_Helium ago

How do you convince someone with down syndrome to do the same, some are unhelpably dependent. Just find a simple job for them to perform, feel content and be on their way

GranimalSnake ago

This is sound advice.

DeplorableVet ago

I've had success on social media by asking provocative questions. Just ask a question, get them thinking, then make them do their own research. Of course, many are too lazy and would rather have it spoon-fed to them, but those are not likely to be free thinkers. I'll have to make it a point to stop by that little echo chamber and drive-by some truth bombs and hope they get seen enough before they're scrubbed. /pol/ has opened my eyes on a bunch of stuff, like the holohoax, correlation between race and violent crime, forced diversity, obviously the JQ and the true nature of ww2, so I'll work up some provocative questions regarding these topics. Of course, my meme-making skills could always use some refinement, so maybe I'll get on that, too!

Thanks for civil discussion, carry on patriot!

pixelkitteh ago

It's going to be hard... I was a redditor for a long time before coming here, the culture shock is real but I learned to adapt and now feel much more a part of the community - and much more free to be myself here - than i ever did at reddit.

The worst thing they could have done was make their own sub, imo... we invited reddit refugees with open arms and were thanked with a new sub. We have worked hard to build up this one and it's just such a strange thing to do to come here and make your own, ya know? Like throwing our hospitality in out faces. We need to somehow encourage people to all work together... one one sub for one topic (be it Q or anything else). I don't really know how to achieve this, the division has already begun :( and the amount of bans over at /theawakening is sickening...

I want to thank you, and others like you, who have come here and openly embraced us, I know it's different, but we really do want you to feel welcome here and participate. We all have so much to bring to the table and I just think that if we all work together we can achieve so much more than if we are divided. It's going to be rough at first, but I don't think there's anything voat people can really do... this integration needs to come from within - from the redditers. I understand a lot are followers, and this is not a fault on them, its a fault on the leaders who should have stood up and said 'hey, this is new and weird but lets go be a part of it' instead of carving out a hidey hole. All we can do is encourage people to come here and join in the conversations.

Politiskep ago

The intention is to continue pied pipering the less perceptive reddit users who came to voat after the ban. There's a definite intention to influence the movement, lots of power to be exercised in orchestrating how to filter Q to the base.

pixelkitteh ago

^ Exactly. The movement is NOT about exercising power over each other and over information, we are ALL equal in this, as Q says! It's clear that anyone trying to influence the voice and opinions of anyone else is NOT a patriot!

2whitelighter7 ago

Not only was a new sub created when there was already one. But it had to be the exact same mods from reddit that are the mods of v/TA. That should raise huge red flags for every dumb ass newb like myself. Why in the fuck do they have to control the new sub on VOAT?

It's because they are power hungry. It's because they want to be the gate keepers of Q knowledge. They want to filter what is and isn't seen. Now why would that be? Why do they have to be the ones that are always controlling the narrative? I do not trust a single one of those mods and advise every other newb to ask yourself why are they hell bent on controlling the Q movement? Who are they really working for?

mismacheta ago

What they have to do (first step) is get the Zionist balls off their chin.

pixelkitteh ago

^^^^^ this says it all really, doesn't it! Free speech isn't controlled.

DeplorableVet ago

I agree that it should have been a merging of the rebbit crown and this place, but I guess the mods wanted to continue their little power trip. Not sure what the deal is, maybe pied pipers, trying to control the conversation, maybe honest intentions going awry, who the hell knows? What I do know is that the enemies are clever and with nearly infinite resources, so there isn't much that I would put past them!

Glad to find such a welcoming place here, look forward to contributing and continuing the Great Awakening!

NotTheMeanest ago

It looks and smells like that’s exactly what they are attempting, and I am not here for that. I don’t trust anyone who says ‘Trust me’, but more and more, I’m trusting ‘the plan’ and as I do, the whole thing becomes so much more enjoyable!

DeplorableVet ago

I normally don't trust anonymous people on the internet, and I've made a big exception with Q, but that's about where my "trust" stops! Seriously, I may be a little paranoid, but the more I look into stuff, the less crazy I feel and the more angry I get! Hurry up with the pain already Q, these people don't deserve to breathe anymore of our air!

NotTheMeanest ago

Nah, good amount of paranoia!!! I’ve never been a big believer in coincidences, and even less since finding out about Q a few months ago... I’m finding the more I learn, the stronger my resolve to redpill the masses. Seriously, what a time to be alive!!

JDeere07 ago

I'm rarely a commenter but I feel like I can take your comment as sincere. My question is, is this subverse's goal is to redpill normies? I am a Reddit refugee that was only there for Q information. That sub grew at alarming rates. If I wasn't already up to speed about Q I would be a little off put as a normie at my first visit here. Again I just want to know what the end goal is. I fully respect you all at /great awakening, I actually joined about 6months ago but never engaged. I am not offended at all at the language here but wonder how that helps the Q movement.

ideologicidal ago

The msm is redpilling for us at this point by way of the Streisand Effect. Expect plenty more negative (and detail-free) press about Q in the msm. All press is good press afterall. Real info will increasingly spread peer to peer IMO, both online and in meatspace.

In the meantime, I'm waiting for the next qdrop. Seeing what analysis various subverses produce should be instructive.

pixelkitteh ago

The sticky has a lot of really great info - https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2404782

I remember seeing a thread somewhere about how to red pill normies but can't find it now, will link if I do. The actual goal of this sub is just Q research... I think it may have gotten a lot side tracked in the past few days (like... HUGELY side tracked), it always does when there is a mass exit from reddit. Gently red pilling the sleeping masses is a personal goal of many but not a stated sub goal - though I honestly think it's something that we should all try to do irl, VERY GENTLY of course, but it will be easier for people in the long run if we can start this now.

Give it a day or two and I think (hope) all of this division will calm down and we can all get back to work. I do hope you will comment more, everyone is welcome here and the more input we get the more research we can do! So please, contribute constructively! We need to get back to work, doing research. You seem to have the right mindset and want to research, and if even half of the newbies think like that just imagine the brains we can bring to this!

Every time Q posts a thread is made on this sub for discussions - that is where the real work gets done. Once we all calm down things will go back to normal... we all went a little wild with this newest migration (me included). I had to scroll through several pages just to find anything actually relevant to Q research... https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2715863 ^ this is the most recent one, and the best place to join in research conversations. If you are trying to red pill people, direct them to these posts :)

JDeere07 ago

Thanks for the sticky link! Looking forward to things calming down.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

As Q said, no outside comms. Q also warned against anyone claiming to best represent Q. Neon Revolt wouldn't be the first respected Q community follower to trip over their own ego. Probably won't be the last.

the_art_collector ago

This. Neon hasn't red-scarfed himself yet, but his 140 IQ might get the better of him.

realnstuff ago

intelligence ≠ wisdom, even if this cunt does it unintentionally he's still responsible for it. My first post was yesterday on the_greatawakening but after experiencing it for 10 minutes I immediately could tell that those faggot mods are swamprats.

Lemonjello ago

He didn't claim that tho. He was recommending. You are free to roam soldier

Canbritanon ago

I was calling him out and people following him in r/ga.

How hard is it to hear.

Q said no outside comms.

People need to stop asking others what to think and learn how to think and research.

bb22 ago

No gay reddit mods either. After Voat goes down you'll only have 8chan left, and they're not going to censor shit for you there either.

pixelkitteh ago

Yep, neonrevolt has just outed itself as a shill movement... along with the entire theawakening sub.

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm not going to go so far as to call NeonRevolt a shill, even though he's the one that directed me to v/theawakening. NeonRevolt was one of my earliest Q resources and I think he's done an excellent job of organizing the work of anons, even if I don't always agree with his conclusions (rabbit holes are very tricky places and it is easy for one to make a wrong turn).

For now, I'm going to write off the fact that he's seemingly on the wrong side this time to simple human error. We all make mistakes.

Original_Dankster ago

One can be mistaken without being an shill for evil. It happens sometimes. Agreed.

Add_Helium ago

The single voice resources seem like the easiest way to focus attention from retards. One dumb page is too easy to draw conclusions from the rest and easy to attack. Jackassery and ego undermine the message (whatever the fuck it may be)

Syndicalism ago

Yup, there is only Q. I ignore everything else that claims to know what the hell is going on.

Blacksmith21 ago

The only way to maintain operational security is to stick to the plan's established OPSEC rules. If Q has benchmarked "no outside comms", then that is gospel until evidence can prove otherwise.

AUSAFVet ago

Think about it...If POTUS and Q are 12 steps ahead of the ds then..They (POTUS/Q) KNEW this was going to happen to US. That is why Q keeps saying "Stay Together" "WWG1WGA". We just need to regroup. Notice Q has not posted...Q is waiting to see what WE do.